"That was a marriage decided by the parents of both parties without authorization, and it had nothing to do with us!"

Rokuro Fukuyama was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his hair immediately exploded.

"Besides, my father is gone long ago, so this matter cannot be counted!"

After saying that, Fukuyama Rokuro took the initiative to pick up Ebihara Hisumi's body. He immediately took the lead and walked down the mountain.....

Looking at Fukuyama Rokuro's back, Ye Fei couldn't help but touch his chin.

Um.......He is indeed a scumbag!

If Ye Fei remembered correctly, although this guy claimed that he had nothing to do with Ebihara Hisumi, he would inadvertently have some slightly intimate actions with"Nine Nine Three" Ebihara Hisumi. at the same time.......He would also harass Shimashiro Kimie from time to time.

Even so, this guy can't do anything like riding on two boats.

After all, Shimashiro Kimie has always been polite but distant to Fukuyama Rokuro


Not long after Ye Fei and others came down the mountain, a middle-aged man ran over.

He threw himself directly on Ebihara Hisumi's body and burst into tears.


"Who is that person?"Moori Kogoro asked subconsciously.

"He is Sumi's father, and Mr. Ebihara is a boatman."

Shimashiro Kimie subconsciously glanced at Ebihara Hisumi's body and explained in a low voice.

"Xiao Ai, have you noticed Conan and Hattori-san?"

Ye Fei's eyes turned around and asked with some worry.

"Seems to be falling behind......"Hui Yuan Ai pursed her lips.

I couldn't help but curse the two high school detectives.


Just run around if you like. Why do you have to make Ye Fei worry?

Don't those two guys know that Ye Fei is a very gentle person who cares about children?

"Okay, then the two of them are really slow."Ye Fei seems to believe it.

"Xiaolan and the others went to call the police, but these two people haven't followed yet......."

Not long after, Mao Lilan, who went to contact the Fukui Prefectural Police, came back with Toyama and Ye Ye.

It's strange, because the waves on the sea are too big, the police can't come at least tonight!

After Mao Lilan finished speaking, Hattori Heiji and Conan, who had been missing for a while, also ran back.

"That’s not bad!"Hattori Heiji came over with a lifebuoy. He just heard Mao Lilan's explanation and couldn't help but said in high spirits.

"Since there is no way to go to sea, the murderer will never leave this island!"

"Please? It’s not yet confirmed whether it was suicide or homicide. Who is the murderer?!"

Moori Kogoro couldn't help but roll his eyes.......I really don’t like those high school detectives!

"In that case, why not take a look at this!"

Hattori Heiji was used to Mouri Kogoro's character, so he wasn't angry. Instead, he shook the lifebuoy in his hand with great interest.

"Um? Lifebuoy?"Moori Kogoro couldn't help but frowned.

"This lifebuoy was originally stuck on the waterfall and river. My brother Heiji and I just found it."

Conan nodded and interjected with a sense of participation.

"If the murderer lets Miss Shoumei die first,——"Hattori Heiji also explained immediately.

"If you use a rope to strangle Ms. Sumei’s neck, and then use a life preserver to make Ms. Sumei slide down,"

"Of course, Miss Shoumei's body can be hung on the waterfall!"

After saying that, Hattori Heiji raised his finger to point in the direction of the waterfall......

"When we saw Miss Kotobuki at the shrine just now, it was two hours before the fireworks were released." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"If you want to go to and from the top of the waterfall, it only takes an hour!"

"This means that this crime method can be done by both men and women!"

"And this murderer is hiding somewhere on this island now......."

After saying that, Hattori Heiji specially turned his hat.

"Why? What should I do?"Shimadai Kimie blurted out with some worry.

"Don't worry, Miss Shimadai, the murderer will be caught soon."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded towards Shimadai Kime, comforting him.


Shimadai Kimie blinked, as if she didn't understand why Ye Fei believed so.

"After all, there are still several detectives here."

Ye Fei pointed directly in the direction of Maori Kogoro and the others, and said meaningfully.

At this moment, Kuroe Naoko suddenly came next to Hattori Heiji.

He raised his finger and pointed at the person who was being arrested because he smelled of alcohol. Others give directions to the isolated drunkard, whispering

"Hello? If Shou Mei was killed by him, I advise you to pay more attention to that person.——"

"oh?"Hattori Heiji couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.[]

"That person is Saori's drunken father."

Kuroe Naoko shrugged slightly, but did not say the reason.

Seeing this, Shimashiro Kimie quickly looked up at Hattori Heiji and others, and changed the topic.

"What to say......You said you were going to Shaozhi's house before, are you still going now?".

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