
Michiko Segawa couldn't help but glare, looking incredulous.

"But...... The payment is also in a hurry, what should we do?"

"In that case, then you have to-"

Kazuo Ohara subconsciously sucked his fingers, and then turned his head to look at the police officer opposite and asked.

"Mr. Policeman, can I leave first?"

"My company has something to do, now I have to go out!"

When he said this, Kazuo Ohara also showed an urgent look.

"You can't get out of here!"

The officer couldn't help frowning and refused directly.

"But I'm going to send the money to an account now, and it only takes thirty ........."

"No, twenty minutes is fine, you can be accommodating?"

Kazuo Ohara subconsciously glanced at his watch and pleaded.

The police officer couldn't make a decision either, so he could only look at Inspector Saito for help.

"Is Mr. Ohara's confession finished?" asked Saito in a serious tone.

"That's pretty much the way I've asked. The officer nodded slightly.

"Then you go first. Saito only hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Thank you so much. Kazuo Ohara's face suddenly showed an excited look.

On the next side, Kazuo Ohara turned around directly and wanted to leave.

"Oops!" Conan, who had just finished looking for clues, couldn't help but glare.

Hurriedly shouted Suzuki Yuanzi: "Sister Yuanzi?"

"What?" Suzuki Sonoko subconsciously turned her head to look in the direction of Suzuki Sonoko.

Without waiting for Sonoko Suzuki to see Conan's appearance clearly, Conan gave Sonoko Suzuki a shot with the watch-type anesthetic gun in his hand...


Suzuki Sonoko's body (chaa) couldn't help shaking, and then sat down on the curb next to him.

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko's appearance, the corners of Ye Fei's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Suddenly I felt that Suzuki Sonoko was really miserable.

Mori Kogoro can still get a stool a lot of the time, and Suzuki Sonoko sits directly on the ground most of the time.......

In this regard, Ye Fei can only say: If Suzuki Sonoko has a stomachache every month - it is definitely Conan's problem.

"Garden, why did you suddenly sit on the ground?

Ye Fei blinked and glanced at Suzuki Sonoko with some concern.

"It's okay haha, actually, I already know the truth of this case!"

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched, and he directly changed the subject.

After all, it's good that Sonoko Suzuki didn't fall in the middle of the road on the main road now.......

"Hmm, it seems that after the little tree arrives in a while, we can just leave. "

Ye Fei couldn't help touching his chin, and lowered his head with a smile and said something to Gray Yuan.

"Yes...... yes!"

The corners of Ashbara's mouth twitched, and he glared fiercely at Conan, who was hiding behind Suzuki Sonoko, from his own angle.

This guy ....... It's too much to use the props that Dr. Asasa helped to anesthetize people every day!

"I don't think Mr. Ohara can leave now!"

Conan didn't know what Gray Hara was complaining about, but he hurriedly spoke out to stop Kazuo Ohara's action of leaving.


Kazuo Ohara's footsteps couldn't help but pause, and he turned his head to look at Suzuki Sonoko.

Other eyes also subconsciously fell on Suzuki Sonoko's body.

Only....... A girl wearing a skirt and sitting on the road doesn't think there's a problem?

"Because it's a murder!" Conan explained in Sonoko Suzuki's voice with no idea. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Who are you?"

One of the officers couldn't help frowning and asked in some surprise.

"I'm a detective....... Oh, no, I'm just a smart guy. "

Conan almost pouted, but in the end he changed his mouth in time.

"Hey, ordinary people don't mess around here—"

The police officer who spoke before couldn't help but wave his hand impatiently, what is this person doing?

Saito, however, looked interested, and said with a slight raised eyebrow.

"Wait a minute, let's hear what the hell is going on!"

"I'll just ask, did you find any clues?"

Saito squinted at Sonoko Suzuki.

Well...... It looks like an ordinary little girl, did you find any clues that everyone missed?

"Don't say it's a clue, I even have the evidence!"

Conan glared and said confidently.

"Mr. Ohara, this evidence can prove that you are the murderer!"

If it weren't for the conditions, Conan would even want to raise Suzuki Sonoko's finger and touch Kazuo Ohara. []

"Don't talk nonsense, everyone here now thinks that this is an accident caused by the courier not locking the car!"

Kazuo Ohara's eyes couldn't help but widen and retorted sharply.

Although it was true that he did the thing, Kazuo Ohara, felt that this little girl was just guessing!

After all, this person looks like an ordinary high school girl........

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