Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 919 You don't understand English sarcasm

Chi Feichi slid the mouse quickly, quickly read line by line, and at the same time quickly typed on the keyboard with his left hand, adding information that could be used by the organization into the information bit by bit, and said without looking up, "The ingredients for breakfast and lunch are ready. , I have adjusted the time for the rice cooker and electric pressure cooker, and put the seasonings in place. You just need to plug in the electricity. If there is no food in the pot, you only need to steam or stew it. I left a note in the kitchen. You can Go and see, there are a lot of ingredients prepared, if you can't finish them, I will send another one to Gin and Wine when you leave."

Belmode looked at the pages on the computer screen that were constantly opening, typing, and closing, and just decided to go out and go to the kitchen for a while.

She must have not woken up.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi finished brushing the mailbox in July. After thinking about it, he seemed to have nothing to deal with. Feeling cold all over, he silently retreated into the bed to rest.

At Dr. Ali's house, Hui Yuanai got up, washed up, and got ready to go to school.

Dr. Ali stood in the living room to answer the phone, turned to Hui Yuan and said, "Xiao Ai, it's Teacher Zhu Di's call, she wants to talk to you!"


Hui Yuanai yawned and left the bathroom, answered the phone, "Hi, hello, I'm Hui Yuan."

On the other side of the phone, Judy, who was on the phone in a wheelchair in the corridor, heard the cold tone and felt that the heating in the hospital was not enough, so she slowed down, "I'm Judy, I called you because I have something to tell you , then let me get to the point, I want you to accept our witness protection plan, at that time, Chris Wynyard... yes, that woman called Belmode wanted to kill you, that is to say , you have very unfavorable information about her, right?"

Hui Yuanai did not answer, but listened quietly.

"Our plan is to protect witnesses after we give evidence. It can change your name and address into another person," Judy continued. "Of course, it's up to you to accept it. You can’t even make phone calls when you meet with friends and family, but if you’re afraid of that woman’s revenge, and if you don’t want people around you to be implicated, this is a good choice, you can think about it, I’ll wait for you..."

"I have a question," Hui Yuanai interrupted, "Where's Brother Feichi? Where's Dr. Ali? And Edogawa, can they be protected?"

Zhu Di didn't expect Hui Yuan Ai to ask this, so she thought about it, "That woman seems to have a different feeling for Mr. Chi and Conan, as for Dr. Ali...that woman's attention is not on Ali Doctor, the danger they face is not as good as yours. I don’t think they need to accept witness protection for the time being, but after you accept the witness protection plan, we will also take care of their safety. Of course, if they are willing to provide evidence and join We are also willing to arrange for them to have a secure identity and a place to live if they have a witness protection program."

"Do you think it's necessary for Brother Feichi to accept a life of changing his face, cutting off all contact, and living as another person?" Hui Yuanai asked rhetorically.

Judy couldn't figure out Hui Yuanai's attitude, and said after deliberation, "With Mr. Chi's background, it is not difficult for him to obtain a safe identity and residence, and he can also have a group of bodyguards to protect him, so there is no need to accept the witness protection plan. So in the current situation, he is really not in a situation where he has to accept the witness protection plan."

Hui Yuanai sighed inwardly, and said seriously, "Godmother is very kind to me..."

So, if she wants a secure identity and a place to live, if she wants a swarm of bodyguards, and can have them, why does she need the FBI's witness protection program?

Judy: "..."

Are you reluctant? That……

Haibara Ai: "This is Japan, and you FBI personnel are also very restricted in their activities here. Thank you for your hard work..."

The godmother said that in this kind of conversation, you can first put yourself in the other person's situation and think about it.

Judy: "?"

Although it was true, it was not easy for them to move quietly and prevent Chi Feichi from sending them into the police station, but it seemed a bit ironic when these words came from other people.

It’s like saying, ‘This is Japan, not your FBI’s territory, your activities are restricted, so do you have the nerve to come up with a protection plan? '...

Maybe she thought too much.

"Thank you for your protection this time, and I'm sorry for hurting you. You should take good care of your wounds. After school, Edogawa and I will visit you," Haibara said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I really miss everyone. Refuse to accept your witness protection plan."

Finally, express gratitude and apology, and refuse with a reason acceptable to the other party.

"Ah, it's okay," Judy said in a daze, "Then I would like to thank you for coming to see me."

"You're welcome, after all, you were injured because of us," Hui Yuanai said, "Is there any special food you want to eat?"

"No, no, don't bother, thank you."

"You're welcome, so I won't tell you first, I have to go to school."



The phone hangs up.

In the hospital corridor, Judy sat in a wheelchair, thought about it, and dialed another number.

"It's me, ah, unfortunately, she refused, but she asked some questions, I think it's a bit strange..." Judy hesitated, "No, it's nothing, maybe I thought too much."

"Is it convenient for you to tell me?"

"No, it's like this. I introduced our witness protection plan to her, and then invited her to join. She asked me, Mr. Chi, Dr. Ali and Conan..."

Judy repeated it truthfully.

There was silence on the phone for a long time.

"Show?" Judy looked at the receiver suspiciously, wondering if she fell asleep over there.

"Hmm..." Akai Hideichi was hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, and finally said with a little embarrassment, "Judy, you don't know much about English sarcasm, so let me start from the beginning. She was We are testing our thoughts and attitudes, not towards her, but towards the people around her. That’s why I asked you what to do with the people around her. Your answer is that you can protect them, right? However, she knows Our thoughts are gone..."

