Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 171 170, Gin: I have a master’s degree

Even because the other party has attracted most of the danger, it is still very safe. Although to the enemy, this cadre is indeed very... "dangerous".

Now that the business has been settled, Gin is interested in paying attention to Sano.

Tonight's situation was undoubtedly beyond Gin's control.

Whether it's Sano's sudden outburst, or the opponent's ability to... dance in a hail of bullets.

It was only at this time that Gin truly understood what Belmode meant by "can dodge bullets".

...I didn’t expect Sano to have such an ability.

It was... quite sudden.

Logically speaking, Gin's current mental state should be quite surprising, but it seems that because he is used to it, there is no fluctuation in his heart, and there is even a faint... feeling of "as expected".


Gin finally spoke up.

Normally, Gin would have asked about and praised Sano's unexpectedly outstanding performance, but now...

Gin felt that he had to fulfill his responsibilities as a "senior" and "boss".

"Who allowed you to shoot on your own initiative just now?"


Faced with Gin's question, Sano came to his senses: "You said you want all the money and goods. I've already got the money, so why don't I just take action and snatch the goods back?"

Hearing Sano's answer, even Gin couldn't help but hold his breath.

So that’s what I meant... That’s weird!

"If you are not clear about the mission situation, you should discuss it with your teammates as soon as possible to unify the pace, rather than acting on your own. This can easily cause your teammates to fail to keep up and be in danger."

Gin criticized Sano with a straight face.

"...Oh, okay, I get it."

Sano shrugged, as if he really understood.

Seeing this, Ginjiu didn't say anything more, and just started to order the peripheral members to clean up the battlefield, and then prepare to destroy the corpses and eliminate traces.

But from this point of view, my guess must be correct.

Gin was distracted and thinking about another purpose of asking Sano to come over to form a team to complete the mission.

That was to test Sano.

Now the test results have come out.

That is, the extremely high probability of death in teaming up with Sano is a real fact, not a rumor, but it is not as mythical as the rumors say, but because there is a real risk.

Among the five people who have teamed up with Sano so far, not to mention Colon and Tequila, who were involved in the murder plan of a passerby and died.

The remaining mezcal, ice wine, and even the still-living Belmode were most likely in great danger because of Sano's actions.

Sano is a guy who relies on his own abilities and never considers the existence of others when doing tasks. At most, he only considers his own task goals.

Therefore, their behavior in carrying out tasks is often very... arrogant, and accordingly brings great risks.

Forget it about Sano himself. After all, he has the ability. Even if he causes trouble, he can still solve it or escape safely, so it's not a big deal. But for other core members, it's not necessarily the case.

Just like this mission, just do it.

If the opponent's firepower hadn't been attracted by Sano, both Gin and Mazai Vodka would have been in a certain risk.

To put it bluntly, Mezcal and Ice Wine may have died because they were affected by Sano's actions.

The same was true for Belmode, but she had slightly stronger abilities and better luck, so she escaped and survived.

To put it more bluntly, in addition to hitting the enemy hard, this guy will also hit his teammates hard. When fighting, it is the type of fight that makes no distinction between friend and foe.

...Although saying this is a bit exaggerated, it is essentially the same.

Belmod's evaluation of Sano's double-edged sword is indeed quite appropriate.

Gin sighed secretly, but that was fine, at least it wasn't what he originally worried about. Sano just killed those teammates on purpose.

No one is perfect, just change slowly in the future.

If it doesn't work, let Sano return to his previous state of acting alone. Although it is a bit against the rules, it is better than using one less code member at a time.

Looking at the peripheral members who had finished cleaning and were ready to destroy the corpses and traces, Gin suddenly remembered something. He looked at Sano aside and asked: "Rye, what did you call the winery just now... The same thing?"

Sano turned around and was stunned for a moment before realizing that he seemed to have accidentally said the word "winery" before.

In fact, this nickname seems to be just a concept proposed by Sano's system, and the members of the brewery have never heard of it.

In other words, the organization actually has no name at all.

"...Well, I came up with it myself, because our code names are all wine names, and the peripheral members don't have code names. It feels like we are in a factory that produces wine, so I think a winery is very appropriate."

Sano randomly found an excuse to fool him.

But after hearing Sano's answer, Gin lit a cigarette thoughtfully: "Well, it's not bad. I'll report it to the BOSS later."

Um? ?

Sano raised his eyebrows in surprise, then smiled and said, "I don't know, if the boss adopts my suggestion, will it be regarded as performance?"

Gin looked at Sano expressionlessly and didn't say anything.

