Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 139 138. Are all your Tokyo detectives’ methods of solving crimes so mysterious?

"Officer, we found something wrong with the keychain on the deceased!"

"What, really?"

Officer Megure quickly approached, and Hattori Heiji followed closely behind.

Then you can see that when the oval keychain of the key is opened, there is a piece of white tape stuck inside, and there is an obviously protruding slit in the middle.

"This is……"

Officer Megure looked at Sano and found that the other person's eyes were also on the keychain, so he remained silent. It seemed that there were still some clues missing.

Unlike Sano, Hattori Heiji seemed to have figured something out after seeing the keychain and hurriedly ran out of the room, making Officer Megure stunned and looked at Sano again.

"What's going on, Brother Sano, that guy seems to have discovered it. Is it really okay?"

Looking at Hattori Heiji's back, Sano's eyes were calm, but he did not answer the anxious Officer Megure.

Regarding this case, Sano actually already has the answer, but currently there is still one crucial thing missing.

Sano is not sure why Hattori Heiji's "sudden realization" behavior was due to him. Maybe he stepped on the murderer's trap, but it may also be because what the other party discovered is the truth.

In any case, Sano is not suitable now and has no reason to speak out. It is better to wait and see until Hattori Heiji takes out his results and confirms that the other party is wrong.

But at this moment, Conan, who had been swaying all the time, suddenly fell to the ground with a plop. Mao Lilan rushed over in a hurry, hugged the troublemaker and temporarily left the room, calling the doctor.

What happened? Why did Conan fall? Then in this case, he really had to rely on himself.

Seeing that he was missing an important clue trigger, Sano couldn't help but frown slightly.

And because of Conan's fainting, the study was briefly chaotic.

Only one minute after Conan left, Hattori Heiji had already returned to the study, his face full of confidence.

"I have seen through the truth of this secret room murder case!"


Officer Megure was shocked. Although he was unhappy that a high school detective from out of town was the first to see the truth, as a police officer, he certainly could not choose not to admit the truth because of his personal feelings. He immediately asked Hattori Heiji to show one time.

Then, Officer Megure temporarily acted as the deceased - because he had the most similar body shape to Isao Tsujimura.

"The murderer's murder method is actually very simple. Although the study is indeed a secret room, it has the only flaw, which is the gap under the study door."

"The murderer first killed the deceased and then put a piece of tape and fishing line inside the key. After locking the door with the key, he could pull the fishing line in the crack of the door. Put the key into the door again, go all the way into the deceased's pocket, and finally pull out the thread with a strong tug."

"Really, really went in!?"

Hattori Heiji pushed the door open again and looked at the group of people who were shocked because the key really went into Officer Megure's pocket. The corners of his mouth slightly raised: "And the identity of the murderer is none other than Mr. Toshimitsu, because what I found The fishing line was dug out of the trash can in the Japanese-style room where Mr. Toshimitsu used to stay!"

Tsujimura Toshimitsu stared blankly at the circle of fishing line in Hattori Heiji's hand, and then smiled bitterly: "Yes, it was me who killed Axun."

He actually admitted it.

Sano's brows jumped and he quickly walked towards Tsujimura Kimie who was standing in the corner, causing Officer Megure, who was just about to decide the outcome of the case, to swallow his voice again.

"Brother Sano...?"

Under Officer Megure's reaction, everyone present subconsciously focused their attention on Sano, watching him reach out and pat Tsujimura Kimie on the shoulder.

Before Tsujimura Kimie, who was stunned by the situation before him, had time to react, he felt as if someone had punched his shoulder with a sledgehammer. He screamed in surprise and almost sat on the ground.

"This is!?"

When all the policemen, including Officer Megure, saw this scene, they all cried out in surprise, especially Officer Megure, whose belly trembled: "Brother Sano, what's going on? The murderer is Mrs. Tsujimura. ?”


Hattori Heiji stared in confusion: "What are you talking about, officer? Hasn't the murderer already confessed?"


Officer Megure also hesitated and muttered: "But the hand of judgment has worked on Mrs. Tsujimura..."

"The hand of judgment???"

Hattori Heiji was confused again: "What is this?"

"Ah, this is Brother Sano's way of solving crimes. Just like Brother Maori falls asleep every time he solves a case, Brother Sano will pat the suspect on the shoulder first before solving a case. Whenever Brother Sano is patted Anyone who reacts abnormally after touching the shoulder will basically confirm the identity of the murderer, so everyone privately gave Brother Sano’s magical method of identifying the murderer the name Judgment Hand.”

Officer Megure explained to Hattori Heiji quickly, but it made the other party look even weirder.

"...Do you Tokyo detectives solve cases in such a mysterious way??"

"I'm not sure about this either..."

Officer Megure took a few seconds to finish the exchange with Hattori Heiji, and then hurriedly approached Sano: "Brother Sano, please tell me the situation!"

"There's nothing to say. The one who killed was not the old man, but Mrs. Tsujimura."

Sano lit a cigarette: "As for the killing method, it is not as complicated as Hattori Heiji thought, but very simple and crude, killing people in person."

