Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2998 I am very happy


Koshizui Nanatsuki arrived at the second floor, looked at the fruit knife in Chi Feichi's hand, and asked doubtfully, "Are there not enough fruits in the fruit plate on the table?"

"That's enough," Chi Feichi put the fruit knife in the drawer under the coffee table without changing his expression. "But the fruit knife blocked the fruit plate, so I'll put it away first."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

His boss lied to people, and he even lied without blinking an eye!

"Sorry, I heard you guys coming downstairs after I peeled the fruit before. I put the fruit knife on the table and went downstairs. I forgot to put the fruit knife away." Koshimizu Nanatsuki quickly laughed apologetically, carrying the cake. Walking to the kitchen, "You guys sit down first, I'll make you tea."

Takatori Yannan thought of Chi Feichi's previous words and felt that he shouldn't be too polite, but he still couldn't help but smile politely and say thank you, "Thank you, I'll bother you then."

"It's nothing. Since you're a guest at home, just relax a little." Koshimizu Nanatsuki brought the cake into the kitchen. "Do you want to open the cake you brought and try it now?"

"The cake won't taste good if it's been left out for a long time. If you like sweets, we can eat some of it now," Takatori Isao responded with a smile, but couldn't help but complain in a low voice, "But will the boss who doesn't like sweets get angry because of this?" Feeling distressed, I don’t know.”

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi calmly watched the dessert program on TV, "regular intake of appropriate amounts of sugar is good for the body. It's not that I don't eat any sweets, and I won't be distressed by it. On the contrary, I am very happy. very."

Takatori Yannan looked at Chi Feichi's expressionless face and twitched the corner of his mouth.

He suspected that the boss was speaking sarcastically...

"Then let's each have a small piece of cake before dinner starts!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki made tea in the kitchen, brought the teacup to the living room on a tray, and placed a cup of tea in front of Takatori Yano , said a few polite words to Takatori Yannan who thanked him again, walked around to Chi Feichi, put the tea on the table, and whispered, "I thought the sack was Mr. Chi's intelligence buyer... "

Takatori Yannan: "?"

He seemed to have heard something like ‘sack’, ‘intelligence’… Is this a secret topic between the boss and his lover? Should he pretend he didn't hear anything now?

Chi Feichi glanced at Takatori Yannan, and without hiding anything in front of Koshimizu Nanatsuki, he directly replied, "In fact, it can be regarded as an intelligence transaction. I will take part of his income as intelligence fees."

"You're the boss," Koshizui Nanatsuki was a little surprised. Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't lower his voice, he stopped trying to hide it, "Shouldn't you provide some information for free?"

"Using subordinates to make money is what a boss should do, right?" Chi Feichi asked.

Koshimi Nanatsuki nodded thoughtfully, "That makes sense..."

"Um..." Takatori Yannan couldn't hold it anymore, "The boss said using his subordinates to make money, does that 'subordinate' mean me? Also, take a part of the income as intelligence fees..."

Koshimi Nanatsuki looked at Takatori Isao.

Have you reacted now?

Chi Feichi looked at Yingtori Yannan.

You should be able to react, right?

The only times he would use Takato's income as intelligence fees were when he provided information and Takato paid bounties.

Takatori Yannan did react. He just looked at Chi Feichi, who had a calm expression, and then at Koshizui Nanatsuki, who was vaguely expectant. He didn't know whether to be direct or subtle. After thinking about it, he decided to start with Chi Feichi. Fei Chi asked to explore the situation, "Boss, does Miss Yueshui know that you..."

Chi Feichi nodded, "She knows I am Qiyue, but I don't know how she discovered your identity."

"Discover..." Takatori Itsuo felt that his facial muscles were about to twitch uncontrollably, and looked at Koshimi Nanatsuki, "My identity?"

"It's a sack..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with some uncertainty, "Sack Flying Eagle?"

Yakatori Yannan's eyelids twitched, "There are no sacks, only flying eagles."

Nanatsuki Koshizui smiled and explained, "Maybe it's because your behavior of using sacks to carry people is quite special. Now everyone on the bounty forum seems to be calling you Sack Flying Eagle..."

Takatori Yannan was speechless for a while, and Ban Yueyan protested, "But no one said that July is 'delivery service July'."

Why do they call him the "Sack Eagle" when he only uses a sack to carry people?

