Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 131 130, Conan: If I had known, I would have slept across the street

It's the next day again.

Sano has come to Teidan High School for the third consecutive day.

After the first class in the morning, the notice board in front of the corridor of the teaching building was already crowded with people.

They all came to see the announcement of the midterm exam score rankings.

Standing behind the crowd, Sano relied on his abnormal eyesight to quickly find his ranking.

Well, I failed several subjects and was second to last in my grade.

Sano smacked his lips in displeasure, he was a bit unlucky...

At this moment, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who had squeezed into the crowd, also fought their way out of the crowd.

Looking at Suzuki Sonoko, whose face was full of excitement and relief, Sasuke suddenly had a bad feeling and asked, "How did you go in the exam?"

"Ah, it's not bad. I'm in the top 100 of my grade!"

Suzuki Sonoko grinned.

Sano stared: "Top 100 in grade??? When did your grades become so good?"

"Yuanzi's grades have always been good."

Mao Lilan also smiled and said: "It's just that she is not very willing to study at ordinary times, and she writes all the homework in random directions. However, every time she crams before the exam, she will achieve good results."


Suzuki Sonoko touched her head and giggled, then looked at Sano curiously: "By the way, senior, how are you? I looked back, but I didn't see your name?"

Sano: "..."

Mom and Dad worked together for a long time. In fact, it didn't eliminate a wrong answer, but directly eliminated the correct answer? ?

What the hell kind of operation is this?

Sano is numb.jpg.

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to continue asking, but she didn't expect Sano to turn around and leave.

The other party said he didn't want to talk, refused your conversation initiation, and threw the back of his head at you.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko watched the expressionless Sano quickly return to the classroom, and they couldn't help but be confused. What's going on?

"The Blue Kingdom."

After the half-day course, on the way to the "mountain villa" that Suzuki Sonoko called, Sano was bored and grabbed a newspaper from the car and started reading.

In addition to two more cases solved by "Sleeping Mouri Kogoro" in the past two or three days, another thing that Sano is more concerned about is a promotion for a movie adapted from a novel.

Sano had read this novel before, but he didn't expect it to be adapted into a movie.

How about writing some novels yourself and using thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi to impact the neon novel market?

Sano touched his chin thoughtfully.

Soon, Suzuki Sonoko's luxury car drove along and entered a mountain.

Because the road conditions were bad, Sano got out of the car and followed Suzuki Sonoko for a while, crossed a suspension bridge, and then arrived in front of a villa.

"Xiaolan probably won't arrive for a while, but my sister and her friends have already arrived. Let me introduce them to you first."

After Suzuki Sonoko took Sano into the villa, she introduced everyone who had arrived in the villa to Sano one by one.

Including Suzuki Sonoko's sister, there are five people in total, all of whom were members of the same club.

The first is a short, fat man with glasses, Takahashi.

Then there is a man with a square face who always holds a camera, Kakutani.

Then there was a pretty boy with medium-long hair and Ota wearing a headband... Tsk, thinking about it, Sano encountered quite a few pretty boys after traveling through time.

Then there is a woman with short hair, even shorter than Suzuki Sonoko, Chikako Ikeda.

The reason why Suzuki Sonoko mentioned the full name when introducing Chikako Ikeda was because this woman was considered a well-known person.

The novel that is the source of the current movie hit, Cyan Kingdom, was written by Chikako Ikeda.

Well, I just saw it in the newspaper before, and now I meet it in person, which always feels a bit unusual.

Finally, there is Suzuki Sonoko's biological sister, the squinting beauty with long brown hair, Suzuki Ayako.

Suzuki Sonoko also specifically mentioned to Sano that her elder sister was looking for a marriage partner, which sounded like she had an ulterior motive.

But, squint your eyes...

While Sano nodded to say hello to a few people, his peripheral vision lingered on Suzuki Ayako. This time, it was not the temperament or appearance of the other party that impressed him, but the setting that he was a monster when he squinted his eyes was really impressed. Sano's DNA.

"Senior, please go to the room and rest for a while. Everyone has just arrived and still needs to tidy up. We can have dinner when Xiaolan arrives."

Under the leadership of Suzuki Sonoko, Sano came to a room at the end of the second floor and began to wait boredly.

Speaking of days without tasks and experimental plans, although it is indeed very relaxing, it is too relaxed. Sure enough, I should find some hobbies.

While thinking wildly, Sano's door was slammed open, and standing outside the door were Mao Lilan and Conan, who were sweating profusely and had red faces.

"Ah, senior!"

When Mao Lilan saw Sano, a smile appeared on his face and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sano stood up and saw Mao Lilan's previous embarrassment, and suddenly couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong?"

"'s nothing."

Mao Lilan looked away guiltily. In fact, she couldn't figure out where her room was, so she just opened a room casually and planned to ask.

