Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3022 It’s not easy either

Considering that Haihara Ai was not an ignorant child, Chi Feichi decided to tell Haihara Ai the details, "The situation within the Hatakeyama family has been relatively complicated in recent years..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki was hesitant to say it at first, but when Chi Feichi said it directly, he let it go.

She had seen the "Bourbon Chasing Shirley" incident on the Suzuki Express train before, and knew that Xiao Ai was not a normal child. She was not worried that Xiao Ai would tell the truth rashly after learning the inside story, but no matter how old her real age was , Xiao Ai can be regarded as the little sister of the Chi family. There are so many tall people in the Chi family supporting her. She feels that she can let Xiao Ai live and grow for two years. It seems too much to let Xiao Ai come into contact with these complicated things now. A little early.

But since Mr. Chi has decided to talk, it’s not impossible to let Xiao Ai understand the situation...

When Chi Feichi whispered about the affairs of the Hatakeyama family in recent years, Haihara Ai was also listening carefully, quickly sorting out the situation of the Hatakeyama family in his mind.

The previous president of the Hatakeyama Foundation passed away due to an accident. Although there was no dispute over inheritance because the old president had made a will in advance, Yu Hatakeyama took over the position of president in a hurry. When exercising the management rights of the president, some consortium elders Having encountered resistance, I have been competing with the consortium elders for internal voice over the past two years...

Hatakeyama Yu's uncle, Hatakeyama Kenshiro, is the bank manager of the Hatakeyama Consortium and the biggest obstacle to Hatakeyama Yu's control of the consortium...

And Hatakeyama Kenshiro's daughter, Hatakeyama Arisa, has liked Hatakeyama Yu since she was a child and wants to marry Hatakeyama Yu. This intention has also been recognized by other members of the Hatakeyama family...

The relationship between this family was already somewhat troubled, but it turned out that Hatakeyama Yu also fell in love with the villa manager Ito Miho at first sight, and fell in love until the day of their wedding, which made the family relationship even more complicated.

In any case, Yu Hatakeyama is the president of the Hatakeyama Foundation and the publicly recognized head of the Hatakeyama family. If only Arisa Hatakeyama and Kenshiro Hatakeyama are dissatisfied with Yu Hatakeyama's marriage, there is absolutely no way they can interfere with Yu Hatakeyama's wedding. Now The Hatakeyama family only invited acquaintances to the wedding banquet, but it seemed that Yu Hatakeyama didn't mean it, which means that Yu Hatakeyama's mother who is still alive is not willing to accept Miho Ito...

After listening to Chi Feichi finish talking about the main conflict of the Hatakeyama family, Haibara Ai concluded, "In other words, the groom's family doesn't want to see this wedding, right?"

"You also have a married sister," Chi Feichi said. "It's not possible to determine his sister's attitude at the moment."

"Even if his sister supports him, it will be difficult for him to fight against other people, right?" Haiyuan Ai asked the question she was most concerned about, "Will the family of the first-born child raise an issue at today's wedding?"

"No." Chi Feichi said firmly.

Koshizui Nanatsuki thought that Chi Feichi had been talking for a long time, so he took the initiative to take over the words and explained to Haibara Ai softly, "Based on Mr. Chi's understanding of the Hatakeyama family, their family will protect the face of the current president and head of the consortium that gives priority to children." , so the arrangements for the wedding banquet should not be too bad, and no one will make trouble at the wedding. However, Miss Miho's situation may be a bit embarrassing, because the priority student and Miss Miho seemed not to be approved when they were in love before. The Hatakeyama family concealed their love affair, and as a result, Miss Miho had never met members of the family of the family friends of the family before, such as Mr. Chi and Sonoko. They all felt that the marriage of the family of the family was a bit sudden, but the guests invited to the wedding banquet today were mainly their family friends. Members of the family and business partners of the Hatakeyama family, if there are many rich or noble people who greet the senior student, but it is difficult to say a few words to Ms. Miho because they do not understand her, Ms. Miho may have a feeling The feeling of being excluded from everyone.”

Haibara Ai understood and expressed the intentions of the Hatakeyama family in more straightforward terms, "They just want to use this wedding to warn Miss Miho - take a good look at your identity, you and Yu are not from the same world at all. People, even if you get married, don’t dream that you can become one of us..."

Koshimi Nanatsuki smiled helplessly.

Xiao Ai's words are not tactful at all, but Xiao Ai, who deliberately has a cold face and speaks in a mature tone, is still quite cute...

"The Hatakeyama family's behavior is really bullying," Haibara Ai continued, "If the top student really likes Miss Miho, she shouldn't be allowed to suffer this kind of injustice."

