Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 951 There is a chance to go together again

"Then I'll bring the children to do it, let me take a look..." Dr. A Li took a look at the picture, and said confidently, "It's very detailed, everyone can definitely make it!"

Although there are only rough lines, outlines, and marked words on the drawings, there are many details from how many wooden and bamboo strips are used to tie the skeleton, how long they are used, and to what degree they are bent, where to tie the wires and where to reinforce them, and how to cover them. Where to use flour and paste, where to tie the flying cotton thread...the whole handmade kite making illustration.

Conan watched from the sidelines with admiration.

Probably to take care of the novices like them, Chi Feichi drew very detailed diagrams, as long as his hands are not handicapped, he can complete them step by step, which is much more complicated than the criminal method diagrams given to the police...

Suzuki Sonoko was eager to see it, and turned to ask Maoli who was guarding the hot water room, "Xiaolan, how about we make a butterfly kite together?"

"Okay." Mao Lilan readily agreed.

Suzuki Sonoko looked back at Chi Feichi expectantly, put his palms together, as if worshiping God, "Butterfly kite, beautiful butterfly kite! Please, Brother Feichi!"

Chi Feichi drew a picture of making a phoenix-tailed butterfly kite, and also marked blue-green and black drawings and coloring guidelines. As for whether the drawing can be more beautiful in the end... As long as Suzuki Sonoko doesn't color blindly, there is a high probability It can be painted beautifully.

The young detective team was led by Dr. Ali, a prop inventor, and the slightly handicapped Suzuki Sonoko teamed up with Mao Lilan. Chi Feichi was free to make a kite with Sawada Hiroki.

Compared with other people's austere temptations, Chi Feichi's side is obviously much more proficient. He asked Sawada Hiroki to tie the wooden sticks, roasted and bent the bamboo sticks by himself, and Feichi was in charge of passing the bamboo sticks with his tail, Put bamboo sticks, one for a while, one for a while, so fast that other people are jealous.

While the Detective Boys were still busy baking bamboo sticks and bending them repeatedly, the skeleton of Chi Feichi's swallow kite took shape.

When the Detective Boys were trying to tie up and make a skeleton, Chi Feichi had already begun to cover up.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the deformed skeleton in his hands, fell silent for a moment, and cast a begging look at Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi..."

"Sister Yuanzi can't ask Brother Chi for help," Yuan Tai couldn't help but said, "Everyone did it by themselves!"

"Please, there are only two people here, Xiaolan and I, and Xiaolan went to help you cook the paste before!" Suzuki Sonoko asked for support confidently, "I want Brother Feichi to help adjust the bamboo sticks, it's not normal Is it?"

Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "Yuanzi..."

Chi Feichi silently took over the deformed kite in Suzuki Sonoko's hand, and helped change the bamboo strips around it.

"Hey, it's already noon, don't you guys plan to have lunch?" Mori Kogoro stared at him speechlessly.

"I'm sorry, Dad, just go downstairs to Poirot and eat something." Mao Lilan put down the half-cut cloth in her hand, and said with a smile, "Don't forget to bring us some by the way!"

"Really... remember to clean up this place when you're done!"

Mori Kogoro looked unhappy, but he got up and went out.

Seeing that this group of people are so excited, it's rare for his daughter to be so interested, he...he just let it go once.

Alas, I feel a little regretful, I would have done it with my daughter if I knew it earlier.

By the time Kogoro Mori had eaten and called Azusa Enomoto to bring a sandwich upstairs, a group of people had basically reached the stage of drawing and coloring the kite.

Mori Kogoro joined the gesticulating queue.

Azusa Enomoto also said that Poirot didn't have any guests today, so he joined the queue of onlookers.

Chi Feichi took Sawada Hiroki to make a traditional Chinese-style swallow kite. The bright red, white, blue, and black, like Peking opera masks, are blended into the traditional patterns. Not only is it not messy, but it also looks very unique. Some charm.

After the three kites were ready, it was three o'clock in the afternoon.

A group of people divided into two teams, one team sat on Dr. Ali's Beetle, and the other team sat on Chi Feichi's Lexus, and took the kite to the Shiodome View Building where the Universal Theater is located... Go to the observation deck on the top floor and fly the kite.

Whether it is the Boys Detective Team, or Suzuki Sonoko, Mori Ran, and Sawada Hiroki, looking at the finished kites, they really don’t want to wait until another day to fly them, and Mori Kogoro is unwilling to come to the theater to catch Kidd by himself, and there is not enough time for them Then run to an open space suitable for kite flying, and simply go to the top of the building.

The Landscape Building was funded by the Suzuki Foundation, and Sonoko Suzuki directly revealed his identity and temporarily occupied the spacious observatory at the top of the building.

A red eel kite, a black-edged blue-green butterfly kite, and a swallow kite were lifted into the air one after another. The wind on the roof was a bit strong, but after being reinforced according to Chi Feichi's method, the kites would not fall apart.

Near the building, Kaito Kuroba had already made a disguise and was about to sneak into the theater. He looked up at the three kites in the sky that aroused the amazement of passers-by from the side of the road. His eyes gradually changed from admiration and admiration to resentment.

He also wants to make kites and fly kites with Brother Feichi, but Brother Feichi has never taken him to do it before... partiality!

Feichi had so much fun today, he saw it through the camera on Baige's feet, and didn't even think about it... Ruthless!


After half an hour of kite flying, a group of people on the top floor reluctantly put away the kite, went downstairs to fly the kite, and then returned to the lobby on the first floor.

"Hey, Conan," Genta looked at the backpack on Conan's back, "This backpack was brought by the doctor? Why do you want to carry it, is it okay?"

Conan was taken aback, "Ah, it's okay..."

