Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3465 Be honest

"I said..." The pink-haired woman remained silent when she saw her three accomplices. Maori Kogoro just stared at Chi Feichi blankly, and broke the silence with a voice, "Mr. Maori, won't you introduce this person to us?" "

"He is my apprentice," Maori Kogoro came back to his senses. Thinking that Chi Feichi had taken away the pistols of the bandit gang members, he felt a little more at ease, but he was still wary of the bandit gang and introduced vaguely, "As for the above That kid is the kid who lives in my house temporarily."

The man with glasses leaned his back against the wall. When he saw Chi Feichi putting the magazine back into the pistol, his eyes were full of fear and he had no energy to pay attention to Conan. "As far as I know, Mr. Maoli has two apprentices. One of them is said to be The eldest son of a wealthy family, there is less information about the other one. I heard that he is a young detective, but I don’t know about this..."

"This matter has nothing to do with you."

Chi Feichi interrupted, reopened the safety of the pistol, loaded the bullet, raised the pistol, and pointed the gun at the bandit gang in front, "Now, except Teacher Maoli, the other four people go to the wall and stand. in a row.”

The big guy's face turned red with anger, "Hey, you guy..."


The sound of gunfire without a silencer is very intimidating.

The bullet shot out rapidly, grazed the big man's cheek and flew past, leaving a bloody mark on the big man's face, and then disappeared into the door behind the big man with a 'pop'.

Chi Feichi turned his gun again and shot once at the buck-toothed man and the pink-haired woman.



Two bullets grazed the right arms of the buck-toothed man and the pink-haired woman respectively, tearing a long gash in their sleeves and leaving a trail of blood on the skin of their arms.

"Hurry up and stand still," Chi Feichi urged when he saw the three of them dumbfounded, "I'll only give you 10 seconds."

Mouri Kogoro looked at the blood stains on the three people's bodies, then turned to look at the bullet holes on the door and the wall. His brain was confused, "Fei Chi, what do you want to do?"

"Wait a moment," Chi Feichi said, glancing at the big man, the buck-toothed man, and the pink-haired woman, and reminded, "There are still 6 seconds, 6, 5..."

The three people reacted, covered the injured and bleeding parts with their hands, and quickly moved to the wall, standing side by side with the man with glasses.

Chi Feichi saw four people standing close together and said, "Keep a distance of half a meter between the two people and put your hands in front of you. If someone is disobedient, I can't guarantee where the next bullet will hit." ”

Under the threat of gunpoint, the four gang members distanced themselves and honestly put their hands in front of them.

The buck-toothed man clasped his hands in front of him, still holding his knife in his hand, and whispered, "This seems to be something we would say when we were robbing, right?"

The bespectacled man had a thought and glanced at Kogoro Mouri standing aside, "Mr. Mouri, I'm afraid it's not appropriate for your disciple to say such things..."

Chi Feichi raised the muzzle of his gun and fired at the man with glasses.

Not suitable? Nothing inappropriate.

He was just sitting on the rafter watching the fun, but Conan wanted him to help with the reasoning. Instead, the people below pointed knives, guns, etc. at him and dangled the muzzles of the guns at him. Let him come down...

Everyone is so enthusiastic to stop him from hiding, of course he has to choose - original, land, hair, or crazy!


The bullet grazed the bespectacled man's cheek, raising a stream of blood. At the same time, the leg of the man's spectacles on his ears was also grazed by the bullet, and the ends broke into pieces and flew out, leaving the bespectacled man's glasses hanging crookedly on his face. Go up and let the man with glasses swallow the rest of his words.

Mouri Kogoro felt his head was pounding and started to walk towards Chi Feichi, "Feichi, give me the gun first..."

"I hope you won't move around." Chi Feichi loaded a bullet again and pointed the gun at the bespectacled man's brow. There was a hint of haze in his eyes and his tone was a bit colder. "They don't want to let me If you watch the fun, you will have to bear the consequences!”

"Okay, okay, I understand," Maori Kogoro saw that Chi Feichi's face was a little ugly, and he was worried that Chi Feichi's mental state was unstable at the moment, and he was also worried that he would irritate Chi Feichi if he came closer, "I'll just stay You won’t move around here, but it’s too dangerous to point your gun at others. Put your gun down first..."

Pink-haired woman: "..."

What's with Mr. Mori's cautious attitude? Does Mr. Mori think that his apprentice will shoot and kill?

Man with glasses: "..."

He just felt like something was wrong with this kid! Something is very wrong!

Big, buck-toothed man: "..."

If they had known that this guy was so dangerous, they should have thought that they were blind and couldn't see anyone on the rafters... Why should they care whether others were watching the fun or not? If people like to watch it, let them watch it, and watch it hard!

On the rafters, Conan was also a little dumbfounded.

Things are not going well…

Is Brother Chi still awake now?

