Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 937 Conan: Thank you Chi Feichi! [For the cute master Xiaozi to accompany you to play and ad

"Ah?" Azusa Enomoto was a little shy, and took the menu out of the counter, "Thank you for your compliment, I'm almost embarrassed, but I thought you were a very serious person from what Mr. Mori said when he came to the store. .”

Conan looked at Azusa Enomoto who was walking over, "Brother Chi's praise is really rare."

Chi Feichi said calmly, "I'm just telling the truth."

Compared with the last time I saw her, Azusa Enomoto kept her hair black and straight, which made her look younger and cuter than the previous short curly hair.

Conan was even more surprised. He looked at Chi Feichi, and then at Azusa Enomoto, who had been praised so much that his eyes were crooked. He suspected that Chi Feichi hadn't taken medicine... No, he suspected that Chi Feichi had taken medicine, and that he spoke so nicely .

"If you say it so seriously, I will take it seriously!" Azusa Enomoto put the menu on the table with a smile, "Look at what you want to eat, today is Sunday, and there are quite a lot of food prepared in the store, such as fried noodles, Matcha cakes, egg tarts and pizza are also available..."

The food is all prepared in advance, you only need to heat it up or cut it manually, and put it on the plate. Azusa Enomoto was not busy for a long time, and she brought the food and drinks ordered by the three of them to the table one after another. Later, I stood aside and looked at Hiroki Sawada.

"He's the little tree Miss Xiaolan mentioned, right? He's really cute!"

"Thank you." Sawada Hiroki replied politely before continuing to eat fried noodles with his head bowed.

"Mr. Chi, is it okay to let him eat fried noodles?" Enomoto Azusa looked at the one and a half year old little boy, a little worried, and stood aside to watch, "Do you want to prepare a softer cake for him? Or... make some milk powder? "

Sawada Hiroki: "..."

He's not that small, he refuses.

"He likes it." Chi Feichi didn't care about Sawada Hiroki any more, and ate slowly with his head down.

Azusa Enomoto stared at Hiroki Sawada as he ate. After watching the whole process, she felt in her heart that it was really impossible for a man to take care of such a small child.

Hiroki Sawada had almost eaten, and wanted to take the cup of milk on the table, but just as he reached out, he found that the cup had been moved to his hand, "Thank you sister, but I can do it myself."

"It's okay," Azusa Enomoto said with a smile, "Anyway, there is nothing else now..."

"Good morning, fellow citizens!"

Outside the door, a car slowly drove by, and a deafening speech sounded from the car's horn, "I am Zhou Ping, I hope everyone can vote for me so that Zhou Ping can have the opportunity to create a Quiet city! Good morning, citizens! I am..."

Conan turned his head to watch the car drive away from the window, and then looked away, intending to continue eating, "It seems to be a publicity car for the election of congressmen."

Azusa Enomoto nodded, "That's right, that promotional car will pass by the store at around eight o'clock recently..."

After Chi Feichi gently put the fork on the plate, he picked up the coffee cup and asked thoughtfully, "Is he threatening the citizens?"

"Ah?" Enomoto Azusa was stunned, "W-threat?!"

Holding the glass of hot milk, Hiroki Sawada said in a childish voice, "He obviously destroyed the tranquility of the city in the morning, and he also said to give him a chance to create a quiet city for everyone, as if saying that you don't vote for me If you don't, don't even think about being quiet, the car will keep noisy to you all the time!"

"Pfft!" Conan didn't hold his breath, and the fried noodles almost flew out of his nasal cavity. Although he stabilized and didn't make a fool of himself, he still coughed.

Azusa Enomoto was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't help but smile and rolled her eyes, "I don't think that's what it means... Ah, by the way, speaking of threats...Mr. Chi, are you free today?"

Chi Feichi looked up at Azusa Enomoto who was standing by the table, "Have you been threatened?"

"No, no," Azusa Enomoto quickly waved her hand, turned to look at the customer in front of the counter over there, and said in a low voice, "I picked up a strange thing that the customer had forgotten in the store two days ago, and I was hesitant to ask for it. Don't bother Detective Maori, but he seems to be very busy, if Mr. Chi is free, I would like to ask you, Mr. Maori's disciple, to help, it should be fine..."

Conan laughed inwardly. A certain uncle was going to help a rich man find evidence of his wife's cheating today. He really didn't have time, so he acted cute and gave Chi Feichi a rainbow fart. What's that strange thing?"

If it wasn't for Chi Feichi who would help introduce commissions with a lot of commission fees, the uncle would just bet on horses and play pachinko if he had nothing to do, the Maori Detective Agency's projects would be in deficit again, and the food standard would be lowered... Thanks Chi Feichi!

"Thank you," Azusa Enomoto took out a mobile phone from the pocket of her apron, and handed it to the table in front of Chi Feichi, "This is it..."

"Mobile phone?" Conan looked at the mobile phone on the table, "It seems that there are stickers on it, and the pattern is so special."

It was a flip phone with camouflage stickers on the back, around the buttons, and around the screen.

"Yeah, I want Mr. Chi to help find the owner. I wanted to wait for the owner to call and tell him that the phone was left here, but then..." Azusa Enomoto saw that Chi Feichi took out the gloves and put them on skillfully. Sweating, "Mr. Chi, do you need to wear gloves? Then..."

"Don't be nervous, it's just a habit." Chi Feichi didn't look up, picked up his phone to observe.

He seems to have hit the jackpot again.

