Conan: I Am Surrounded By Undercover

Chapter 44: To beat magic with magic

Egutian Town and Rice Flower Town are both in Tokyo, and they are very close to each other. If the students of Rice Flower go to the streets after class, they might meet people from Egutian School.

It was exactly 11:30 a.m. when Jing Baiye left Kuroba's house. He stayed on the streets of Egutamachi for a while, and it was not even 12:00 when he returned to Mihuacho.

The relevant information about Jean Feishi has been collected and sorted out. The counterfeit banknotes will not be delivered until the afternoon. There are no people or pets waiting for him in the safe house. Now he has nothing to do, so don't rush back there.

After standing up from TR Rice Flower, Jing Baiye walked on the street with his hands in his jacket pockets.

At present, he is still wearing a female waistcoat and wearing the bad-girl suit that comes with the system. He is very sensitive to other people's sights, and he can feel that many passers-by will look at him on the road. Whether men or women, they are all appreciative eyes. More.

This was something he couldn't feel when he appeared in Jingbaiye. Because of the bandages on his face and body, and his unhealthy complexion, passers-by would always look at him with some sympathy even if they liked his face.

He passed by a large supermarket. When he walked past the gate, the transparent automatic door opened, and a figure hurried out and ran directly towards him.

Jing Baiye immediately noticed that someone was approaching from behind, and this guy didn't hide his footsteps at all. He quickened his pace and entered a corner, then turned around suddenly, clasped the other's outstretched hand with his left hand, twisted him to the ground, and fell heavily on the ground.

When the attacker fell to the ground, Jing Baiye recognized the attacker.

No matter how blind he was, he wouldn't be able to recognize the person he had beaten up a few days ago, especially since he still had a cast on his shoulder.

At this time, although Bai Ye didn't have his teammates by his side, the female body vest itself had a 50% bonus, and his B-rank bare-handed fighting was promoted to the level between A-rank and A+ rank. This time he fell hard.

But I don't know why, the stalker who was treated so violently by him showed a strange morbid smile when he looked up at him.


Jing Baiye felt that his eyelids were starting to jump again.


Gin is still working today, and only got a short break around noon.

He was sitting on a Porsche 356A parked on the side of the road, waiting for the vodka to come back. Before his younger brother and driver came back, he first received an email from another person.

[I have something to tell you, is it convenient to answer the phone now? ——Angostura]

Unless he is stepped on to the bottom line, Angstra is more calm and cautious at other times, more reliable than most of the adult members of the organization. Considering that he might be busy, he did not call directly and chose to send an email to ask about the situation first.

Jin Jiu didn't reply to the email, so he made a phone call: "What's the matter?"


Vodka returned to the car with two boxes of bento, and found that his eldest brother was not in the car, but was standing beside the car talking gloomily.

Facing the terrible murderous aura on him, Vodka guessed that the organization had brought out undercover agents or traitors again. He skillfully lowered his sense of existence, didn't make a sound to remind his elder brother to come back, and silently stood aside with his lunch.

...I don't know how long it will take my eldest brother to finish the call, and whether they will be able to have lunch on time today.


"...That's it, some FBI have come to Japan for the investigation organization and you."

"Based on the contacts in his mobile phone, I went to the airline to check the list of recently entered passengers, and found some on the international flight ten days ago. Others may be in the United States, or they may have entered under false names and identities."

Jing Baiye is not good at acting, and his emotional expression is very straightforward, but that doesn't mean he can't lie and hide. He didn't say that Miyano Akemi was being followed. He only mentioned that he caught a strange foreigner near the ground floor training ground. , and found out it was an FBI agent.

This isn't a lie either. It's not far from the training ground that Midorikawa Shin and Toru Amuro often go to.

He has now changed back to his original body. While talking to Gin, he also looked down at the FBI agent at his feet who was being interrogated by him with Veritaserum, stunned and thrown aside after the interrogation. They were on a deserted road.

Jing Baiye never thought that the person who followed Miyano Akemi at that time would actually be an FBI agent. This tracking ability is worse than that of a street hooligan. Could it be that the entry threshold for the FBI is so low?

He didn't find any useful information on his mobile phone that day - he used a new mobile phone for candid photography at that time, and he didn't bring the one for daily contact - but today was a bumper harvest.

It's just... Thinking of this person's eyes and words just now, Jing Baiye got goosebumps all over his body. He didn't expect that in the remarks of his clothes, he would become a dog to dominate him. Does this count as a form of mind control?

If it's the kind of permanent mind control that won't get rid of, he can consider developing an undercover agent buried in the FBI... Unfortunately, he can't do that at the moment.

To what extent and how long this so-called **** can last, even Jing Baiye himself does not know. This is the first example he has encountered, and there is no precedent for reference. The system will not explain items or skills in detail, and everything has to be understood and used by himself.

For other people, Jing Baiye will take time to analyze and study slowly, but FBI agents are sensitive and have regular psychological tests. He didn't dare to take this risk, if it was short-term, he might be used by the other party in turn.

"Are you sure you're here for me?" The voice of Jinjiu on the opposite side was It was you who killed them undercover at that time. "

"I've seen the contact emails and information on his mobile phone, and there's no mention of undercover in it at all, only the bombing you committed three years ago." Jing Baiye felt speechless when Jinjiu took the blame for himself, "At that time You almost killed many innocent passers-by, and the FBI happens to be in charge of terrorist activities in the United States, and you deserve to be targeted for this kind of behavior."

Jing Baiye's IT technology is A-level, which is the world's top level, and it is difficult to have an opponent, but he still did not rashly hack into the FBI or other intelligence agencies' intranets to check information, and he was the one who directly broke into the base camp of the French DGSE. Accident after dizziness.

Jin Jiu snorted coldly: "What are you going to do with the FBI? Just kill it?"

"If you don't kill it first, killing it now may arouse the FBI's vigilance. I went out in disguise in the morning. He doesn't know my true face. It's not a big problem to let him go back now. In addition, we need to strengthen patrols at the training ground."

Jing Baiye looked at the wall behind him, and felt that it was fairly clean before leaning on it.

He thought about it for a while, and made a suggestion to the cadres of the Japanese Action Team——

"Friedman said that the CIA still has undercover agents in Japan, and now the FBI just sent people to Japan to investigate the organization. If the CIA undercover agent is unfortunately exposed because of the FBI agents... What do you think will happen?"

BOSS is very taboo to the FBI, and the degree of taboo is far more than that of Japanese agents. He does not want a large number of FBI to stay in the country where the organization is based. As a well-organized employee who has just been rewarded with an apartment, Jing Baiye must share his worries.

He doesn't expect the Japanese police to drive away the FBI. They don't have that ability, but it's not necessarily the case if the CIA can do it.

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