It’s not a long journey from where the festival is held to the waterfall.

In addition, those who came to participate in the festival - even if they are not selected, they still have to continue watching in order to see the next environment.

Therefore, although Ye Fei and others did not know the location of Mermaid Falls.

But as long as you follow the large group, you will soon arrive at the Mermaid Falls!

In addition to seeing a huge waterfall, there is also a blockade outside.

Shimadai Kimie held three dugong arrows in his hand and got straight to the point.

"Now, please come to the front and gather the three lucky guests tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Fei and another person not far away walked out of the team.

Ye Fei was okay, his movements were slow and slow, and there was no joy of"winning the big prize" on his face.

But it was another person ——Probably because he was so happy and walking very fast!

However, the third person never appeared....

"Who is the other one? Another guest should have arrived too, right?"

Shimadai Kimie's eyes passed through the crowd and reminded her one last time.

"It’s me!"A drunkard staggered out of the crowd.

"Weird, right? I just thought it was another lady who won the lottery!"

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but frown, and blurted out subconsciously.

"That's right, I didn't see that lady at all."

Conan's expression also changed a bit. I don't know why, but I always had a bad premonition.

But - Shimadai Kimeko didn't care who should win the prize.

But whoever got the number plate, who is that one of three lucky ones

"Thanks."Ye Fei said his thanks to Shimashiro Kime with a gentle look.

While killing the dugong's arrow, his eyes passed over the waterfall invisibly.

Although it was very late now and there were no lights around..

However, for Ye Fei, who is a top sniper, he still easily caught the abnormality on the waterfall.

The shaking figure.......

Shimashiro Kimie didn't notice Ye Fei's little move.

But after firing three dugong arrows, he immediately waved to the staff next to him.

"Now, we invite three people to enjoy the light of bliss."

The next second, big fireworks were put into the air one after another.

Mao Lilan and others subconsciously raised their hands to look:"It's so beautiful!"

It's just that after admiring a few fireworks.

There are also people with good eyesight who can clearly see the figure above the waterfall through the light brought by the fireworks.

"ah? what is that?"

Although not everyone present has seen a corpse, it is still easy to judge the figure of a person.......

"that.......Looks like a corpse?"

Someone couldn't help but swallowed their saliva and said with some horror.

"quick! Go put the person down first!"

Hattori Heiji and Conan were the first to react and immediately ran towards the cliff above the waterfall.

Seeing this, a few brave people also followed.

Not long after, Ebihara Hisumi's body was Lifted down

"Shoumei? come?"

Looking at the body of Hisumi Ebihara, Shimashiro Kimie couldn't help but stare. She asked in disbelief.

"Is this an accidental loss of water? Or did someone kill her?"

"No, I don’t think either of these is possible!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fukuyama Rokuro shook his head first and denied these two speculations.

Later, Fukuyama Rokuro also picked up a sharpened wooden stake from the side of Ebihara Hisumi. , explained

"The thing tied around Sumi's neck is a fixed rope fixed by the river to prevent danger."

"oh? is that so?"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and immediately took the wooden stake and the rope connected to the wooden stake and took a look.

Suddenly he nodded as if he suddenly understood:".~That's it!"

"In other words, Miss Shoumei lost her footing after walking to the river in the dark."

"Although I grabbed the rope, the water flow was too fast"

"As a result, the fixation fell off, and Miss Shoumei was strangled to death by the fixation rope."

After saying that, he seemed to think that his speculation was reasonable.

Maori Kogoro couldn't help but touch his chin quite complacently, which made Maorilan and the others almost blind!

"but........Don't you think it's strange?"

Hattori Heiji shook his head slightly, frowned slightly and asked.

"The Dugong Festival is obviously held below the waterfall. Why does Miss Shoumei have to go above the waterfall at this time?"

After all, although everyone only said a few words to Ebihara Hisumi before,[]

But it can also be easily seen that Ebihara Hisumi has a fanatical belief in mermaids.

And it's obvious that Hisumi Ebihara is looking forward to the possibility of immortality.

Under such circumstances, would Ebihara Hisumi really miss this festival?

And the number plate in the drunkard's hand........Isn’t it really Ebihara Hisumi’s?

Hattori Heiji subconsciously glanced in the direction of the drunkard from before, and his pupils shrank involuntarily.

Where are people?.

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