Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 930 Conan: The sense of crisis is getting stronger

Conan regained his senses and avoided Chi Feichi's sight.

Being stared at by Chi Feichi with such eyes made it even more frightening.

"According to the report, Mrs. Yongcang always claimed to believe her son was innocent when she was interviewed," Chi Feichi continued, "Mr. Yongcang is a supporter of the village's application for earth heritage, and there are some Those who objected, he kept stating that there were no ghosts, and was emotional when he mentioned his son, probably because he was worried that these would affect the success of the application for world heritage.”

"Then," Hui Yuanai took the conversation, "he said last night that we were 'sent by them', so he suspected that we were sent by the opposition to make trouble?"

"It should be like this." Chi Feichi said.

Conan looked up at Chi Feichi, "Then you said, we have an appraiser beside us..."

"Mr. Sakagi Shoji," Chi Feichi confirmed, "When I was drinking last night, I observed other people. Mr. Sakagi would have the habit of squinting his left eye and only looking at things with his right eye. Happened more than ten times."

"So that's it," Conan understood. "It should be a habit of observing certain objects with a magnifying glass, and he should use a magnifying glass to observe for a long time, so that he can get used to observing things like this when he doesn't have a magnifying glass."

"I touched his right hand when I passed him a wine bottle. There was a callus on the first knuckle of his right finger near the back of the finger, which hadn't softened yet. It couldn't be the callus formed by holding a pen for a long time. The cocoon formed by holding the pen will form a hard cocoon on the side of the finger and the back of the finger, which should be left by holding a magnifying glass for a long time," Chi Feichi said, "The cocoon has not softened much, and he quit his job for less than a year."

Conan nodded and asked again, "Then have you tried it?"

"I asked about everyone's occupation." Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case, took a cigarette and bit it. "He lied. He said that he was a middle school teacher and he was traveling on a short vacation."

"What about the others?" Hui Yuanai asked, "Is there anything more suspicious?"

"Mr. Sang Dao said that he is a company employee and complained that his work is cumbersome and that he has no chance of promotion after working for more than ten years. He should not have lied." Chi Feichi took out the lighter and lit the cigarette with downcast eyes. When he was standing, his left shoulder was tilted upwards, and his head was also used to turning to the left side. He was carrying a stack of his own business cards and the company's business cards. The joint of his right hand against the tiger's mouth was larger than ordinary people. He should be a salesman of a certain company. Department staff, not the insurance sales category, but the order-receiving or after-sales personnel who sell real products. When these people answer landline calls and need to record, they will tilt their heads and clamp the phone with their ears and shoulders, freeing up their right hands. Take a notebook to record, such a position is really cumbersome, you should do it right, and you should make a mistake if you do it wrong, and it is difficult to have a chance of advancement..."

Conan continued to nod. He didn't touch the hands of those two people, and he didn't pay attention to observe them. However, when he thought carefully, the heads and shoulders of Sang Dao and Ming were indeed tilted a bit.

Chi Feichi added, "There is also the way he pours wine. When I went to the izakaya with Mori-sensei, I often met company employees going to parties, like Mr. Kuwashima who raised his hands flat and lowered his body and leaned forward. The gesture of pouring wine is also a habit that most low-level employees will have. He said that he has not been promoted after working for more than ten years, I believe it."

Conan: "..."

He believed it too.

"Okay, that's amazing!" Yuan Tai, who had been listening blankly, was amazed.

Mitsuhiko nodded heavily, his eyes sparkled, "Just like Sherlock Holmes!"

"That's not true," Conan couldn't help but speak for his idol, Ban Yueyan said, "Holmes can judge a lot of information about the other party as soon as he meets him, and he can also know whether the other party is lying or not. There is no need to drink together to find out!"

"Isn't that not much difference?" Mitsuhiko asked back.

Conan: "..."

He...he...well, he admitted that Chi Feichi's growth rate is too terrifying. Most people approach Holmes at the speed of running, and this guy approaches at a speed of several meters in a single jump.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. What's going on?

"There is another strange place." Chi Feichi turned his head to look at the base of Yi Ze's house, "The soil on the base is very new."

Conan turned his head to look, and said thoughtfully, "When I moved into Yongcang's house yesterday, I also noticed that the soil on the foundation of Yongcang's house is also very new, it doesn't look like it hasn't been touched for a hundred years..."

"And I saw it when I came along the road, at least the houses along the road are not like this." Chi Feichi added.

"I understand," Guangyan said solemnly, "Mr. Yongcang Ronghao is indeed the robber who robbed the jewelry store, but he also has an accomplice, that is, the jewelry appraiser. After he pretended to kidnap the appraiser and escaped, he returned to his hometown." , hid the jewelry somewhere here, and then the jewelry appraiser killed Mr. Rong Hao in order to steal the jewelry, but he didn't know where the jewelry was hidden, so he pretended to be a tourist and came back here at night. He dug soil under the houses of Yongcang's house and Oze's house, because he knew that Mr. Rong Hao had a childhood sweetheart who had a good relationship but passed away, and that house was still an empty house that had not been lived in for ten years, so Mr. Rong Hao In addition to burying the jewels in your own home, it is also possible to bury them in the underground of Oze's house!"

"Okay!" Yuan Tai rolled up his sleeves, "Then let's quickly find the jewels!"

