The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the next battle.

Okay, just brush it out now, and don't brush it later.

I'll exchange it when I have enough points.

This Ruikai needs 100 points, and I only got 52 points after solving the next S-level case. It seems that I have to work harder later.

Conan finally brushed out Ruikai and fell asleep peacefully.

On the next Friday, Conan was still reading novels as usual, preparing for the Sherlock Holmes Detective Tour Group.

He received a notice that he had to go to the hotel tonight, and a special car would come to pick him up.

When school was over, Conan hurried back.

Not long after, a van came to pick up Conan and the other two.

There were 4 more people in the car.

1 uncle in his 40s with a beard, 1 young man in his 20s with a flat head, 1 woman with short hair and dead fish eyes, and a freckled woman with a ponytail in the driver's seat.

Maori Kogoro, Maori Ran and Conan got on the van.

Seven people drove to the hotel.

In the car, several people were discussing excitedly.


"A Study in Red! That was the first appearance of Sherlock Holmes, the most memorable first work!!" The uncle in his 40s said excitedly.

The uncle's name is Fujishaki Goaki.

The dead fish eyes woman smiled and replied: "Yes! That is indeed the most memorable work."

The woman's name is Shimizu Nayuko.

The flat-headed young man also said excitedly: "I like the Red Haired League the most."

The young man's name is Kawazu Ikuo.

Conan was also excited after hearing this: "I like the four signatures the most."

Conan was a little confused after saying this.

Ah, what's wrong with me? ………

Why did I answer uncontrollably.

After hearing what Conan said, several people praised him.

"That book is indeed a masterpiece recognized by the world."

"Little boy, you are awesome. You know a lot of words."

Conan did not answer, and was a little horrified.

Could it be that…

Just now, the original Conan was controlling this body.

Or am I gradually becoming the real Conan.


"Excuse me, which work do you prefer?" Ikuo Kawazu, who was sitting in the back row, asked Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro was a little at a loss, pointing at himself and said, "Are you talking about me?"

Several people smiled and replied, "Yes."

Kogoro touched his head and said with an awkward smile, "I like Murder on the Western Express."

Fujishaku Goaki looked at Kogoro coldly and said, "You should be talking about Murder on the Orient Express."

Shimizu Nayuko also said coldly, "And the real author of this novel is Akasha Christine, it is not the work of Conan Doyle, whom I admire."

Kawazu Ikuo was also a little dissatisfied and said, "I didn't expect that there would be an outsider in this group."

"It's really disappointing."

Kogoro shrank his head, and at this time he wished he could find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

He whispered in Mao Lilan's ear: "Do I really have to stay with these guys for three days?"

The freckled woman in the driver's seat heard what Kogoro said, and said with a smile: "In fact, it's not just these people here. Our boss is now driving another group of people to the hotel. You will meet them later."

The freckled woman's name is Iwai Hitomi.

When Kogoro heard this, he showed a horrified expression.

After all, these three people said this to him, and there was another group of people he should do.

Everyone arrived at the hotel.

Entering the lobby, there was already a group of people waiting for a long time.

A fat uncle in a detective suit said with a smile: "I sincerely welcome you all to the McArthur Inn. I am the innkeeper who planned this trip for you, Hiroyuki Kanaya."

"Everyone gathered here today is a true Sherlock fan who has been strictly selected by me."

Fujishaku Houming said lightly with his hands crossed: "Is it really a strict selection? It seems that an outsider who can't even read the word "Fu" in Sherlock Holmes has sneaked in."

A fat middle-aged woman who looked like a rich woman next to him was surprised: "Is there really such a person? !!"

The woman's name is Toda Erika.

Kawazu Ikuo said: "It's the man with a mustache over there."

Several people looked at Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro was a little unhappy.

"Really, I'd better go back."

Turning around to leave, he was stopped by Hiroyuki Kanaya.

"Please stay, Mr. Maori."

Hiroyuki Kanaya turned and looked at everyone, "Everyone, I invited you today

This person is none other than the current famous detective who can be compared with our Sherlock Holmes…”

“Kogoro Mori, right?”

Everyone looked at the source of the voice that interrupted Hiroyuki Kanaya. It was a man wearing glasses named Kento Toba.

Kento Toba continued: “I recognize him. I have seen him several times on TV and in newspapers.”

Kogoro Mori smiled when he heard this, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his ears.

“He is indeed smart, but he is not the material that can be compared with Charlotte.”

The woman next to Kento Toba, Ryoko Oki, also echoed: “That is to say, if you really want to compete, you may not even be able to beat Dr. Watson next to Holmes.”

Kogoro Mori murmured angrily: “Damn, you actually said that to me.”

At this time, a boy wearing a hat and with a dark face walked in.

Ran Mori was a little surprised and said: “Hattori! ! ! "

Conan then noticed Hattori Heiji coming in from behind, and was a little surprised.

Black Chicken!!!

He actually came here too.

Ran Mouri continued to ask: "So you are also a fan of Sherlock Holmes! ?"

Hattori Heiji waved his hand, "No, the reason I signed up is because I thought I would meet Kudo Shinichi here."

"And compared to Conan Doyle, I admire Ella Ricoon more."

Noticing the cold eyes of the crowd,

Hattori Heiji added again: "But Doyle is still better."

Everyone smiled again.

Kanaya Hiroyuki clapped his hands, and everyone looked at him.

"Everyone, it's getting late tonight, please go back to your room and rest. Tomorrow morning, breakfast will be at 9 o'clock, lunch at 13 o'clock, and dinner at 20 o'clock."

"After dinner, the highlight is the super difficult reasoning quiz. Then, the winner of the reasoning quiz can get Conan Doyle's first collection of books. "

Everyone was a little excited after hearing this.

Kanaya Hiroyuki continued: "Before that, I would like to ask you to prove how much you admire Sherlock Holmes. This should be no problem."

Iwai Hitomi began to distribute some things similar to test papers.

"Now the lady is handing you a thousand Sherlock Holmes quizzes. The deadline for handing in the papers is before tomorrow's dinner, and only those with a total score of 990 or above can attend the dinner."

"In order to be cautious in future reasoning questions and answers, I would like to ask you to hand over your mobile phones and related reference books to the lady for safekeeping immediately. Even if you don't hand them in, it doesn't matter, because there are surveillance cameras and eavesdropping devices installed everywhere in the hotel to monitor everyone present. If anyone cheats, then I'm sorry, I will kick him out of my trip immediately."

Kogoro said with some dissatisfaction: "I'm asking you, I have to take part in your test too, right? ! ”

Kanaya Hiroyuki replied: “Oh, you don’t need that, because you are a special guest, we just need you to give a speech at the end.”

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