Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 169 168, the last one should have been able to call mom.

Even if it is true, Sano still doesn't know how to do it.

Actually, when Sano was relatively young... probably in elementary school?

At that time, writing had always been done one stroke at a time, pursuing neatness, but I don’t know when Sano began to pursue speed.

It was said to be a wild calligraphy because the head teacher of the junior high school commented on Sano's calligraphy in this way, and asked him to read it on stage to see if he could understand it.

...The result is of course understandable.

After all, this is Sano's own masterpiece, how could he not understand it?

Although there are indeed one or two...three, four, five, six or seven characters in it that even Sano himself cannot understand, Nian can still read them out based on the context and remaining memory.

At most, it just takes a while to analyze it.

After hearing Sano's words, Suzuki Sonoko was confused for a while. Due to her brain having no rest all night, she didn't say anything more and just returned the homework to Sano.

Soon, the head teacher walked into the classroom. After seeing Sano, he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It seems that this child has gradually become more active in going to school, which is a good sign.

After nodding with satisfaction, the class teacher asked the students to submit their summer homework for review. The first one to check was, of course, Sano, who had made great improvements in himself.

When I opened the first book, I was immediately struck by the beautiful handwriting. I could see that it was written very seriously.

After flipping through a few pages, the head teacher nodded with satisfaction again. Sure enough, after three days apart, it should be viewed with admiration.

Then the head teacher opened the second book.

Compared with the previous one, the handwriting in this one is obviously a little worse, but it's not bad, at least it's finished. I just don't know if I'm too irritable, it seems that the handwriting becomes more and more scrawled towards the back.

Well, it doesn't matter, progress is always good.

The head teacher opened the third book, and then his eyes gradually widened.

...What the hell is a word? ? ? ?

The head teacher rubbed his eyes to confirm that he had read it correctly, and he couldn't help but slowly typed out a few points.

After flipping through a few pages, the head teacher pulled out the fourth, fifth and sixth books.

The handwriting in the next few books is just like the third one... wantonly public.

Well, even though I can’t understand it, I still wrote it, that means there is progress!

The class teacher took a deep breath and planned to praise Sano later. After all, only such encouraging education can help children grow better.

Later, the class teacher looked through the second person's homework.

But as he watched, the head teacher gradually realized that something was wrong.

After pulling out another copy of Sano's homework, the class teacher pinched the second person's homework, then pinched Sano's homework, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Could it be...

Spreading the two homework books flat on the table, the class teacher leaned down and looked over from the horizontal surface, and then discovered that Sano's homework was shorter than other people's homework.


The head teacher sat up straight and looked at Sano with an expressionless expression.

Sano, who happened to be secretly observing the homeroom teacher, immediately looked away with guilt upon seeing this.

Damn it, I had already fooled him just now, how could I still be discovered?

Sure enough, it was because there were too many torn pages...

Seeing Sano's reaction, the head teacher didn't know what was going on, and his blood pressure suddenly rose.

Calm down, calm down, even though it is opportunistic, but it is still opportunistic, it is better than blatantly ignoring it like before, right?

Change takes time, just take your time. This time it was opportunistic, but next time maybe it will be completed seriously.

After thinking about it like this, the head teacher didn't pursue it any further and just turned over other people's homework.

After the class teacher roughly went through the homework of the whole class and confirmed that everyone had at least "written" it, he stood up and prepared to start class.

But looking down from the podium, the class teacher discovered that the three guys, Sano, Suzuki Sonoko, and Mao Lilan, who had adjusted their seats for the new semester and were sitting side by side, were all ordering the beans with the same frequency and range of movements, and he couldn't help but feel Somewhat funny.

Sano forgot about it, it was like that usually, Suzuki Sonoko could understand it for the time being, but why did even Mao Lilan, a good student, start to doze off?

The head teacher sighed and was about to tease the three of them for teaming up to rob a bank last night, but the next second he realized something was wrong.

...the first one with Sano's beautiful handwriting, the second one which is not as good as the first one but still acceptable, and the following are four books with exactly the same style.

Even the four homework books with missing pages are the same ones with scrawled handwriting. The first two books have more than one page...

Masaka! ?

The head teacher's body trembled, and a flash of inspiration flashed. At the same time, there was a faint cold light flashing on the glasses he was wearing.

For a moment, the head teacher felt enlightened - there was only one truth!


The head teacher slammed the table, and the suppressed anger suddenly swelled, and he rushed out with a roar: "Sano!!"


Sano's trio were all excited at the same time and opened their eyes.

Sano even stood up: "What's wrong? Is get out of class over? I'll go home first..."

"The new mission is to make a deal with Bingjiu from the intelligence team. We need both money and goods to silence him."

Looking at the email sent by Gin, which contained detailed information about the new mission and the numbers of the new teammates, Sano couldn't help but sigh.

I just made a lot of money for the organization yesterday, and I have to go to work again in the blink of an eye.

The work is not easy to do, what a miserable social beast.

Rubbing the palm that had been slapped twice by the homeroom teacher, Sano quickly went out and headed for the mission target location that Ginjiu mentioned.

