The two of them were very happy.

At night, everyone gathered in Nagato Michizo's room, and he blew out the candles on the cake.

"Happy birthday, Dad."

"Happy birthday, Master."

"Happy birthday, Father-in-law."


Everyone wished President Nagato a happy birthday.

Seeing that everyone was there, Nagato Michizo said, "There is something. I want to take this opportunity to tell everyone something."

Everyone quieted down and became serious.

Nagato Michizo looked at Hinata Nobu who was standing aside.

"It's the marriage of my son Hideomi and Miss Hinata Nobu."

Nagato Yasue and butler Musashi Nosuke were delighted and seemed a little excited to hear the news.

"Is this true, Master?" Musashi asked.

Seeing that everyone supported the news, Nagato Michizo nodded with a smile, and then explained: "I asked Xiao Xin to live in just to let her adapt to this family as soon as possible."

"So that's it!" Nagato Yasue suddenly realized,

I had been misled by my elder sister Nagato Nobuko before, thinking that Hinata Xin was that kind of person...

"Miss Nobuko, where are you going?" asked the butler Musashi.

Since Nagato Michizo told this news, Nagato Nobuko's teeth have been grinding.

The whole family is married, even Hideomi is getting married.

And I... 39 years old, almost 40, and still don't have a partner.

Thinking of this, Nagato Nobuko rushed out of the room in anger.

Nagato Guangming said to Musashi Nosuke: "Don't worry about her. Now she is the only one who has not married yet."

Nagato Nobuko, who walked to the door, seemed to be touched by this sentence. She was stunned for a moment, gritted her teeth, and left with a cold look.

"By the way, why didn't you see Hideomi?" Nagato Michizo asked.

Nagato Guangming teased: "That guy must be embarrassed. Let me call him."

After saying that, he waved and left the room.


Others were chatting and eating cakes in the room.

And President Nagato Michizo fell asleep unknowingly.

"Dad is asleep, let's leave first." Nagato Yasue said softly.

"Dingling dingling dingling..."

"Phone, I'll answer it." The housekeeper walked to the side of the phone.

"Hello, who is this?"

The person on the other end of the phone replied: "This is Guangming, please let my father-in-law answer the phone."

The housekeeper looked at Nagato Michizo who was sleeping on the bed and replied: "But the master has already fallen asleep, and we are planning to leave here."

Nagato Guangming replied: "But I can't find Hideomi anywhere! Where on earth did he go... Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Nagato Guangming on the other end of the phone hadn't finished speaking when he shouted.

The shout was so loud that Conan, Hattori and others who were chatting heard it.

The housekeeper also said in a panic: "Mr. Guangming!!"

Kogoro rushed over to take the phone and shouted: "Hello, what's wrong? Where are you!?",

"I'm in the room below you. But I don't know who turned off the lights and held a knife behind my back... Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Kogoro hurried to the balcony to check, followed by Hattori Heiji and Conan, and Hinata Xin also seemed a little worried and followed.

"Are you okay? Mr. Guangming, Mr. Guangming!"

Kogoro shouted.

But there was no response.

Just then, a figure opened the balcony French window and walked out.

When the few people saw the figure clearly, they were a little shocked.

The man was a man with bandages on his head, a knitted hat, and a knife in his mouth.

And Conan and the others had seen someone dressed like this during the day, that was Nagato Michizo's son - Nagato Hideomi.

"Hideomi!!" Hinata Shin was the first to shout out.

The man glanced at the people above and walked in again.

"We have to stop him quickly!!!" Kogoro shouted.

Several people rushed out of the door and ran downstairs.

In less than 10 seconds, everyone came to the room downstairs. Kogoro tried to open the door, but couldn't turn it open. "Damn guy, he actually locked the door."

"I'll go get the backup key." The housekeeper said.

"Okay, hurry up." Kogoro reminded.

"I'll go outside with the guards!" Hattori Heiji said and ran downstairs.

"Ahhhhhh!" Nagato Mitsuko's loud shout came from inside the house again.

Nagato Yasue heard her husband's

Shouting, a little panic and worry, she kept knocking on the door and asked, "Guangming, what's wrong with you!!"

At this time, the housekeeper ran over with the key, "Detective Maori, the spare key is here."

Kogoro took the key and immediately opened the door, then rushed in.

The room was dark, no one was there.

Seeing the French window open, Kogoro rushed over.

When he reached the balcony, he saw a rope tied to the balcony.

"Damn, did he escape with the rope?" Kogoro murmured.

"But where is Guangming?" Nagato Yasue said.

"There." Conan pointed down.

A man was lying on the lawn outside, his abdomen bleeding, motionless.

"Guangming!!!" Nagato Yasue shouted, but the man did not answer.

"Call the police, Xiaolan." After saying this, Kogoro rushed down.

When everyone came to this area, they clearly saw that the body on the lawn was Nagato Mitsukoshi.

[Ding! Please find the murderer and solve this A-level case, and you will be rewarded with 27 points]

A-level case...

It seems that this time it will not be easy...


Not long after, Officer Megure came here.

He asked Kogoro and others about the situation.

"The deceased was pushed under the railing, and according to what you said, the murderer is Mr. Nagato's son - Nagato Hideomi."

Hinata Shin said at this time: "That's not the case! The murderer can't be Mr. Hideomi, I think... I think there must be some reason."

"No matter what the reason is, you can't kill my Guangming!" Nagato Yasuie knelt on the ground and cried.

Hinata Shin still said with certainty: "But Mr. Hideomi can't be the kind of person who would do such a thing, not to mention that the person we saw may not be Mr. Hideomi!"

Hatsutori Heiji also agreed: "Yes, the person we saw just had bandages wrapped around his face."

"Bandages?" Officer Megure looked at Kogoro in confusion.

Kogoro explained: "Because Mr. Hideomi's face was burned by a fire."

Hatsutori Heiji continued: "It was after 10 o'clock in the evening when we saw the murderer. At that time, everyone happened to be gathered in the bedroom of Chairman Nagato on the third floor."

"Who was there at the time?" Officer Megure asked.

Kogoro pondered, "There were six of us at the time: me, Heiji, Ran, Conan, the butler Fujitake, and Miss Yasue."

Inspector Megure looked at Hinata Shin and asked, "By the way, where were you when everyone left?"

"I was in the bedroom with the president."

Inspector Megure looked at the rope on the balcony again and guessed, "But if the murderer wanted to escape from the balcony, he must have prepared the rope with the hook in advance."

Conan was thinking about the case in his mind.

Indeed, there is no doubt that the murderer escaped with that rope.

But what puzzles me is...

Why did the murderer go to the balcony in the middle of the murder, as if he wanted us to see him...

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