Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 970 Koizumi Hongzi: Fear, trembling

"It turned out to be like this..."

The next day, Minato Laboratory.

Koizumi Hongzi leaned against the table in a white coat, and nodded thoughtfully after hearing Chi Feichi's explanation.

"It's also good for me," Chi Feichi lowered his head and sorted out the things on the table, "I'll go with Hehui to find Sanzhi, and she and I will get closer, although she will definitely not betray the Odagiri family for me, but if When I quarrel with Min Ye and He Hui, she will definitely try her best to persuade her, and she will be happy to be the next step we can follow after the quarrel, because in her opinion, we are all good people."

Koizumi Hongzi choked on the last sentence, and said speechlessly, "Everything you say is full of conspiracy, so touching things, once you say them, you won't be moved at all..."

"It's you who want to listen to the analysis of pros and cons. I'm just evaluating the pros and cons objectively. Of course, I can say that what you girls like to hear is because you care about it. Is that okay?" Chi Feichi turned around and took a small bottle, "Fang Zhou, Anesthesia Command."

"Yes," Fang Zhou's immature voice came from the computer, "The amount of anesthetic is..."

Koizumi Hongzi listened to what Fang Zhou said, and saw Chi Feichi pumping an anesthetic with a syringe, and asked curiously, "Didn't I take the opportunity to collect some samples today because Noah's body was about to disappear? Shouldn't anesthetic be used?" ?”

"His body will disappear around seven o'clock in the evening, and there is still time to start collecting samples at five o'clock in the afternoon." Chi Feichi drew up the anesthetic, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, sat down in front of the table, and injected himself into his left arm. "Before that, do me a favor and cut my arm open, I want to see the bones."

Koizumi Hongzi's eyes widened, "Cut it open to see the bones?"

Sawada Hiroki was lying on the table wearing a sterilizing suit, and used a sterilizing tool to sterilize Chi Feichi's left arm.

"My bones have changed, and they are less likely to break when they are hit. I want to see what the bones have become," Chi Feichi explained with a calm face. "Although it is local anesthesia, I can use my right hand, but only one One hand is inconvenient, Noah is small and slow to move, so you need to help, just avoid the blood vessels and nerves in the arm, cut an opening of about three centimeters, and then use the instrument to detect it."

Koizumi Hongzi's mouth twitched, "But I don't quite asked me to dissect a little mouse, I can do it, but..."

"I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Chi Feichi turned his head to comfort Koizumi Hongzi, "Don't panic, follow the instructions."

Fang Zhou: "Miss Hongzi, please prepare..."


An hour later, Koizumi Hongzi secretly glanced at Chi Feichi next to him, looked at the bloody opening on Chi Feichi's left arm, looked at the mechanical probe detecting in the bloody opening, and watched Chi Feichi concentrate on watching the instrument display calmly. The appearance of the screen, the heart is broken.


Of course the evil Son of Nature is not afraid, after all, she thinks this guy is crazy...

For the sake of research, this guy actually cut himself open, this time it was his arm, what about next time?

Also, in the future, the Son of Nature will not plot against her, right? For example, in order to study where her magic power is stored, open her abdomen or give her a craniotomy?

Trembling in the face of a madman.

"Density... Penetration..."

Chi Feichi commanded and saved the relevant data, "Okay, can we get a sample?"

Hiroki Sawada assisted at the side, changed the instrument, tried it, shook his head and said, "No, the bone is not very hard, but no sample can be scraped, at most, the tissue sample on the bone can be collected."

"Then test the muscles again and collect samples..." Chi Feichi looked up at the display screen of the instrument, and helped save the detection data and video with his right hand, "Ok, Hongzi, prepare to suture."

"Ah, good..." Koizumi Hongzi came back to her senses, and continued to provide 'help' that made her tremble.

"Hongzi, don't shake your hands, the stitches are ugly."

"Uh, sorry, let me pay attention..."

After dealing with Chi Feichi, Hiroki Zetian lay down on the table by himself, waiting for Chi Feichi to anesthetize him.

Just as Koizumi Hongzi took off the blood-stained gloves, she turned her head and saw Chi Feichi administering anesthesia to Sawada Hiroki, and a bad feeling suddenly surged in her heart, "Isn't there no need for anesthesia for blood collection?"

After Chi Feichi received anesthesia, he collected hair and saliva samples of Hiroki Sawada, "The blood samples taken at the moment of the change are enough, this time I just added some, to see if the samples from this time and last time are still there. The difference, this time it is best to collect some internal organs at the moment his body turns back to wood..."

Koizumi Hongzi sweated, "Do you want to cut open the abdomen?"

Did the caesarean section she expected come so early...

Although it didn't cut her...

"It's best to have a craniotomy and collect some brain-related tissue samples." Chi Feichi said.

"Miss Witch, don't be afraid, this time I'm under general anesthesia," Sawada Hiroki comforted before the effect of anesthesia came, "It doesn't matter if your hands shake, anyway, this body will soon turn back into a puppet people."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

Sawada Hiroki didn't care about a temporary body, but she was afraid that the Son of Nature would go completely insane.

It won't be her turn next time, will it? Fear.