"What, killing someone in front of someone!?"

Before Officer Megure could speak, Hattori Heiji shouted: "Do you mean that Mrs. Tsujimura killed the person in front of us after entering the room?"


Sano nodded in confirmation.

Although Hattori Heiji didn't want to admit Sano's statement, he was still keenly aware of the possibility: "If this is the case, some things do make sense, including the fact that the deceased clearly liked classical music, but there was an opera playing in the room. , and there are books on the desk that block the view."

"It's just that there are still some things that don't make sense. For example, Mrs. Tsujimura's actions cannot be too hidden. Besides, my method just now did not fail, so the possibility of the murderer being Mr. Toshimitsu is not impossible, not to mention that he I have already admitted it myself.”

At the end, Hattori Heiji regained his confidence in his reasoning: "So in comparison, my reasoning is obviously more correct!"

Sano ignored Hattori Heiji and just looked at Tsujimura Kimie, whose pale face gradually recovered after Hattori Heiji spoke: "Sachiko Katsuragi, she is your daughter, right?"


Sachiko Katsuragi, who had always been just a bystander, had a look of astonishment on her face, and Tsujimura Kimie's face that had just turned bloody turned pale in an instant.

"Isao Tsujimura is a famous diplomat, but he has a bad reputation. I have heard that his wife, your ex-husband, was also a diplomat, but was forced to abdicate or even commit suicide for some reasons. This person These reasons should be your motive for killing."

Sano recalled the extended information about Isao Tsujimura sent by Gin that he had just taken the time to read, and analyzed the context of the case.

In fact, Sano felt that something was wrong as early as the beginning, because Tsujimura Kimie's aura of ridicule was somewhat unreasonable. In addition, what he saw on the bookshelf was a photo of Tsujimura Kimie when he was young, and he looked too much like Katsuragi Sachiko.

Sanoye also had a guess in his mind, and then he began to look through the information on his mobile phone, and determined that Tsujimura Koujie had a daughter earlier, and also determined the truth of the matter.

"You learned the truth about what happened back then and saw that your daughter was about to marry the son of your enemy, so you had the idea of ​​killing someone, right?"

Tsujimura Kimi's eyes widened and he slumped on the ground with a look of death on his face. He finally nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. We didn't know anything at the beginning. We just gave Sachiko to relatives to raise him under his sweet words. Marry him."

"Until Guishan brought a girl back later, I thought it was just a coincidence that she looked similar. Unexpectedly, after seeing Sachiko's photo, his face changed drastically and he said how could his son marry that man's daughter? Only then did I learn the truth.”

"That guy is not worthy of being a diplomat at all. Just because my husband was unwilling to join them, he framed me, pulled my husband down, and forced him to commit suicide..."


Katsuragi Sachiko's tears could not stop flowing. If Tsujimura Takazan wasn't holding her up, she might have fallen to the ground.

"But how did she manage to kill people with poisonous needles without us noticing? Where did she hide the poisonous needles?"

Hattori Heiji was still puzzled: "Also, since this matter has nothing to do with Mr. Toshimitsu, why did he take the blame for Mrs. Tsuji... Kimie?"

"She probably hid the needle in the keychain."

Sano glanced at Tsujimura Toshimitsu: "As for him, he probably feels guilty."

Tsujimura Toshimitsu smiled bitterly again: "Yes, because I was actually involved in what happened back then, but my mind was not clear at that time. Now I really want to atone for my sins..."

"Anyway, the truth is finally out."

Officer Memu clapped his hands: "The motive, method, and evidence are all there, and this case is over."


Sano raised his eyebrows: "Where's the evidence?"

"What did you say?"

Hattori Heiji frowned and said: "Didn't you tell me that Mrs. Koe hid the poisonous needle in the keychain? There must be traces in it. Isn't that evidence?"

"This... can also be used as evidence?"

Sano flicked the ashes of his cigarette in confusion: "Can't that kind of thing be fooled by just making some excuses, like if she's happy or something like that?"


Officer Megure and Hattori Heiji both showed their dead eyes at the same time: "What are you talking about? It's not something that can be fooled by just making excuses. But having said that, didn't you know that you already had evidence when you reasoned just now? ?”

Sano scratched his head: "I don't know. I thought that since there was no evidence, I had to let her confess on her own."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji couldn't help but pursed his lips, and suddenly felt his throat was a little dry: "In fact, you have already figured out the reasoning just now, but you were forced to have no evidence, so you didn't say it out, and I will tell you later. You accidentally stepped into the murderer's trap, so you had to...choose to speak directly?"

"That's right, but it's not all because of this. After all, in my opinion just now, the evidence is no longer possible. The only way is to let her confess."

Sano shrugged.

"In that case, brother Sano, why don't you start reasoning earlier?"

Officer Megure couldn't help but ask, and Hattori Heiji, who had already felt his throat was dry, felt a thump in his heart after hearing this, and he sensed something was wrong.

"Then if the truth had been told earlier, wouldn't this famous detective Hattori from Kansai have no chance to tell even one wrong reasoning?"

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