Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 994 It's fake, it should be fake

The two young girls were attracted by the ruffian appearance of the 'Hunzi Little Water Dragon', and went to the little water dragon together, waiting for this different mascot to distribute flyers.

'Hunzi Xiaoshuilong' looked at it, and passed the flyer with his fat hand as usual, but when a young girl reached out to take it, she suddenly withdrew her hand.

"Ah..." The young girl looked up at the cute mascot in surprise, pretending to be wronged, "Won't you give it to me?"

Little Shuilong still leaned against the door, beckoned, and opened his left arm.

The girl was stunned for a moment, then jumped forward with a smile, hugged the soft cotton body of the mascot, and successfully picked up a leaflet.

The companion of the girl next to him also followed suit, and smiled and took the promotional video and entered the door.

After distributing two leaflets, Xiao Shuilong picked two more leaflets from his hand, turned around and put them on the floor.

Haibara Ai:"……"

She suspected that the bastard little water dragon wanted to use leaflets to sit on the floor, but there was no evidence.

Seeing that she was a little bit over the top, she wanted to stand by with a glass of juice and watch what this bastard little water dragon wanted to do.

A group of girls who were about to go up to tease Xiao Shuilong saw it, and stopped going forward, watching curiously.

The little water dragon laid out two leaflets on the ground, turned around and was about to sit down, when the long tail behind him swept the leaflets away, probably because he was wearing a small faucet cover and his eyesight was not very good, so he turned left and right while holding his stomach After looking around, I didn't find the flyer, but I found a piece of wrapping paper that was discarded carelessly. I picked it up and threw it into the wastebasket at the door.


Fatty failed to throw garbage.

The wrapping paper slid along the edge of the wastebasket and fell to the ground, while Xiao Shuilong still kept bending over and froze in front of the wastebasket.

Haibara Ai:"……"

other people:"……"

This bastard little water dragon looks so good, I feel like I can stand here and watch it all day.

Soon, the little water dragon picked up the wrapping paper again, aimed at the chubby hand, and slowly put the garbage into the wastebasket. The garbage was successfully put into the bucket, but the little water dragon turned around, swept its tail into the wastebasket, and put the garbage into the wastebasket. The wastebasket was swept down.

Xiao Shuilong froze again, turned to look sideways, and silently went to help the wastebasket.

A group of girls came forward to help with a smile, threw all the fallen waste paper in, hugged the little water dragon to take advantage, and brought a leaflet into the park by the way.

And some people were not in a hurry to enter the park. They bought ice cream at the door and continued to watch the little water dragon. They had to forget why they came to the tropical park.

Hui Yuan Ai was similar, forgot to call his elder brother, looked up and watched the little water dragon walking towards him...

Xiao Shuilong walked up to Hui Yuanai, and crossed his left hand and free right hand with the leaflet on his waist.

Haibara Ai:"?"

I can see that it means being angry, but why? What's wrong with her?

As the distance got closer, the calm male voice she was familiar with came from Xiao Shuilong's body, "Did you forget what you came here for?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Yes, she almost forgot that she was still on the phone... Wait, wait, this bastard little water dragon seems to be her Brother Feichi?

Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai from behind the little water dragon sunglasses on his head, with his hips akimbo, staring.

Putting on such a thick doll costume in summer is very hot, he was just thinking about it, when Hui Yuanai came to the door, he stepped forward to tease him, and then went to rest under the shade of the tree together.

As a result, Hui Yuanai just stood not far away and kept watching, watching with relish, as if he had completely forgotten why he came to the tropical paradise, and had no intention of entering or calling him at all.

Hui Yuanai was stunned for two seconds, his mind was a little stuck, he stretched out his hand, and poked Xiao Shuilong's round belly bulging because of the akimbo with his finger.

Such a cute little water dragon is her brother Feichi? It's fake, it should be fake...

Chi Feichi reached out to Hui Yuanai, he suspected that his sister was stupid.