"Maybe it's because your act of putting people into sacks and hanging them on a tree is more humorous," Koshimizu Nanatsuki analyzed. "It leaves such a deep impression on people that the word 'sack' will become your When people talk about the code name related to the eagle, it is easy to not tell who it is, but when it comes to the eagle in the sack, everyone knows who it is. The person who mentioned you thinks it is very convenient, so it is passed down like this. Go, everyone will get used to the name 'Sack Flying Eagle'."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Could this be considered... a good thing?

At least his recognition has improved, and his name can easily be spread along with his deeds.

It's just that this is not the same as the 'famous' he wanted in the first place.

"How did you tell?" Chi Feichi looked at Yuesui Nanatsuki and asked, "He is a flying eagle."

"It's very simple. He is obviously very polite, but he gives me a feeling that is different from ordinary people. He has the aura of a hunter who wants to do whatever he wants." Nanatsuki Koshizu put his teacup on the table and held the tray. Turning back to the kitchen, "Think about the bounty hunter who has an unusual relationship with Qiu, and you can quickly think of Sack... Well, I mean Fei Ying. Although there is no concrete evidence to prove that the relationship between you two is not simple, in Qi Months ago, no other bounty hunter had the habit of catching a bunch of people at once, and this year, except for July, only Feiying has done so in Japan. From this point of view, Feiying is likely to be an imitator of July. Moreover, this action mode of catching a bunch of people at once requires a lot of intelligence support. It’s not that other hunters have never thought of imitating July, but they don’t have enough intelligence to imitate. If there is no one in July wearing two vests, I will guess It’s not surprising that the two sides have exchanged intelligence on hunting targets. Plus, given Mr. Takatori’s surname, I’m thinking that the two sides might not only exchange intelligence, but also have an unusual relationship in reality..."

"Miss Koshimizu is indeed a famous female detective in the south. I guessed it right away," Takatori Isao sighed, and then looked down at his clothes in confusion, "But, do I have a clear hunter aura about me? "

"I'm not sure what kind of aura that is, but it's probably because you have had too much contact with Mr. Chi. I can feel an aura similar to Mr. Chi's from you," Nanatsuki Koshimizu was cutting a cake in the kitchen, his head spinning. Bu Li said, "The aura of unfettered freedom, plus a bit of dangerous darkness... I feel like a dangerous hunter who has done bad things."

Yingtori Yannan cast a questioning look at Chi Feichi.

Doing bad things...can this also be discussed?

Chi Feichi shook his head slightly at Takatori Yannan and lowered his voice, "Don't mention the organization."

Takatori Yannan nodded, resolutely silent, and did not answer Koshimizu Nanatsuki's words.

Things like murder and arson are really not suitable to talk to girls.

Especially to the female detective.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki didn't inquire further. He cut the cake and brought it to the living room. He sat down and talked with the two of them for a while. After the clerk of the Iroha sushi restaurant next to the Mori Detective Agency delivered the sushi, he took the initiative to go upstairs. Open the door.

The sushi was sent upstairs by the waiter, and the three of them sat at the table and had a harmonious dinner together.

Takatori Isao didn't drive over. He drank with Ike Feichi during dinner. After the meal, he went directly outside to the street and took a taxi back to Abeido Town.

Koshizui Nanatsuki accompanied Ike Feichi to send Takatori Yannan to the street. After Takatori Yannan got into a taxi, he followed Chi Feichi back and thought, "I'll call Iroh later." The clerk from the Nami Sushi restaurant will come over to collect the tableware, and then we can go to bed early. Tomorrow, we will go to Nippon TV Station with Sonoko and the others to participate in the live recording of the dessert program..."

"Tomorrow?" Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone to check the time.

If he remembered correctly, the weekend before yesterday, Sonoko was talking about participating in the program recording next weekend. Yesterday was the weekend, they went to Shirakawa's house as guests, and today is a school day...

Turns out tomorrow is the weekend again?

In this world, this kind of time pattern is not strange, but it makes him feel that students have too many vacations.

"Yeah..." Yuesui Nanatsuki looked at the date displayed on Chi Feichi's phone to confirm that he remembered it correctly, "it's tomorrow, don't forget it, you promised us you would drive us there, except for me , Xiaolan, Conan, and Sonoko also invited Sera. We agreed to have breakfast at home and then gather together. The four of them will meet at the Mori Detective Agency at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Let's drive there to pick them up around that time. …”

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