The news was so intense that the doctor said that he had to go to jail.

"What did you say?!!"

Gin blew out a puff of smoke,

"Didn't you hear clearly? Your sister is a traitor to the organization and has been killed by us. If you don't believe me, you can search online. There should be news..."

Shiho Miyano turned on the computer with a face full of fear and horror.

The top news was that a woman died in Tokyo Putian Port, and there were photos on it.

There was a woman lying on the ground, it was Akemi Miyano...

There was also a primary school student wearing glasses standing next to him, he lowered his head, his face full of gloom.

Seeing this news, Shiho Miyano's face also changed a little, from fear to despair.

Gin saw this expression and smiled, "I hope you won't betray the organization like your sister... After all, you are one of the few geniuses in the organization!"

Gin said this and turned around to leave.

"Continue to study your new drug, Xueli."

"I won't study it anymore..."

Vodka was angry, "Ah? What did you say?!"

"I said I won't help you study new drugs anymore."

Miyano Shiho's parents are gone, Miyano Akemi is her only family, this is her last spiritual sustenance, and Miyano Akemi is dead now, this has become the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Vodka took out a gun and pointed it at Miyano Shiho, "I advise you to study drugs honestly as before, otherwise your end will be the same as your sister."

Miyano Shiho stared at Vodka's gun, without saying a word, there was no fear in her eyes, as if she was asking Vodka to shoot, wanting to die once and for all.

The determined look actually made Vodka's back cold. He would not shoot rashly without the order of his elder brother. After all, the person in front of him was one of the few geniuses in the organization and was much more important than Miyano Akemi.

Gin next to him pressed down Vodka's gun, "Hehe, lock her up first and wait for the decision from above."

In this way, Miyano Shiho was locked up in the warehouse and handcuffed. No matter how she pulled, she couldn't pull it off...

There were no tools around, and the handcuffs couldn't be opened at all.

At this time, she remembered the new medicine in her pocket. Her sister was dead, and she had nowhere to go if she escaped. It would be better to die and end it all.

Thinking of this, she swallowed the ATPX4869 with the determination to die………


"Are you going to study abroad?"


"When will you go, and will you come back?"

"I don't know either………"


"Then I wish you a safe journey."


It was a little dark outside, and it was raining heavily.

Conan was also awakened by the sound of rain hitting the window, and he covered his aching head.

It's raining? I just had a weird dream? Who is the little girl in the dream? Why did she leave, but I felt inexplicably lonely…

"Conan, come to eat!"

It turns out… I slept from morning to night… In the end, Akemi Miyano was still not saved. I really hope to wake up and find that everything is a dream!

When I walked out of the room, there were a lot of sushi on the table. This was the sushi ordered by Mao Lilan.

"Let's eat sushi today. I saw you were sleeping soundly at noon, so I didn't call you. You must be hungry. I ordered sushi. Come and eat!"


Conan responded and walked to the dining table and sat down with the two of them.

Seeing Conan sitting at the table in a daze, Kogoro stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

"What's wrong? Little brat, you look like you're going to die."

Conan looked out the window without saying a word, his eyes a little dull.

Seeing that Conan didn't respond, Kogoro shook Conan, "Hey, kid."

Feeling someone shaking him, Conan looked at Kogoro again, stood up, said nothing, and walked to the window.

Listening to the rustling rain, looking at the deserted streets, covering his chest, feeling his heart beating "bang bang bang".

"Why...why is my heart beating so fast and hurting."

Ran Maoli and Kogoro looked at Conan with some confusion.


At this time, Conan ran out.

"Conan, where are you going? It's raining heavily outside!!"

Conan left without looking back.

He came outside and let the rain hit him mercilessly. Even though he was soaked,

He had no intention of going back.

Because he felt that if he went back, he would regret it for the rest of his life…

He didn’t know what he wanted to do, so he walked around in the rice flower pavilion in the rain, as if he wanted to find something in his heart? But he didn’t know what it was…

His speed was getting faster and faster, from walking to running, and the passers-by on the road saw the boy sprinting in the rain in front of him, and they all hurried to avoid him.

It seemed that my home was in front of me… From a distance, Conan vaguely saw a figure, and with his exhausted body, Conan ran there again.

At the door of his own home, a girl in a white coat fainted on the ground.


“Who is it…? Is it someone from the organization? They have chased here…”

The girl’s vision was blurred at this time. After walking such a long way in the heavy rain, her body had reached its limit, and she could only vaguely see a figure in front of her.

Conan picked up Miyano Shiho, and the rain kept hitting her face, no matter how Conan tried to block it.

"I feel so cold, I have to go into the house quickly..."

Just as he was about to go into the house, his body froze again.

Oops, I was in a hurry to go out... I didn't bring my keys!!


Hearing this familiar voice, Conan was a little excited and shouted to Dr. Agasa: "Dr. Agasa, open the door quickly."

Dr. Agasa saw the girl in Conan's arms, handed the umbrella in his hand to Conan, and quickly opened the door.

After entering the house, Conan put Miyano Shiho on the bed, took the towel brought by Dr. Agasa and wiped the girl on the bed.

"Shinichi, who is she?"

"I'll tell you later. Now go get some antipyretics. She is very weak and has a fever."

Dr. Agasa replied "OK" and went to find antipyretics.

"Ring, ring, ring"

"Shinichi, Xiaolan called, come and answer the phone."

"You answer it, I don't want to leave her now..."

Dr. Agasa showed a trace of worry on his face, and then answered the call from Mao Lilan.

"Well, he is here with me."

"No need to answer it, he said he rested at my place today..."

"Well, OK!"

Dr. Agasa hung up the phone, found the antipyretic medicine, poured a cup of hot water, and came to the room.

"You are really messing around! Shinichi, it's raining so hard outside, Xiaolan said you ran outside like a demon, and she couldn't stop you no matter what."

Conan listened to Dr. Agasa's nagging, but didn't respond. Instead, he held the girl's hand on the bed, looked at the girl's pure face, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Okay, you are also soaked, go take a shower, don't worry, I will take good care of her."

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