Hui Yuanai stretched out his hand to hold the fat dragon claw of the little water dragon, and after being led to the green plants in the tropical paradise, he returned to his senses and asked uncertainly, "Brother Chi?"

Chi Feichi sat on the bench behind the green plants, took off his headgear, and immediately felt much cooler.

Seeing that Chi Feichi was sweating, Huiyuan took out a handkerchief and handed it forward, feeling helpless and amused, "Wipe off your sweat first, you are not afraid of heatstroke if you wear such a thick doll costume on such a hot day."

Her family, Fei Chi, is super nice, and he even pretends to be a mascot to tease her on a hot day...

"No, I'll go to the bathroom to change clothes and wash my face." Chi Feichi didn't take the handkerchief, stood up calmly, bent down and picked up the headgear of the little faucet on the bench, "I wanted to take you to work to earn pocket money, I'll try it first, or forget it, it's too hot."

Haibara Ai:"……"

So he wanted to take her to experience the hardships of life?

Return her emotion.

Chi Feichi went to the toilet to change his clothes. He was not in a hurry to change the bandage on his left arm. He put down his sleeves and went out of the toilet with the doll clothes in his arms. "Go and return the doll clothes first. I brought spare clothes. Then I will go to Science Universe Island. There's a bathroom there, I'll take a shower first."

Hui Yuanai's helpless and funny mood came back again, "Didn't Feichi come with you?"

"It's too hot." Chi Feichi said.

Hui Yuanai had nothing to say, and followed Chi Feichi to return the doll clothes to the manager from Manchi Hospital, and went to Science Universe Island.

Chi Feichi rejected Hui Yuanai's proposal of "buy a short-sleeved shirt", went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, rewrapped the bandage on his arm, and then changed into the shirt he brought, rolled up the sleeves to the small arm.

No wonder Gin Jiu resolutely refused to work in midsummer. Even if he had to act, he would have to wait until night. Summer was indeed not very friendly to black trousers. Not long after he came out, he began to envy Feichi who played games at home with the air conditioner on.

Hui Yuanai also went to the women's bathroom to take a shower, went out and waited for a while, saw Chi Feichi coming out, turned around and saw Chi Feichi's long-sleeved trousers clothes, and was speechless, "Are you going to play water sports?"

Chi Feichi didn't intend to let the incompletely healed wound touch the water again, "I won't go, just hang around here."

Huihara Ai also flinched when he thought of the big sun outside, and nodded, "That's fine, we haven't played Science Universe Island much yet."

Chi Feichi chose a random direction and played with Hui Yuanai along the way.

The tropical paradise is very large. In addition to the Science Universe Island they are in, there are also Adventure Development Island, Wild Taikoo Island, Magic Fantasy Island and Fantasy Fairy Tale Island.

The roller coaster that Kudo Shinichi took when he met Gin was on Magic Fantasy Island. There are roller coasters on other islands, but only the roller coaster on Magic Fantasy Island will pass through the tunnel with ghost projections.

It is also because the tropical paradise is big enough that a beheading case occurred, but Magic Fantasy Island was closed for a day, and then opened normally, and now people still go there to ride the roller coaster.

As for the science universe island they are in, most of them are indoor projects.

Mechanical interaction hall, mirror maze, buoyancy space...

In addition, there are paid bathrooms for showering, so many people visit in summer.

After playing all morning, Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai outside to eat fried noodles, drank a drink for a while, and continued with the afternoon's itinerary.

Astrology simulation hall, mechanism secret room, game hall...

The two have been in the Science Universe Island, so that they completely missed the Detective Boys, Takagi Tsutomu, and Sato Miwako in the Wild Taikoo Island.

When we arrived at the game hall, Hui Yuanai waited for Chi Feichi to exchange the game currency, while reading the park flyer, so it seems that Edogawa is a bit more plague-stricken than Brother Feichi, "We are here to kill a while, just in time to connect to the wild Watch fireworks and song and dance performances at the Taikoo Island venue, and then have dinner, and catch up with the dinosaur parade and clown performance..."

"That will be around ten o'clock in the evening." Chi Feichi said, and took the small basket containing game coins from the staff.

