Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3481 Dangerous Signal

"It's not certain yet."

Chi Feichi said in a hoarse voice and looked at the surveillance screen again.

"If there is a police undercover agent in the organization, it will be troublesome," Mizuno Reina deliberately tested whether the organization would investigate the undercover agent. "If there is such a person, it would be better to find him as soon as possible, right?"

"You're right," Chi Feichi knew that Shui Wulian was testing the organization's next actions and did not intend to reveal too much about Shui Wulian. He stared at the surveillance screen and said in a hoarse and harsh voice, "But this We can’t rush this matter. The rat behind this matter has been lurking until now. His brains and patience are top-notch. It’s not easy to find out. If we want to catch the rat, we have to be patient.”

"Do you have a clue now?" Shui Wu Lina pretended to ask casually.

"No," Chi Feichi said, "Do you have any clues?"

"That's not the case," Shuiwu Reina laughed, silently reflecting on whether he had asked too many questions on this issue and showed unusual attention, "None of the members of the organization I have come into contact with seem to be from the police. Undercover."

Chi Feichi said 'hmm' with a nasal sound and did not ask any more questions.

The members of the organization that Suiwu Reina usually comes into contact with: Gin, Vodka, Chianti, Cohen...

Which of these people looks like an undercover agent?

In fact, he has no clue who leaked the information about Yae and Hikari this time.

The undercover agent who leaked the secret this time was very cunning. He asked Interpol to control Yae Wako, instead of letting the Japanese police, FBI, CIA, SIS and other forces take action. In this way, they could not judge where the undercover agent belonged based on the force of the operation. It is even more difficult for one force to pinpoint the identity and origin of an undercover agent.

However, Mizuna Reina should have nothing to do with this incident.

Rena Minami had never come into contact with Yae and Mitsuru before. It was unlikely that she would know that Yae and Mitsuru were members of the organization. She also had no chance to obtain evidence of Yae and Mitsuru's crimes and persuade Interpol to take action.

Precisely because Rena Mizuna was unlikely to be the one who leaked the secret, Rena Mizuna was involved in this surveillance mission.

Rena Minami stopped dwelling on the previous topic and looked at the picture on the surveillance screen, "By the way, Interpol secretly controlled Yae this time. Did they notify the Japanese police to cooperate? I remember that a group of FBI entered Japan secretly before. , Isn’t it the case with Interpol this time?”

"No, the Interpol responsible for this operation should have communicated with the Japanese police, and also with the Japanese public security police," Chi Feichi hissed out the basis for his judgment, "The Financial Services Agency has an important meeting this morning. , Yae did not attend, and Yae’s commander announced that he was sick and needed to rest, and asked others not to disturb Yae. "

"So that's it," Reina Mizuno said thoughtfully, "The head of the Financial Services Agency has already received the news that Yae is under the control of Interpol, and he also intends to cooperate. If only the Japanese Criminal Police and Interpol come forward to negotiate with the head of the Financial Services Agency, It can't be so smooth. Only the public security police can come forward to make the Financial Services Agency choose to cooperate so readily. In other words, the Japanese public security police have received the news and also support the actions of Interpol... If these Interpol can get the Japanese public security police It should be troublesome to deal with the support, right?"

"It's troublesome, but it can be solved," Chi Feichi continued in a hoarse voice, "If you send them two trucks of bombs, how much support they have will be useless, right?"

Shui Wu Liannai: "..."

Alas, the organization has so many cunning and vicious members. It is really not easy to fight against organized crime. Even if Interpol can get support from the Japanese police, it may not be able to resist Luck's crazy idea...

If things really develop to that extent, she can't just sit back and watch, but there is a limit to what she can do. At that time, she can only find a way to convey the news to Akai Shuichi.

It was less than ten o'clock in the evening.

After Chi Feichi and Shui Wu Lina discussed the situation, they talked about the arrangements for surveillance work.

