Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3302 Not so serious motives

"I have known people like you before. On the surface, they seem to be indifferent to other people, but in fact, they are very willing to think about others..." Haneda Hideyoshi sat back in front of the chessboard, thinking of his brother, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes, and soon He smiled again and changed the subject, "By the way, when you were on the balcony just now, you were smoking and talking on the phone. I vaguely heard you mentioning 'drug dealers', 'incidents' and so on. Zhenzumi said you should be on Contact the Youth Detective Team, did those children encounter something else? "

"They encountered drug dealers on the road, but the incident has been resolved."

Chi Feichi did not elaborate on the incident that had ended.

Haneda Hideyoshi did not ask further questions, and quickly brought Chi Feichi to study the endgame on the Go board.

Go and shogi are two games with completely different rules. There are not many rules for moving in Go, but there are many rules for shogi. In addition to the rules of footwork, there are also many violations in the game, such as not allowing two infantrymen to appear on the same path. , The same situation cannot occur more than four times, etc.

It is very difficult to completely copy the tactics of Go to Shogi.

However, what Haneda Hideyoshi wants to do is not to completely copy it. He just wants to absorb the ideas of the Go endgame cracking method and transform it into tactics that can be used in Shogi.

This is much simpler. Chi Feichi only needs to dismantle the subtleties of the Go endgame cracking method and help Haneda Hideyoshi understand it clearly. Haneda Hideyoshi can use shogi to simulate the battle and construct a set of tactics that conform to the rules of shogi. .

Haneda Hideyoshi had such a plan beforehand, and he came prepared this time. With the help of Chi Feichi, he quickly figured out a framework for shogi tactics, and then started experimenting with tactics with Chi Feichi. , modify and improve the tactical framework in a game.

Haneda Hideyoshi studied very carefully.

It's not to win the celebrity ranking battle, but to have the opportunity to use this novel tactic that I have been thinking about for a long time on others before I become the seven-time champion.

Chi Feichi also helped Haneda Hideyoshi very seriously.

It is also not to help Haneda Hideyoshi better win the celebrity ranking battle, but to see if Haneda Hideyoshi will receive a post-game date from his opponent after using this tactic.

Although their motives were not very serious, their attitudes and determination were unparalleled. They spent two hours playing the game and conscientiously modified and perfected the tactical framework.

After a final review, Chi Feichi commented, "The endgame cracking method requires you to hide your murderous intent very deeply in the early and mid-term, and not even reveal the slightest murderous intent. The tactical framework you have formulated now already has that feeling. But after all, this is not a style you are familiar with, and I think it will be difficult to improve in a short time.”

In fact, the core of chess competitions are the same. During the game, both sides need to strive for and accumulate their own advantages bit by bit, secretly arrange killer moves, and finally defeat the enemy by relying on advantages or killer moves.

But the same core, when implemented by chess players with different personalities and concepts, will gradually evolve into different chess playing styles.

Among them, Go, which has free and flexible moves, makes it easier to show your personal style than other chess games.

The method they studied to solve the endgame of Go was different from the mainstream style, with a bit of evil in it.

During the implementation of this tactic, basic skills will be used to create small traps. At the same time, these small traps will not cause much trouble to the opponent, and may even be innocuous to the opponent.

Just like when two people are fighting in the ring, the referee stipulates that each person can only choose one weapon to bring on the field. One of them chose a sharp machete and prepared for it, but the other chose a water balloon that hit people without much pain.

After the arena begins, the person who chooses the water ball will first pull away fiercely, and then throw water balls towards the opponent one by one.

"I hit it."

"It hit."

"You were hit by me again."

People who choose a machete as a weapon may initially wonder what their opponent is trying to do and whether there is a big trap behind them. They carefully dodge and test it a few times, only to find that the water balloon is really just a water balloon. It does not hurt or itch when it is hit on the body. When he slashed at him with his knife, he found that the other party started to run away cunningly.

