Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 962 Forget it, he is happy to go!

Five minutes later, the plane arrived near the landing site, and the flight attendants walked between the seats, instructing passengers to take protective postures for emergency landing.

Kaito Kuroba looked at Chi Feichi's wrist, and found that the red and blue marks had disappeared, and Chi Feichi's wrist did not show any signs of swelling, so he finally felt relieved, "It seems that your hand is fine and can land. "

"Yeah, as long as the wind is strong enough, you can try landing against the wind..." Conan stared ahead, his face turned ugly again.

Kuroba Kaito twitched his eyelids and looked up.

Compared with the sufficient lighting at the airport, the pier in front is very dim. You can only see a little light and blurry outlines, and you can't tell where the dividing line between the sea, the road and the houses is.

"It's too late to find other places, and there is no more suitable place than here, just land like this... No way!" Conan thought, and his mentality exploded, "Damn it!"

At the last minute, give them a difficult problem?

Chi Feichi took a look and found that there were many red lights on the roofs of police cars flashing on the road not far below.

That's good, you can pass the level according to the plot.

And if his appearance changes some of the plot, then... use other methods.

For example, find a way to get something that can shine, let Kuroba Kaito fly with a hang glider and throw it along the road, or find points and calculate it, but it will be more difficult when landing, and you may need to work hard to stabilize it.

Anyway, he didn't believe that they could be trapped and all die here.

"Kidd, jump, there are many police cars below."


Heiyu Kaidou was stunned for a moment, and after seeing the red dots gathered by the police cars, he realized that Chi Feichi meant to let him lead the police cars to illuminate, and immediately moved the seat back, took off the seat belt and got up, put Conan carried him to the seat and helped Conan fasten his seat belt, "Then I'll take a step first, and I'll leave it to you!"

"Understood," Conan also understood the plan of the two, holding the map book, and urged silently, "You move faster."

"Hey, why are you picky and think I'm slow for helping you guys? If I don't care about you, I can leave alone..." Kaito Kuroba complained, but without delay, he got up and walked towards the hatch.

"If the police car doesn't work, you can find a way to steal a searchlight, or use other methods, and you can find a way to solve it yourself." Chi Feichi added.

"Yes~ yes~" Kaito Kuroba waved his hand, and his figure disappeared in front of the cabin door, "Stay calm!"

After a while, Suzuki Sonoko hurried into the cockpit, "Brother Feichi, Mr. Xinzhuang is the Kaitou Kidd, he jumped off! He must have been afraid of crashing, so he ran away alone! Thanks to my admiration for him, it turns out He's just a coward! Hmph, it's really right to abandon him, it's better for us Brother Feichi!"

"No, I told him to jump," Chi Feichi piloted the plane and hovered over the dark pier, explaining, "The pier is too dark to land, and he is going to help solve this problem."

"Ah..." Suzuki Sonoko was surprised and a little embarrassed, "That's right, I misunderstood him, but can he solve it?"

"No problem," Conan said firmly, "We already have a solution!"

Suzuki Sonoko patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good..."

"Yuanzi, in fact, in this situation, anyone has the right to choose to leave, choose not to accompany others to die, and other people actually have no right to accuse them of being selfish..."

There were only three people in the cockpit, and Chi Feichi's voice was soft and quiet.

"So, even if Kidd left by himself, I can understand that there is nothing to complain about, and it doesn't matter whether you, Xiaolan, or someone else made the choice, it's the same."

Suzuki Sonoko looked up at the upright figure sitting in front of the instrument panel, who was sitting upright as before, and was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head, "Yes, yes, it seems that I am too anxious, and I also feel that the basic De is not that kind of person, a little disappointed, that's why..."

Conan turned his head to look at Chi Feichi's calm face, feeling an indescribable emotion in his heart.

That's right, no matter who chooses to escape at this time, they should understand.

"Ah!" Suzuki Sonoko suddenly saw the dark road below, and a row of light spots moving towards the pier, and was suddenly pleasantly surprised, "Look there!"

Conan looked back and laughed, "He succeeded!"

"Go back to your seat and sit down, we're about to land," Chi Feichi reminded.

"Yes!" Suzuki Sonoko responded, turned and ran out of the cockpit.

"Conan," Chi Feichi said again, "contact the flight attendant and direct the passengers to prepare for an emergency landing."

"Understood!" Conan responded sternly, connected to the announcement system on the plane, took out a voice changer to change his voice, "Everyone, the plane will make an emergency landing! Please fasten your seat belts and follow the instructions of the flight attendants! Passengers ..."

In the cabin, the flight attendants walk between the seats.

"Passengers, please take off your pens, glasses, etc., and put your high-heeled shoes in the bag under the seat..."

"Bend forward with your head between your legs..."

The young girls looked calm and methodically helped the passengers prepare for the emergency landing.

Mori Kogoro checked the seat belt for Fei Eri, who was still asleep, and made Fei Eri bend forward. When she bent down, she reached out to protect Fei Eri, "Xiao Lan, take care of the child."

