Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3508 Fraud Trap

"He used two business methods on you at one time," Chi Feichi continued. "It should have been the last time you had contact with him that exposed your occupation or salary, making him think that you had financial resources and were worthy of his investment. energy."

"The last time I went to the store where he worked, I went with two colleagues. We all designated responsible persons to receive us. When the six of us were sitting together drinking and eating, my colleagues told them that we were performing in bars and clubs. Work," Midorikawa Saki still looked depressed and took another sip of wine. "About that time, he felt that I was a good target. After that meeting, he exchanged contact information with me. As soon as I got home that day, he sent me a text message to ask if I had arrived home. He said that he had a great time chatting with me today. He also told me some ways to relieve discomfort after drinking. His attitude was very considerate. In the afternoon of the next day, he sent me another message. Sharing information: I met a cute puppy on the street. His sharing was very interesting, but his eagerness made me uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be sorry for my disappearing bastard boyfriend, so I responded very coldly..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

From this point of view, the love brain still has some benefits.

The pit in which the love brain falls is deep enough and cannot easily be climbed out, so before climbing out of the pit, the love brain can avoid falling into other deep pits.

This is probably - as long as I die completely, you can't kill me again.

"He sent this message two or three times, and when he saw my cold response, he slowly cut off contact," Midorikawa Saki said helplessly. "When we met for the second time, he mentioned the response I gave him before, saying that I His indifference made him feel disappointed, but he was very happy to see me today. He hoped that I could stay in the store for a little longer. It didn't matter even if I didn't order... The light in the store was a little dim that day, which made his expression look very... Gentle, there were customers and cowherds chatting around, and the temperature in the store seemed to be warmer than my cold home. I suddenly became very emotional, and felt that it was good to have such a friend who I could talk to. You know what happened next, I On impulse, I spent all the 100,000 yen I had on me at the time..."

As she spoke, a trace of heartache flashed across Midorikawa Saki's face. She put her hand on her forehead and said with some annoyance, "I regretted it before I even walked out of the store. After I got home, the more I thought about it, the more I regretted it. Thinking that the money was enough for my rent and living expenses for one month, I felt extremely uncomfortable. At that time, I also realized that I might have fallen into a business trap, so from then on, I cut off contact with that cowherd and made up my mind to do it in the future. I won’t go into that kind of place again, and that will be the last time I go to Cowherd’s shop.”

"After you spent money, didn't he continue to do business with you?" Chi Feichi asked seriously, "For example, he thanked you sincerely, tried his best to turn away new customers to accompany you, and offered to get off work early and take you to the station. You spent 100,000 yen on the second time you went to the store. In the entire industry, you are also a potential customer who can easily make gold coins. There is no reason for him not to take good care of it..."

"Easy to burst gold coins?" Midorikawa Saki asked with a black line, "Is this a new saying in the Cowherd world?"

"No, this has nothing to do with Cowherd. It means that in the game, players can get gold coins after defeating the game boss, which can be used to purchase props in the game," Chi Feichi explained calmly, "I said you are prone to exploding gold coins. It means you are willing to spend money.”

"I'm not sure if I'm a customer who can easily earn gold coins," Midorikawa Saki glanced at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "He did, as you said, thank you very seriously and stayed with me patiently. After chatting, he politely offered to send me to the station, but I really felt sorry for the money and was not in a very good mood, so I refused. Afterwards, he sent me a message, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that I Like an idiot, so I didn’t respond to him..."

"You have good self-control." Chi Feichi affirmed Midorikawa Saki, rang the service bell on the table, and after the waiter came in, he asked the waiter to deliver a fruit plate and after-dinner black tea to the private room.

Midorikawa Saki sipped the wine, and after the waiter left after delivering the fruit plate and tea, she whispered depressedly, "Really, when I think about it now, I still feel that I was an irrational idiot at the time..."

"You don't seem to mind spending money on love. You belong to the target group of cowherds. It's not surprising that you spend money impulsively. It's already good that you didn't continue to fall into trouble after that." Chi Feichi picked up the teacup and lowered his eyes to drink tea. , "I have investigated the customer base of Cowherd Store before. Girls who work in bars, clubs and other places, as well as fashion girls engaged in industries such as bubble baths, pink salons, and adult film and television shooting, account for a large proportion of the repeat customers of Cowherd Store. More than half of them, in fact, this is also the customer group that the cowherds will focus on maintaining, because the income of this type of women is higher than that of most women, and as long as they are willing to spend, these women can get a large amount of money in a short period of time, and the money will be More generous, Cowherd can get more benefits from spending energy on them..."

