Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3545: Equally Dark

"Then wait until you are fully prepared before taking action," Hideya Karasuma reached out to pick up the teacup on the table and asked calmly, "Let Curacao complete this mission. Even if we get the worst result, we won't How bad is it?"

"Indeed, before starting the operation in Curacao, I will add a few restrictions in her brain," Rum assured confidently and firmly, "This way, even if she is accidentally caught by people from the intelligence department, those people will also use She had no choice. Whether it was torture, truth serum or other drugs, those methods were ineffective against her. Unless those people could discover the limitations in her brain and completely crack them, they could hope to extract information from her. It’s not that easy to get the organization’s intelligence but to crack the restrictions in her brain!”

Chi Fei belatedly saw Karasuma Hideya starting to drink tea. Knowing that the exchange between the two had come to an end for the time being, Chi Fei said, "I have heard about a scandal about the CIA before. It is said that more than 40 years ago, the CIA was established internally A special research team was formed, and the subject of that team’s research was brain control, or mind control. They conducted many experiments in secret, hoping to cultivate absolutely loyal agents..."

When Rum heard Chi Feichi talking about the special research group, he immediately raised his eyes and placed his eyes on Chi Feichi's face, with inquiry and a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Has this matter spread within a certain range?" Karasuma Hideya asked aloud and put the teacup back on the table.

"Only a few people know about it now," Chi Fei said belatedly, seeing that there was not much tea left in the teacups of the three of them. He opened the lid of the teapot and used a thermos to heat water in the teapot. "But Umbrella has developed well in the United States. Not bad, my investigative skills are not bad either.”

Karasuma Hideya looked at Chi Feichi, just like many old people who see their children showing good grades to them. His eyes were instantly full of smiles, and he asked very cooperatively, "Then have you found out the specific situation of that research? ?”

Chi Feichi could feel that Karasuma Hideya regarded him as a child, and he was not used to that kind of gaze. However, considering that he was not as old as Karasuma Hideya in his two lifetimes, it was reasonable for Karasuma Hideya to treat him as a child. , and suppressed the awkward feeling in his heart, "I didn't find any experimental data from that year, and I only got some marginal information. The mind control research should have lasted for nearly twenty years. The people who participated in the research had tried drugs, Hypnosis and other methods are used to control a person. Their experimental subjects include internal agents, ordinary people, prisoners, and patients with mental illness. Some people also regard children with incomplete cognition as experimental targets. Because the methods used in some experiments are relatively extreme, , causing severe mental trauma to some of the experimental targets, and also caused some people to die due to drug overdose or excessive mental trauma. This research was stopped after 20 years, and the relevant experimental data were also centrally destroyed by the CIA. …”

"But in the process of their research, some of the experimental data were obtained by our people," Karasuma Hideya knew why Ike Feichi mentioned the CIA's research, and gave Ike Feichi's thoughts in a gentle tone. Asked for the answer, "After the study stopped, several researchers joined us."

"During the period of research, some researchers only accepted employment from the CIA and worked for the CIA for a period of time. They were not agents of the CIA." A sarcastic smile appeared on Rum's face. "After the research project was stopped, The CIA was eager to cover up those disgraceful experimental methods. Not only did it destroy the research materials, it also wanted to silence some researchers forever. At that time, the new director of the CIA took office. After reading the experimental materials, the man believed that those who had formulated the experimental plans They are criminals, and they want to arrest some researchers in the name of crime. If the incident comes to light one day, those researchers can also serve as the CIA's explanation to the public. This decision has been supported by many CIA executives, and among the people they selected "There were two researchers who had provided experimental data to the organization. They didn't want to die inexplicably after being arrested, so they secretly contacted a few close colleagues and joined the organization together!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

When you need it, hire people to do the work; when you don’t need it, let them take the blame and die...

This kind of behavior is really dark, as dark as an organization.

But if the other party was the CIA, he wouldn't find it strange.

Unlike the FBI, which is a police agency, the CIA itself is a pure espionage agency.

Using hallucinogens and psychotropic drugs to produce truth serum for interrogation was an interrogation method that first became popular within the CIA. It can even be said to be the CIA's special skill.

Judging from the intelligence he obtained, the CIA has planned assassinations against important figures in other countries more than once. In order to cover up its own scandals, it has also done some dirty work of killing people and silencing them.

Most of the time, CIA agents can do a very good job, but occasionally there will be situations like "a man shot himself at home and was shot eight times in the back", which makes people feel that the agents responsible for doing the work and writing the reports are not good enough. Very perfunctory.

The CIA's mind control research project, to put it nicely, is to cultivate absolutely loyal agents. To put it crudely, it is to cultivate a group of dead soldiers who will absolutely obey the instructions of high-level officials and will not leak secrets if they fall into the hands of the enemy. If possible, the CIA would even like to use such means to control most people in the world after successfully researching mind control methods.

Of course, it is a difficult problem to control most people in the world, and it is not easy to succeed. However, in terms of mind control research, the CIA's research at that time was not completely without gains and progress. The main reason why it chose to stop the project was because of some experiments The methods were inhumane and things might become unstoppable if it continued. In addition, the game among politicians during that period led to the resignation of the director who supported the research. The new director did not agree with the continuation of the research and received some early warnings. Disgusted with high-level support for the study, the study was stopped.

As for whether the CIA has secretly restarted this research in recent years, he has not yet obtained relevant information...

"As far as I know, in the CIA's research back then, there was a mind control program named 'Human Brain Programming,'" Chi Feichi said. "The point of view of the proposer of the program is that the human brain can be programmed like a computer. To influence and control, if computer programming requires the use of a keyboard to input information, then the programming of the human brain can be achieved through visual and sound transmission.”

A trace of surprise finally appeared on Karasuma Hideya's face, "You even know the contents of 'human brain programming'. It seems that the intelligence you currently have cannot be called marginal intelligence..."

"I have only learned about the partial control theory of that plan," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I have not found any relevant experimental data."

"The CIA centrally destroyed the experimental data back then. Even if some data were not destroyed, they should have been tightly sealed. However, before the CIA prepared to destroy the data, our intelligence personnel had already obtained the backup of most of the experimental data. Those data have been kept in the organization since then," Hideya Karasuma did not hide Chi Feichi's words, and said in a gentle voice, "Among the researchers who joined the organization at that time, there was the researcher who proposed the concept of 'human brain programming'. I asked someone to help He escaped the surveillance of CIA agents and fled the United States. For the next few years, he stayed in the organization's secret research institute, avoiding the search of CIA agents, while continuing to conduct research on 'human brain programming.'

"When I first joined the organization, you played a projection for me in the underground laboratory in Cupido Town." Chi Feichi directly asked the question he wanted to confirm, "Is that projection related to 'human brain programming'? ?”

"Did you notice it?" Karasuma Hideya said, turning to Rum and smiling broadly, "I just said it, right? This kid is very perceptive!"

Chi Feichi and Lang: "..."


After using mind control methods on people, is it a glorious thing to be exposed in person? Why are you so happy?

Seeing that the two of them were speechless, Karasuma Hideya smiled and gave Chi Feichi the answer, "That projection is indeed the research result of 'human brain programming'. At that time, I was not sure whether you were suitable to stay in the organization and wanted to observe again." Let me know your thoughts. In order to prevent you from telling the organization's information, I have to use this method to add a security guarantee. With this guarantee, even if your mental state has a problem one day and your mind becomes unclear, someone with a heart can There is no way to get the organization's information from you... But when did you realize there was something wrong with that projection?"

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