The two of them were in a mess.

Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, then put the amulet into his pocket, and said helplessly: "I really can't do anything with you."

Then his face changed and he looked serious, "But listen carefully, you go to my house and wait obediently."

"But the case..."

Before Conan finished speaking, Hattori Heiji interrupted and said: "This is Osaka, let us handle this case."


Conan followed Mao Lilan and others into the car of Officer Otaki.

Hattori Heiji followed Sakata Yusuke into his car and prepared to go to the home of Councillor Goji.

Yusuke Sakata started the car first, and Heiji Hattori stuck his head out and waved at Officer Otaki's car, "Okay, see you later."

Toyama Kazuha complained in a low voice: "Who is he talking to?"

This is naturally a greeting to Conan...

Officer Otaki started the car immediately,

Kogoro covered his stomach and said: "I'm hungry again."

Although he had been eating before noon, he had not eaten since he encountered the case.

Officer Otaki smiled and said: "In another 30 minutes, we can go to our director's house in Neyagawa."

Toyama Kazuha said: "The dishes cooked by Heiji's mother are recognized by everyone as the best!!"

"Is that so! It seems that I can have a feast!"

Seeing Kogoro so happy, Officer Otaki smiled.

After a while, Officer Otaki's phone rang and he answered the phone.

"Hello, this is Otaki."


"What!!? You said you found the wanted car of Kiichiro at Minoyama."

Officer Otaki was shocked, and his eyes became serious.


"Okay, I'll be there right away."

Officer Otaki said, hung up the phone, and apologized to Kogoro with a smile: "Mr. Mori, I'm sorry, I have to ask you to go to my wife's dinner later."

He hung the alarm on the car.

"I have to go somewhere now!!"

He drifted and turned the car around.


Soon, they arrived at Minoyama.

"Sorry, I'll find a young man to drive you away to the director's house right away."

Officer Otaki said with a smile, and then left the car.

Coming to the other police officers, Officer Otaki asked seriously: "What's the situation?"

The police officer replied: "Officer Otaki, we only found this car buried in the bushes, but we didn't find Kiichiro."

"What about the wooden house over there? Have you checked it?"

Officer Otaki pointed to the wooden house not far away.

The police officer replied: "We have sent people to check the wooden house just now, and there is nothing found."

Officer Otaki did not speak, but looked at the wooden house.

The police officer guessed: "Will he abandon the car and escape to somewhere?"

"You are wrong, it's still in there."

It was Conan, who just followed Officer Otaki here.

"Little brother, when did you come?"

Conan did not answer Officer Otaki's question, but led a few people to the side, "Look here."

He pointed to a bucket in the grass and said, "I only knew about it after I found this bucket buried in the grass."

There were many invoices for purchased goods in the bucket.

"Look, in addition to the invoices from the convenience store five days ago and three days ago, there are also bento labels sold by the convenience store until today."

"No matter how hard you think about it, it's impossible for someone to eat the bento from the convenience store here every day, right?"

Officer Otaki smiled and said, "But little brother, the wanted person will be discovered immediately if he appears in the convenience store."

Conan smiled and said, "There must be someone else who went to buy things, and someone must be protecting this person."

Officer Otaki felt enlightened after hearing this.

This kid's guess is really bold...

"Hurry up and check the cabin again!!"



"Hey, did you find anything?"

"No, it can be seen that someone has lived here, but that's all."

The edge of this window is covered with mud, and there is nothing above except the pillars and beams...


Conan's eyes lit up. Why is there no spider nest on the pillars and beams? This abandoned cabin doesn't even have a spider nest.

There is no spider nest...

It's really strange...

Conan stared at the soil, and the more he looked, the more he felt it looked like half a footprint.

He stepped on the window frame and then climbed onto the beam.

Officer Otaki also heard the movement above his head, looked up, and was shocked, "Little brother, it's dangerous!!"

Conan pushed open the wooden board in the attic as if he didn't hear it, "It seems that this can lead to the room in the attic."

Officer Otaki shouted anxiously: "Wait a minute, little brother, just leave it to us next."

We can't let this kid go up there, if the murderer is up there, it will be dangerous.

After Conan came down, Officer Otaki climbed up and turned around with a flashlight, and found a person.

That person was the murderer wanted in the newspaper, "Numabuchi Kiichiro!!"

"I am arresting you for robbery and murder."

Numabuchi Kiichiro did not run away when he saw the police, but stretched out his hand and said, "Food."


At this time, Officer Otaki found that his hands were handcuffed to the roof by someone.

"Please give me food quickly."


On the other side, Hattori Heiji and Sakata Yusuke also came to the side of the township councilor.

"What!!! That guy Goji said he doesn't want to see you."

The two policemen also said helplessly: "Yes, we also came to this room in the evening to wait for him."

Hattori Heiji was a little angry after hearing this, "Then I'll go find him directly."

Seeing Hattori Heiji like this, Sakata Yusuke quickly stopped him, "Hey, hey, since there are several experienced police officers here, you just have to be patient for a while."

(In the room)

Councilman Goji's secretary said a little panicked: "Councilman, I really have no excuse to let those policemen wait any longer, what should I do!?"

Councilman Goji seemed a little panicked, but he still said: "Who cares, wait until they give up, they will naturally go back."

The secretary replied: "In that case, I will tell these policemen about the strange phone call I just received, okay?"

"No... Absolutely not."

Councilman Goji replied slowly.

Just a few hours ago, the village councillor received a call. The person on the other end of the phone said, "In an hour, let's make a deal with the accident 20 years ago."

"Just wait for me in the warehouse behind your house."


Officer Otaki successfully arrested Kiichiro Numabuchi and escorted the criminal out of the wooden house.

"Didn't I tell you not to run around casually? You really make people worry."

Ran Maoli in the house was lecturing Conan. When she found that Conan was missing, she came out to ask the police, and then she learned that Conan ran to the wooden house.

Kiichiro Numabuchi suddenly stopped and glanced at the ground.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!" Officer Otaki urged.

Kiichiro Numabuchi started walking again, but he fell into the pile of debris on the ground after taking two steps.

"Are you okay?" Officer Otaki asked. He thought the criminal was too hungry to walk, so he fell. He leaned over with a light to take a look. Kiichiro Numabuchi was holding something reflective in his hand. He felt something was wrong and stepped back. He narrowly avoided Kiichiro Numabuchi's backhand knife. Kiichiro Numabuchi saw that he didn't hit him, so he wanted to take this opportunity to run out, so he ran towards the door. Conan and Ran Maori were blocking the door. "Get out of the way!" Ran Maori hadn't reacted yet, and Kiichiro Numabuchi had already arrived in front of her. At this time, Kiichiro Numabuchi's knife stabbed straight at her. Ran Maori was shocked. Oh no, I can't dodge at this distance! !

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