Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3527 Is it too simple?

"Do you already know?" Nanatsuki Koshimizu confirmed with Chi Feichi in surprise, "The message hidden on this chessboard..."

"I have indeed thought of it," Chi Feichi said, "Do you want to think about it again?"

"No need," Haneda Hideyoshi said seriously, "Now I just want to know where Yumi will be. If you know the answer, please tell me directly!"

Conan and Nanatsuki Koshimizu did not object and looked at Chi Feichi.

Officer Yumi was kidnapped and the current situation is unclear. Compared with any fun, it is more important to know the answer...

Chi Feichi saw that the three did not intend to solve the puzzle slowly, and said the answer, "The target location is, Haido Pride Hotel."

"Haido Pride Hotel?" Haneda Hideyoshi looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard, trying to figure out Chi Feichi's idea of ​​solving the puzzle.

Conan looked at the chessboard and didn't find any English message hidden on it, so he asked directly, "Brother Chi, why do you think the message on the chessboard refers to the Pride Hotel in Beihu?"

"Some shogi terms are now used in daily life," Chi Feichi reminded, "For example, 'Chengjin' originally refers to the shogi pieces having more powerful abilities after upgrading. Before upgrading, infantry can only move forward, but after upgrading, infantry can move in seven directions. In daily life, people use 'Chengjin' to describe nouveau riche who suddenly become rich. There is also 'Bizhi', which originally refers to the inevitable situation in shogi where the king will move no matter how he moves. In life, people use 'Bizhi' to express their best efforts..."

" High-flying car..."

Haneda Hideyoshi looked at the flying car nailed on the chessboard and murmured, "The flying car in this position is a very strong position, which is called 'high-flying car'. In life, 'high-flying car' usually means that a person is arrogant and suppresses the opponent indiscriminately..."

"Pride in English is Pride," Conan cast his eyes to Chi Feichi in the front seat, and his tone was not very sure, "So it is Pride Hotel? But isn't this interpretation too simple?"

"The chess pieces on the chessboard represent the seven deadly sins," Chi Feichi said, "From this perspective, the flying car also represents 'pride'."

"Seven deadly sins?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki turned sideways in the front seat and looked at the back seat. The chessboard on the seat, "So, the gold general with 'lazy man' written on it refers to laziness? I remember that the earliest original sins were gluttony, infidelity, greed, depression, anger, laziness, vanity and pride. Later, vanity was merged into pride, depression was merged into laziness, and jealousy was added to form the seven deadly sins. If the gold general represents laziness, then the silver general pressed under it refers to the depression merged into laziness, right?"

"As for the corner with 'die for face' written on it, it represents vanity," Conan looked down at the chess pieces on the chessboard, "it is pressed under the chariot and blocked for the most part, which means that it is merged into the 'arrogance' represented by the chariot."

"This interpretation should be correct," Haneda Hide Ji pointed to another corner piece that was placed alone in a square, "The corner piece can only move diagonally on the chessboard. If this is our chess piece, it is absolutely impossible to move here. It appears here, it can only be that it was originally an enemy chess piece, and was taken by our side and used for our own purposes. It should represent the jealousy that has been newly added to the Seven Deadly Sins. Except for it, other chess pieces do not have such characteristics!"

"That is to say, the nailed car does refer to arrogance," Conan analyzed seriously, "Brother Chi thinks that it refers to the Haido Pride Hotel, because the place with "Pride" in its name closest to Yumezaka is the Haido Pride Hotel, right?"

"Correct answer." Chi Feichi said.

Conan was happy for a moment, but soon felt a little empty in his heart, just like he had just finished warming up for exercise and someone told him that it was over. He turned to look at Haneda Hideyoshi, "Mr. Haneda, do you want to call the police to check it out?"

"No, we can't be 100% sure that Yumi is there now," Haneda Hideyoshi frowned, "If the police fail to rescue Yumi and alert the kidnappers, it will be troublesome, so I think it's better not to tell the police for the time being..."

Five minutes later, the car drove into the parking lot outside the Pride Hotel in Beido.

After getting off the car, Haneda Hideyoshi reminded Chi Feichi, Koshimi Nanatsuki, and Conan to keep a distance from him, and walked into the hotel lobby alone.

