Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 955 What do you understand?

Kaito Kuroba and Mu Shuli talked in a low voice, and seeing that the plane was about to take off, they found a seat and sat down.

Conan withdrew his gaze and lowered his head in thought.

On the seat next to him, Hui Yuanai looked at the magazine, "Are you still thinking about Kidd?"

"Huh?" Conan was surprised and nodded, "Yeah, I was thinking..."

"Haven't you ever played the alphabet game?"

The seats of the two were leaning against the back, and the head of Hiroki Sawada poked out.

Conan was taken aback, "Little tree?"

Hui Yuanai closed the magazine, turned to look at Sawada Hiroki who was lying on the back of their chair, "Does Xiaoshu want to play games with us?"

"Let's play together too!" Yuan Tai said positively.

"But Xiaoshu, what is the alphabet game?" Ayumi asked.

Conan had a black thread, "Hey..."

It's fine if you don't help think about Kidd, don't bother him, okay, he doesn't want to play some alphabet games...

"Just say one of the 26 letters, and then form words, for example, if A, there is Apple..." Hiroki Sawada still lay on his seat, looking at Conan and Haibara, and crazily prompted, "Or Alpha."

These two people are still thinking about Kidd, he can't stand it anymore.

Although there was no reminder from the godfather last night, he didn't expect it to mean that, but it didn't prevent him from giving Conan a reminder when he was idle.

"It's an English word game." Mitsuhiko touched his chin, a little eager to try, "It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"Xiaoshu is amazing," Ayumi said with a smile, "Have you started learning English yet?"

"If the number of participants is large, and there is a time limit and cannot be repeated, then it will be somewhat difficult," Hui Yuanai said in a leisurely tone. "Especially for children, it is indeed a good puzzle game."

Conan's half-moon eyes echoed without spirit, "Yes."

This kind of game, mentioning one, he can think of a series, it is too cheating to play with children.

"But is Alpha an English word?" Yuan Tai recalled, "I remember it seems to be a circle symbol with a long tail..."

"Alpha, A-L-P-H-A," Haibara read out the spelling, "It is indeed an English word, but it does refer to the first letter of the Greek alphabet, which means the symbol you mentioned .”

Yuan Tai seems to understand, "The little tree is right..."

Fei Yingli pulled Sawada Hiroki to sit down, but she didn't stop a group of children from playing, and listened with a smile, feeling that this group of children is really unusual.

"Then..." Mitsuhiko looked down and saw the '2K' seat number on his ticket, "K! Let's say the word K next, everyone, let Xiaoshu say it first, and then we will say it, even if it is the last one to say it People who can't repeat it!"

"Kilo." Sawada Hiroki said.


Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko: "..."

Can we come to a more popular one?

Such as Key, King, Kiss, etc...

Conan didn't say anything, frowning in thought.

Wait, 26 English letters, and Alpha, Kilo...

"Then I'm the Keeper, the manager, the guardian," Haibara Ai looked at Conan, and found that Conan was deep in thought, and asked in confusion, "Edogawa?"

This is not difficult, is it?

Conan's eyes became brighter and brighter, "I see...I understand!"

"Oh?" Hui Yuan was speechless, "What do you understand?"

Behind, a certain child said quietly: "I understand that Romeo is R..."

Mitsuhiko, who was sitting in the other row, couldn't hear Conan and Haibara's whispering, only heard Sawada Hiroki's sudden sentence, and said, "Uh, Xiaoshu, we have to wait until we finish the word K. On to the next letter."

Haibara understood, and asked Conan in a low voice, "Kidd's notice letter?"

"Yes, in the voice code used in radio communication, in order to prevent errors in reporting and answering, there will be English phrases representing 26 letters, which will also be used during flights," Conan Banyueyan said in a low voice, "R It is Romeo, J is Juliet, B is Bravo, and V is Victor, corresponding to the four phrases in the Kaitou Kidd notice letter, that is to say, the 'flying and interlacing among 26 letters' mentioned in Kidd's notice letter... "

"It means radio communication." Hui Yuanai took over the conversation, "Or, flight?"

Conan nodded resolutely, and said in a low voice, "And it's probably the flight we're on. The notice letter shows a 2 of spades poker card torn in half, which refers to an odd number that is not a multiple of 2. The flight numbers of the airlines departing from Tokyo are all odd numbers, and the flight numbers returning to Tokyo are all even numbers. If Kidd wants to attack the gems, he can only choose our departure. Come to the ship."


Conan looked at Haibara Ai: "..."

Are you sure the kid isn't getting smaller?

Hui Yuanai lowered his head, remained silent, and thought: "..."


The plane was about to take off, and Dr. Ali told the rest of the Detective Boys to sit down. The flight attendants walked by and helped the children fasten their seat belts.

Behind, the conversation between Fei Yingli and Sawada Hiroki can be clearly heard.

"Xiao Shu, come here, drink some water. When the plane takes off, you will feel a little uncomfortable in your ears. Drink water and it will go away."

"Let me have a snack."

"Ah, you can also eat snacks, be careful not to choke, what do you want to eat?"


Ahead, Kogoro Mori found Mu Shuli bowed his head and held his forehead beside him, and asked concerned, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's a bit uncomfortable." Mu Shuli frowned.

