The wedding was a big success, but the wedding was a big success.

Is this a wedding-related issue recently?

Ryo Wakagi looked at the information on his personal mobile phone and the wedding invitation on the coffee table.

It was the wedding of Toshiya Tadokoro and Kazumi Omi.

One was a dedicated editor, and the other was an assistant who had worked for him for more than two years. They must attend this wedding.

But, aren't there too many police officers at this wedding venue?

Ryo Wakagi took Toru Amuro's car to the hotel listed on the invitation, and slapped the free blond driver back into the car.

He had seen no less than five familiar police officers just now, all of whom were acquaintances from the First Investigation Division.

Toru Amuro glanced at the door of the hotel and immediately stepped on the accelerator and left.

He recognized more acquaintances, basically one schoolmate every three steps, one classmate every five steps, and if he didn't leave now, he might have to hold a family recognition meeting on the spot.

Ruo Mu Liang walked into the hotel lobby and saw Conan, Xiaolan and Sonoko at a glance.

As for why Conan was so short but could be seen at a glance.

Of course, it was because the NPCs around him were very eager to survive and stayed at least three meters away from him. There was only a large space in the dense crowd.

How could he not be conspicuous?

Well, the God of Death was present, and there were so many policemen, so it would be convenient for them to respond quickly if something happened later, right?

Fortunately, the God of Death was a guest at the wedding at the next venue. Except for the hanging decorations on the ceiling that were more enthusiastic about him, Ruo Mu Liang's wedding did not have any major accidents. It can be said that both the host and the guests had a great time.

However, the next venue was very lively.

When Ruo Mu Liang left the venue with the wedding candy, he happened to meet the bride of another wedding, who was carried to the ambulance with blood all over her body.

He was not sent away on the spot, and there was still a chance to rescue him?

So it seems that this teacher is quite important to Conan. As we all know, the Grim Reaper Halo usually does not send away its own people.

"Sonoko? What happened?"

Wakagi Ryo stretched out his hand to stop the acquaintance who rushed out with the stretcher. Suzuki Sonoko wiped the tears from her face and looked at Wakagi Ryo.

"Teacher Sayuri, I came to attend Teacher Sayuri's wedding with Xiaolan and Conan today, but just as the ceremony was about to begin, Teacher Sayuri was poisoned.

Brother Wakagi, go and take a look. I must find the bastard who poisoned the teacher at such an important moment of the wedding... I will never forgive him!"

Wakagi Ryo immediately remembered which case it was.

The story of the groom Takasugi Toshihiko and the bride Matsumoto Sayuri is a long story.

20 years ago, when the bride's father, Matsumoto Kiyonaga, was chasing a serial killer, the killer's car hit a woman on the roadside. At that time, Matsumoto Kiyonaga was only thinking about catching the fleeing killer, and did not notice an innocent citizen lying next to her, and failed to send her to the doctor in time.

The woman eventually died due to untimely rescue.

Not long after, the woman's child was adopted by the Takasugi family and officially changed his name to Takasugi Toshihiko.

During college, Takasugi Toshihiko's girlfriend introduced her best friend Matsumoto Sayuri to him. After discovering that Matsumoto Sayuri was Matsumoto Kiyonaga's daughter, Takasugi Toshihiko immediately decided to use Sayuri to take revenge on Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

He broke up with his original girlfriend and got together with Matsumoto Sayuri. It took seven years from the acquaintance to the proposal. Then on the wedding day, he secretly poisoned the bride, wanting to let Matsumoto Kiyonaga experience the pain of losing a loved one.

And the poison was not potassium cyanate, but sodium hydroxide.

A small employee of a company can get cyanide to poison his own president. You, the son of a big consortium, use sodium hydroxide?


Of course, what impressed Ryo Wakamura the most was the follow-up. The bride took the initiative to drink the poison even though she knew that the groom had poisoned her.

Moreover, these two people actually got married in the end? !

Is it really the law of the science world: childhood sweethearts must have a happy ending? This couple doesn't need to be like this.

Ryo Wakamura followed Sonoko back to the VIP room at the crime scene, which was surrounded by a group of vicious policemen.

Someone poisoned the boss's daughter on her wedding day? ! This is not taking our entire investigation class seriously!

"Brother Wakamura?"

Xiaolan was also wiping tears in the VIP room, while Conan squatted beside the spilled lemon tea, stroking his chin and thinking about something.

After hearing Xiaolan shout "Brother Wakamura", Conan stood up reflexively and stepped back consciously.

Arrived at a location outside the crime scene.


Wakagi Ryo said hello to Inspector Megure, and rubbed Conan's forehead twice before walking into the VIP room.

"Tell me the details."

Conan observed Wakagi Ryo's face, and did not see the expression that made him shudder a few days ago, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he told Wakagi Ryo all the clues he knew so far.

Wakagi Ryo: "Did she drink it?"

"Well, yes, we also returned to the VIP room after hearing the noise."

Wakagi Ryo shook his head and said, "I mean, the bride swallowed the poisoned lemon tea, right?"

"Yeah, yes, yes."

Conan seemed to suddenly understand something, and his sharp eyes suddenly swept to the groom Takasugi Toshihiko, and one hand touched the watch-shaped tranquilizer gun.

However, after Conan's eyes caught sight of Wakagi Ryo, he silently put down his restless hands and reached out to pull the corner of Wakagi Ryo's clothes.

"What's wrong?"

Wakagi Ryo bent down and asked with a smile.

"= = Brother Wakagi, you should solve the case quickly. Uncle Maori is not here today, and there are policemen all around. Didn't you tell me to be careful?"

Wakagi Ryo rubbed Conan's forehead and showed a teachable expression.

"Okay, but I have a condition."

Conan: ...

Just, although Brother Wakagi is quite scary, I still feel very angry.

"You say."

"I won't take notes."

Conan nodded in agreement. Anyway, he was the one who took notes on the uncle's case, so he didn't worry about the debts.

"Deal, wait for me."

Wakagi Ryo stood up, threw Conan back to Xiaolan, and took out the mobile phone he used for work (it looks exactly the same as his personal mobile phone).

[Are you interested in the Takasugi family? But the Suzuki family may have to take a share of the spoils - Sangria]

"Inspector Megure, I already know who the murderer is."

"Huh? Who is the murderer?"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga's eyes immediately moved to Wakaki Ryo. He has been in a high position for many years, which makes him have a kind of aura of power without anger.

At this time, an email was sent to his mailbox.

[Do what you want, Rum will handle it later - GIN]

Wakaki Ryo put away his phone and replied: "The groom, Takasugi Toshihiko."


Everyone present exclaimed in disbelief, only Takasugi Toshihiko's ex-girlfriend, the bride's best friend, seemed to be a little angry in surprise.

"Conan, help me adjust the video."


Conan, who can't solve the case by himself and has to be a tool, puffed his face and went over, adjusted the video to the part where Sayuri picked up the lemonade from the table and paused it.

Wakagi Ryo: "Please see, from the paused screen, there are actually two cans of lemonade on the table. And the forensic department staff told me that there are no fingerprints of Prosecutor Matsumoto and Mr. Umemiya on the can of poisoned drink, but there are fingerprints of Sonoko and the groom."

"So, it was actually my can of lemonade that was poisoned, and Sayuri-sensei took the wrong one!"

Suzuki Sonoko suddenly realized.

Wakagi Ryo: "That's right, during the time you were away, only the groom touched the can of lemonade that was taken by mistake, so he could only be the one who poisoned it."

Put a little Sayuri-sensei

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