Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 107 106, Sano: This is called professionalism (first order requested)

This kid is a bit greedy, it's simply too much!

Toru Amuro took a deep breath, but after a few seconds of silence, she finally felt that compared to making money through various crooked ways, Sano's behavior of seeking legitimate interests was better, at least it was not illegal.

This is a legitimate transaction and a normal entrustment.

So Toru Amuro nodded in agreement: "Fifty thousand, solve it!"


After the salary was paid, Sano immediately walked happily towards the suspects.

The boss has compromised like this. Just not being passive and slowing down work is no longer enough. You have to work hard.


It was only then that Officer Megure focused on Sano.

In fact, as early as the beginning, Officer Megure had thought about asking Sano for help.

It's just that Officer Megure was a little embarrassed because he had just been criticized by Sano. Secondly, his boss was standing aside, and he asked outsiders for help just after the investigation of the case had just begun. It was... a bit unreasonable.

Now seeing Sano approaching, of course Officer Megure had to take the initiative to meet him.

"Oh, Brother Sano, I have to ask you to do more this time."

This case involves his boss's daughter, and Officer Memu is under a lot of pressure.

Although the name of Sano High School Detective has just come out, he is still a famous detective after all, and Officer Megure has seen his abilities more than once.

Especially now that there is only one detective present, Officer Megure must of course try to establish a relationship with him and try his best to ensure that this case can be solved perfectly.

Sano was obviously not used to the enthusiasm of Officer Megure.

After all, if you really want to talk about it, the two parties have only met a few times in total. Except for case exchanges, they may not have even spoken to each other... ten sentences?

When they first met, Officer Megure addressed him as "brother", and Sano wanted to complain, thinking that this person seemed familiar to him.

After the last two or three cases, Officer Memu's enthusiasm had dropped significantly, but he didn't expect it to rise again this time.

Yes, this is very likely to be related to your career. This is the adult world...

"Sano Shinichiro?"

Matsumoto Kiyonaga also came to Sano with heavy eyes: "I have read your report. If you are willing to contribute to this case, I will be very grateful."

Why haven't we even started investigating yet, yet everyone seems to be pinning their hopes on him?

Although he was speechless in his heart, Sano still agreed happily: "Yes, yes, I will try my best."

With that said, Sano had quietly revealed half of the Hammer of Justice's head, and first touched Matsumoto Kiyonaga's shoulder.

no response.

Sano continued to walk towards the other suspects.

After touching the man and woman, Sano's hammer of justice finally reacted on the groom Takasugi.

It was obviously just an ordinary touch, but Takasugi seemed to have been punched hard by someone. His body tilted and he stepped back a few steps, his expression even more astonished.

Well, found it.

Sano returned to his original position under the gaze of everyone in the lounge, causing many people to look confused.

"So, do you have an idea?"

Toru Amuro asked softly.

"Well, the murderer is the groom. Keep an eye on him."

Sano nodded slightly.

Conan, who came over to eavesdrop, heard Sano directly report who the murderer was, and his face suddenly became suspicious: "Why, what's the reason?"

"No reason, gut feeling."

Sano did not hesitate to give out an excuse. He couldn't tell them that his hammer had special damage bonus to criminals.

Sano's excuse also made Conan and Amuro look dead.

"Come on, you are a detective, and you pay attention to evidence when investigating cases. What the hell is your intuition?"

"What's going on? Let me put it another way: I think the groom is the most suspicious, okay?"

Sano said nonchalantly.


Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko also followed Conan at some point.

Mao Lilan was surprised and said: "No way, I think Teacher Sayuri and he seem to be very affectionate. Senior, can your intuition work just by touching it?"

So you don’t think there’s anything wrong with relying on intuition to identify the murderer, but you just think the triggering conditions for intuition are too low, right…

Conan and Toru Amuro continue to fight each other.


Suzuki Sonoko also asked in confusion: "Senior, you haven't touched me or Xiaolan. Forget about Conan, the little devil. We are both high school students after all. Don't you doubt us at all? Because of the difference in feelings. He is not a good detective."

Looking at Sonoko Suzuki, who was saying something bad, but her smile was actually full of pride and joy, Sano said calmly: "No, the reason why I didn't doubt you was not because of feelings."

"What's that for?"

It's because although Sano has no evidence, Ran Maori and Sonoko Suzuki are supposed to be the protagonist group around the protagonist Conan, so how could they do such a thing.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another reason.