"It must be too tired, in the tree, stretch out your hand..." Tianzi Tianjima leaned forward holding a small bottle, and shook a pill in the palm of the hand stretched out into the tree, "Take a vitamin."

Conan took a look and continued to think about Sawada Hiroki.

The plane took off, the cabin tilted slightly, and stabilized again.

When the flight attendant came and said that she could move freely, Ayumi rubbed her ears, "The ears feel weird."

"Hey, me too." Yuan Tai stretched out her hands to cover her ears.

"That's because of the change in air pressure," Mitsuhiko said, "Just swallow the saliva."

Ayumi swallowed her saliva, "It's still weird."

Yuan Tai also tried, looked at Mitsuhiko, "It's useless."

"Then try pinching your nose and exhaling," Mitsuhiko said, demonstrating by himself, "Huh!"

"But don't use too much force," Hui Yuanai reminded, "otherwise you will get dizzy."

"Haha—huh!" Yuan Tai pinched his nose and exhaled, and let go of his hand with a smile, snot dripping from his nose to his fingers, "Okay, huh? What's coming out?"

See Ayumi: "..."

Chi Feichi reached out and handed Yuantai a piece of paper, "Wipe it."

Don't play with snot like that, it makes him uncomfortable.

However, after the plane took off, he didn't feel any discomfort in his ears, and the feeling of weightlessness when he fell from a high altitude was not particularly uncomfortable. This time the 'cold' was quite worth it, and his physical quality has improved a lot.

"Ah? Thank you, Brother Chi." Mrs. Yuan took the paper and obediently wiped her nose.

Ayumi lowered her head and pinched her nose. Just about to exhale, her movements suddenly stopped. She raised her head to look at Chi Feichi who was paying attention to them, and then looked at Conan who turned her head to look over. She put down her hand and whispered in embarrassment. Said, "Can you stop looking at me..."

"Girls pay attention to their appearance," Hui Yuanai said, "All men should turn their heads."

Conan smiled dryly and looked away. A child of this age already knows how to maintain his image in front of the opposite sex.

"It's fine to open your mouth wide and yawn." Chi Feichi said, but didn't read any more.

Ayumi tried to open her mouth, but suddenly realized that this was still very ugly. She secretly glanced at Chi Feichi on the other side of the aisle, turned sideways to the window, pinched her nose, and exhaled.

"Are you ready, Ayumi?" Mitsuhiko turned to look at the other side.

"Okay, it's not uncomfortable." Ayumi smiled.

Conan got up and lay down on the back of the chair, staring at Hiroki Sawada who was being hugged by Fei Eri behind him, "Xiaoshu, did you do it on purpose? I mean the alphabet game..."

After thinking about it, he felt that the possibility of a coincidence was too small, so A mentioned the term "Alpha" in the radio communication, and K was also the term "Kilo" in the radio communication. How could there be such a coincidence?

"What is it on purpose?" Yuan Tai asked suspiciously.

Sawada Hiroki nestled in Feiyingli's arms, eating potato chips, turned his head to look at Chi Feichi for two seconds, and decisively threw the pot away, "I heard Uncle Feichi read it last night, A is Alpha, B is Bravo, C Is Charlie, D is Delta, E is Echo, F is Foxtrot, G is Golf, H is Hotel, I is India, J is Juliet, K is Kilo, L is Lima, M is Mike, N is November, O is Oscar , P is Papa, Q is Quebec, R is Romeo, S is Sierra, T is Tango, U is Uniform, V is Victor, W is Whiskey, X is X-ray, Y is Yankee, Z is Zulu... I remember I just want to play alphabet games with everyone.”

"So that's how it is." Mitsuhiko misunderstood Conan's "intentional" meaning that a certain Xiaoshu memorized it first and then deliberately asked them to play. , Conan, stop worrying about it!"

"Yeah, it's really amazing..." Conan said with Ban Yueyan, but aimed at Chi Feichi.

It turned out to be a guy who is not good at deciphering codes, that's not surprising, but it's also not surprising that he knew it a long time ago but didn't tell him.

If Xiaoshu hadn't remembered it and brought it up today, would Chi Feichi still plan to stand on the sidelines and watch him struggle for a long time?

Really... As a friend, if you have any clues or answers, please share them!

Chi Feichi calmly ignored Conan's resentful eyes.

In fact, he just remembered the plot...

But when he thought of Conan once behaving cutely and rolling in the back seat of his car because of these things, he didn't want to explain.

"But isn't Xiaoshu's ears uncomfortable?" Ayumi asked concerned, "Do you want to try pinching your nose and exhaling?"

"No need, he eats snacks when the plane takes off, and his ears won't feel uncomfortable due to the change of air pressure," Fei Yingli smiled and looked down at the little child in her arms, "The discomfort caused by the change of air pressure is not suitable for such a big child. It is even more uncomfortable, and it may lead to some diseases, and they may not be able to follow the instructions of adults to do relief actions, so take children about one year old to fly, and let them take off when the plane takes off Eating a snack or drinking from a bottle and swallowing can help relieve the discomfort of changes in air pressure."

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