"Wait," Hui Yuanai questioned, "It's not easy to dig the ground of the house. Even if there is no one living in Yize's house, he can dig it secretly. What about Yongcang's house? Yongcang and his wife are often at home, and the family will He entertained a lot of tourists. If he had to dig the ground secretly without disturbing others, if he pretended to be a tourist, he would have to come here at least twice and stay for more than five days each time to avoid others digging the ground. Dig it secretly, or come to live for more than half a month at a time, but in that case, he will have been noticed long ago, even if he is transformed into another image, the Yongcang couple who are in charge of entertaining will notice something is wrong, right?"

Mitsuhiko was taken aback, "That's right..."

Chi Feichi was silent.

As long as there is one point that does not make sense or has no basis, the whole reasoning may be completely wrong. What's more, he only suspects that 'Sakagi Shokichi' and 'Jewel Appraiser' may be important clues. If there is any basis, there is no evidence. So it's just guesswork right now.

But he still felt that Mitsuhiko might have got the point this time, but there was still a little problem...

"Then go ask the villagers again!" Conan suggested seriously, "Ask them if they have noticed any strange people near Oze's house and Yongcang's house recently, or what strange things have happened, and you will probably be sure. Mitsuhiko was right."

"That's right," Yuan Tai said energetically, "There are so many villagers, someone will definitely notice something!"

Ayumi smiled: "Then we..."

Chi Feichi: "Go back and have lunch first."

Five little devils: "Yes..."


After lunch, Chi Feichi stopped running with the group of children.

Conan wondered if Chi Feichi was looking for clues secretly, but after thinking about it, he might as well take the initiative to find other ideas to solve the case, instead of following Chi Feichi's rhythm and pace all the time, otherwise it would definitely be of no benefit to him in the long run.

Dependence is a must!

A group of children ran back to Yongcang's house until dark, and found that the drinking group started drinking again at some point, gathered together for a hasty dinner, and ran upstairs.

Chi Feichi found an opportunity to leave the drinking group, and returned to the room on the second floor early on the grounds of 'resting'.

Mori Kogoro is still drinking downstairs, so the room of their men's group is very suitable for small meetings at present.

Sure enough, the five children were already sitting neatly in the room, ready for a meeting to discuss.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the five children turned their heads in unison.

Seeing that it was Chi Feichi, Huiyuan asked aloud, "Why are you drinking again?"

Chi Feichi closed the door, "It's been a while since I've had a drink with the teacher."

Even Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi understood.

"Uncle Mori must have asked everyone to drink together again!" Ayumi said with a smile.

"Then you have nothing else to gain?" Hui Yuanai asked.

"Well, what about you?" Chi Feichi walked aside and sat down.

"We asked the villagers here. In the past, Yize's house was in the location of Yongcang's house, and Yongcang's house was in the location of Yize's house. But not long ago, Mr. Yongcangyan swapped the houses of the two houses," Huiyuan mourned, "The foundation was dug directly, and the construction truck was used to relocate the two houses."

"I think the reason should be that the current location of Yongcang's house is the highest point in the village, and it is also the most suitable place to see the scenery. It is no wonder that Mr. Yongcang supports the application for Earth Heritage here, because once the application for Earth Heritage is successful, Guize Township will It will become a famous tourist attraction, and among all the homestays, the current location of Yongcang’s house, which is the original location of Oze’s house, will be more popular with tourists, and there will be no worries about guests staying in the future, and the charges can be compared to Others are a bit higher, and this time the charge is obviously higher than other homestays," Conan said, looking at Mitsuhiko, "but the soil on the base is very new because Mr. Yongcang swapped the positions of the two houses before. It wasn't dug by someone, and the villagers didn't see anyone digging near Yize's house and Yongcang's house, so Mitsuhiko's previous idea is not valid."

Mitsuhiko nodded, and couldn't help but said again, "But, I still think Mr. Sakagi is very suspicious. Why did he lie and say that he is a middle school teacher?"

Conan remained silent. He also felt that Sakagi Shokichi was suspicious. It was an intuition, and it had some basis. At least Sakagi Shokichi couldn't tell a lie, and he was an appraiser, a subtle profession that might be related to the Nagakura Eiho case.

"Mr. Sakagi is not the only one who is suspicious," Huiyuan Ai looked at Chi Feichi and explained, "After we asked the villagers about Yongcang's family and Otsuze's family, we wanted to see if Ayumi followed the suspected Asami last night. Is there any clue where the girl walked, and whether what happened last night has something to do with these, so I walked along the path Ayumi walked last night, and Ayumi went to the shrine at the bottom of the village last night..."

"After that, Mami disappeared after a while," Ayumi said. "I called for a long time and she didn't come out. After that, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep at the foot of the cedar tree near the shrine."

"Student Huiyuan found a gray-white yukata coat in the river next to the shrine," Mitsuhiko said, "the word 'Yujing' was embroidered on the collar, it should be the clothes of the Yujing family in the village, but the Yujing family left The shrine is far away, and it is impossible for the wind to pass through the woods."

"When we were at the shrine, we also saw that uncle with a bad attitude and wearing a purple suit," Genta said, "he was sneaking behind a tree, gesticulating at the village with a branch, and kept going. Take pictures with your camera!"

Conan touched his chin, "He gestured with a branch, it should be measuring or evaluating the buildings in the village..."

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