The smell of blood is not good.

"This is... the smell of blood!!!"

Conan seemed to smell the smell of blood here. Although it was not very obvious, he still caught the smell for a moment.

Where did it come from...

Is it here?

Conan looked at 302 next to him.

Seeing that Conan ignored him, Saito Jiro said angrily: "Hey, kid, even if you don't agree, just say something. What's the point of not saying anything???"

Conan still didn't say anything, and turned back to "hush".

Saito Jiro was not happy after being treated coldly by Conan, but he was not allowed to speak. He shouted, "Hey, kid, it was indeed my fault just now, but what do you mean by coldly treating me?"

Conan was also startled and stared at Saito Jiro, "Ah? What are you yelling about? Shut up and don't bother me."

After that, Conan lay down by the door and sniffed.

"What are you smelling? Does someone else's door smell so good?!"

Conan still ignored him.

Saito Jiro looked like he understood, and pointed at Conan with a smirk, saying, "Oh~, I understand, I didn't expect you to have this kind of fetish!!"

Conan really couldn't help it after hearing this. He covered his ears and shouted angrily, "Ah! Stop bothering me, you've been blabbering non-stop since just now!"

Seeing that Conan was a little angry, Saito Jiro didn't dare to speak anymore.

It was a faint fishy smell, that's right...

It was behind this door.

Conan took a deep breath and then slowly exhaled.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

Seeing Conan knocking on the door, Saito Jiro said anxiously: "Hey, why are you knocking on this door!? Isn't your teacher's house in 301?"

Conan ignored him and stared at the door of 302, waiting for the owner to open the door.

After a while, the door was opened.

"Huh? Who are you?"

A woman poked her head out and asked.

Seeing that the woman looked so pretty and even a little cute, Saito Jiro suddenly became a little incoherent: "Ah... We are..."

Conan took over and said: "We are new people who moved here and came to say hello to the neighbors."

"Oh, is that so."

"Sister, what are you doing? Why do I seem to smell something?"

The woman smiled and said: "I'm killing fish , because I'm going to have fish for lunch."

Conan smiled and said, "Oh, is that so? Can I take a look?"

Saito Jiro took Conan's hand and whispered, "Hey, kid, it's not good to enter someone's house like this."

The woman waved her hand and smiled and replied, "It's okay. Children are playful. We will still be neighbors in the future. Come in and take a look."

After entering the door, Conan exclaimed, "Sister, your house is so clean! !"

"Because I just cleaned it."

The kitchen is on the left side of the door. Conan saw the fish on the stove that had not been processed yet and asked, "Is this the fish you killed?"

The woman smiled and nodded, "Yeah."

"What's wrong with your hand?" Conan pointed to the back of the woman's hand with a Band-Aid.

The woman glanced at the back of her hand and explained, "Oh, this was accidentally injured when I killed the fish."

Conan stared at her hand and remained silent.

Saito Jiro saw this scene, pulled Conan's hand, and said, "Hey, have you finished reading, kid, it's time to go."

Conan ignored him and was still thinking with his head down.

Saito Jiro looked at the woman again, touched his head and apologized, "I'm so sorry, the child is ignorant."

The woman still waved her hand and smiled, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Saito Jiro pulled Conan out the door, and then smiled and said, "See you next time, hehe."

The woman also smiled and said, "Yeah, see you next time."

After the woman closed the door, Saito Jiro smiled foolishly, "Hehe, Takakura Mika, can we meet next time...?"

Conan was still thinking.

Did he misunderstand?

But the fish didn't look like it was just killed, but it looked like it was killed yesterday. Would a normal person eat yesterday's fish! ! ?

He thought of the band-aid on the woman's hand again.

Forget it, maybe she is a novice and doesn't know how to kill fish...

Saito Jiro stared at Conan with a wicked smile, "Hey, kid, did you know that the resident of this house is a beautiful woman, so you deliberately flirted with her!?"

"The teacher is also very beautiful, you are really good at hiding."

Conan lowered his head and murmured, "I just want to confirm one thing."

Saito Jiro said

: "Don't come on, you were staring at me with your eyes shining."

Just now Conan was trying to check if the woman was lying,

but there was nothing wrong with the woman's words.

Just now that faint smell of rust...

Maybe I really made a mistake.

"Hey, kid, let's do it again next time." Saito Jiro said.

Conan rolled his eyes, "If you want to come, come by yourself."

"Don't be like that..."

"I don't stay with people who don't keep their promises."

After saying that, Conan turned around and left.

Saito Jiro hurriedly followed, "Ah... don't be like that, I'll buy it for you right away."

Conan said coldly: "It's too late."

Saito Jiro smiled and said: "How about the suggestion I just gave you? I'll guarantee you juice for a month, as long as I stay with your teacher, or with the beauty in 302 just now."

Conan was shocked, "Ah??! You're still picky."


(In the room)

Listening to the sound gradually fading away, Takakura Mika gasped heavily, then went back to the kitchen and picked up a bloody rag and scrubbed it hard...

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