"Because your eyes are full of pure stupidity."

Facing Sano's answer, Maori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko looked at each other confused. Only Toru Amuro couldn't help but smile, and this also made the trio's attention suddenly come to him.

"Ah, I remember you were... the delivery boy at the last Valentine's Day party."

Mao Lilan quickly remembered where he had seen Toru Amuro.

Conan had already noticed Toru Amuro, but he didn't make a sound.

"Yes, I also remembered it. Are you and senior good friends?"

Suzuki Sonoko also clapped her hands and looked at Toru Amuro with wonder: "How old are you? Are you a foreigner? What is your name?"

Toru Amuro originally wanted to say hello with a smile, but was confused by Suzuki Sonoko's series of questions, and suddenly looked at Sano helplessly.

"She is only interested in handsome guys. Boss, you should be happy."

Sano shrugged: "Okay, this is Amuro Toru, the boss of my detective agency. Stop talking so much and go keep an eye on the groom."


Amuro Toru responded, but then felt something was wrong. Why did he feel that he was an employee who was ordered to do odd jobs, while Sano was the boss who gave orders?

After Sano and the others finished their brief discussion, they realized that the people in the lounge were still staring at them blankly.

"It depends on what we do. It should be investigated and inspected."

At Sano's reminder, Officer Megure came to his senses and hurriedly called his subordinates to work.

Tsk, being trusted by others has its advantages and disadvantages. There are too many eyes on you, and you feel constrained in doing things.

Sano secretly clicked his tongue.

In fact, generally speaking, if there are other detectives at the scene of the crime who are also investigating the case, the police will not care about them. They should be busy as they want. It is best for the detectives to find out the truth. If they cannot find out, there is nothing they can do. .

But after all, not everyone knows Sano's method of eliminating suspicion.

Just like when Sano tested the suspects just now, it was obvious that he could do it quietly without causing any waves before, but now he attracted the attention of the whole audience.

At first glance, this may seem like nothing, but in fact it may cause the murderer to notice something is wrong and destroy the evidence or something in advance. This is why Sano asked Toru Amuro to keep an eye on the groom Takasugi.

Now that the identity of the murderer should be clear, the next question is the evidence.

Sano sighed, feeling a little unable to start for a moment, so he said that he didn't know how to reason at all.

There are still too few clues at present. Let's wait and see if the police can find anything.

"Ah, right!"

At this moment, Mao Lilan suddenly shouted: "You can watch the video of the process when the case occurred!"

Suzuki Sonoko's eyes also lit up, and she picked up the video recorder on the chair on the side: "When we went out before, we put this next to it!"

"In other words, this is very likely to have captured the murderer's crime!?"

Officer Memu was overjoyed and quickly took the video tape from the video recorder and put it into the TV set nearby.

So why am I only thinking of such a crucial thing now...

Sano sighed again and gathered in front of the TV with the others.

After Officer Megure played it in reverse, he sped up the entire process of playing the video from the beginning, from the young woman at the beginning, to Sayuri Matsumoto's father Matsumoto Kiyonaga, to the handsome boy, and finally to the groom. Takasugi.

The entire process of Sayuri Matsumoto's contact with these four people was filmed without missing a beat, but there was no trace of the murderer's drugging.

"Well...although there is not much gain, at least we can know that all four of these people have touched the lemon tea jar."

Officer Megure said thoughtfully.

"In other words, everyone has the opportunity to poison."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga still had the same fierce expression.

Almost everyone present looked more or less thoughtful, but only Sano looked a little strange.

"What, did you find anything?"

Toru Amuro moved closer to Sano again, but his peripheral vision still stayed on the groom Takasugi.

What is this called? This is man-marking technology.

It was obvious that he was staring at people, but it was very subtle and difficult for people to find out. If the groom Takasugi really planned to do something, Toru Amuro would undoubtedly be caught on the spot.

On the contrary, if Toru Amuro stares too closely, it may cause the guy to be too nervous and not reveal his true potential.

He is truly worthy of being a core member of the winery, and truly worthy of being an intelligence officer.

In one word, professional!

Sano was multitasking. While thinking, he asked Toru Amuro: "You haven't found anything after watching this video tape."

"What did you find?"

Seeing the confusion on Toru Amuro's face that didn't seem to be fake, Sano narrowed his eyes and shook his head thoughtfully: "It's nothing."

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