"Impossible!" Toru Aida refused, without thinking.

"Is it for money? What if I give you a raise?"

Kazuo Ohara's eyebrows couldn't help but wrinkle even tighter, and he tried to communicate.

"Can the company's current earnings be affordable?" Aida~ asked sarcastically.

"Our performance can't be mentioned all at once, but it will improve very quickly. "

Although Kazuo Ohara's brows were still frowning, there was still some fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Can you change the phrase?" Toru Aida pouted impatiently.

Apparently not interested in Kazuo Ohara's words.

"Can't we discuss it again?" Kazuo Ohara couldn't help frowning.

"Aren't you annoyed!" Toru Aida was directly angry.

It seems that he has thought of something, Toru Aida couldn't help but say quite fiercely.

"I don't want to keep helping you draw these posters, just like this for the rest of your life. "

"If I continue like this, my talent will be drowned!"

"Don't be in such a hurry, like the brochure of the resort I told you before—"

"You don't have anything to say, do you?" Kazuo Ohara's tone was a little calmer than before.

The direct probe moved a little closer in the direction of Toru Aida, and asked in a rather sincere tone.

"That's it....... I'll just be the last one to help you with the next. "

Toru Aida rolled his eyes directly, and said in a rather disdainful tone.

"Anyway, if you don't have me, you won't be able to eat it alone, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Kazuo Ohara's eyes couldn't help but quickly flash a touch of murderous aura.

Toru Aida didn't notice the change in Kazuo Ohara's eyes at all, but waved his hand nonchalantly and said.

"I can take this case generously, and it will be the end of the end!"

"Okay, let's hurry up, isn't this job quite urgent?"

Kazuo Ohara couldn't help but glance at his watch in silence.

Immediately, he didn't directly answer Toru Aida's question, but got up suddenly.

In a low tone, he said, "I'll go to the toilet first." "


"What are you looking at? Conan?"

Ye Fei suddenly patted Conan's shoulder and asked with a smile.


Looking up at Ye Fei suddenly, Japan swallowed his saliva.

"I'll just take a look haha. "

"If you're not interested in desserts, this little ghost—"

"Why did you have to come with me just now?"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but roll her eyes, and said angrily at Conan.

"I'm so bored at home by myself, haha. Conan touched the back of his head.

In his heart, he couldn't help but scold Suzuki Yuanzi: Eight women!

"Actually......." Ye Fei suddenly approached Conan.

He asked in a low voice, "Did Conan also notice something?"

"Huh, what's the problem?"

Conan couldn't help but be a little confused, and subconsciously asked.

"It's those two new customers, it seems that there is some kind of contradiction!"

Ye Fei blinked his eyes and said casually.

"It's normal, it looks like a conflict at work. "

Conan didn't notice anything, and said somewhat casually.

"But-I feel that the contradiction between these two people is obviously very intense!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"I always feel that the tall, thin man with glasses has some bad thoughts about that chubby guy. "

Ye Fei touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

Well...... His eyes glanced at Conan casually.

If there's death, it's strange that there's no problem!

That is, Ye Fei felt that he sometimes committed death.

How many times has this been....... If you come out to eat something, you can meet Conan, this guy, and rush to the performance!

Fortunately, Ye Fei didn't come out to eat very often!

Moreover, thinking of the probability of a murder case in the world of Kexue.

In addition, even when he didn't meet Conan, Conan could come across a lot of cases.....

Ye Fei must be 100% convinced that this matter has nothing to do with his half a dime!

"Not really......." Conan smiled a little awkwardly.

His eyes couldn't help but glance at the other table, and his heart couldn't help but skip a beat.

Oh, and the other guy seems to have gone to the toilet........ []

"I think it's quite possible, after all, I feel like every time I run into Conan, you-"

"If there is a little contradiction around me, it can eventually develop into a murder case. "

Ye Fei shook his fingers and said seriously.

"Teacher Ye, you are a teacher!"

"Why do you believe in such a thing, it's all a coincidence, a coincidence!"

Conan couldn't help but glare, and said with some anger.

Well...... As he said this, Conan couldn't help but raise his voice.

was stunned, so that Mao Lilan, Gray Plains, and Suzuki Sonoko, who were eating dessert, couldn't help but stop what they were doing and looked up at Conanmen.

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