Tsk, this is like having sex for nothing.

Sano curled his lips, although strictly speaking, this nickname was obtained by him from the system for nothing.

The mission was completed, and with a violent explosion, Sano took Gin for a ride and left under the light of the fire.

"By the way, I have another task tomorrow night. I will send you an email later."

In the car, Gin said so.

Before Sano could speak, his cell phone suddenly rang.

When I took it out, I saw it was an unknown number, but it was the same mobile phone card that Sano used every day.

Sano wanted to hang up directly, but unexpectedly Gin said again: "On speakerphone."

Hearing Gin's words, Sano's brows suddenly frowned.

...Are you doubting yourself?

Remembering the time he had a little quarrel with Gin earlier before the Sanhua Club mission, Sano didn't pay much attention to the "heartfelt words" the other party said, and pressed the connect button and the hands-free button one after another.

"Hey, who's there?"

"it's me."

The voice on the other end of the phone sounded familiar, but Sano couldn't place it.

"Who are you."

"I'm your class teacher!"


There was a brief silence in the car.

Before Sano could react, the head teacher on the other end of the phone spoke directly, "I'm calling you just to tell you that you need to make up the exam tomorrow. Remember not to miss the exam. I really don't know how you passed the exam. You didn't pass any of the exams." "After Balala said a lot, she hung up the phone.


The silence in the car deepened again.

Vodka was driving because he wanted to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh. He didn't want to laugh, but he really wanted to laugh.

As a core member of a transnational criminal organization, codenamed Cadre, he had just carried out a crime-fighting mission, dancing in a hail of bullets and shooting nearly ten people.

Then the next second I got a call informing me that I had to take a test at school?

This sense of inconsistent contrast is too strong...

And it looks like it’s a make-up exam?

What the hell is it that you failed in every subject?

Vodka went from holding the steering wheel with both hands to one hand - the other hand underneath was frantically pinching his thigh.

You must not laugh out loud, otherwise it will be over!

Vodka recalled Sano's performance in the gun battle just now.

...Maybe being able to dodge so many bullets is just a matter of Sano's ability, but at least Vodka thinks that if he had such ability, he would never dare to do that.

After all, those are bullets!

If you are not careful, you will be beaten into a hornet's nest. Probably only a lunatic like Sano will turn a blind eye to such risks.

That's right, if you laugh in front of this madman, even if your eldest brother is by your side, you may not be able to protect yourself.

Thinking of this, Vodka finally calmed down a little and didn't really laugh out loud.

Sano glanced at the sunglasses on Vodka's face through the rearview mirror, then glanced at Gin who couldn't hide his weird look, smacked his lips and said: "What are you doing? I just failed the exam. Did you two have good test scores before? "

"So-so, master's degree."

Gin said as he lit a cigarette.

Sano: "..."

What the hell, why would a terrorist have a master's degree? Is this guy serious? ?

Sano didn't feel that Gin was lying to him. With his character, it was impossible for him to make up a false thing just to irritate him.

But precisely because of this, this is so outrageous!

Looking at Sano, whose face was full of doubts about life, Gin's lips curled up a little unconsciously.

Gin was indeed not lying. He really did have a master's degree, but he was just a rubbish master's degree, the kind you could get by spending money.

This is also money provided by the organization. It is a precaution and you may not know when it will be used.

Gin originally wanted to tell Sano that he could leave his current school and spend money to enter Shuishuo's process.

Just looking at Sano's current appearance, Gin suddenly didn't want to say anything anymore. Anyway, for this guy who knows the disguise technique, it doesn't seem to make any difference whether he has it or not.

If you need to, just pretend to be someone else and borrow someone else's degree.

So Sano went to school the next day to take the make-up exam for a whole day, and that night he took a few peripheral members to complete a black and white game.

... Sano didn't pay much attention to the fact that there were no code members as teammates in this mission. He only thought that the organization currently had insufficient manpower, or that the difficulty of this mission was too low and two code members were not needed.

However, the difference from the previous day was that this time Sano did not want to test the upper limit of the 100% bullet dodging effect.

So I put on a pretty big firework show... Of course, it's all a trivial matter.

It wasn't until another day later that Sano received a call from Conan.

"Your vest was torn off?"

Sano held the microphone in surprise, and was very surprised that Conan's vest was torn off.

It turns out that just the day before yesterday, when Sano was still in school making up for the exam, Conan and his daughter Maori went to an event organized by Sherlock Holmes fans, and of course, someone died.

It just doesn't matter.

The important thing is that in this Sherlock Holmes fan event, Hattori Heiji also showed up.

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