The magic box was a big success.

What Kikue Tanaka brought was not an ordinary magic prop, but a high-tech magic box made by Ryo Wakagi for her.

The pattern at the bottom of the box hides a fingerprint sensor. After unlocking it with the correct fingerprint, it will spit out the fixed paper according to the pre-designed program.

After turning off this function, it is just an ordinary magic box. At least when Kuroba Kaito handled it, he didn't find anything wrong.

Although this thing was brought by Kikue Tanaka, three days ago, Tanaka secretly chatted with Nishiyama Wu, who organized this event, and asked him to suggest in the group that each of them could bring some small props to show others their magic skills. Of course, after killing Nishiyama Wu, these private chat messages were deleted cleanly.

Therefore, she was not the only one who brought something here, so it would not be abrupt.

Secondly, if you want to kill Hamano Toshiya, you must give him a chance to be alone away from everyone. This was also planned long ago. As the person in charge of the event, Nishiyama Mu did not show up, so it was reasonable to suggest finding an agent to organize the event during the party.

As for whether everyone would draw lots with the box she brought, it was actually not difficult to guide this result.

Those who came here are all magic enthusiasts, and their interest in magic props is naturally higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, this little toy has a certain degree of difficulty in getting started, but the difficulty is not so high that it will discourage them, which will naturally stimulate their competitive spirit and make them addicted for a short time.

This feeling of being addicted...

Is it like you who said in front of the screen, "If it weren't for the network card/hand slip/taken a takeaway/teammates sent too hard/keyboard broken/mouse not sensitive/mobile phone fell, I would have won this time, if you have the ability, play again!"

So, everyone agreed to Ara Yoshinori's proposal and put the small lottery box brought by Tanaka Kikue back on the table.

The name slip was written by Tanaka Kikue, and the lottery process was completed by Sonoko.

However, during this period, no one except Sonoko touched the small box. And Sonoko also completed the operation in front of everyone (including the magic master Kuroba Kaito), so the lottery result was undoubtedly "coincidence" and "fair".

Even Conan couldn't see any clues here.

Well, I think so.

After all, it's hard to say how outrageous the protagonist's halo can be.

In the end, Kuroda Naoko was the acting director, Tanaka Kikue was responsible for boiling water, and Hamano Toshiya was responsible for the after-dinner entertainment program.

The two girls complained and took on their respective tasks, and they both seemed a little reluctant.

Hamano Toshiya had a distressed expression. He only had so much food in his stomach. He had almost been drained in front of the girls in the afternoon. It was really difficult for him to think of some entertainment programs all of a sudden.

Soon it was dinner time. Although Sukama Kiyohiro, who was helping in the villa, looked a little gloomy, his cooking skills were really good. With limited ingredients, he also made a very sumptuous meal.

Oh, the only pity was that there was no fish.

A group of people drank the red wine that Ara Yoshinori took out from the wine cellar and ate the dishes prepared by Sukama Kiyohiro. The atmosphere was quite harmonious.


"What? Uncle Maori, explain it clearly."

Until Wakaki Ryo received a call from Maori Kogoro who was anxious.

Five minutes later, Wakamu Ryo hung up the phone and said to everyone in the restaurant with a heavy face: "Xishan Wu should not come. The police found his body not long ago. There was a sentence on the computer next to the body, "One has been solved - Shadow Master".

And Uncle Maori said that the suspension bridge connecting us to the opposite side was burned. He has called the police, but the police helicopter cannot fly in the forest at night. We have to wait until tomorrow morning to be rescued."

Yes, it's the Blizzard Villa mode again.

"What?!" X n

Perhaps he felt the call of the murder case, and the sleeping Conan suddenly teleported from the second floor to the hall in a conscious state.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, the Escape King and the Shadow Master once quarreled in the chat room because of a magician, and Hamano seemed to be involved at that time. If it is really like what you said, then the target of the Shadow Master, will it be Mr. Hamano?"

Tanaka Kikue pinched her chin and thought. After being reminded by her, other

People also realized that it was true.

Arayoshi, with the mentality of a good person, thought that Hamano was now alone in the room holding back his performance, so it might be better to remind him.

However, after a large group of people came to the second floor, they saw that Hamano Toshiya's room was empty, the window was open, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew into the room.

Conan rushed to the balcony, but did not see Hamano's body on the ground directly below. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a figure lying on the snow 10 meters away.

Downstairs, Doi Taka took the lead and rushed directly to Hamano to investigate the situation.

Doi Takashu: "Don't come over, he's dead. Everyone, pay attention and don't destroy the scene."

Conan looked at the body in thought, not caring that he was wearing a thin coat and blowing in the cold wind in the snow.

The body was at least 10 meters away from the villa, but there were no footprints of anyone else around except Doi Taka who had just run over.

How did he do it?

Everyone argued in the snow for a while, and finally because it was too cold, they returned to the villa with a warm fireplace.

Ryoko took the opportunity to catch Conan, who was sick and bare-legged and playing in the snow, wrapped him up like a spring roll, and then stuffed a cup of hot coffee (referring to hot water) in his hand

Well, you asked how to have a Conan spring roll?

First, you need a sick Conan who has no resistance.

Then, find an extra-large blanket, pick up Conan and put him on the edge of the blanket, and then start rolling, and a freshly baked Conan spring roll is ready~

At this time, just remove the head and you can C...

Oh, sorry, I went to the wrong channel.

Conan, who felt that he had missed a lot of key information because of his sleep, did not notice that he was holding a cup of hot water that did not conform to the conditions of Japan. He drank it slowly, and then asked a lot of clues from Sonoko and Xiaolan.

Relying on his young age, he took the lottery box in his hand and played with it for a while - naturally, in the chaos of discovering the body, Tanaka Kikue had already restored it to an ordinary small box.

Wakagi Ryo stood aside, watching Conan's movements with his peripheral vision, wondering if a light would suddenly pass through Conan's forehead in the next second.

In the original plot, the reason why Tanaka Kikue's unrestrained killing method was discovered was that the owner of the villa wanted to open a bottle of red wine to calm everyone down, and there happened to be a sailboat pattern on the wine bottle, which happened to be seen by Conan.

So he instantly understood the murderer's method of throwing the body.

Second, because Tanaka Kikue needed to find an opportunity to recover the crossbow arrows on the tree trunk outside, she had to stage a drama of "I attack myself", but as a result, more information was exposed.

Therefore, Wakagi Ryo tried his best to eliminate these points.

First, when she sneaked in here three days ago, she stole all the red wine bottles with sailboat patterns in the wine cellar (actually there were only two bottles in total) and threw them under the cliff.

Then, the arrows on the crossbow were replaced with special ice arrows. There was also a micro-balanced compartment built into the arrow (inspired by the mercury rod of the bomb). Once the arrow was hit violently, the micro-compartment inside would expand within a certain period of time, causing the ice arrow to shatter.

Although the traces cannot be completely erased, compared with the conspicuous arrows on the tree trunk, it is not so incredible to find some broken ice chips near the tree roots covered with snow.

Finally, the crossbow. He deliberately asked Tanaka Kikue to choose a detachable crossbow. After completing the disposal of Hamano Toshiya's body, he immediately disassembled the crossbow and threw it into the fire with the bag used to store the ice arrows (with built-in dry ice) to dispose of it.

All of the above were completed by Wakagi Ryo, who opened the professor's vest and remotely guided Tanaka Kikue. The main purpose is to prevent his own subtle luck from bringing some unnecessary surprises to the established plan.

Now, it's time to see if he can complete an impossible crime under the eyes of the two sons of the science world.

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