Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 960: Troubled No. 865

Hiroki Sawada continued to act, stopped crying, and said, "Yes, I need to go to the toilet..."

other people:"……"

Just want to go to the bathroom?

Chi Feichi carried Sawada Hiroki to the bathroom.

Now the place where the poison was poisoned has been clarified, he has not directly touched Mu Shuli's right hand and nose, and no one stopped him from holding the child, and the poison was not applied to the bathroom, so it's okay to use the bathroom temporarily.

"Auntie speaks so familiarly," Yuan Tai looked at Fei Yingli and said, "I haven't woken up yet..."

This surprised Maori Kogoro again. Fortunately, there was a doctor here, so he immediately called the doctor to help check the situation. After hearing that it was just a heavy sleep, he breathed a sigh of relief, and took a disgusted look. After saying something, he sighed again and asked the others to sit back in their original positions.

In the bathroom, after Chi Feichi closed the curtain, he found that Hiroki Sawada opened his eyes and blinked at the mirror.

"Probably because the plane crashed just now, and the contact lens slipped a little bit. Fortunately, I was sleepy at that time and didn't open my eyes, otherwise the contact lens would have fallen out. I was worried that they would notice it. I didn't open my eyes to adjust it, so I could only pretend to cry. You take me to the bathroom..." Sawada Hiroki explained in a low voice, seeing the lenses reattached, he blinked and felt it, "Okay."

"It's too early for you to cry." Chi Feichi said.

He remembered that in the original plot, the plane was not so easy to land, and it hit something and exploded. He couldn't remember the specific reason, but I'm afraid there will be no peace in the future. Might still have to slide away...

"What?" Sawada Hiroki was puzzled.

"Anyway, remember to close your eyes and go to sleep later." Chi Feichi didn't explain, walked out of the bathroom with Sawada Hiroki in his arms, continued to entrust the child to other people's care, and returned to the cockpit by himself.

As Eri fell asleep, the childcare was transferred to Mori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko.

The two looked at Hiroki Sawada carefully, and found that the little child was not crying except for the red eyes, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

Alas, a child is a child, you have to cry even when you go to the bathroom...

Conan also felt a little emotional, sneaked into the cockpit, and walked behind 'Xinzhuang Gong', "You are Kaitou Kidd, right? Mr. Xinzhuang?"

"Ah?" Kaito Kuroba pretended to be stupid, and quietly cut off the radio communication so as not to be heard, "What are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending," Conan said unwaveringly, "I heard Director Ban Heng and the others say that they had never heard that Mr. Xinzhuang had learned to pilot an airplane, and that Mr. Xinzhuang would not have come today. When you appeared, Miss Shuri Very angry, he should have agreed with Mr. Xinzhuang that he would go to Miss Juri's villa in Hakodate to prepare a special program, and when he saw you appear, Miss Juri would of course be angry."

"Hahaha, I was seen through by you," Kuroba Kaito said with a relaxed expression, "Yes, the real Mr. Shinjo is now over there in Hakodate, pretending to be Kaitou Kidd, and was caught by the police who refused to give up. They are chasing and running!"

"Then when do you plan to take the 'Gem of Destiny'?" Conan smiled with determination, "You have no chance of winning now!"

Hmph, they are sitting next to Kidd in charge of violence!

"Ah, I give up," Kuroba Kaito said, "The real star sapphire is cold in the mouth, that gem is fake, I think Miss Juri is trying to attract people to watch 'Josephine' A stage play will create a fake gem to deceive people."

"So that's how it is..." Conan recalled the act of "Xinzhuang Gong" bowing his head and kissing the back of Mu Shuri's hand before, and understood that Kidd should be the product inspected at that time.

Kuroba Kaito thought of the interesting handmade kite passing by him, but still felt a little uncomfortable. He turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, who was frantically probing on the verge of death, and said provocatively, "What about you? Mr. Chi , don't you have anything you want to tell me?"

Conan admired Kidd for a second, and he dared to die like this...

Chi Feichi glanced coldly at Heiyu Kaidou from the side, and looked away without saying a word.

A good young man, who can imitate old hermaphrodites, the key is that Kaito's out-of-the-ordinary character can't be imitated.

Kaito Kuroba was at a loss for words, ignoring it was the most uncomfortable thing, "Hey, is this your reaction?"

Conan suddenly felt that Kidd should clean up like this. Thinking of the phantom thief Kidd last night, he seemed to put a football on Kidd's face, and asked with half-moon eyes, "I said, Kidd, what happened to you last night?"

"What happened to me last night?" Kuroba Kaito pretended to be relaxed, "Didn't you just use the hang glider to fly a kite to play tricks on you once? Didn't you also fly a kite before? You are not happy if I fly a kite once?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

All right, all right, he knows.

As for the kite, there is no need to imply it so clearly.

"I'm not talking about the kite," Conan stared, "I'm talking about the fact that you have been imitating everyone's voice."

"That," Kaito Kuroba smiled, "I just wanted to tease you~"

Conan didn't ask any more questions, and looked to the other side with half-moon eyes.

Hehe... wait!

"You're not going to catch me, are you?" Kuroba Kaito asked.

"Yeah," Conan said calmly, "but after this steel cage fell to the ground."

Kaito Kuroba was about to speak when he was interrupted by Chi Feichi.

"Get ready to land, be serious." Chi Feichi said.

"Understood!" Kaito Kuroba became more serious, and connected to the radio communication.

