Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3550 Running in the sunset

"Are they all right?" Wu Wan Xiu Ya turned around and asked.

"They are not seriously injured," Chi Fei Chi said, "They will definitely recover within a week, but they are not suitable for touching water within 24 hours."

"That's good."

Wusan Xiu Ya smiled and retracted his gaze, continuing to chat with Rum about the previous topic.

Before going to the restaurant for dinner, Wu Wan Xiu Ya asked Jane to find a large cage and put the three crows in the cage, and asked Jane to hand the crows to a servant to take care of them, so that the three crows would not run away in an injured state.

Fei Chi watched Jane push the cage into the study and hide it under Chi Fei Chi's clothes, and whispered with a complex tone, "Master, are they considered to be locked up like this? It feels a bit pitiful..."

Chi Fei Chi did not want to be misunderstood as a relapse of mental illness, and did not respond to Fei Chi's sigh.

Fortunately, Fei Chi did not care whether Chi Fei Chi responded or not. He muttered a few words to himself, wrapped it around Chi Fei Chi's arm, and began to doze and rest.

After leaving the study, Chi Feichi used the hoarse voice of Rak again. Wu Wan Xiu Ya and Rum also changed the name of Chi Feichi back to "Rak". The three of them went to the restaurant to have a sumptuous dinner together.

This dinner, the dinner dishes are close to Chinese cuisine, but the dishes are still served in the Western sharing system.

Three dishes for one person are placed on a plate and sent to the three people who are eating. If the diners are interested, they can take two more bites. If they are not interested, they can also not eat. The servants will take the dishes away later.

Chi Feichi tasted every dish and gave the evaluation of "excellent taste".

In fact, he is not very picky about the taste of the food. As long as the taste is okay, he can eat enough. However, because his own cooking skills are not bad, his judgment standards for food are also very high. There are very few foods that can make him give an "excellent" evaluation.

The dishes for tonight's dinner are not fancy, but the chef's control of the taste is very good, which not only makes each ingredient show its unique flavor, but also ensures that each food is cooked deliciously, with a perfect sense of harmony.

The combination of delicious food and fine wine can make people feel relaxed and happy.

After the meal, Rum rested for a while and said goodbye.

Chi Feichi sent Rum to the door for Karasuma Hideya, and waited for Rum to get in the car and leave before turning back to the villa.

From the communication between his grandfather and Rum today, although his grandfather dispersed some power and handed it over to his subordinates, his grandfather still had the final say on whether to do some things and how to do them.

Whether it is the management of Karasuma's industry or the arrangement of organizational affairs, his grandfather has absolute say.

In this way, as long as his grandfather does not die and his health is not so bad that he can't manage anything at all, the organization should be able to remain stable.

As for whether there would be unrest in the organization after his grandfather's death, and whether the heir of the Karasuma family would be seized...

With him here, his grandfather would not die so easily.

And even if he did not think highly of his grandfather and let his grandfather die unexpectedly one day, he had the support of Umbrella and Izayoi Castle, and he was able to suppress the unrest in the Karasuma family or the organization, at least he would not let the fire burn himself.

With basic security guaranteed, it would be much easier to plan other things. He could collect more information and master more information about the Karasuma family and the organization...


That night, Chi Feichi used the landline extension provided by Karasuma Hideya to talk to Koshimizu Nanatsuki for a while, and then stayed in the villa for the night.

The exterior of this villa in Yamanashi Prefecture looks like an old castle, and the main colors of the interior decoration, which are a combination of black, red and wood, are also like the Gothic style. It rained heavily at night, and there were lightning and thunder outside the window, making the building look even darker and weirder inside and out.

But in such a dark room with windows that blocked the storm, Chi Feichi felt comfortable and at ease. He had a good sleep without being disturbed by the thunderstorm at night.

The next morning, Chi Feichi got up and washed up, put the raki mask on his face again, had breakfast with Karasuma Hideya in the restaurant, and accompanied Karasuma Hideya to look around the villa and talk. After lunch, he took the high-quality ingredients, fruits, wine and other things that Karasuma Hideya asked Jian to pack for him and drove away from the villa.

Back in the city, Chi Feichi drove around the street for a few laps. After confirming that he was not being monitored, he found a hidden place to park the car, removed the disguise, checked out of the hotel, drove his red Lexus SC, and took a lot of food given by his grandfather back to Tokyo.

It takes more than an hour to drive from Yamanashi Prefecture to Tokyo. Chi Feichi had nothing urgent to do, so he chose a quieter road and drove to Tokyo at a leisurely pace.

As the car was about to leave Yamanashi Prefecture, the sun was setting and the clouds in the sky were dyed yellow and orange.

Chi Feichi felt that the light from the sunset on the road affected his vision a little, so he slowed down the car, took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. Unconsciously, he saw a familiar figure on the grass nearby.

That person seemed to be...

Officer Takagi?

But if the sunset today did not have hallucinations, why did he see Officer Takagi running hand in hand with a man in the sunset, like the youth of those two people who had passed away?

"Ding ding!"

Because the scene in front of him was really strange, Chi Feichi honked the horn on the car and stopped the car on the side of the road.

The two people running on the grass heard the car honking, stopped running, turned around to look at the car, communicated a few words, and ran to the roadside together.

Chi Feichi lowered the car window beside him, took out a cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it, and looked through his sunglasses, silently watching the two big men running towards him hand in hand in the sunset.

It was not until Gao Mushi and the man ran up that Chi Feichi saw that one of their hands was handcuffed, and then he was sure that he was not hallucinating.

It seems that the two were just handcuffed together and had to run side by side, so from a distance, it looked like two people running hand in hand on the grass...

"Great, great!"

Takagi Wataru ran to the side of the car, already a little out of breath, but looking at Chi Feichi sitting in the car, he couldn't help showing a surprised smile on his face, "Mr. Chi, it turns out to be you!"

"Is what you said reliable?" The man next to him was also running a little out of breath, stopped half a step behind Takagi Wataru, looked at Chi Feichi warily, and soon froze for a moment, "Huh? You are..."

"You are the one who fought with someone in 'Danny's Restaurant'," Chi Feichi recognized the man, took off his sunglasses, let the man see his face clearly, looked around again, confirmed that there were no cars on the road around, looked at Takagi Wataru seriously and asked, "Officer Takagi, is it popular to run to escort prisoners now?"

Leave: I will take a day off tomorrow, and resume updating the day after tomorrow.

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