Because watching the surveillance for too long can easily cause visual fatigue, and visual fatigue can easily make people ignore important clues. Therefore, Chi Feichi suggested that two people take shifts and each watch the surveillance for two hours. While one of them is watching the surveillance, the other can watch the surveillance. Take a break and do something to pass the time. As for monitoring, you can use monitoring equipment to record all the eavesdropped sounds. Play and listen to the recording every two hours, so that both people can relax and save it. Some energy to deal with emergencies.

Naturally, Shui Wulian had no objection to such a reasonable arrangement. He took the initiative to take over the task of keeping an eye on the surveillance camera. After two hours, he changed the surveillance camera to Chi Feichi and got up to go to the bathroom and get a drink.

Chi Feichi and Shui Wu Lina had no personal friendship, and apart from the work content, they didn't have much to talk about. After assigning work, they remained silent most of the time. Only when Shui Wu Lina brought up a certain topic, Only then did he respond passively.

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't seem to have any interest in chatting, Shui Wulian didn't keep asking Chi Feichi to talk. When it was his turn to rest, he sat aside and watched the saved movies on his tablet computer, and ate some snacks to pass the time. Time, I don’t think time is difficult.

One night passed.

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, Belmode arrived on a motorcycle and came in to change shifts with the two of them.

While Belmod and Shui Wu Reina were chatting, Chi Feichi sat aside and finished reading the email he had just received. He interrupted the exchange between the two with a hiss, "I'm sorry, Kil, you may have to go back to rest a little later." ”

Shui Wu Liannai cast a doubtful look at Chi Feichi, "What happened?"

Belmod stood next to Reina Mizuna, looking down at the email he had just received on his phone, "That person has new instructions..."

"Kill Yae and Guang as soon as possible." Chi Feichi guessed that Belmod had received the same instructions as him, and told the content of the instructions he had received. He looked at Shui Wu Liannai calmly, "In order not to leak the news, from now on From now on, those who know this matter should stay with me as much as possible. Even if they leave temporarily, they must keep in touch with me until the operation is over. "

In the room, the volume of the hoarse voice was not loud, but it carried an attitude that would not tolerate objections, making the atmosphere suddenly become solemn.

"I understand," Mizuno Reina nodded seriously. Thinking that she was always a member of the Gin team, she hesitated and said, "But... do I need to tell Gin about this?"

"Ginjiu should also have received the instructions from that person," Chi Feichi lowered his head and typed on his mobile phone, editing an email to reply to that person, "You can send him an email to say hello."

Reina Mizuna sent an email to Gin, and soon received a reply from Gin, "Gin said, let me cooperate with you."

Chi Feichi was not surprised by this and sent the edited email on his phone.

The information he received may be much more than that of Belmod and Sui Wureina.

At about five o'clock this morning, Gin and Vodka's plane arrived in Switzerland. The two originally wanted to find a place to rest, but as soon as they found a good place, Gin received new news - Interpol had begun to take action, and it seemed that they planned to take action. Yae and Hikaru's wife and son were taken away and protected.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Interpol used to only monitor Yae's wife and children, making it clear that they did not want to alert anyone, but now they suddenly entered the hotel where Yae's wife and children were staying at 6 am Tokyo time and 11 pm Swiss time, intending to pick up Yae's wife and children.

The reason why Interpol carried out such a high-profile late-night operation was probably because Yae had softened to Interpol and was ready to confess what he knew. Interpol no longer cared about fishing and wanted to move Yae's wife and children to a safe place as soon as possible. Confess everything without any worries.

After all, if Interpol just wanted to protect the safety of the mother and child in another way, there was no need to knock on the door at 11 o'clock at night and enter the room of a middle-aged woman or a young man, and wake them up from their sleep to talk. It was perfectly fine. Wait until tomorrow morning, after they wake up, to contact you again.

After Gin got the news in Switzerland, he immediately reported the news to that person and at the same time arranged manpower to prevent Interpol from taking away Yae's wife and children.

Therefore, that person issued new instructions to them early in the morning, asking them to kill Yae, and also used the words "as soon as possible" in the email sent to him.

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