Soon, a wrist-breaking table was swept out.

Zhang Qingshan and the big man both sat down.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan cheered on the side: “Come on Aoyama-san!” Hearing

this, the big man laughed and said, “Miss Xiaolan, you don’t have to worry, I won’t let Aoyama-san lose too ugly…”

He wanted to show that he had strength and more grace, but Xiaolan didn’t seem to be interested in this.

This made the big guy a little sad

…. “Three, two, one, begin!”

With an order, Zhang Qingshan and the big man began a competition for strength.

I only heard a “bang”, and the palm of the big man was directly pressed by Zhang Qingshan!


Everyone didn’t expect this result!

Because it ended so quickly!

However, Zhang Qingshan did have a recognition of his strength.

He has about the same strength as this big man, but this big man thinks he is a “weak chicken”, so he does not exert much strength at first.

And Zhang Qingshan wanted to test his strength from the beginning, so he used all his strength!

Leads to a one-sided situation!

Even if the big man finally wanted to use force to regain the situation, Zhang Qingshan’s strength was similar to him, and Zhang Qingshan also suppressed his momentum!

He is also powerless….

Yuanzi was the first to react, and shouted happily: “Yay, Aoyama-san is indeed the most powerful!”

Xiaolan also puffed out her palm appreciatively, she didn’t expect that Qingshan’s strength was actually greater than that of the big man!

The big man didn’t expect that he would actually lose, but when he saw Xiaolan applauding Zhang Qingshan.

He said tastefully: “The game just now doesn’t count, I was careless, let’s have another round!” ”

If I hadn’t been careless just now, Miss Xiaolan would have applauded me now…”

But Katsuhiko Miyakawa on the side couldn’t see it.

He pouted and said: “If you lose, you lose, what is the trick?”

“Miss Xiaolan is also unlucky to be liked by people like you!”

Hearing this, the big man immediately became angry.

What is it to be liked by people like me, but also bad luck?!

He got up and directly grabbed Katsuhiko Miyakawa’s collar and asked loudly, “You guy, do you want to fight me?” ”

For a while, the atmosphere was a little tense.

At this time, a young woman in a kimono walked in with a pastry.

While saying, “Okay, okay, let’s all come over for snacks.” Hearing

this, the big man loosened Katsuhiko Mikawa’s neckline.

He doesn’t really want to fight either, and although he’s big, he’s not a single-celled creature either.

If you do it first, it will be him who suffers!

So, he smiled and said, “Oh, I’ve been waiting for the cake made by my uncle’s mother!” The

young woman in the kimono covered her mouth and smiled, “I don’t know if it suits your appetite, so come and taste it.”

After that, he beckoned everyone on the side to come over for snacks.

The atmosphere of saber rattling was thus dissolved….

Watch the “sweets” that a young woman in a kimono give to everyone.

Zhang Qingshan vaguely remembered that this was what poisoned the victim, right?!

Coffee is poison, cake is the antidote!

I don’t know if this young woman in kimono is reliable, whether every cake has an antidote….

So Zhang Qingshan left a mental eye.

Swapped his share with Conan’s!

Well, as we all know, death does not poison itself!

Zhang Qingshan said awe-inspiringly: “Children should not eat sweets, otherwise they will have tooth decay.” After

that, he took the cake in front of Conan away.

However, it was Conan’s dead fish eye that responded to him….

Conan: 눈_눈Zhang

Qingshan, this pit goods secretly photographed our black materials, and grabbed our favorite cake!

“Conan, you can’t be rude, Aoyama-san is also for your own good.” Xiaolan said on the side.

Although Zhang Qingshan always spoofs Conan, he can always find a reason to be “good” for Conan every time!

So Xiaolan did not oppose Zhang Qingshan’s approach….

Hearing this, Conan was extremely aggrieved in his heart, children have no human rights!

We don’t want to become children!

“Well, look at your petty appearance, I was just joking with you.” Zhang Qingshan “returned” his cake to Conan….

However, when Zhang Qingshan was carrying out this tumultuous operation, the movements of the young woman in the kimono trembled!

Because she is now about to feed cake to her tooth-decayed son!

But she glanced around and saw that no one had noticed her.

She breathed a sigh of relief and fed the cake into her son’s mouth anyway.

But this scene was “just” seen by Conan next to him!

He frowned his eyebrows, and secretly said in his heart: Isn’t this child with tooth decay?

But after all, it is a family affair, and Conan does not gossip about anything.

Ate my favorite cake

~ Well, the cake made by this young woman is still quite delicious~

Watanabe Yoshimi looked at the intact cake in front of Katsuhiko Mikawa and asked with concern: “Don’t you eat cake?”

Katsuhiko Mikawa pouted and said lightly: “I don’t like sweets.” After

that, take out a cigarette and prepare to light one.

Watanabe Yoshimi reminded: “Katsuhiko, don’t smoke so many cigarettes…”

Rory, shhhhhhh

But halfway through, he remembered that the woman in front of him was a woman he had a good impression of, and he froze.

Then he covered his head and said in a slightly apologetic tone: “Sorry, I drank a little too much…”

After that, he got up and went outside to blow the wind.

But before going out, he also picked up a pack of cigarettes on the table.

“Huh? No more…”

Katsuhiko Miyakawa shook the cigarette box.

At this time, Naomi, who had been silent, handed him a pack of cigarettes.


Katsuhiko Miyakawa glanced unexpectedly at the man who had just been taunted by himself.

He wanted to say something, but the words came to his lips and swallowed back.

Smoked a cigarette and went straight away.

Seeing this, Watanabe on the side picked up a box of chocolates and chased after him.

“Another confessional yes~” Yuanzi teased on the side.

“Yes, handsome people, there are so many troubles~” Zhang Qingshan nodded.

Hearing this, Yuanzi asked, “Is it?” Does Aoyama-san often have this kind of trouble? ”




Just as Zhang Qingshan was chatting with Yuanzi, a Japanese-style scream came!

It turned out that Katsuhiko Miyakawa fell to the ground after eating Watanabe’s beautiful chocolate!

So Yoshimi Watanabe let out a high-pitched female scream!

Zhang Qingshan Yixi, who is eating cake!

Finally, there is a tricky soul again!

But also happy is Xiaolan!

Because Xiaolan’s family is running out of money!

In the past, there were washing machines to grab business, and now there is more Conan, a pit that eats rice for nothing and does not give money!

So indirectly led to Xiaolan’s family coming to the edge of eating soil to live…

So as soon as he saw that there was a case, he directly called Kogoro’s phone!

Xiaolan: Dad, work!

Kogoro: Xiaolan, you let me an old man earn money to support your husband and wife, you are really Daddy’s “intimate and good cotton jacket”!

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