looked at Toru Aida expressionlessly, and reminded with a somewhat cold tone.

"I'll leave it to you if this design is ready before the evening. "

"Yes, yes!"

Toru Aida didn't notice Kazuo Taiyuan's abnormality, and waved his hand casually.

"Xiao Ai, do you want to eat something else?"

Ye Fei didn't pay too much attention to the movement over there.

Instead, after glancing at the time, he looked at Gray Yuan and asked.

"No, I'm not hungry, and the plane should be ......"

Gray Yuan Wai waved his hand slightly.

It's just that before Gray Yuan's words were finished, a violent collision sound suddenly came from not far away.

Ye Fei and the others subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

I just happened to see a scene where 27 delivery trucks rushed into the dessert shop and happened to hit the table of another customer.


"What's going on?" said Maolilan, stunned.

Immediately, after seeing the arm under the delivery car, Mao Lilan shouted in some horror.


"Xiaolan, call the police first!"

Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and reminded directly.

Mao Lilan also reacted quickly in this regard, and directly took out his mobile phone.

"Good. "

Looking at the tragic situation over there, Gray Yuan couldn't help but lick his lips.

Subconsciously looked at Conan next to him, and his eyes crossed a thoughtful look.

Well....... Ye Fei is right, this seems to be really a grim reaper!

Conan didn't notice Gray Yuan's gaze, but his body couldn't help but stiffen.

The words that Ye Fei said before quickly crossed his mind, and it was really.... was said by Ye Fei.

But—even if he killed Conan, Conan thought it was just a coincidence.

Therefore, Conan reacted quickly and prepared to run over to inspect the scene.

It's just that Conan didn't take two steps out before the back collar was grabbed.

"Conan, don't run around, in case there's another car!"

The corners of Conan's mouth couldn't help twitching, how could two out-of-control cars appear in a row?

The airport is nearby, and the police station is not far away.

So, it didn't take long for a police car to pull by.

It's just that among the police who came this time, there were no old acquaintances of Ye Fei and Conan.


"If that's what I said, when the delivery truck crashed in—"

"You just happened to leave your seat to escape?"

Inspector Saito raised his eyes and looked at the person who had been drinking coffee with the deceased just now, frowned and repeated.

"Yes, I was just about to go find my lighter. "

Kazuo Ohara nodded and said without hesitation.

After saying that, Kazuo Ohara also took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Saito.

"Hmm? "

Saito glanced at it and couldn't help but say thoughtfully.

"I remember the words of the Ohara project....... Looks like it's just a little up this ramp, right?"

Kazuo Ohara nodded subconsciously.

"Officer Saito, we've found the driver of this delivery van!"

A police officer suddenly ran over with a man in a courier suit and introduced. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing the courier's flustered look, the corners of Kazuo Ohara's mouth hooked slightly.

I have to say that the acting skills of this murderer are very average!

Not to mention Ye Fei, even Conan was keenly aware of the subtle changes in Kazuo Ohara's expression.

plus Ye Fei's "reminder" before the incident.

Conan had to admit - this Kazuo Ohara was most likely involved in this seemingly accidental accident!

"Let me ask you, did you leave to deliver the delivery after parking the truck on this ramp?"

Saito glanced at the courier and asked in a serious tone.

"I'm really sorry!" the courier glanced at the car he had crashed into the dessert shop with some apprehension.

When he was called by the police just now, the courier thought there was some misunderstanding.

Outcome....... How can it be?

"553Actually, in normal times, I always park the delivery car at the top of the ramp. "

"But unfortunately, there was a car parked on the ramp today. "

"I couldn't see it, I had to park in front of it. "

While saying this, the courier also raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the ramp.

"And, when I left, I definitely pulled the handbrake!"

"Out of an abundance of caution, I also pulled the gear lever to four-wheel lock!"

"Officer Saito, when I arrived at the scene, I checked the driver's seat as soon as I arrived. "

But nothing was found in what the courier was talking about. "

The police officer who came with the courier spoke responsibly about the results of his examination.

"How is that possible?!" the courier retorted loudly.

As if fearing that he would be mistaken for a criminal, the courier's tone became quicker.

"I'm pretty sure I pulled the hand brake up!"

"You guy....... It must be a lie!".

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