After that, the police and the others spent another day and night searching every corner of the house, but there was still no trace of Nagato Hideomi.

In the end, the police and Kogoro gave up the search.

(The second night after the incident)

Officer Takagi emerged from the bushes, "Officer Megure, I can't find him anywhere."

Before Officer Megure responded, Nagato Nobuko's curse came over, "What!? You said Hideomi didn't get married because of me."

It was Hinata Shin and Nagato Nobuko...the two of them seemed to be arguing about something.

Hinata Xin replied weakly: "No, I just think he likes gentle ones like big sister."

As soon as the voice fell, Nagato Nobuko's eyes turned cold, and then she slapped Hinata Xin on the face.

Seeing this scene, Conan couldn't help but complain in his heart, where is she gentle...? !

From the time they met until now, she has been losing her temper all the time.

Hinata Xin's face became panic because her pen fell into the pool next to her.

She jumped over the fence of the pool and wanted to jump down to find the pen.

When Mao Lilan saw it, her face was shocked and she quickly grabbed her.

"Miss Hinata, it's dangerous."

The butler Musashinosuke also dissuaded her, "Please don't go down, this pond is very deep."

Hinata Shin ignored everyone's dissuasion and still wanted to go down to look for it, "No, that pen is a souvenir my father gave me."

Inspector Megure hurriedly said to the butler, "Go and drain the water."

"Okay, I'll go right away." The butler hurried away.


Soon, the butler came back, and the water in the pool slowly dropped.

Kogoro complained, "This water is so dirty."

The butler explained, "The lady used to raise fish in it, but no one has taken care of it since the lady died."

The bottom of the pool gradually appeared, and everyone's eyes gradually widened,

because at the bottom of the pool there was a body lying.

And that body was the long-missing Nagato Hideomi.

When the police moved Nagato Hideomi's body up, everyone gathered around to watch.

It was indeed Nagato Hideomi...

Nagato Yasuie fell to her knees. Her husband and brother died one after another. She broke down and cried, "Why? Why did Brother Hideomi..."

Seeing that the forensic examination was completed, Officer Megure asked, "What is the estimated time of death?"

The forensic doctor replied, "According to my speculation, the deceased has been dead for one and a half to two days."

Officer Megure said, "Mr. Guangming was pushed down from the balcony at about 10 o'clock the night before yesterday, which is 44 hours from now."

"As for Mr. Hideomi, if he had jumped into this pond and committed suicide before our police arrived here, it would be consistent with the facts."

The forensic doctor said again, "But the cause of death of the deceased was not drowning."

"What!?" Officer Megure said in surprise.

If the cause of death was not drowning, then what was it?

Officer Megure was confused, including everyone else. Everyone looked at the forensic doctor, wanting to hear what the cause of death of Nagato Hideomi was.

The forensic doctor said again: "The specific cause of death can only be determined after further autopsy and examination, but according to my judgment, he sank to the bottom of the lake after taking poison."

Then he picked up the stone next to the body and said: "The reason why the body did not float to the surface is because the deceased put a stone in his clothes."

Inspector Megure speculated: "In this case, Mr. Hideomi committed suicide by taking poison first, and then jumped into the pool holding the stone?"

Conan and Hattori both felt that this speculation was not reasonable.

No... It's very strange.

Would a normal person take poison and then jump into the pool? It's simply unnecessary.

Officer Megure asked in confusion: "But no matter how bad the relationship between Mr. Hideomi and Mr. Guangming was, they wouldn't kill each other."

The housekeeper on the side guessed: "I think... this may be because Mr. Hideomi and Miss Kangjiang had a very good relationship in the past. I remember that when Miss Kangjiang married Mr. Guangjiang, the person who was firmly opposed to it until the end was Mr. Hideomi."

Kogoro glanced at Nagato Kangjiang who was crying beside the corpse and guessed: "Maybe he was not convinced that his good sister married a friend who didn't get along with him."

Nagato Nobuko held back the tears in her eyes, "This idiot."

At this time,

Officer Takagi ran over with the forensic report, "Officer Megure, the results of the forensic examination are out."

Officer Megure looked at Takagi and asked, "What are the results?"

Officer Takagi looked at the report and reported, "The shape of the knife found at the crime scene is consistent with the wound on Mr. Guangming's arm. The blood on the murder knife has been checked and it is also Mr. Guangming's. In addition, the hair on the hat and bandage scattered beside the deceased with the murder knife also belongs to Mr. Guangming.

"In addition, there is a kite string about one meter long in Mr. Guangming's jacket pocket."

Officer Megure was puzzled, "Kite string?"

After hearing this, Conan asked, "Is the wound on the back of the deceased's right hand also a knife wound?"

Officer Takagi replied, "It seems a little different,"

Hattori Heiji asked again: "There should be saliva on the knife? What is the blood type of the saliva? "

Officer Takagi replied: "No, there is no saliva on it at all, it seems to have been wiped off by someone."

After hearing this, the two of them looked very serious.

The police officer next to the body handed a piece of paper to Officer Megure and said: "Officer, this piece of paper was found in the pocket of the body."

Officer Megure took the paper and read it: "I am not qualified to marry you at all. In order to make up for the sins I have committed against you, I would rather die."

After reading it, he looked at Hinata Xin, "Miss Hinata, this is a suicide note for you."

Hinata Xin heard that it was a letter to herself, so she came over.

Officer Megure gave it to Hinata Xin and asked: "Do you see if this is Mr. Hideomi's handwriting?"

Hinata Xin seemed to be a little collapsed, and slowly said: "It does look a bit like it. Let's go to his room to see if there is anything he wrote."

After that, she left here.

"Miss Hinata, this is the pen you dropped into the pond. "Ran Maori handed the pen to Hinata Shin, but Hinata Shin ignored her and rushed into the house.

Ran Maori thought she didn't hear it and wanted to chase her to give it to her, but was stopped by Hattori Heiji, "Don't bother her anymore, just give me her pen first, I will give it to her later."

Hattori Heiji knew in his heart that Hinata Shin was probably trying to hold back her emotions...

After all, her husband was dead.

Just as Hattori guessed, Hinata Shin couldn't hold back any more after entering the room, and slowly knelt down against the wall, tears streaming down uncontrollably, "Wuwuwuwu..."

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