Two minutes later, a voice came from over there, "Sky J865 will be taken over by Hakodate Tower! Please change the frequency to repeat..."

receive. "Chi Feichi adjusted the frequency and received it from the tower of Hakodate.

"This is Hakodate Tower, and I'm Uesugi, Director of Control!"

"This is number J865."

"Got it, I'm asking Captain Shimaoka to talk to you now!"

"I'm Shimaoka, have you seen 'MCP'? That's the mode control panel, please press the APP button, so the plane will automatically land on the runway."

"Received... It has been completed."

"Okay, I can rest assured for the time being, and I will tell you when the flaps need to be retracted."


A gust of wind hit, the plane bumped a bit.

Chi Feichi asked, "The weather is very bad, can we land?"

"Don't worry, landing is no problem." The other side said.

Kuroba Kaito notified the flight attendant through the intercom, and asked the passengers to sit down and prepare for landing. When they looked up, they saw the outline of the airport made up of little lights on the ground ahead, "I see, the airport is here."

"Okay, Flight 865, now set flaps to 1."

"Received." Kaito Kuroba helped to make adjustments.

On the tower below, someone observed the plane's condition with binoculars.

The captain Shimaoka, who was in charge of liaison, issued instructions from time to time.

"Adjust flaps to 5!"

"Adjust flaps to 10!"

"Drop the gear and adjust the flaps to 20!"

The nose of the plane tilted downward, lowered the flight altitude, and slowly approached the airport.

Suddenly, a white light with closed eyes lit up ahead, and the plane shook for a while.

Chi Feichi closed his eyes, and Kuroba Kaito and Conan also raised their hands to cover their eyes.

After the white light passed, the surroundings were completely dark, the entire cockpit went dark, and the siren sounded.

"What's going on?" Kaito Kuroba was surprised.

"Thunder." Chi Feichi was a little speechless. He knew it was not going so smoothly. Before landing, the plane was struck by lightning. All the lights go out."

Conan turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly.

Chi Feichi was the only one who could downplay such a critical situation. He suspected that Chi Feichi was not afraid of death.

However, it is also very soothing. You can see that the fake Xinzhuang next to him gradually recovers from the 'shocked face' to the 'calm face'...

"Don't worry..." The person at the control tower also paused. He didn't notice that the other party was nervous. He was in a good mood, but the plane was a little bit more troubled. "Turn the white button next to the dashboard."

Chi Feichi turned the white button and took a look, "The light is on, but the automatic driving light is not on."

Kaito Kuroba was surprised and turned to look at Chi Feichi, "That is to say, it can't land automatically?"

"What?!" On the tower side, Shimaoka was also taken aback, "Stop landing immediately! Pull up the joystick with all your might!"

Chi Feichi pulled the joystick, and the plane went up.

"Very good, retract the landing gear!"

Kaito Kuroba cooperated with the operation, "Put it away."

"Very good, continue to rise!"

A gust of strong airflow rolled in from the sea, and the plane was instantly blown away from its original route by the strong wind.

"Oops! The plane was swept away by the wind!" Shimaoka's face changed drastically, "Turn to the right immediately! Quick! Turn right!"

The plane turned to the right. Apart from being more stable, it was still difficult to get rid of the strong wind.

"No!" The captain beside Shimaoka looked at the position where the plane was swept down by the wind, and said anxiously, "If this continues, it will hit the terminal building!"

"Quickly pull up the nose!" Shimaoka gave an instruction profusely.

Chi Feichi pulled up the control lever, but the control lever was stuck tightly, and he didn't dare to use brute force to avoid breaking the control lever, so he could only control his strength to pull up.

The bottom of the plane brushed against the iron grid of the building, bringing up a series of sparks and crashing straight into the control tower.

In the control tower, Shimaoka and his colleagues watched the plane head towards them, their faces pale, "Oops, Oops..."

Chi Feichi felt that the control lever was loose, so he tightened it up.

When the plane was approaching the tower, the nose of the plane rose suddenly, and then the fuselage brushed the tower.

The strong airflow also shattered the glass on the tower, and the bottom of the plane scraped across the top of the tower, causing the plane to shake violently.

The plane flew by, and the engine that fell from the plane rolled down the tower to the ground and exploded.

The violent explosion swept the airport runway all the way, and a plane was affected by the explosion, triggering a second explosion.

In the terminal building, the crowd stood blankly in front of the glass watching the fire burst into the sky, extinguish, and explode again.

"It's scary..." a little boy murmured.

The flames soaring into the sky could be clearly seen from inside the plane. Heiyu was about to break out in sweat. Seeing that the plane had stabilized, she turned to look at Chi Feichi, "... Chi, Mr. Chi?"


When the plane shook violently just now, Chi Feichi didn't let go of his hand, and controlled the plane to take off again and gradually stabilized.

He didn't remember this part clearly, but he didn't expect there to be an explosion.

Kuroba Kaito saw that his brother's mentality was still stable, and he relaxed a little, "This is J865, how is the situation at the airport?"

"How's the flight?" Shimaoka's voice came out again, "Can you hear me?"

"I can hear it," Kaito Kuroba breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Shimaoka's voice, which seemed to be in good spirits, "Is the damage on your side serious?"

Conan leaned closer to listen.

"No one in the tower was injured. The runway was cleared before, and no one has been affected by the explosion. However, the runway is on fire, so I'm afraid there is no way to use it right away." Shimaoka calmed down quickly, "How is the situation on your side? "

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