People who choose machetes as weapons will find themselves in a strange situation: as long as you can stab the opponent firmly, the opponent will definitely lose half his life, but the opponent will start running as soon as he sees that the situation is not right, and the most you can do is cut off the opponent's clothes. , cutting the opponent's skin, making the opponent look embarrassed, but in fact there is not much damage. At the same time, the opponent constantly throws a water ball that will break when it hits the body to harass him. Although it cannot kill him, it happens more times. …

"Hit again and again."

"I hit you again."

"I hit you again and again."

Flies don't bite, but they can be really annoying sometimes.

At this time, people with a bad mentality will start to be irritable and want to deal with the annoying guy who keeps throwing water balls as soon as possible, so as to increase the intensity of the attack, make themselves run faster and use the knife faster, and try to catch up with the opponent. Kill the opponent.

Some people will not feel obvious irritability, but feel that this kind of game is meaningless and it is better to end it as soon as possible. After some planning, Xin decided to first use the terrain to force the opponent into a corner that is convenient for him to kill, and then use his sword to finish the opponent. .

Of course, there are also people who are as steady as an old dog. They let the water ball baptize them in various ways, but they are still unmoved. They calmly sharpen their knives and mobilize their strength to the limit. Then they cut off a section of the ring with one knife, and then cut off another section of the ring with one knife. They use absolute strength to directly prevent the opponent from escaping from the root, forcing the opponent to face the sharp knife in their hands.

Logically speaking, even if the person who chooses water ball can run fast, he will sooner or later run out of energy and be caught. His own weapons are not aggressive, so he is too vulnerable to losing.

But what if a little detergent is mixed in the water of the water ball?

When the ring is covered with a lot of detergent water, the person who chooses water ball does not run away. When the enemy approaches, he suddenly jumps up and kicks the enemy fiercely, kicking the enemy out of the ring.

This is the last move of the tactic.

The more unstable the mentality and the more fierce the offensive, the more likely the person is to lose his balance and fall off the ring, and he is also more likely to be accidentally injured by his own knife.

This tactic is easy to be scolded by the opponent in his heart.

When throwing water balls, opponents may curse you in their hearts; when you make the final move and kick someone off the stage, opponents may curse you as "sly and cunning", "waiting for me here", "too scheming".

Especially those who are shrewd and calculating, when they find themselves suddenly becoming losers just when they are about to succeed, their stable mentality may break a little, and they may curse you as "really sinister".

In the game of Go, this tactic will be more subtle and treacherous.

Players who use this tactic need to avoid the enemy's attack and protect themselves from being injured, while throwing out the seemingly harmless "water ball" layout, and they must not let the trick of the water ball be discovered. It is a test of brain power, calculation ability and reaction ability.

It is probably because of this that Hideyoshi Haneda wanted to challenge.

Haneda Hideyoshi wanted to use this tactic in shogi. He had tried it several times before but had no idea. He always felt that something was wrong. He didn't know if it was because of the difference between shogi and go, so he wanted to discuss it with him.

He had learned about Haneda Hideyoshi's original thinking, and it was indeed wrong everywhere. However, the key problem was not the difference between shogi and go, but Haneda Hideyoshi's lack of understanding of the founder of the tactics, which led to a little problem in his understanding of the tactics.

He just told Haneda Hideyoshi the key point directly: Why didn't the person who chose water polo choose to take a knife to the ring? Was it to show off that his brain was better than others? Or did he want to tease his opponent with a bad taste? In fact, it was not, it was just because this person didn't know how to use a knife.

In other words, the person who used this method to crack the endgame and passed down the cracking method did not like fierce head-on confrontation. That person was very smart, but he could not learn the sharp and pressing chess moves, so he formed this style of playing chess.

If the founder of the tactics is regarded as a smart person with a bit of bad taste, of course it is impossible to grasp the core of this tactic.

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