Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3405 Correct Steps

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the head of the body and smiled, "Once it is covered with collagen-filled skin, this face should be very cute!"

Koizumi Hongzi also agreed with some expectation, "The Son of Nature created a new body based on Noah's previous one-and-a-half-year-old body. The face of that body is really cute, and people want to pinch it!"

Chi Feichi looked at the projection of Sawada Hiroki standing by the altar, "Noah, are you satisfied with this body? Is there anything you want to modify?"

"According to this distribution of bones and muscles, as long as my lifestyle is not too Outrageous, it won't become ugly when it grows up..." Hiroki Sawada used a computer to simulate the growth image of this body, and soon answered with satisfaction, "I don't think there is anything that needs to be modified, Godfather, it's already good like this!"

"Then let's move on to the next step," Chi Feichi's eyes returned to the unfinished body, "Hongzi, Yueshui, prepare the blood."

Koizumi Hongzi and Yueshui Nanatsuki turned and left the altar, found several blood bags from the refrigerator, cut open the blood bags, poured the blood into different containers, and brought the blood to the side of the altar.

"The blood is ready," Koizumi Hongzi held a glass bottle containing Chi Feichi's blood in her hand, and asked seriously, "Do you start pouring it now?"

"Start now." Chi Feichi confirmed.

Koizumi Hongzi poured all the blood on the stone slab in front of her.

The blood, like the previous magic liquid, flowed to the center of the altar along the grooves and inscriptions on the stone slabs, but as the blood flowed, the people standing by the altar felt a strong and oppressive breath emerging from the altar.

The breath was not violent, but it was brewing slowly on the altar, which made the people standing by the altar have difficulty breathing and tremble in their hearts.

After the blood flowed to the center of the altar, Chi Feichi also began to recite the ancient sacrificial language.

The blood accumulated in the center of the altar formed blood beads, which floated from bottom to top in the energy light column. When they came into contact with the unfinished body, the blood beads carried a wisp of golden light and slowly merged into the body, making the body gradually bloody.

When more than half of the blood was absorbed, the heart of the unfinished body beat violently, and then began to beat normally, pumping blood to flush the blood vessels, and gradually activating the blood circulation system and respiratory system.

"It's moving," one of the researchers shouted excitedly, "I saw it, the arteries of this body are beating!"

"Neutralize the energy," Chi Feichi said calmly without getting excited with the researchers, "Pour half of the blood that neutralizes the energy into it first."

The researchers thought that the body had not been completely shaped yet, so they suppressed their excitement and calmed down again, staring at the bloody body in the energy beam with shining eyes.

Koizumi Hongzi poured all the blood in another bottle on the altar, and took a jar from Yueshui Nanatsuki and poured out one-third of the blood in the jar.

The new blood also flowed along the inscriptions and grooves on the stone slab, flowing all the way to the center of the altar, but it did not bring the oppressive atmosphere like the previous blood, and it seemed calm and peaceful.

After the new blood was added, the heartbeat of the unfinished body also became slower.

But as the blood was consumed, the heartbeat of the body began to speed up again, and the beating frequency was no longer stable.

Chi Feichi used the altar to sense the changes in the body and gave another instruction, "Pour all the remaining blood in."

Koizumi Hongzi immediately poured the remaining blood onto the altar.

The new blood gathered in the center of the altar again, and was manipulated by Chi Feichi using the energy of the altar, carrying golden light into the body, making the heartbeat of the body become stable again.

When the last blood bead sank into the body, Chi Feichi closed his eyes to sense the state of the body and continued to give instructions.

"Skin magic liquid, pour it all in."

A can of magic liquid was poured onto the altar, flowing to the center of the altar, and was pulled by energy to cover the bloody body with delicate and healthy skin.

"Hair magic liquid, pour it all in."

Under Chi Feichi's control, the sweat hair, hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes of the new body were all formed.

"Tooth magic liquid..."

"Nail magic liquid..."

Two minutes later, the new body was completely shaped.

The child lying on his back in the light column had his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping peacefully in a reassuring environment, breathing steadily and stretching his body.


