Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3427 The Phantom Thief's Plan

"But I also have a condition," Chi Feichi added, "When Mr. Jiroji gathers seven "Sunflowers" together, I want to come to your place in advance to appreciate the seven "Sunflowers"."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi did not expect that Chi Feichi would put forward such a condition. He was stunned for a moment, and quickly laughed and said, "Of course it's no problem! You support me so much in holding an exhibition. I can't gather "Sunflowers" without your help, as long as it doesn't affect Charlie." They protect "Sunflower". If you want to watch "Sunflower", you can go to my place to watch it anytime!"

"Okay, we've reached a consensus!" Nakamori Ginzo stood up from the sofa, turned to his subordinates and said, "Let's rush to the hotel to prepare!"

With that said, Nakamori Ginzo said to the curator again, "Director, as soon as you prepare the money, please come over with the money. We will wait for you at the hotel!"

"Yes!" The curator responded sternly.

Suzuki Jirokichi saw Charlie walking towards the door and asked, "Charlie, do you want to go with Officer Nakamori too?"

"No..." Charlie stopped and turned back to Suzuki Jiroyoshi with a serious expression, "I want to get something important first, something indispensable for arresting Kidd!"

"Okay then," Suzuki Jirokichi warned, "remember to come back before the transaction starts, I still need your help!"

"Don't worry, I will be back in time!" Charlie walked out of the room with a firm look on his face.

The curator watched Charlie leave, then looked at Suzuki Jirokichi, and said hesitantly, "Mr. Jirokichi, I'm sorry, I want to ask you one more thing..."

"What's the matter?" Suzuki Jiroji didn't rush to agree, "Tell me what you said!"

"I want to invite someone to visit your 'Sunflower Exhibition' this time." The curator raised his hand and scratched his head in embarrassment. "That's someone who has been visiting the exhibition every day since the exhibition of "Sunflowers" in our art museum. The old lady, every time she comes, she will sit in front of the "Sunflower" and stare at the painting with a sad face. I think she must have deep thoughts pinned on that painting, so I hope you will come. When the time comes, you can give us an extra ticket so that we can invite her to see the Sunflower Art Exhibition..."

"The old lady you mentioned, did she also come to the art museum today?" Conan said aloud, turning to remind Chi Feichi, "She is the old lady we met in front of "Sunflower"."

"That's right," the curator nodded. "She was sitting next to you. She used to sit in that position every time she came to the art museum!"

"I see..." Suzuki Jirokichi agreed, "Since she likes "Sunflower" so much, then invite her!"

The curator looked grateful and said, "Thank you very much!"

"Okay, I'll have someone send Kidzao's old banknotes over first..." Suzuki Jirokichi took out his mobile phone and turned to discuss with Chi Feichi, "Feichi, you can help prepare one billion yuan. That's no problem, right?" ?”

"no problem."

Chi Feichi didn't hesitate, stood up, walked aside, and called the manager of Umbrella's bank.

Subsequently, Suzuki Jiroyoshi and Chi Feichi went to each bank respectively to sign the confirmation documents for mobilizing funds on site.

Mouri Kogoro followed Suzuki Jirokichi, while Conan followed Chi Feichi. After Chi Feichi finished signing, he and Chi Feichi watched the manager arrange for employees to count old banknotes.

After the count of one billion yuan of old banknotes was completed, the manager arranged for the escort and asked people to put the boxes containing the old banknotes on the armored truck and drive them to the Dongdu Plaza Hotel.

Chi Feichi did not get into the cash transport truck. He drove his Lexus SC, picked up Conan and followed the cash transport truck. He called Jirokichi Suzuki to communicate with him on the way, and then called Ginzo Nakamori.

"Officer Zhongmori, this is Chi Feichi... My one billion yuan is ready. The cash transport truck will arrive at the Tokyo Plaza Hotel in about ten minutes... Mr. Jiroji has to go to another bank to sign. He There are 9 billion yuan to prepare there, and it will take a little more time for the bank staff to count the old banknotes... At that time, Teacher Maori will follow the first cash transport truck to help transport the first cash... I know, I will Let the cash transport truck cooperate..."