When the male staff at the hotel front desk saw Haneda Hideyoshi, he immediately told Haneda Hideyoshi that a guest asked him to wait at the front desk and took Haneda Hideyoshi to the room when he saw Haneda Hideyoshi.

Haneda Hideyoshi followed the receptionist upstairs. When he knocked on the door, he found tape next to the door handle. He tried to push down the door handle and found that the door was not locked. He immediately opened the door and walked in. "Yumi?!"

In the room, Miyamoto Yumi was unconscious on the sofa, her hands and feet were tied up with ropes, and her mouth was taped.

Next to the sofa, a man sat in front of a shogi chessboard, facing the door, holding a remote control in his right hand. Seeing Haneda Hideyoshi and the hotel receptionist at the door, he threatened, "Okay, only Haneda Hideyoshi can come in, and irrelevant people stay outside the door! If you violate my rules, I will immediately detonate the bomb in the sofa!"

The hotel receptionist stopped and watched Haneda Hideyoshi walk into the room. He looked a little confused and turned to ask Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki behind him, "What, what is going on..."

"Let me see!" Conan squeezed directly to the front of the hotel reception desk. Seeing the man in the room looking at him warily, he was afraid of the remote control in the man's hand and did not move forward. He put on an innocent look and asked the man, "Uncle, are you filming a movie?"

"Leave it to me to handle this," Haneda Hideyoshi said without looking back. He walked in front of the man and greeted him, "Mr. Gu Mori, it's you!"

Conan knew that Haneda Hideyoshi's previous sentence was said to himself, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki. Seeing that Haneda Hideyoshi knew the man, he stopped acting and reached out to quietly touch his watch, ready to fire the watch-shaped anesthetic needle.

"Okay, let's play the game of chess ten years ago again," the man looked at Haneda Hideyoshi with resentful eyes, "Please sit down!"

At the door, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki also squeezed to the door, quietly watching the man in the room invite Haneda Hideyoshi to play chess.

The hotel receptionist was pushed to the back. Seeing Chi Feichi, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, and Conan watching the show quietly, he felt that the three of them were very calm. He couldn't help but get close to Chi Feichi and whispered, "Um... are you filming a movie?"

"No," Chi Feichi also lowered his voice, "Please call the police."

The hotel receptionist looked up at Chi Feichi in surprise.


Chi Feichi looked back at the hotel receptionist calmly.

What else?

The hotel receptionist retracted his gaze, turned and walked into the corridor, while taking out his mobile phone to call the police.

No matter whether this is true or not, he still called the police first!

When the hotel receptionist went to call the police, Haneda Hideyoshi also finished the game with the man in the room ten years ago and resolved the misunderstanding between the two.

Ten years ago, the man and Haneda Hideyoshi met in a shogi game.

When there was only one game left in the game that day, the man's hospitalized wife's condition worsened and she could die at any time. The hospital called to inform the man, but the man decided to go to the hospital after the game.

Hideyoshi Haneda accidentally heard the man talking on the phone to the hospital. During the game, thinking of the man and his wife, when it was his turn to play, he absentmindedly moved the chess pieces outside the chessboard.

The man was actually a little distracted. He heard the sound of the chess pieces falling on the wood and thought that Hideyoshi Haneda had finished playing chess. He made another move, resulting in two consecutive moves and violating the rules.

Hideyoshi Haneda thought that it was good to end the game like this so that the man could go to the hospital quickly, so he did not mention the misleading sound of moving the chess pieces. He just reminded the man that he had violated the rules and let the man admit defeat.

There is no rule in the shogi game that players cannot fiddle with chess pieces outside the chessboard, only that players cannot make two consecutive moves. Therefore, the man lost the game.

The man always felt that Hideyoshi Haneda misled him by despicable means to win the game.

And at the end of the game that day, Hideyoshi Haneda said that "there is no need to review the game after the game" in order to let the man rush to the hospital earlier, which made the man feel that Hideyoshi Haneda was arrogant.

In short, the game ten years ago made the man feel that Haneda Hideyoshi was a guy of low character and arrogant attitude. In order to ask Haneda Hideyoshi for an explanation and to take revenge on Haneda Hideyoshi, he kidnapped Miyamoto Yumi and planned this incident.

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