Hui Yuanai put away the leaflet and said calmly, "I was thinking, it's rare that there is no Edogawa case today, so we might as well stay until the amusement park is closed."

Chi Feichi nodded in approval, took the small plastic basket of game coins handed over by the staff, heard the staff say that they wish them a good time, thanked them too, turned around and asked Hui Yuanai, "What do you want to play? "

Hui Yuanai didn't want to be abused playing video games, so she looked around and said, "Let's play sim racing, one for each person, and we'll break the record."

Chi Feichi understood, that is to play the game of 'scraping records'.

The two of them each occupied a racing game console, setting the record again and again until it was impossible for anyone to break through in the short term, and Huiyuan Ai stopped.

Chi Feichi also stopped, and changed to a racing machine. Seeing Hui Yuanai's puzzled eyes, he explained, "Don't you want to set the record?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Understood, it is to brush the records of all machines so that no one can break the records in a short period of time, right?

To set a high record and let others have no record to swipe... This behavior is horribly cruel.

Muting in his heart, Hui Yuanai didn't hesitate, followed Chi Feichi's footsteps, and continued to break the record of the next machine.

In less than 20 minutes, the two set the records of the six simulated racing machines present to the point where it was difficult to break, and then extended their poisonous hands to the simulated shooting area.

Twenty minutes later, the six machines in the simulated shooting area fell, and only the top ten leaderboards showed ten high-score records each. It was confirmed that ordinary people with average skills could not even make it to the leaderboards, and the two of them stretched out their murderous hands to shooting machine.

Huiyuan Ai looked at the machine. There were three baskets on the machine, high, middle and low, and there were tracks for moving brackets on the back. It should be to increase the difficulty. "Do you want two people to work together?"

"You will be responsible for the shortest one," Chi Feichi said.

Although he can handle three moving baskets by himself, since he is taking the children out to play, he needs a certain amount of parent-child cooperation and interaction.

"Okay." Hui Yuanai was not pretentious, and with her current height, she could only be responsible for the shortest basket.

Chi Feichi looked at the leaderboard, and found that the leaderboard of this machine still only shows ten records at most, so he and Hui Yuanai set records for the shooting machine.

One high score record, two high score records...

After completing ten high score records, change to another machine.

A tall and strong young man wearing a baseball cap walked beside him. He was attracted by the two people beside him, and watched with relish as they tossed basketballs one after another, hitting one shot after another.

Behind the big pillar not far away, Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru, Conan, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta gathered together and glanced at the man from time to time.

Since Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai had their backs to a group of people, Conan could only see a big and a small one shooting in front of the shooting machine next to the man, and took a quiet look.

Both of them were wearing blue baseball caps, but judging from their clothes and their backs, they were a young man and a little girl. They seemed to be brothers and sisters who came out to play during the holidays.

Ayumi looked at the backpack on the man's back and said in a low voice, "He should be the one who delivered the drugs."

Takagi She intends to step forward, "Then, hurry up and get the bag..."

"Wait!" Miwako Sato stopped Takagi and said seriously, "Before he trades with the buyer, don't disturb him. You must wait until you can get all the stolen goods!"

Takagi She was anxious, "But, but my bag..."

He just wanted to have a good date and propose a marriage with the ring he bought. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he was first staggered by the little devils entrusted to him by Dr. A Li, and the backpack where the ring was placed was taken by someone else by mistake. up.

He originally wanted to take the ring box, but in front of Miwako Sato and the children, he took out a pack of 1 kg of drugs. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't believe it was real.

Then, a good date turned into 'looking for drug dealers', 'tracking and monitoring', and found the wrong person in the middle, from noon to evening, fortunately, there were reminders from Conan's children, they finally tracked the real contraband delivery by...

Does he have any complaints? After all, as a policeman, you can't miss this kind of thing when you encounter it. It's just that he wants to get back the ring in his backpack, and he has to kneel down to give it to him. How embarrassing it would be to turn it out of the bag as evidence.

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