"Okay," Mao Lilan hugged Hiroki Sawada, and found that the little child was calm, but he comforted him, "It's a bit uncomfortable, but it will be fine soon, Xiaoshu."

Dr. Ali is busy taking care of other children, "Yuantai..."

"Okay!" Yuan Tai patted the fastened seat belt, and bent forward.

"My side is fine too!" Mitsuhiko said.

Haibara, who was sitting with Ayumi, said, "Our side is the same."


In the cockpit, Chi Feichi was controlling the plane.

"The current altitude is 700 feet and the speed is 140 knots... Conan, lower the landing gear and adjust the flaps to 10."

"Understood!" Conan skillfully pulled the lever.

Chi Feichi looked ahead and found that the light band formed by the police car on the ground was already clearly visible, and immediately controlled the plane to fly towards the position of the light band.

In the police room below, the policemen in charge of Megushisan, Takagi Tsubasa, Shiratori Renzaburo, and Nakamori Ginzo stood together.

They passed by Hakodate on a business trip and stayed in Hakodate for one night. When they were looking at the scenery around here just now, they found a lot of police cars running this way. It was this group of colleagues who chased after Kidd every day.

Takagi She was standing behind Megushisan, listening to Mugushisan and Nakamori Ginzo complaining to each other, suddenly heard a different voice, raised his head in doubt, and watched a plane flying from the sky towards their place, My mind was stunned for a moment, "Officer Mumu, there is a plane over there, it seems to be coming towards us..."

"What?" Mu Mu Shisan looked up blankly, and found that it was a passenger aviation plane, flying at a very low altitude, with the nose still facing down, and it was coming towards them, and then looked around to make sure they were not there. Entered the airport by mistake, looked up again, and found that the plane was still flying towards them, his face changed drastically, "Evacuate! Evacuate here quickly!"

Nakamori Yin Sanze hurriedly commanded his subordinates to run away from the spot, "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

On the plane, Conan cooperated with Chi Feichi to retract the flaps, "The flaps are adjusted."

Chi Feichi stared at the road ahead that he could see clearly, and pulled up the nose joystick that was pressed down again.

When the plane was about to land on the pier, the nose slowly moved upwards, and the wheels at the bottom fell to the intersection east of the pier with a 'boom', with one side facing the sea and taxiing forward.

Consistent with the expected landing result, Conan did not relax at all.

This straight road is only 1,400 meters long. Although according to their expectations, the aircraft body is not as heavy as before, and with the windward landing, there is a chance to stop before running out of the straight road, but that is only a chance, it is a gamble.

If the plane goes out of the straight line and falls into the sea, the consequences will be disastrous!

Due to the insufficient width of the straight road, the wing on one side of the plane slanted towards the sea, crashing and scrapping all the unmanned police cars on the roadside.

Conan didn't care about so much, and he said 'stop, stop' in his heart, seeing the plane rushing out of the straight road of the pier, he suddenly spotted the crane and steel frame on the right side of the road, and quickly shouted, "Brother Chi, there is a crane on the right! "


Chi Feichi understood and used the rudder to control the steering of the plane.

The plane slowly turned to the right on the way to the sea, and one wing directly hit the crane and the steel frame. The huge impact force knocked the steel frame and the crane to pieces. Even the plane that was taxiing at a slow speed also stopped.

Conan turned to look at Chi Feichi, and said excitedly, "Brother Chi, we succeeded!"

Chi Feichi nodded and connected to the plane to broadcast, "Passengers, the plane made an emergency landing. Please get off the plane under the guidance of the flight attendants."

Conan looked at Chi Feichi calmly and devoted himself to 'work' for a second and a half.

Can you please be happy?

This is the afterlife!

Without command, they managed to land safely with the passengers on the plane!

Forget it, he is happy to go!

Under the guidance of the flight attendants, the passengers got off the plane, and the police rushed back, helped to contact the firefighters, and stayed where they were to help maintain order.

Most of the passengers didn't know exactly what happened, but when they were at the airport before, some people still saw that one of the engines fell off, and then they left the airport and made an emergency landing, and they were able to get off the plane safely. .

Chi Feichi and Conan were the last to get off the plane.

Conan set his feet on the ground again, seeing the unconcealable smiles on the faces of the passengers, some crying with joy but still talking to the people around them about their feelings for the rest of their lives, and seeing Dr. Ali running over Waiting for someone, the grin on the corner of his mouth deepened.

"Brother Chi, Conan, you succeeded!"

"Awesome! It really landed safely!"

The three children chattered non-stop.

Chi Feichi reached out and took the little child from Mao Lilan, "How do you feel?"

"It's very exciting." Hiroki Zetian hugged Chi Feichi back, his eyes wearing black contact lenses were shining brightly under the light, "It's really right to be with Conan and the others!"

Dr. A Li scratched his head, "This child is not afraid at all..."

Mao Lilan nodded with a smile, "Xiaoshu is very brave, she has never been afraid."

Suzuki Sonoko relaxed completely, and said with a smile, "What does such a big kid know!"

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