Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 151 150, you want me to be careful about a bad boy?

Yingjiang Gang...

Sano narrowed his eyes and quickly searched for information related to these three words in his mind.

Neon is one of the three major underworld organizations, and Tokyo can be considered their sphere of influence for the time being.

Compared with the Sanka-kai that Sano had faced before, although the Kagejiang Gang also belongs to the echelon of domestic first-class societies, to sum it up in one sentence is - the reason why Sanka-kai is first-class is because it is only first-class. , and the Yingjiang Gang is first-class because the highest is first-class.

One is one of the best, and the other is one of the best.

The two are at the same level, but they belong to the upper and lower limits of this level.

Is such a large society actually targeting the Black Death?

Sano frowned slightly, feeling a little unspeakably unhappy about the fact that someone was playing tricks on his subordinates and taking extraordinary measures after the attempt to poach them failed.

In fact, because Sano had brainwashed these tools when he dealt with the Black Dragon Society before, the members of the Black Death were also in trouble during this time.

Going around punishing evildoers all day long in the name of chivalry and justice, of course, it is inevitable that you will encounter some tough problems.

It's just that the Black Death is not a soft persimmon after all, so even if it encounters some members of the Yakuza organization, it won't be a big problem. Just use the human wave tactic.

And the members of the Black Death are not fools. They know very well which heroes can do it and which ones cannot. They have always avoided big players like the Shadow River Gang.

Unexpectedly, the Black Death God didn't bother the other party, but the other party took the initiative to come over.

Sano narrowed his eyes, it was really getting more and more unpleasant the more he thought about it.

"We'll get the medical money from the gathering place later. Also, find out for me the current location of those Yingjiang Gang people. No, tell them directly. I'll have an interview with them tomorrow night."

The yellow-haired bad guy nodded yes.

It will cost at least hundreds of millions in medical expenses and nutritional expenses, plus Suzuki Sonoko's commission fees. This is a double loss.

But at least this trip was not completely in vain.

Of course, the reason why Sano rushed to the hospital in such a hurry was not entirely because he was worried about the lives of his tools, but after he learned about it on the phone, the system sent a task trigger prompt.

[Please dispel the Yingjiang Gang's covetousness of the tool people. You will get one hundred strengthening points upon completion. The remaining time of the task is - 47:31:08].

This time it's not just for personal revenge, but for the mission.

Sano ignored the fact that the system also made the concept of tool man obvious. He twisted his neck, returned to the uninhabited corner, switched back to his original vest wearing a passerby hat, and left the hospital.

The next night, in an abandoned factory in Tokyo, except for a few people who could not be present, the remaining nearly 10,000 Black Death members gathered together.

Sano sat on several abandoned pipes, silently waiting for the arrival of the Yingjiang Gang.

"Yo yo yo, such a big battle, it's really scary."

A frivolous voice came, and Sano looked up. A young man in a suit was leading about twenty or thirty men who looked capable of fighting. He walked into the center under the eyes of many black death members. space.

"Are you Heidi, the leader of these little Karami?"

The young man put his hands in his pockets and grinned at Sano: "When we first met, I am the son of the third hall master of the Yingjiang Gang. My father said that you have great potential and wants you to work for us. Money is indispensable for you, why? So, think about it?"

Sano looked at the young man expressionlessly and jumped down from the pipe: "So, is this your father's idea?"

The smile on the young man's face suddenly turned cold: "Are you asking me to accuse me with this tone?"

The young man glanced at the Black Death members who had begun to gather around him, and smiled scornfully: "You wouldn't think that our Yingjiang Gang is the same as the Black Dragon Guild that you have dealt with before, and that we, the Yingjiang Gang, are the same as the Black Dragon Guild that you have dealt with before. Are you going to beat the kid to the ground?"

"Don't call it a full-scale war. Even the dozens of top-notch thugs from the Yingjiang Gang behind me are enough to easily defeat thousands of you. Why are you crazy about me!?"

Looking at Sano, who still didn't have any fluctuation in his eyes, the young man showed a ferocious smile.

To be honest, as the son of the third hall leader of the Yingjiang Gang, the young man was used to being arrogant, but he didn't really think that just twenty or thirty people could defeat tens of thousands of people.

Judging from the experience of young people, a thousand is just bragging, and at most it can knock down a few hundred.

The biggest reason why the young man was so arrogant in front of Sano even though he knew it well, was because of what his father said when he received this task a few days ago.

"...Be cautious, the Black Death is not an ordinary runaway organization, especially their boss, so be more careful."

This is an advice from a boss to his subordinates, and even more from a father to his son.

But in the ears of young people, it has a different taste.


Who should I be careful about?

Who should be careful?

He, the leader of a top neon gangster organization, was actually told to be careful with a delinquent boy who was only a high school student at most?

Who are you looking down on! ?

The young man stared at Sano fiercely. He was not worried about a fight. Rather, he hoped to start a fight so that he could take the opportunity to weaken the opponent's spirit.

When the time comes, if I go back with the obedient Black Death, my father will definitely be impressed by me!

As for whether there would be any danger in fighting, the young man didn't think so.