Unexpectedly, I happened to bump into a man changing clothes. I was flustered and apologized hastily and opened another door. Then I met another man changing clothes. I apologized again and pushed open the third door. It turned out that it was still a man. I'm changing clothes...

Until the fourth door, although there was still someone inside, and it was a man, and he was a man he knew, but at least he was not changing clothes.

Mao Lilan felt relieved about this, and rightfully so.

"Since senior sleeps in this room, this should be our room."

Mao Lilan turned back to look at the room opposite Sano's room. Just when he was about to turn around and call Conan, the troublemaker jumped on Sano's bed first.

"I want to sleep with Sano-nii at night!"


Mao Lilan quickly wanted to drag Conan away, but the fake child just grabbed the sheets tightly and kept twisting like a maggot. No matter how hard Mao Lilan tried, she couldn't pull him away.

Seeing this, Mao Lilan could only look at Sano pitifully.

"Forget it, if he wants to keep it, let him keep it."

Sano waved his hand indifferently, and Mao Lilan quickly thanked him and then went to the opposite room to put his luggage.

After the door was closed, Conan immediately put away his previous rambunctious and wallowing appearance, sat up and looked at Sano, and then met Sano's inexplicable disgust.

Conan: "..."


After coughing, Conan said seriously: "Sano, I..."

"Call Sano-nii."

Sano struck Conan on the head with a knife.

"What? Don't you already know...I am Kudo Shinichi? Why do you still want me to call you brother?"

Conan covered his head and said dissatisfied.

"First, even if you are Kudo Shinichi, I am older than you. Second, even if you were Kudo Shinichi before, you are now Edogawa Conan, a seven-year-old first-year kid, so you have to call me brother. This is Be cautious, after all, no one knows whether walls may have ears.”

Sano responded calmly: "If you keep doing things that are not in line with what a child should do like you did before, I can only call it stupid. People who fail to see that there is something wrong with you are equally stupid."

Conan: "..."

There is always a feeling like a smart student being severely criticized by the class teacher.

Forget it, forget about these unimportant things.

Conan shook his head and asked about the business: "Sano, I always felt something was wrong about the previous events at the Moon Shadow Island and Mantiantian game conference."

"So what if something is wrong, you are not even on Moon Shadow Island now, and the Mantiantian press conference has ended. Even if you go back, the clues should have disappeared long ago, and what should have been dealt with has been dealt with."

Sano had no intention of chatting with Conan about the case, let alone dealing with possible inquiries from Conan later, so he chose to end the other party's idea perfunctorily.

"Come on, you are a detective and you have a thirst for the truth, okay?"

Looking at Conan who looked "angry and unwilling to argue", Sano puffed out a puff of smoke and said, "Part-time job."


Conan didn't realize what Sano meant.

"Detective is just a part-time job, schooling is my main job."

Sano repeated and expanded his answer again, making Conan confused: "But even if it's a part-time job, it's still a detective."

"Who stipulates that detectives must be as curious as you? That's not my commission. Even if it's broken and there's no salary, what's the point of wasting that energy?"

Sano impatiently put out the cigarette butt and lay on the bed: "Don't bother me. I'm sleepy. Call me if you need anything."

Conan stared blankly at Sano, who had closed his eyes. He didn't stay here specifically to watch Sano sleep, but wanted to discuss the doubtful points of the Moon Shadow Island incident with him. If he had known this, he might as well have followed. Xiaolan should go to sleep in the opposite room together...

After a while, Suzuki Sonoko came to knock on the door and signaled that Sano could go downstairs.

Sano and Conan came downstairs, and Mao Lilan just had a first impression of the other people in the villa under the introduction of Suzuki Sonoko.

"It turns out that we are all members of the film club. They seem to have a really good relationship."

Mao Lilan said with emotion, and Suzuki Sonoko on the side also looked proud for some reason: "Yes, so even after graduating from college, my sister and the others will get together every two years."

Suzuki Ayako narrowed her eyes and covered her mouth with a chuckle: "But scenes like this always remind me of the past. It would be great if Atsuko and she were here without such a thing happening in the first place..."

As soon as Suzuki Ayako said these words, the expressions of the other four members of the film club present changed obviously, and Chikako Ikeda became even more irritable.

"Can you please stop mentioning Atsuko!?"

Chikako Ikeda stood up suddenly and slammed the table, startling everyone present.

And as if she realized that her reaction just now was a little too intense, Chikako Ikeda quickly regained her composure, sat back, crossed her arms over her chest, but her tone was still a little cold.

"I finally took some time out of my busy schedule to come here to relax. I don't want to hear you talk about a person who died two years ago."

In response, Suzuki Ayako quickly apologized, but Ota on the side sneered: "It's different when people are famous. They speak in such a loud tone."

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