...Although Sano's "opportunistic" thing was discovered by the class teacher, at least the system task was completed, which temporarily gave Sano some psychological comfort.

However, at first glance, the content of the system task should actually be to "hand in" the summer homework, not to "complete" the summer homework.

In other words, Sano was completely busy last night.

...I'm a little speechless. I always feel that these two rulers were in vain.

Because as far as the whole process is concerned, Sano's "opportunistic" part seemed to have been discovered by the head teacher a long time ago, but he did not pursue it until all was exposed, which made the other party enter a state of "unbearable".

In other words, if Sano chooses to hand in a blank homework directly, or chooses one of the two options of "let others write it" or "tear up the homework", then the class teacher may not necessarily hold Sano accountable.

Therefore, Sano's two rulers are both light and in vain, and they should be regarded as self-inflicted.

This wave belongs to... being smart.

Sano, who switched to a rye vest, exhaled a little irritably.

Then Sano's cell phone rang.

It was the number of his new teammate, the so-called ice wine.

As for Sano's teammate Belmode on the previous mission, on the way back from the island, he had already heard from him that he would be leaving the country after completing the mission.

What a pity, Sano originally wanted to test it out more to see if there was any chance of turning the other party into his own human skin mask making machine.

Before Sano could answer the call, the call had been hung up, and then a beautiful young lady in casual clothes approached Sano.


Sano raised his head and glanced at the other party.

Is it actually a woman?

Compared to the cold code name of Ice Wine, Ice Wine himself is obviously more "kind", with a charming temperament... somewhat similar to Belmod.

"Let's go."

Counting the Shenlong mission and all-night homework assignments, Sano himself didn't know how many hours in a row he had not closed his eyes.

...Okay, Sano did make up for it during class during the day, but he was still very sleepy, and people tend to be irritable when they are sleepy, so naturally they were not in the mood to talk to a stranger.

Thinking of the Shenlong mission, Sano couldn't help but curl his lips.

Obviously even Conan, the God of Plague, encountered it, but the dog system didn't trigger the mission. But apart from that, the bonus of 100 million for sharing with Belmod was still a small consolation.

Seeing that his teammates on this mission were so indifferent, Bingjiu raised his eyebrows and didn't say much, just followed Sano.

The transaction in this mission was with a senior executive of a company.

Sano didn't know exactly what the transaction was, except that he wanted to charge the other party 100 million yuan.

The transaction location was set in an abandoned building, and since it was dark, there was no need to worry about being noticed.

But the moment Sano and Hyojiu walked into the door of the building side by side, the sound of an attack broke through the air.

It's not a gun, it's a fruit knife.

Bingjiu, who happened to be standing on the other side of the attack, instinctively wanted to draw his gun, but it was already too late.

Bingjiu's right hand was slashed, and the pistol he took out immediately fell to the ground, and the man strangled his neck and used it as a human shield.

...Tsk, why is he a waste again?

"Don't move. If you dare to move, I will kill her. Give me the gun on the ground. Throw the gun on the ground to me!"

Sano looked sideways at the two people next to him with cold eyes, and then glanced at the lady's pistol that just slipped to his feet: "Are you the trader? Do you have the money?"

"I'm so stupid. You think I'm the second generation of rich people. The lion wants a damn 100 million. It's weird that I can pay for it!"

The angry man scolded: "Hurry up and give me all the guns and things on the ground, or I will kill this woman!"

Ice Wine covered his bloody right hand and said coldly: "Don't worry about Rye, kill him!"

"shut up!"

The man yelled at the ice wine.

Sano breathed out, bent down and picked up the pistol on the ground, pointing it in the direction of the two of them, with a cruel sneer on his lips.

"You know, you are the second person who dares to threaten me with hostages... If the first one's reincarnation goes smoothly, the grass on his grave should be... no, he should be weaned and even call his mother."



Before the man could realize what Sano's words meant, Sano had already pulled the trigger, making a small muffled sound, accompanied by the blooming of blood flowers.

Sano didn't rely on the organization's game consoles some time ago. Instead, he used training equipment to train gun skills. Although it was limited by the influence of basic attributes, the improvement was not big, but it was indeed improved.

What's more, the pistol currently in Sano's hand is a women's pistol, and its recoil is pitifully small, enough for him to give full play to his abnormal vision.

Finally, coupled with the fact that the distance between the two sides is only three or four meters...

If he still couldn't hit it, Sano felt that he might as well find a piece of tofu to kill him and travel to the next world.

The man's eyes were sprinkled with blood, and blood droplets condensed on his eyelashes.

Slowly turning his head, he saw something incredible happened in his arms. His eyes widened, and there was a bloody hole of ice wine on his forehead. The man was suddenly frightened and pushed the other person away, and fell to the ground.

"you you!?"

Looking at the dead body lying on the ground, as well as the demon-like figure beside him, fear gradually began to spread in the man's eyes: "How could you kill her!?"

The error in the police call in the previous chapter has been corrected. It may be due to watching more American TV series recently.

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