Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 103 103, Conan: Sano, are you really not blind?

The one who cheated was obviously Sano, but why was it Conan who got beaten? ?

My parents also have abnormal brain circuits. First they set up such a situation in an attempt to deceive themselves, but in the end they were deceived instead of being deceived. In the end, they didn’t even know what it means to have an innocent person and a debtor to have an owner. It was unreasonable at all. Use yourself to vent your anger.

This can't even be considered taking the blame, right? It's just pure hatred!

It's just that I feel sorry for my butt. The wounds that were extracted by Heidi before were obviously ravaged again before they could be healed.

...Parents do the same, just spank them if they want, so why do you just spank them? ?

Thinking of this, Conan couldn't help crying, gritted his teeth, and moved his buttocks with lingering fear.


It really hurts!

And just when Conan was full of slander, Mao Lilan, who was frightened by Sano's words, had already given the answer: "No, it won't be, because Shinichi is still alive and well. He called me." Called."

"So where did he go? He didn't even come to Mr. Matsumoto's wedding?"

Suzuki Sonoko asked doubtfully.

"Shinichi... said he was busy investigating the case outside, so he didn't have time to come over. He also said who would go to such an occasion."

"So you brought this brat as a replacement?"

Suzuki Sonoko pointed at Conan.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Who told him to follow..."

Sano looked at Mao Lilan, whose breathing gradually calmed down from rapid breathing, and did not continue to hold on to the previous topic.

But from this point of view, after Conan became smaller, the little girl has indeed never seen him in person again, otherwise she would not have such an uneasy and unconfident expression.

That's right, after all, it has become smaller. That phone call should have been made using a bow-tie voice changer.

As Sano's eyes turned to Conan, Conan, who was suddenly cueed by Suzuki Sonoko, couldn't keep his eyes open, and began to sweat involuntarily on his head.

This guy wants to see what he does...

"Speaking of which, when Kudo was in music class, Mr. Matsumoto said he was tone-deaf because he was often out of tune, hahaha."

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and sighed, causing Mao Lilan opposite to also smile: "Yes, it was only two or three years ago, but suddenly it feels so long ago."

Hearing this, Sano raised his eyebrows and launched a sudden attack on Conan with a smile: "Can Conan sing?"


Conan was startled. As soon as he said that Kando Shinichi sang out of tune, he was asked if he could sing?

"Yeah, I didn't even notice it."

Mao Lilan also came over, with a face full of curiosity: "Other children seem to like singing, but Conan is the only one who indulges in various mystery novels and football games all day long. He doesn't look like a child at all, but rather... a bit like Here’s Shinichi.”

Shut up, shut up!

Conan's breathing was rapid, and he shouted in his heart that the unruly people were trying to harm me, and his brain was spinning wildly to respond: "Ah haha, because my singing is not good, and my mother also said that my brother Shinichi and I are similar in every aspect, hahaha... "

"That's it."

Mao Lilan didn't pay too much attention and just smiled: "We are relatives after all, so it is inevitable that there will be some similarities."

"Yeah yeah."

Conan continued to laugh in response.

Sano just watched from the side, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised. He suddenly discovered that appreciating Conan's poor acting skills, which in the past would only make people speechless, seemed to have a different kind of fun.

It's like having fun out of boredom.

Sano also didn't cling to Conan's loopholes. Otherwise, if he really screwed up Conan's mentality, wouldn't there be no such happiness in the future?

What's more, Kudo Yukiko entrusted Sano to take good care of Conan...

Seeing that Sano stopped talking, Conan wiped the cold sweat from his head and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"It seems like we haven't seen Mr. Matsumoto since we graduated from junior high school, huh?"

At Noda's wedding banquet, Sano wandered casually behind the Mao Lilan trio. Since arriving here, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko would meet one or two acquaintances to greet each other from time to time.

"That is to say, maybe she will sing at her wedding."

Suzuki Sonoko's face was full of expectations. It seemed that Mr. Matsumoto was good at singing. After all, he was also a music teacher.

Sano touched his nose uncomfortably. Anyway, if he sang...his mother had once described him as "an old scalper humming" in the past.

Hmm... maybe this body actually sings pretty well?

"Ah, let's go see Mr. Matsumoto in his wedding clothes, shall we?"

Suzuki Sonoko said excitedly: "I really can't imagine how the teacher's serious face can look happy."

"Okay, I want to see it too."

Mao Lilan also nodded in agreement: "It will definitely be beautiful!"

After a while, the foursome arrived at the bride's lounge. After opening the door, a short-haired woman wearing a white wedding dress came into view.

"Oh, she is a beauty."

Sano looked at it and made a comment.

The trio, who were also stunned by Sayuri Matsumoto's beauty at the moment, turned to look at Sano in shock, which triggered a question from Sano.

"Why, did I say something wrong?"

"That's not the case anymore..."

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko shook their heads wildly: "Teacher Matsumoto is indeed very good-looking."

"It's just a bit surprising that brother Sano is actually someone who can say...such things."

Conan added why they were shocked.

"What's going on?"

Sano shrugged: "Didn't I also praise you two? One is a beautiful girl with public aesthetics, and the other is a beautiful girl who prefers personal aesthetics."


When Sano said this, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko immediately remembered that Sano had indeed said this in school before the last Valentine's Day.

"Hehehe, that's right. It's embarrassing."

Suzuki Sonoko blushed and laughed, while Conan on the side was even more shocked: "Wait a minute, two? Is Sister Sonoko also a beautiful girl in your eyes? Are Brother Sano's eyes really okay, farsightedness? Is it myopia or astigmatism? The degree must be high. Could it be that I am blind??"

"You little devil..."

Suzuki Sonoko's face darkened, and she was about to get angry when a hand fell on Conan's head.

"Children can't talk like that, it will be very annoying."

Several people turned around and saw that it was Sayuri Matsumoto.

"Moori-san, Suzuki-san, you are here."

After Sayuri Matsumoto nodded to the two girls, she looked at Sano with a little more surprise: "Are you... Sano-san? You're actually here too?"

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