He remembered that this time, the black accounts of the election should be stored in the mobile phone. It doesn't matter if you wear gloves or not, but this mobile phone will be sent to the Metropolitan Police Department as evidence. He didn't expect to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to get fingerprints or something ...

Azusa Enomoto breathed a sigh of relief, "I was shocked, I thought it was something from the scene of the crime..."

Conan laughed dryly, then asked again, "Did sister Zi not receive a call from the owner afterwards?"

"I received a three-way call," Azusa Enomoto recalled. "After I answered the first call, they said, 'Huh? Sorry, I made a wrong call', then hung up the phone, and quickly returned to the phone. When I received the call, the man was still there, saying, "Huh? That's weird, is there a ringing next to me?" There seemed to be other people around the other party, and he hung up quickly. When the third call came, the other party He suddenly changed his attitude and yelled ferociously over the phone, 'Hey, are you that guy's woman? Let him listen to the phone! I'm going to kill him!' If that's the case..."

"Kill him?" Conan's face changed, and he hurriedly asked, "And then? Sister Xiaozi, have you explained this clearly to the people over there?"

"I, I was too scared, so I turned off the phone," Enomoto Azusa pointed at his fingers in embarrassment, "I told the boss about it the next day, and the boss reprimanded me, and then turned off the phone. It's open, but I haven't received a call all day, so I shouldn't have turned it off..."

Conan turned his head and saw Chi Feichi sitting by the window with his head bowed and pressing the buttons on his mobile phone. He suddenly thought of Belmode who was sitting in the car and sending emails on his mobile phone that night, and he couldn't help feeling a little lost.

At that time, he had already recorded Belmode's cell phone key sounds. As long as he analyzed the keys corresponding to those key sounds, he would be able to know the email address of the boss of that organization.

Thinking of these, he felt a little uncontrollable excitement.

Well, as long as he analyzes that email address, the police can catch the boss of that organization, and then take those guys down!

"Any clues?" Sawada Hiroki approached Chi Feichi to check his phone.

Conan returned to his senses, looked at Chi Feichi, and waited for an answer.

"The stickers were put on within a week. There are indentations on the edges, wrinkles and air bubbles on the inside. It is not professional enough. It doesn't look like it was pasted in a special mobile phone decoration shop. The mobile phone is 90% new, and the photo album and SMS box will be kept. There is nothing in the personal information place, and the call log only has the three calls that Ms. Enomoto said. There is no caller ID, and I can’t see the other party’s number, which also means that this is not a number stored in the address book. There are quite a few numbers, but the names and numbers are wrong. I tried to call, but the phone card of this phone should be in arrears, and the call will be hung up soon after dialing." Chi Feichi removed the back cover of the phone and took it out. I looked at the back of the phone with the battery removed, "The sticker with the factory information has also been torn off..."

"Factory information?" Azusa Enomoto wondered.

"It is the sticker that can be seen after the battery is removed and pasted in the phone. There is factory information on it. As long as you know the serial number on it, you can call the manufacturer and ask where the mobile phone of the same batch is located. It is sold in a mobile phone store,” Conan Kepu said, “afterwards, as long as you find that store, ask the clerk what kind of person bought this mobile phone, and look at the contract and invoice for the purchase of the mobile phone, at least you can know the name of the other party. The store will ask customers to leave their contact addresses, so that they can find them directly.”

"So that's how it is," Azusa Enomoto understood, and said with emotion, "Conan, you really know a lot!"

"Ah, I heard about it from Uncle Maori!" Conan scratched his head with a smile.

This is the truth.

Uncle still has a good way of entrusting the investigation of cheating, such as quietly obtaining mobile phone purchase information, hotel check-in records and so on.

Chi Feichi put the battery in the phone, turned it on again, flipped through it, took out the handbook and a gel pen, and recorded a series of letters and numbers.

"However," Azusa Enomoto was a little distressed, "If the sticker with the factory information is torn off, you can't use this method to find someone."

Conan found that Chi Feichi seemed to be copying the contents of the phone, so he didn't bother, "Sister Xiao Zi, do you still remember the situation of that guest? Can you tell me in detail, no matter what it is."

"It was a middle-aged man with glasses and a little fat. He was not tall. Because he was playing with this stickered mobile phone while eating, so I was more impressed, and..." Enomoto Azusa recalled Then, he suddenly laughed, "He ordered fried noodles, beef chowder, fruit drink, tomato juice, and Caesar salad! It's exactly 3,000 yuan!"

Conan was confused, "3, 3000 yuan?"

"If I ordered something else, it would definitely not be 3,000 yuan," Azusa Enomoto said with a smile, "Because there is no need for change, I was moved a little bit, thinking that he ordered it on purpose!"

Conan: "..."

This clue... How should I put it, it was quite special, and it made him unprepared.

He thought it would be clues such as something special or smell on the clothes, or his special habits or characteristics, but he didn't expect Azusa Enomoto's focus to be on the customer's order.

Really dedicated.

Seeing Conan looking at her speechlessly, Azusa Enomoto felt a little embarrassed, "Because you can say anything, Conan, so I'll say it! But I think he must be at work, so he eats more..."

"During work?" Conan wondered.

Azusa Enomoto said, "That's right, because he also asked for an invoice..."

"Invoice?" Conan asked quickly, "What about the invoice?"

Azusa Enomoto smiled and said, "Of course it's a 'guest'! He asked for a receipt for eating alone, so I wondered if he might be an employee or an individual business owner on a business trip."

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