Outside the arena, several staff members of the Japanese TV station were watching the camera images in the car.

Director Jinzi shouted in the car: "You can now switch from Line 2 to Line 3. Camera 1 should not miss the shot."

"Hey?! Camera 4, where are you shooting?"

A man walked into the car, "Mr. Jinzi, excuse me..."

Director Jinzi looked back at the man and said impatiently: "I'm busy. What's the matter?"

The man handed him a phone, "Please answer this call first."

Jinzi took off his headphones and asked in confusion: "Call, is it for me?"

The man replied: "Yes, he just told me several times that you will regret it if you don't answer the phone."

"Okay then."

Director Jinzi took the phone, "Hello, I'm Director Jinzi."

There was no sound on the other end of the phone, and Director Jinzi asked again: "Hello, hello , who are you?"

This time a voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'll only say it once, so you heard it clearly."

"Looking over from the right side of the front stand, there are a few children leaning on the handrails in the front row, do you see them?"

Director Jinzi was stunned, but still told the staff according to his instructions, "Hey, the No. 13 camera is not in use now, right? ? Ask him to focus on the right side of the audience immediately."

"Oh oh."

The staff responded and gave the order: "Hey, No. 13 camera! ! "

"Well, I saw it, a total of five children, what happened to the boy wearing a blue hat on the left? ? "


(In the arena)

The football match was in full swing,

"You are really calm..."

Grayfield Ai was a little confused.

Conan pointed at the three Teitan kids beside him, "Most people would be like that."

"Come on, heroes, run."

"Come on, Rams."

Conan looked at Haibara Ai again and complained, "Let me ask you, is there nothing that can make you feel a little excited?"

Hailaa Ai smiled and said, "Yes, I think if I look hard, maybe it will appear."

"It was the same when you transferred here. You didn't feel embarrassed to be among a group of little brats, and you could pretend to go to school as if nothing happened."

"Of course."

Hailaa Ai looked at Conan and said with a smile, "Because you are here."

Conan was stunned, and his eyes were a little shocked when he looked at Haibara Ai.

Haibara Ai continued, "It was because you were in that class that I calmed down,"

"Because I know you are in the same situation as me."

As soon as Haibara finished speaking, the blue hat on her head was blown down by the wind.

Conan's eyes also moved down.

But at this moment, the ball next to the hat suddenly moved and then leaked.

It seemed to be hit by something...

The detective's intuition made Conan feel that something was wrong.

The three children next to him saw Conan's serious face and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

"The ball suddenly bounced."

It's useless to just look at it, you have to go down and see it.

Conan jumped down.

"What are you doing??!" The staff in the field saw Conan jump into the field and shouted.

Conan ignored it and picked up the football.

There were holes in the ball, and there were two...

It was really pierced by something...

At this time, the staff had come to Conan's side, "How can you jump into the field casually?!"

"But my hat was blown off!!"

Conan turned around and said.


The staff turned around and looked for it.

Seeing the staff turn around, Conan looked again,

If I guessed correctly...

Got it, it's this! !

There was a small hole on the rubber field...

"Oh, is this one? Little brother, your hat fell off."

The staff picked up a hat,

Conan took out a knife from his arms and started digging the small hole on the ground.

"Hey! What are you doing, little brother?"

Seeing this, the staff quickly reached out and picked him up to stop him.

Conan looked at the bullet in his hand,

This is... 7.62mm bullet.

After being driven out of the track and field by the staff, Conan returned to the side of Huihara Ai.

"What's wrong, Conan?"

Ayumi asked.

"Nothing?? The hat just fell off..."

After Conan finished speaking, he put the hat on Haibara Ai.

"What happened to that ball just now?"

"It was hit by a bullet!"

Conan took out the 7.62 bullet and showed it to Haibara Ai.

"So, someone is carrying a gun in this track and field!! "

"Maybe it's them, they have already found me!! "

Haibara Ai said with some worry.

Conan patted Haibara Ai on the shoulder and replied: "Don't worry, if it was them, you wouldn't be standing here talking to me now..."

"That's right, if it was them, I might have been shot in the head."

"I'll go out and call the police, you stay here to watch the children."

Conan turned around and prepared to leave.

"I'll go with you..."

Conan paused, then nodded, "Okay..."

"You stay here, I'll go to the toilet with Edogawa."

After saying this to the Teitan trio, Haibara Ai said to Conan, "Let's go."

Conan said "Hmm", and left with Haibara Ai.

"Are they going to the toilet?"

"No, I heard it, hehe." Ayumi said with a smile.

Ever since Conan put a hat on Haibara Ai, she has been paying attention to their movements.

"They seemed to be talking about a pistol or something."

After hearing this, Mitsuhiko suddenly realized, "So that's why Conan jumped down just now!!"

Ayumi nodded, "That should be the case."

"What are you waiting for!"

Genta smiled, then said, "The Junior Detective Team..."

"Move out!!!"


"What are you doing here?"

Conan looked at Ayumi and the other two behind him.

"We're going to the bathroom too, hehe."

Grayhara next to him laughed sadly.

And Conan patted his forehead, "Forget it, since you're here, just go out..."

When Conan went out, he saw Officer Megure and other police officers talking next to the Nichimi TV car.

Director Kaneko said, "Someone must have fired a gun in the arena just now."

Officer Megure's eyes became serious after hearing this, and asked, "So where is the victim who was shot?"

Director Kaneko replied, "No, it wasn't a person who was hit, but a football."


"I followed what the person on the phone said, and when I found a little boy wearing a blue hat in the front row of the audience, I saw the ball on the screen just falling below, and at this moment, the ball bounced out and deflated."

Director Kaneko said seriously, "I think it must have been shot by a pistol."

Officer Megure also felt that it was a misunderstanding after hearing this.

I didn’t see a gun…

There was no victim either…

And even if the ball was really shot through by a bullet, there must have been a bullet…

Inspector Megure was a little speechless: “Based on this alone, it’s possible that someone used an air gun to do a prank!!”

“No, that’s a real pistol!!”

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