"Don't worry, I don't want to hurt anyone." Chi Feichi put down the muzzle of the gun, but still stared at the four gang members, holding the gun tightly in his right hand. "I just want them to keep quiet. Listen to your reasoning."

"Ahem, that's right..." Mouri Kogoro was unsure of Chi Feichi's status. He looked at the surveillance screen projected on the screen and asked tentatively, "But before reasoning, should we inform Officer Memu first?" ah?"

"Don't worry," Chi Feichi said, "When Conan and I got here, we already told Officer Memu the address."

The four gang members were a little restless.

In this case, wouldn't the police be here soon?

"Be honest," Chi Feichi raised the pistol again and pointed it between the bespectacled man's eyebrows. His tone was calm, "There are only four bullets in the gun. Don't let me worry about whether to shoot through your head or interrupt you." leg."

The four of them instantly calmed down again, placing their hands in front of themselves, calmly.

"That's good..." Maori Kogoro looked at the four of them, then frowned and said to Chi Feichi, "But Feichi, there is another member of this bandit gang who is their leader, codenamed 'Mr. Brain', Brain The husband asked me to help investigate the cause of his son's death, and also asked the killer to target Xiaolan. If I can't investigate the truth about the death of 'Mr. Acne' a year ago, Mr. Brain will let the killer target Xiaolan..."

"It's okay," Conan stood on the rafter and saw Kogoro Mori and four members of the bandit gang looking up, pointing to the microphone on the wall beside them, with a cute childish voice, "This microphone has no network interface, and there is a tape in it. , the voice of the 'Mr. Brain' just now should have been played through a tape, and there doesn't seem to be a camera installed here..."

Chi Feichi did not turn around to look at Conan, but sat on a chair, letting the four gang members' uneasy and calm eyes roam over the four of them, "In other words, when everyone was talking and taking action, Mr. Brain played in time The recording of a certain section, or closing and locking the door, makes everyone feel that Mr. Brain is monitoring everyone and communicating with everyone in real time. However, if there are no cameras here to transmit images to the outside world, then only the people here can take advantage of the opportunity. So well controlled.”

"Brother Chi suddenly went down and snatched the pistol and took control of the situation. This might prevent Mr. Brain from completing his plan well. If Mr. Brain was really looking at this, he should have shouted just now - 'Put down the gun. "Don't threaten my men," Conan yelled, imitating a serious tone, and then returned to the innocent and harmless tone of a child, "Is that so? But Mr. Brain didn't react at all when faced with such a change. Is it because he didn't anticipate this situation in advance, so he didn't record such words in the recording and couldn't play it for everyone?"

"Mr. Brain was obviously watching our reactions at the scene, but he needed to record the recording in advance..." Mouri Kogoro reacted and looked at the four gang members with suspicion. "In this case, Mr. Brain is likely to Among the four of them..."

"How, how is this possible?" The buck-toothed man looked at the tall men with glasses on the left and right, and quickly focused on the pink-haired woman.

The big man with glasses also looked at the pink-haired woman.

Conan and Mouri Kogoro noticed the three people's reactions and also turned their attention to the pink-haired woman.

The pink-haired woman was silent for a moment, then smiled quickly and admitted frankly to Kogoro Mori, "Yes, Mr. Mori, I am Mr. Brain! You can kill me now, or you can let the police arrest me. But if you don't tell me the truth about the death of 'Mr. Acne', I won't tell the killer to stop. If the killer doesn't receive my notification before dawn tomorrow morning, then he will immediately take action against Ling Qianjin. Now Only I know the killer’s contact information, so before dawn comes, you must tell me the truth about a year ago!”

Mouri Kogoro met the pink-haired woman's determined gaze. He knew that the pink-haired woman would rather die than give up this opportunity to get the truth. He also saw a determination in the pink-haired woman's eyes that touched him. He looked at the pink-haired woman seriously. The woman nodded, "I understand, I will try my best to find out the truth for you, but I hope you can do what you say and stop the killer!"

The pink-haired woman also nodded to Mouri Kogoro seriously, "Don't worry, I won't break my promise!"

"But, is 'Mr. Acne' really your son?" The big man looked at the pink-haired woman with suspicion. "You are less than forty years old this year, but Mr. Acne was already twenty when he joined us last year. Is he old? If he is your son, then..."

"I gave birth to that child when I was fifteen!" The pink-haired woman frowned, her tone was stiff, but a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, "I can't provide him with good living conditions. In order for him to live a good life in the future, To live a better life, I gave him up for adoption, but I didn’t expect that he would go astray and join a bandit gang so easily! It was only after I hired him that I found out that he was my son!”

"I see..." Mouri Kogoro sighed with emotion and turned his attention to the big screen, "Then I will let you find out the truth!"

"Thank you, Mr. Mori!" The pink-haired woman paused and insisted, "Although I'm sorry, I still want to know the truth before telling the killer to stop!"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

This woman is really...

He has already promised to help find out the truth, will he still regret it?

Although he still has no clue about the truth...

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