Although it is said that twenty or thirty super thugs cannot defeat tens of thousands of people, but it is not a simple matter to break out with oneself?

No matter how good this Black Death is at fighting, is it possible that he can still fight better than the super thugs behind him?

This is not the first time the young man has participated in a gang war. He has a lot of experience in this kind of thing, so there is no need to worry.

And this is really not something that young people are arrogant about - after all, what adult would be afraid of a kindergarten child?

The gap between the Neon Ji Dao and the bad guys cannot be bridged simply, let alone a top society like the Shadow River Gang?

They are just a bunch of rabble. As long as the leader can be taken down, the remaining brats will naturally become obedient.

This is what the young man originally thought.

It was only when the boy in the special attack suit in front of him really started to move that the young man realized how wrong he was.


Sano took action without hesitation, and almost instantly crossed the several meters distance between him and the young man. The thugs behind the young man did not have time to react, and their fists had already landed on the young man's face, directly causing the opponent's face to distort. The soles of his feet left the ground, rolled 720 degrees in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground a few meters away.

Only then did the wailing sound begin.

"Ah ah ah, you losers, kill him for me, kill him for me!!"

"Kill them!!!"

But before the thugs from the Shadow River Gang started taking action, the members of the Black Death seemed to have received some signal and swarmed forward. The other party could only temporarily retreat to the young man's side, forming a protective circle.

Sano did not take action, but grabbed a tool man and asked him to squat down and stand on his shoulders, overlooking the overall situation from a high place.

Those Yingjiang Gang thugs can indeed fight, especially since the venue is only so big after all. When those Yingjiang Gang thugs gather together, they will face attacks from two sides at most, and they can only face four or five people at the same time. , it can be said that he played with ease.

Sano narrowed his eyes, put his foot down hard, stepped on the heads of the Black Death members, and rushed directly into the encirclement.

The young man obviously hadn't recovered from Sano's fist. He was grinning and cursing. In the blink of an eye, he saw a black shadow above his head like a big eagle swooping towards him. He was almost frightened. Peed out.

"Stop him quickly, stop him!!"

The two thugs from the Kagejiang Gang reacted quickly and immediately pulled out their hands from the protective circle in an attempt to intercept Sano.

It's a pity that Sano's fighting ability is obviously beyond their imagination.

The two thugs were unable to stop Sano for a few seconds before they were already beaten back by Sano, and then continued to kill the young man.

It was only at this moment that the young man finally understood why his father reminded him to be careful about this guy.

It is true that dozens of thugs from the Yingjiang Gang can protect themselves from so many bad boys, but if it is this person, even a hundred thugs may not necessarily be able to protect him!

Sano grabbed the young man's shoulder, and while pulling hard, he swung his fist again, and kept falling on the young man's face.

"Withdraw, withdraw!!!"

The thugs of the Yingjiang Gang knew very well that this situation could not continue to be stalemate, so they chose to break out without hesitation, and at the same time allocated manpower to stop Sano.

I have to say that these Kagejiang gang thugs really have two skills. At least if it is really just a one-on-one situation, Sano also feels that he may not be able to win in a short time with fists and kicks.

Although they still threw a lot of fists at the young man, the Yingjiang Gang's formation was indeed moving outside the black death circle.

What none of the people present, whether they were members of the Black Death or the Yingjiang Gang, noticed was that at the top of a workshop in this abandoned factory, a white figure was squatting and watching a show.

Soon, under the cover of the thugs from the Yingjiang Gang, the young man broke out of the encirclement and arrived at the gate of the factory.

The thugs from the Yingjiang Gang cooperated tacitly, quickly changed from circle to line, and stopped at the gate of the factory, while the young man ran away desperately on his hands and knees, like a lost dog.

Seeing this, Sano was too lazy to worry about the Kagejiang gang thugs. He directly carried the opponent's fists and feet and rushed through the blockade, preparing to catch up with the young man.

However, the moment Sano rushed out of the door, the dazzling lights came on, causing him to subconsciously close his eyes.

Amidst the violent roar of the engine, the young man stepped on the accelerator with a ferocious smile. The black car increased its speed in just one second, instantly spanning more than ten meters, and hit Sano who had just taken two steps.


Under the huge impact, Sano instantly flew up, flying more than ten meters in the air like a kite with a broken string, and crashed into a pile of debris.

The Black Death members inside the factory gate stopped moving and shouting almost at the same time, staring blankly at the car that hit Sano and then stopped, with white gas still coming out of the hood.

The young man climbed out of the driver's seat. Although he was still a little unsteady and his nose was bruised and swollen like a pig's head, he still raised his head proudly and looked down at the Black Death members in the factory who seemed to be in two different worlds from him. .

"Hahahaha, have you seen it? This is the result of opposing me. Your boss is dead. Now, all of you, squat down and understand who is your real master!!"

The young man laughed loudly, and his face, which was not humanoid at first, became more and more distorted.

On the other side, the white figure who was leisurely watching a movie suddenly stood up after seeing Sano being hit by a young man's car and flying more than ten meters away.

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