Yuan Tai approached Conan and stared, "Could it be that you secretly brought food here?"

"Hahaha..." Conan laughed, "I'm not you anymore."

"Hey, you guys!" Mori Kogoro exhorted, "Be polite to me later, and don't mess up my work!"

"Got it." Yuan Tai responded speechlessly.

"Mr. Maori, Mr. Chi, I kept you waiting for a long time!"

Masayo Yaguchi arrived in a hurry, exchanged pleasantries with Kogoro Mori, and invited a group of people to go to the actor's dressing room first.

Mu Shuli was still putting on makeup, because she was playing the role of Josephine, the first wife of Napoleon, the first emperor of France. She was a woman with long dark brown hair, so Mu Shuli wore a dark brown wig to reveal The forehead is smooth and clean, and it looks like Qiuting Lianzi at the dinner the day before yesterday.

When Hui Yuanai entered the door, he couldn't help but pay more attention to it. Only Chi Feichi had seen it once, and he didn't find it strange anymore. He glanced at the layout of the room and then looked away.

"Welcome to come, Mr. Maori, Mr. Chi," Mu Shuli sat in front of the makeup mirror, turned his head and greeted, "I'm sorry that I'm out of shape now..."

"Hey?" Sakai Natsuki, who was standing beside Mu Shuli, was still holding a makeup brush, turned to look at Chi Feichi, and said pleasantly, "Mr. Chi, you're here too!"

Chi Feichi said hello, "Miss Sakai."

Hui Yuanai noticed that Mu Shuli's face froze for a moment, thinking about why Mu Shuli had such a reaction, Mu Shuli quickly calmed down the strange expression.

"Mr. Chi is Mr. Mori's disciple, so it's not surprising to come here with the teacher, but it's my honor for you to come," Mu Shuli smiled, looking at Natsuki Sakai, "Xia Shu, this is the famous Mori gentlemen."

"Hello," Sakai Natsuki said, "My name is Sakai Natsuki."

Mori Kogoro smiled kindly, "Hello."

After entering the door, Mitsuhiko looked at the bouquet of flowers on a table by the wall and the flower basket standing next to him and exclaimed, "It's all flowers!"

"It's great!" Yuan Tai looked around, "This room is really big!"

Mu Shuli looked at the child who was watching to the end, and his expression was a little ugly.

"Sorry," Mori Kogoro scratched his head with an apologetic smile, "I brought all the children here."

"Where?" Mu Shuli laughed, "It's okay..."

Kogoro Moori saw the photo of Mu Shuri with diving equipment and wearing a swimsuit on the table, and he didn't even call "Miss Juli", "Juri, do you still play diving?"

"Yeah, I just started learning, do you want to go together some other day?" Mu Shuli asked.

"Okay," Mori Kogoro said with a smile, "sure!"

Mao Lilan revealed quietly, "You have never dived..."

"It's okay, I'm also a beginner," Mu Shuli smiled, and asked again, "What about you, Mr. Chi? Are you interested in diving?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "We will go together again when we have a chance."

Anyway, there is no such 'opportunity' in Mushu.

"Wow, there's a lot of makeup here!" Ayumi pulled Haibara Ai to look at the makeup on the table.

"Yes." Hui Yuanai followed patiently.

Little girls are always interested in makeup and high heels that adult women can use freely. They think it is a symbol of becoming an adult, mysterious and precious... She understands.

Ayumi reached out to pick up a bottle on the table, with envious eyes, "Is this liquid foundation?"

"That's right." Hui Yuanai replied.

"Okay! Girls, it's too early for you to be interested in makeup?" Sakai Natsuki stepped forward, took the liquid foundation in Ayumi's hand, put it in the makeup box and locked it, and smiled with a wink, " A child must look like a child! Do you understand?"

Ayumi was a little disappointed, "Got it..."

Sure enough, how far is she from growing up?

"Boom boom boom!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Masayo Yaguchi came to the door and opened it, "Here we come..."

It was the other leading actors of the crew who came.

With a calm and generous face, the actor Narisawa Jiro plays Napoleon.

Also a beautiful woman, the actress Tenko Tajima who plays Josephine's friend Teresa Talyan.

Isao Shinjo is a young and handsome actor who plays the role of Josephine's lover Hippolyte-Charles.

And the oldest director, Ban Heng, who plays Barras de Boer.

All four of them heard that the famous detective Mori Kogoro was coming, and they came here specially to meet the famous detective. They came here wearing retro costumes and makeup, and their attitudes were warm and polite.

Mori Kogoro said hello one by one, "Please give me more advice..."

"By the way, Mr. Chi, please enjoy it today..." Director Ban Heng was interrupted by a voice behind him before he could finish speaking.

"Everyone is here?" Nakamori Ginzo brought two policemen into the door.

Mori Kogoro turned around in surprise, "Nakamori Police Department!"

"Hello, Mr. Mori," Nakamori Ginzo walked towards Mori Kogoro, and stretched out his hand in his trouser pocket, toward Mori Kogoro, "Long time...gone!"

Mori Kogoro shook hands with Nakamori Ginzo, gritted his teeth to support the strength in Nakamori Ginzo's hand, and at the same time increased his strength desperately, "Yes, what happened last time... Thank you so much!"

"Where is there, you are welcome!"


The two gritted their teeth and fought hard, holding hands together and not letting go.

Hui Yuanai was a little speechless, "Are they really me?"

"Indeed, it's Kaito Kidd's usual method to pretend to be a related person. He might have sneaked in here." Conan looked at the people around him seriously, including Chi Feichi who led Hiroki Sawada to Kogoro Mori.

Even if it is Chi Feichi, it is not impossible to be replaced!

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