Afternoon, 6:51.

On the laboratory table that serves as the operating table, a small person is lying flat, eyes closed, a green surgical cloth is placed on the chest, the abdomen is cut open layer by layer, the incision is wide open, part of the internal organs are exposed, and the head is fixed by a frame live.


Chi Feichi put down the electric milling cutter, fixed his eyes on the cut skull, and stretched out his hand, "Surgical scissors, ready to collect."

Koizumi Hongzi quickly handed over the surgical scissors.

Chi Feichi cut open the dura mater lightly and quickly, leaving a small piece of dura mater behind.

Koizumi Hongzi caught a glimpse of the brain that was still beating slightly, and didn't dare to look any further. She opened the small bag in her hand and asked Chi Feichi to put the fragment in it.

Chi Feichi collected all the samples he could, and looked up at the wall clock outside the glass compartment, "Hongzi, how much time is left?"

"About 13 minutes, you..." Koizumi Hongzi was busy before and didn't feel much better, but now she suddenly stopped and saw the bloody scene on the test bench again, her throat was blocked, and she couldn't bear the acid in her stomach anymore The water quickly rushed to the front of the glass compartment, reached out and tapped the button on the wall, and rushed out the door all the way to the bathroom.

"No need to help, you rest for a while."

Chi Feichi said, and began to expand the skull incision.

One second before Hiroki Sawada's body was about to turn back into a puppet, Chi Feichi took out his brain.

As the magic disappeared, Hiroki Sawada's body turned back into a puppet, and the collected organ samples also turned into unknown, strange green things.

Logically speaking, the brain should also turn into wood, but the brain that was taken out is more like a gel product, dark green, and still retains the shape of the brain.

Koizumi Hongzi vomited enough, saw Chi Feichi in the room looking down at something, and the bloody body on the table had turned into wood, and the red blood had turned into green juice. Into the room, "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing," Chi Feichi didn't say directly, "Sorry, I thought that even if you haven't been exposed to anatomy, you should be able to bear it as a witch..."

"What do you think of a witch?" Koizumi Hongzi almost cried, caught a glimpse of what Chi Feichi had packaged, saw that it was the outline of a brain, remembered the bright red cerebral cortex and the white brain beating in the bright red, and rushed again Get out, "you won't... vomit... you... vomit..."

In the computer, the figure of Hiroki Sawada appeared, watching the green juice on the test bench through the camera.

"Godfather, what did you do to my body? It feels so bloody."

"No," Chi Feichi said perfunctorily without changing his face, "Even surgical operations have procedures."

"He's a liar!" Hongzi Koizumi roared in the bathroom, "He took out your brain... vomit... vomit..."

Hiroki Sawada was silent for a while, "Is Miss Witch feeling uncomfortable?"

Chi Feichi thought about it and nodded.

"May I comfort her?" Sawada Hiroki also had a headache, thought it over, and said loudly, "Miss Witch, it's okay, you just cut a puppet, so it will feel much better?"

In the bathroom, Koizumi Hongzi supported the sink with both hands, bent down to look at her pale face in the mirror, took a while, turned on the faucet to wash her face, rinsed the spit out acid water in an instant, and then went out expressionlessly. Seeing Chi Feichi packing up his things, You Yuan stepped forward to help, "Thank you, Son of Nature, I won't be afraid to watch bloody horror movies in the future."

Chi Feichi was thinking about the abnormality in the brain, and replied casually: "You're welcome, you should."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."


She doesn't want to see this guy anymore recently!

Chi Feichi: "..."

Smoothly, just smoothly.

Koizumi Hongzi helped tidy up, washed her hands and went outside, poured a cup of the blood of the cute little rabbit, took a sip of the pressure, tasted the faint scent of grass and peach, and finally relaxed a bit.

Chi Feichi packed the samples, put them in a cardboard box, went out, put the cardboard box on the table, and sat on the other side of the table, "Aren't you afraid of blood?"

"That's different..." Koizumi Hongzi huddled in the chair, holding the glass in both hands like a wronged daughter-in-law.

"Understood, I would trouble you to send these things to my father. It's not convenient for me," Chi Feichi took out a bottle of green juice from the cardboard box, "Taste it? The blood of Noah's body turned into a puppet."

Koizumi Hongzi thought about it, then pushed another empty cup on the table over, "Then I'll taste a little."

Chi Feichi tasted a little bit of the green juice, it was bitter, but he still didn't take it back, "It's not good... By the way, there is another research goal."

"It's so bitter..." Koizumi Hongzi took a sip in disbelief, frowning from the bitterness, took a sip of rabbit blood to relieve the bitterness in his mouth, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Chi Feichi vigilantly, "And A research objective?"

If the Son of Nature wanted to cut her, she would definitely resist to the death!

Chi Feichi got up, went to get his coat, and took out a doll with disheveled hair from his pocket, "Didn't you stuff the stone into Xiaomei's mouth last time I brought back from Guize Township..."

"Wait," Koizumi Hongzi frowned, with a puzzled look on her face, "I stuffed the stone into her mouth? Did you remember it wrong? How could I do such an excessive thing."

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