Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 112 111, Conan: The last time I was hammered was the last time...

"Ah, actually Mr. Tamada is a very serious person. His wife said that before leaving the library after work every day, Mr. Tamada will call home in advance, but this time he did not, so the probability of missing him in the library is slightly lower. Bigger.”

Officer Megure explained.

"That's it..."

After a while, several police officers came back and reported: "Officer, we didn't find anything wrong."


Officer Megure sighed and nodded to Director Jinchuan: "Sorry to bother you. If you find anything later, you can contact us."


After watching Officer Megure lead the team away, Sano no longer stood there, but instead entered a library in the library, where he randomly picked a book and read it.

If nothing else happens, the library will probably be where the Dog Rider Team has an accident, and it will most likely be related to the missing Tamada.

It's just that it's broad daylight after all, and there are a lot of people in the library. Plus the mission deadline is limited, I'm afraid there won't be any danger until dark, so there's no need to worry.

Sano just had to wait, since he wasn't sure who the dangerous factor in this mission was anyway.

There is one suspect, Director Jinchuan.

But in the end, it is just suspicion. It is useless and a waste of time to think too much.

Sano only needs to glance at the system map from time to time to make sure that the four naughty children are not out of his control.

What's more surprising is that this book that Sano picked out at random is actually quite interesting, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by it as I read it.

Time passed slowly, and by the time Sano came to his senses again, the sun was almost setting.

There were fewer and fewer people in the library. Director Tsukawa came to Sano and said solemnly: "Well, sir, we are closing the library. You see..."


Sano raised his eyebrows and asked, "Am I the only one left?"

"Yes, sir."

Sano glanced at the system map. The red dots representing the four naughty children were still within the scope of the library, and he suddenly knew something in his mind.

He actually planned to hide secretly in the library. Was he planning to find that Tamada?

"Okay, then I'll leave first."

Sano took another look at the title of the book - Cyan Kingdom, then bought a copy and took it home to read.

After putting the books back in place, Sano was "escorted" by Director Tsukawa and walked out of the library together.

However, after separating from Director Tsugawa, Sano did not leave. Instead, he hid in an alley opposite the library. He did not return to the library immediately, but only slightly poked his head to observe.

Sure enough, a minute later, Sano saw Director Tsukawa who had just left return.

It seems to be correct. This guy is the dangerous factor in this mission. As long as he is eliminated, the mission should be completed.

Sano took a look at the mission deadline and felt that he didn't seem to be in such a hurry.

These naughty kids who mix real and fake are so good at acting, so I might as well go in later and let them be stimulated for a while.

After rubbing his belly, Sano temporarily put the task behind him, found a noodle restaurant and started having dinner.

Only after eating and drinking, and having a cigarette after the meal, Sano set off and prepared to re-enter the library.

But before Sano could enter, he suddenly discovered that Director Tsukawa, who had come in before, had already started to leave again.

Sano quickly hid in a corner and watched Director Tsukawa close the door and leave, frowning slightly.

What's going on? Why is this guy gone? Isn't he the dangerous factor?

Zuo Ye was quite surprised. Did he actually keep an eye on the wrong person? Forget it, it was a trivial matter. All he had to do next was keep an eye on those four naughty kids.

But at this moment, there was only a snap sound, and the lights upstairs in the library came on.

"Idiot, turn off the light!"

In a library room above the library, Conan shouted hurriedly.

Conan was careless. He ignored how bad his teammates were and just chose to stay with them.

Originally, Conan just relied on his intuition and suspected that the missing Tamada would be in the library, so he hid in the cabinet with the trio until the library closed and came out to look for clues.

Who would have thought that in the middle, Director Jinchuan, who had left, would come back again. Conan and his friends were secretly hiding aside, and they discovered that he seemed to have hidden some contraband in the packaging of unopened new books in the library, and was still talking to himself. In between words, he told the truth about how he killed Tamada and hid his body in the library.

How can you bear this?

As soon as Director Jinchuan left, Conan immediately planned to find those unknown things that were packed in book boxes and it was impossible to take them all away, and then take the opportunity to arrest him and find out where the body was.

Then, Conan's pig teammates shouted that it was too dark to see clearly, and turned on the lights in the library when he stopped him from speaking.

"But, it's too dark here..."

Ayumi said with aggrieved face after being yelled at.

"What if the curator sees this?"

"Oh, he must have left long ago, how could he be seen!"

Seeing that Ayumi was wronged, Genta suddenly spoke dissatisfiedly.

Conan didn't talk nonsense. After quickly turning off the lights, Qing Mimi stretched her neck and looked out the window, but did not see Director Jinchuan. She breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was really gone.


Turning his eyes again, Conan saw the person on the road opposite the library, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


The three naughty children who were waiting for Conan to turn back suddenly trembled when they heard these two words.

", are you outside?"

Genta's voice was trembling. He wanted to drag Conan over to prevent Sano from seeing him outside, but he didn't expect that Conan was already waving outside in the next second.

"Brother Sano, come in quickly, there is a case inside!"


The three naughty children could not help but hold their heads as if they had seen a ghost, and screamed at a suppressed volume.

"It's over, it's over, the library is closed and if we stay here privately, we will definitely be killed by Brother Sano..."

Conan glanced back at the three of them, and couldn't help but reveal his dead eyes: "As for that, Sano will not hit anyone casually, not to mention the power of multiple people. Sano's reasoning ability is also very strong, we need him."

The three naughty children suddenly stopped shouting and just stared at Conan: "Last time Conan took it upon himself to jump into someone else's house to find corpses. It seemed that he was beaten badly."

As soon as these words came out, Conan immediately fell silent.

It seems that the last time I was hammered was the last time... No, it was the time when the twins hid the corpses. It didn't seem like a few days ago!

Conan, who finally recalled what he had experienced that day, shuddered unconsciously, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He did regret speaking out now.

But when Conan turned around again, he found that Sano on the other side of the road didn't seem to pay attention to him at all. He turned around and left along the road.

"It's strange. Even through the window, you can't hear it, right?"

Conan tilted his neck and quickly shook off these irrelevant things. Sano didn't hear it, which was probably a good thing.

"Act quickly, those things must be hidden in the library. Let's work in pairs and check all the books on the shelves!"


When the three naughty children heard that Sano outside had not noticed Conan, they immediately let out a sigh of relief and happily followed Conan's arrangements.


Of course Sano saw Conan, and even Director Tsukawa who entered the library again because he saw the light... What a twist.

In short, Conan probably doesn't know that Director Tsukawa has gone back again, and he will probably be scared to death later.

Sano curled his lips, entered a convenience store, bought some snacks and drinks, and then walked back.

We're going to watch a show later, so how can we do it without some snacks?

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