"When I was performing in the club, many of my colleagues were customers of the gigolo parlor, and some were so addicted that they went there every day," Midorikawa Saki ate the fruit plate and thought seriously. "In fact, women working in nightclubs, in addition to high income, usually have the characteristics of 'low self-esteem'. Not only do they have to swallow their anger at work, but they are also not recognized by the mainstream society. At that time, most of the girls who performed with me in the club thought that they were unlikely to be accepted by normal men every time they thought about love and marriage. Men like to go to the club to watch our performances, but if they are willing to marry girls like us home, there should be many people who mind, right? In fact, I have the same idea as them. Even nightclub performers have such ideas, not to mention those women who are formally engaged in the custom industry. Moreover, they may bear greater psychological pressure than us during work, so it is not surprising that they go to the gigolo parlor to seek comfort..."

Chi Feichi drank tea silently and listened carefully to Midorikawa Saki's analysis.

In order to make money to repay her debts, Midorikawa Saki performed in bars and clubs. This way of making money is indeed faster and more than most jobs, but people in it will also be affected in their concept of money.

Ordinary girls would have run away long ago if they thought of their boyfriends owing hundreds of millions of debts, but Midorikawa Saki knew that performing in clubs could make money, and she also made a lot of money in club performances, so she would have an inexplicable confidence in repaying the debts - she could probably pay off the debts with hard work for a year or two, right? It is not particularly painful to use a short period of hard work to exchange for a stable life for herself and her boyfriend in the future, right?

Midorikawa Saki spent 100,000 yen on the gigolo at once. In fact, it was because she worked in a place like a club and saw a lot of extravagant life, which affected her concept of money. In addition, Midorikawa Saki's monthly income was much higher than 100,000 yen. As long as the mood was in place, Midorikawa Saki would have the idea of ​​"spending money to help friends is not a bad idea", and under the instigation of the gigolo and the gigolo shop, she spent the money like this.

This is also the reason why gigolos like women who are important business owners.

It is difficult for ordinary girls to spend so much money on gigolos at one time. Even if girls are willing to spend, they will definitely feel very distressed and ask for more emotional feedback from gigolos afterwards. However, women working in nightclubs and women engaged in the sex industry can not only afford so much money, but also spend it without feeling too distressed. In this way, the emotional value of the gigolo's feedback will be lower.

The gigolo took 100,000 gold coins from Saki Midorikawa at once. Considering the job Saki Midorikawa was doing at the time, it was not excessive. It was just stuck in a delicate range.

If Saki Midorikawa was not determined to pay off her boyfriend's debt and did not mind changing a boyfriend, the 100,000 yen would not make Saki Midorikawa so painful, but would make Saki Midorikawa care and hope to get feedback from the other party. At that time, the gigolo would give feedback such as thanks and careful care, which would make Saki Midorikawa feel that her efforts were not so bad, and it would further promote the opportunity of the two.

In order to tie down their chosen targets, some gigolos will even accompany girls shopping, accompany girls to the hospital, send girls to work, treat girls to meals, and invite girls to play in the store for free during their non-working hours, pretending to be "different to me" and developing girls into "love business" objects. During this period, they will guide girls to invest money or time and energy in themselves, just like the gigolo guided Midorikawa Saki to spend money, while increasing the sunk cost of girls, so that girls are tied more firmly by themselves, and then use various means to get a large number of gold coins from girls.

Of course, gigolos will select suitable targets in advance before paying.

When they first contact customers, experienced gigolos will quickly ask questions and collect information, and then judge how many gold coins the girl can get, whether she has the potential to get a large amount of gold coins, and whether it is difficult to get gold coins, and then decide whether they are simple business or key business.

In addition to the prostitutes who spend money generously, there are also some beautiful girls who walk into the gigolo shop out of curiosity and have little experience in love, girls who lack affirmation since childhood and are easy to be deceived, and some wealthy women with high emotional needs, all of which are the key business targets of the gigolo.

As for those girls who are positive, not lacking in love or have no potential to make money, in the eyes of the gigolo, they are just ordinary business objects. They just need to accompany them to drink and talk normally to complete the business goals of the shop. The gigolo is not likely to spend energy on such girls.

On the surface, the gigolo is engaged in the work of accompanying wine and playing, but after actually understanding it, he found that most of the gigolo business is actually more like a pig-killing plate.

The only difference is that the pig-killing plate cannot see the person in person, while the gigolo can actually meet and sometimes sleep with him.

If Honma Kyo really follows the gigolo to learn how to make money, it is really difficult to learn any good qualities.

Don't learn randomly. I write this to hope that everyone will be vigilant and be careful of scammers.

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