"Yes, so the first priority is to take action..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled and told Haibara Ai about Hatakeyama Yu's solution.

In this case, Yu Hatakeyama did not have too much trouble with his family. Instead, he took his fiancée to visit some young people from well-connected families before the wedding banquet started, so that his fiancée could get familiar with these people in advance.

"...For example, Sonoko, Sonoko has played very well with him since he was a child. With Sonoko's character, he will never look down on Miss Miho," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said, "And Mr. Chi, he doesn't get along with Mr. Chi. "More, but he has a good impression of Mr. Chi, and knowing that Mr. Chi has a girlfriend, he also lists Mr. Chi as a candidate for visit."

"He is a very smart person," Haibara Ai expressed his approval of Hatakeyama Yu's mind, and then talked about the original question, "However, you mentioned before that Sister Sonoko's parents did not come to the wedding banquet. It seems that it was Brother Chi who had already I guessed it would be like this... Sister Yuanzi said that her parents had something urgent to deal with, so she couldn't come over. Is it a lie? "

"I think urgent matters should be just an excuse," Chi Feichi said. "The relationship between the Suzuki family and the Hatakeyama family has always been very good. With the relationship between the two families, even if Mr. Shiro has important matters and cannot leave, Sonoko's mother should still , Mrs. Tomoko brought Sonoko to attend the wedding. The reason why they didn't come was probably because they knew the subtle attitude of the Hatakeyama family towards the wedding and wanted to avoid embarrassment. "

"Awkward?" Hui Yuan Ai was a little confused.

Chi Feichi didn't show off, "If Mr. Shilang and Mrs. Tomoko come, whether it's because of the guest's restraint, or the friendship between the two families, and their feelings of watching Yu grow up, they won't be able to treat the bride." Ignoring them would embarrass Yu's bride, but if they were a little more enthusiastic about the bride, they might make Yu's mother who doesn't like the bride feel uncomfortable. Mrs. Tomoko and Yu's mother have known each other for many years, and the two families have a good relationship. , the two of them could chat well. Mrs. Tomoko would only be in a dilemma when she came here, not knowing how to treat the bride. It was better to find a reason not to come. Even if the Suzuki Consortium had nothing urgent to do today, they would still create some emergency. "

"I see, it seems that it is not easy to be the head of a powerful family in a large financial group," Hui Yuan Ai couldn't help but tease, and then said, "They feel embarrassed, so they just let the juniors represent the family to attend the wedding banquet... ...In this way, even if Sister Yuanzi is more enthusiastic about the bride, the mother who gave birth first will not be embarrassed to be angry with a junior. Everyone will think that it is normal for two young people to chat more, especially Sister Yuanzi's character is naturally familiar. I can chat with anyone, and it’s not weird at all to chat with the bride. This will not embarrass Miss Miho and Mr. Yu, and the other people in the Hatakeyama family have no reason to blame Sister Sonoko for talking to the bride. This should be the case for Mr. Shiro and Mrs. Tomoko. You want it?"

"That's right, and Miss Ayako is already married. If nothing else happens, the heir to the Suzuki family will be Sonoko or Sonoko's husband. Asking Sonoko to attend the wedding banquet on behalf of the Suzuki family will definitely not appear to despise the Hatakeyama family," Chi Feichi After a pause, "Actually, there are probably two types of guests coming to the wedding today. One type is people whose company is attached to the Hatakeyama Foundation. These families should be attended directly by their elders, so as to express respect for Yu, the president of the Hatakeyama Foundation. , the elders will decide whether to bring the juniors over and which juniors to bring based on the social needs of each family. As long as there are no fools who think they are smart or are instigated, no one will be arrogant towards Yu's bride. Another category The elders of these families may choose to avoid it and let the heirs of the family come to represent the family. Because Yu is also a younger generation, the heirs of each family will come to attend the wedding as representatives. Not only will they not It seems rude, and it can also express the goodwill of the elders of each family to let the young people get closer, and the heirs of each family have privileges with the elders of the Hatakeyama family. We young people will not be concerned about expressing goodwill to the bride, so you can rest assured, as long as you are good-natured It can solve the embarrassment of the bride being unable to speak to her guests, and the atmosphere of today’s wedding should not be too bad.”

While talking, the car had already driven to the open space outside the wedding venue.

When Chi Feichi opened the car door, Haihara Ai asked curiously, "If the godmother or Uncle Shinosuke happens to return to Japan during this time, will they come to the wedding?"

Chi Feichi got out of the car and replied firmly, "They will be sick."

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