After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi called the person in charge of the escort on the armored vehicle ahead and communicated the parking location of the armored vehicle, and then called Koshizu Nanatsuki.

"Yue Shui, it's me... Has the TV station reported it? Did Kidd provide information to the TV station? I understand... The report is correct. The painting "Sunflowers" at the Kōya Museum of Art in Japan was kidnapped. De took it, and Kidd asked us to prepare 10 billion in cash... I helped raise a sum of cash. I am currently on my way to the hotel. I may not be able to go back within an hour or two. You can wait for me at the doctor's house after dinner. , I will pick you up later... No, there are so many paths along the way back from the doctor's house, it is too dangerous for you to go back alone..."

In the passenger seat beside him, Conan was also talking on the phone with Mao Lilan.

"Yeah, I'm with Brother Chi. My uncle wants to help Mr. Jiroji transport cash. He should also arrange escort work at the bank... It doesn't matter. After we send the money to the hotel, I will buy some snacks to fill it up. abdomen……"

When Chi Feichi heard Conan's words, he temporarily put down the phone next to his ear and said, "Conan, don't worry Xiaolan. I will take you to the hotel restaurant for dinner later."

"Brother Chi said that after we get to the hotel, he will take me to the hotel restaurant for dinner, so don't worry anymore," Conan immediately told Mao Lilan, and soon began to act cute in a childish voice, "I know, I will listen to Brother Chi and not cause trouble for everyone..."

The street where the Dongdu Plaza Hotel is located is full of police cars, TV broadcast vehicles, and cars of Kaito Kid fans.

After seeing the TV report, some fans of Kaito Kid spontaneously rushed to the vicinity of Dongdu Plaza Hotel, gathered on the street, pulled up banners, and shouted the name of "Kid" loudly, almost causing traffic congestion.

Ginzo Nakamori notified the police from the Ministry of Transportation to help maintain order. With the help of the traffic police, the armored car and the car driven by Chi Feichi successfully passed through the crowded streets.

The closer the car got to the hotel gate, the clearer the angry curses of Ginzo Nakamori could be heard.

"Damn Kidd! Does he want to use the media to create chaos? I won't let him succeed... Let all irrelevant people retreat to the street corner!"

The entrance of Dongdu Plaza Hotel has been blocked by police.

The cash transport truck drove to the main entrance and stopped. The person in charge of the cash transport got off the car and talked to Nakamori Ginzo, and then asked someone to take the box containing cash out of the car and send it to the hotel.

Chi Feichi did not get off the car. He watched the escort carrying the box into the hotel, then drove out of the main entrance and drove the car to the parking lot behind Dongdu Plaza Hotel.

After Conan finished talking to Ran Mao Li, he sat in the car, looked down at the report he searched on his phone, and said speechlessly, "Kid notified the media and led so many people to the vicinity of the hotel, just to facilitate his escape later?"

Chi Feichi knew the idea of ​​a certain thief, and directly told him the plan of the thief, "Kid now notified the media to come, and wait for Mr. Jiroyoshi to take back the fifth "Sunflower". Through the publicity of the media, everyone will know that Mr. Jiroyoshi has the ability to take back "Sunflower" from the hands of the thief Kid. In this way, other holders of "Sunflower" should also believe that Mr. Jiroyoshi has the ability to keep "Sunflower" and feel at ease to lend out the painting."

In order to make this exhibition go smoothly, Kaito was worried about it.

"Is he doing this to allow Mr. Jiroyoshi to borrow the painting?" Conan was a little surprised, "This guy..."

The red Lexus SC drove into the parking lot, and an ordinary white car just drove out of the parking lot.

The two cars slowed down at the same time. Chi Feichi noticed that the person driving the white car was looking at him, and he also looked over.

The next second, the person driving the white car withdrew his gaze and drove out of the parking lot calmly.

"Brother Chi, you and Kidd seem to hope that the Sunflower Exhibition can be held this time..." Conan turned to talk to Chi Feichi and found that Chi Feichi was looking at the white car. He turned his head curiously and saw that the white car had already left the parking lot. He noticed the license plate and asked, "What happened to this car?"

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