"Idea?" Judy wondered, "Our idea is to protect..."

"No, Judy," Akai Shuichi interrupted, "I mean, she should have guessed it, we intend to move her to a safe place first, and then secretly protect Mr. Chi and the little boy from the detective agency. Their connection with that organization or that woman leads to people from that organization, and that woman will definitely show up again, this is an opportunity, although it is a bit unkind to do so, but with the intelligence of those two people..."

"Wait," Judy interrupted sternly, "You haven't told me about this plan before."

Akai Shuichi: "I thought you thought of it..."

Judy rubbed the center of her brows weakly, sorry, she didn't think much, but was tricked out by a little girl, "So, she saw it at that time, so she said..."

"That's right, I think she should understand our follow-up plan, so she probably feels a little unhappy," Akai Shuichi continued, "As for asking you whether Mr. Chi needs to accept the protection plan, what she told her about her godmother Treat her very well, understand together, that is, they don't need the protection of the FBI, of course, if she thinks it's a calculation, then what I said later..."

"This is Japan, not the headquarters of your FBI. You should take care of yourself. We can protect ourselves. Even if we can't, it's not your FBI that comes first," Judy said imitating Hui Yuanai's tone, aggrieved and powerless , "That's what it means, right?"

"That's right, Judy," Akai Shuichi said with a little relief, "You can also understand English sarcasm."

"Can't you speak more directly? Also, what are you gloating about at this time..." Judy paused, her glasses reflected light, and there was a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth, but her whole body was covered with a blackened breath that was about to explode, "Show , are you performing British sarcasm?"

"I just let you get used to it," Akai Shuichi decisively changed the subject, "In short, she is a little different from what I imagined..."

Judy crazily complained about the faulty and dishonest British people, all of them were old hermaphrodites, not at all frank, "With such a brother by my side, it's not surprising that the girl is difficult."

"It's not just Mr. Chi. Judging from your description, Mr. Chi is more direct. If he has an opinion in his heart, I'm afraid he won't save you a little face." Akai Xiuyi touched his nose, "This kind of standard British sarcasm, and the practice of secretly sarcasm without breaking the face, very British old-fashioned aristocratic style."

Judy won't be so depressed after losing to a British business legend, right?

Judy got it. "Mrs. Kanai? Did she tell Mrs. Kanai about this?"

Report, she suspects that the family surnamed Chi collectively bullied her!

"No, she probably won't tell the truth, otherwise Mrs. Kanai will not be quiet. It's just that she is Mrs. Kanai's goddaughter, and Mrs. Kanai should tell her some British humorous stories at ordinary times," Hide Akai said, " Well, don't think too much, although it's a mockery, but there is not much malice, she is telling the truth when she says she is reluctant to leave, she is telling the truth to thank you for your help, and she is telling the truth when she says she will visit you."

Judy rubbed between her eyebrows again, "Xiu, I remember you said that your mother is British..."

Akai Shuichi: "Yes, but she is a very direct person."

It's more direct when you hammer him with your hands.


Dr. Ali's home.

Hui Yuanai ate breakfast, put on her schoolbag, and got ready to go to school.

"It's raining, take your umbrella!" Dr. Ali pulled out the umbrella, handed it to Hui Yuanai at the door, and asked curiously, "Xiao Ai, the reason why Teacher Zhu Di called..."

"She asked me if I wanted to join their witness protection program, but I declined," Hui Yuanai opened his umbrella and went out, "Then I'm going to school."


Dr. A Li watched Hui Yuan Ai walk into the rain curtain and scratched his head.

So why refuse?

Forget it, Xiao Ai must have his own ideas, so he won't ask any more questions.

Hui Yuanai stepped out of the gate, closed the door, and walked forward with an umbrella.

Her godmother said it, no matter how nice the words are, just focus on the key points and focus on the key points.

The key points she grasped are:

She provided evidence... That is to say, she disclosed all her affairs and provided the FBI with the information she knew for the FBI to investigate, and then the FBI would provide her with witness protection.

In contrast, Edogawa never asked her anything, nor gave up on her, and she believed that the godmother was the same.

Therefore, she and the FBI don't consider the relationship, only consider the transaction, and the chips in the hands of the FBI are really not enough for her.

If it's just like this, she can't help but taunt Judy.

The second important point she grasped was the FBI's small abacus.

It seems that those people in the FBI deduce that whether it is because of Edogawa or because of his brother Feichi, Belmode will definitely show up again. This is the clue and channel to pursue the organization, and Edogawa and Brother Feichi are fishing bait.

The FBI's calculations cannot be overstated, because of Belmode's strange behavior, there is a high probability that Edogawa and Feichi will not be harmed. In this way, the targets that her organization will kill will be protected, leaving two Belmods behind. An introduction that can't kill a killer but can follow the trail of Belmode is not a loss.

But she was just unhappy, feeling that Judy took her for a fool, said a bunch of plausible beautiful words, and wanted to fool her, so she wanted to mock her.

However, it is precisely because the FBI's calculations do not harm their interests, and considering it comprehensively, it is indeed the best solution, otherwise she would not have just taunted her and hung up the phone long ago.

She said that it was true that she was grateful to Judy and that she planned to see Judy. After all, Judy was indeed injured because of saving them.

Well, she probably got the point right.

Hui Yuan Ai probably didn't know, Judy really didn't think about it so much, and didn't deliberately fool her, so...

Quite unjust.

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