"Sister, come on!"

Apollo stood in the first row of the audience, waving his arms at Minerva in the middle of the court.

"Never give up, even if the opponent has a chance to score, you can definitely win by entangled with her! Sister, you are the best!!"

Minerva subconsciously looked back at her brother who was cheering her on passionately, smiled bitterly, and suddenly saw Mao Lilan standing behind Apollo.

Looking carefully at the safety passage behind her brother and Mao Lilan, it seems that a figure wearing a mask can still be seen.

She had a brief chat with Xiaolan before, and knew that Xiaolan's boyfriend was Kudo Shinichi. And she had lived in Neon for a while, and she had heard of the names of Kudo Yusaku and Kudo Shinichi.

Could it be that they...

Maybe it was the unspoken tacit understanding between the siblings. When Minerva's eyes swept over, Apollo nodded to her firmly.

Entangling the opponent? Haha.

Things came to the field she was best at.

Minerva's gloom and helplessness disappeared, and she turned to look at her opponent, with a burning desire in her eyes.

First drag the game to the seventh game, after that, as long as her physical strength is not exhausted, the game will not end!

Seeing the game back on track, Kudo Shinichi, who had been secretly observing, breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he expected. As Minerva's brother, it was normal for Apollo to cheer up his sister who was in poor condition, and it really did not arouse Hades's vigilance.

Next, what they have to do is to find Hades hiding in the crowd in the precious time that Minerva has gained.


John raised his hand weakly, "If I know the specific location of Mrs. Glass and Ares, I can draw a rough range."

The reporter uncle who had been following Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan silently spoke with little confidence.

"As you said before, the few videotapes that Hades sent to the police have actually been seen by many people in our newspaper. From a professional perspective, we can roughly analyze the shooting techniques and angles that this person usually uses.

After all, I am quite professional in shooting."

Kudo Shinichi and Xiaolan's eyes lit up, feeling a sense of surprise.

On the other side, Wakagi Ryo was very interested in using magic to mold a throne in the empty main hall of the exhibition hall, sitting carelessly in the center of the throne, jumping left and right in the live broadcast rooms on both sides.

Kuroba Kaito was still chattering in the communication, trying to get some information from him.

[Professor, I'm almost dying of heat, are you really not going to consider cooling down? 】

Ryoko smiled slightly and said slowly: "It's going to rain soon."

Just as Ryoko finished speaking, Douzi, who was sweating in the hot venue, suddenly felt a cool breeze, and then, a few raindrops hit his cheek.

Kuroba Kaito:?

Has the professor reached the point where he means what he says?

Fortunately, Londoners are accustomed to the sudden rain. The referee calmly announced the suspension of the game and waited for the operator to close the roof of the open-air stadium to avoid the rain.

The whole process takes about half an hour.

And during this half hour, most of the audience will choose to temporarily leave the hot stadium, choose to go out for a walk or buy a bottle of water to replenish their consumption. Then at this time, someone who was sitting in the empty seats, holding a camera and shooting the empty stadium without moving, instantly became extremely conspicuous.

After all, what Hades wanted to shoot was the moment when Minerva won the championship and suddenly found that her mother had died on the spot, with a wonderful expression of joy mixed with fear and despair.

There were so many fans in the stadium. If he didn't keep the camera locked on Mrs. Glass, once the game was over and the audience stood up and cheered, he could only shoot the scene of people's heads shaking.

After confirming Hades' position, Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan slowly surrounded him from the left and right.

Kuroba Kaito watched the joint arrest of the famous detective and his girlfriend from a distance, and secretly sympathized with the criminal for a second.

After all, he knew Mao Lilan's strength.

The development of the matter was indeed as expected. After getting close to Hades, Xiaolan kicked Hades' spine hard.

When the opponent's center of gravity was unstable and he rushed forward, she and Kudo Shinichi rushed over together and held the opponent's hands tightly.


Hadice, whose face was distorted by the heavy blow, laughed out loud. In the shocked eyes of Shinichi and Xiaolan, a cylindrical object that looked like a detonator rolled out of his pocket.

The detonator buttonThe button flashed red, obviously it was already activated.

"Too late! Too late!"

Hades, who was pinned to the ground, laughed wildly, his bloodshot eyes staring at the opposite stand. ——Because she couldn't see and had an umbrella with her, Mrs. Glass didn't leave the stand either.

A puff of white smoke rose from the stuffed bear that Mrs. Glass was holding. In the desperate eyes of Kudo and Xiaolan, with a sound of biu~, a small firework exploded in the sky above the opposite stand.

Mrs. Glass looked up blankly, and Hades's ferocious expression was completely frozen on his face.

"How... why?"

"He lied to me! He lied to me! What he said about setting London in a sea of ​​fire, hahahahahaha, it's all fake, fake!"

Kudo Shinichi: "Who are you talking about? What set London in a sea of ​​fire?"

However, Hades ignored Kudo Shinichi's question at all.

Being locked up in that dark warehouse for a day and two nights, surrounded by those familiar faces all the time, his spirit was always in a highly tense state, supported by the obsession of revenge in his heart.

At this moment, seeing that the revenge plan he had been thinking about failed, the tense nerve in Hades' brain broke directly, and he kept muttering "He cheated me" like a broken repeater.


An extremely harsh and loud sound rang in the semi-enclosed stadium. Kuroba Kaito, who had already walked to the exit, looked back in shock at the deafening sound of metal breaking.

Sparks burst out from the huge dome of Wimbledon Stadium. Then, with the teeth-grinding sound of steel bar breaking, a large piece of the "dome" was torn apart, and the broken part went straight to the direction of the VIP room amid screams.

Kuroba Kaito stared at the VIP room in amazement. Like cutting a cake, the entire VIP room was split in two by the huge triangular metal fragments that fell from the sky.

"Professor, you really played a big trick this time."

[Don't worry, I controlled it well, no one died. ]

[Hurry up and leave, Mr. Kaito, tonight, you are the protagonist. ]

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