Chi Feichi recited the ancient sacrificial language again, letting the energy light column in the center of the altar sink down little by little.

Koizumi Hongzi looked at the descending energy light column, and couldn't help but have a hint of joy in her eyes, and murmured, "It's over..."

And it was very successful.

The six researchers heard what Koizumi Hongzi said, and looked at the slowly falling body, and couldn't help but step forward.

The next second, a circular light wall appeared outside the altar, blocking the researchers outside the altar.

"You are not allowed to come up."

After Chi Feichi used energy to block the researchers and issued a reminder, he walked to the center of the altar, stretched his hands into the energy light column, caught the slowly falling child's body in the light column, and carried the child's body out.

The six researchers lay on the light wall, their faces pressed tightly against the light wall, staring at Chi Feichi's every move and the child's body in Chi Feichi's arms with concentration.

Chi Feichi carried the child's body to the edge of the altar. After confirming that the energy of the altar had weakened, he said, "Noah, come and try to see if your new body can be used."

Hiroki Sawada tried to connect to the body-brain computer through the network. A delighted voice soon came from the wall microphone, "The signal connection is successful. I still need to set the user information in the brain computer and install the firewall..."

Koshizu Nanatsuki: "..."


This step...

That's right, no problem at all.

"I'll put your body outside the altar, and you set it up slowly," Chi Feichi walked down the altar with the child's body in his arms. Under the fiery eyes of the six researchers, he placed the child's body on the table where the magic liquid had been placed. , turned to look at the six researchers, "Have you prepared clothes for Noah?"

"Yes, yes!"

The six researchers nodded quickly.

“I bought all sizes of toddler clothes in advance!”

"I've prepared it too, my wife picked it out for me before!"

"I'll get it right now!"

"I am coming too!"

Two of the researchers ran towards the science area, while the other four researchers were still staring at Noah's new body expectantly.

"Yesui, help take care of Noah, and I'll finish the rest of the work." Chi Feichi entrusted Noah's new body to Yuesui Nanatsuki, and then looked at Koizumi Hongzi, "Hongzi, you... "

"I can't help you, you can go on your own," Koizumi Hongzi stood at the table and waved her hand, "I'm here to help you keep an eye on these scientists, lest they get excited and start eating children. If There will be some energy left in the altar later, so don’t forget to share it with me.”

Researchers: "..."


Damn it, what does it mean to be so excited that you eat a child?

This is slander! This is questioning and trampling on their personality!

"Give you half of the remaining energy." Seeing that Koizumi Hongzi was unwilling to leave, Chi Fei did not force him. He turned around and walked up to the altar alone, regained the dominant position of controlling the altar, and began to recite the ancient sacrificial language again.

After Chi Feichi walked up to the altar, Koshizui Nanatsuki, Koizumi Anko and the researchers couldn't help but turn their attention to the altar. Even the two researchers who took back a large bag of children's clothes also focused on it. Chi Feichi's body.

As Chi Feichi recited the ancient sacrificial language in a calm tone, wisps of golden light flew out from the center of the altar, flying like nimble snakes towards Yuesui Nanatsuki, Koizumi Hongzi and six researchers.

An elderly researcher watched with his own eyes as a ray of golden light penetrated into his body. He personally felt that the heaviness in his body slowly disappeared, and a long-lost sense of comfort appeared in his body. When he raised his right hand, he also felt the pressure on his arm and body. With the complete control of his palm, at that moment, a sudden feeling of happiness surged into his heart, making him almost cry. "It's unbelievable, this is a miracle... No, this is a great power that only gods can possess..."

These researchers often forget about food and sleep during the research period, and have some physical problems. Some people are even in a sub-healthy state all year round. However, after the golden light penetrates into the body, these people can feel that their bodies become relaxed and comfortable.

When they found that the scene in front of them was not very clear, some people subconsciously took off their glasses and wanted to wipe the lenses, but found that they could see clearly without wearing glasses, and rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"My eyes...are no longer short-sighted?"

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