Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 173 172, Do you want to blow up the Tokyo Tower? ?

Isn't this just harmful to others...

Wait a moment?

Could it be...

This is the real purpose of my eldest brother, right?

In fact, my eldest brother has been unhappy with Bourbon for a long time, so he deliberately arranged this now because he wanted the other party to die? ?

Vodka's heart tightened, and he felt as if he had discovered the truth.

...Well, Vodka actually knows very well that with his eldest brother's character, he will never do such a thing, abusing power for personal gain or avenging private revenge.

Unless Bourbon really committed some taboo, Gin would kill him legitimately.

Anyway, as a colleague, Vodka thought he had done everything he could for Bourbon.

Otherwise, if you overdo it, it will not be the bourbon that is in danger, but the vodka.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend will not die but a poor Taoist...

Let’s pray silently for Bourbon, Amen…

After the six people left the cocktail and went downstairs, they dispersed.

Of course, as a teammate with Toru Amuro, and also because this was the first day that Sano and his team would be watching, Sano and Toru Amuro got into the same car.

"Can you drive?"

After getting in the car, Toru Amuro's first question was a question.

Has this already begun?

Sano put on his seat belt and chose to answer truthfully: "Yes, yes, but I don't have a driver's license, or if I have one, I can't use it."

Toru Amuro raised his eyebrows: "Why, is your face wanted?"

"You guess."

Sano took out a lollipop from his pocket and handed it to Toru Amuro: "No, it's a meeting gift."

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes, hesitated for less than a second, and took the lollipop: "Thank you."

Of course, Toru Amuro didn't eat the lollipop immediately, nor did he intend to eat it. He just put it aside and planned to test it when he returned.

...Normally speaking, why would a terrorist carry a lollipop with him?

He's not a child, so he looks suspicious, okay?

Who knows what is added to this lollipop?

...Is this because you suspect that you poisoned the lollipop?

Sano glanced at Toru Amuro with his peripheral vision, curled his lips, and kindly thought of it as a donkey's liver and lungs. He really wanted to take it back. After all, he paid for it.

As for why Sano suddenly had candy on his body, he had to mention an idea he had the day before yesterday.

That is, although the blasting gloves can be used as bombs anytime and anywhere, not every place will have something suitable for use as a bomb.

Therefore, Sano often carries some bomb conversion items with him in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Anyway, even if an object is converted into a bomb, its appearance or interior will not change in any way - Sano has experimented with this.

After a stone is converted and cut in half, it is still a stone inside, so there is no need to worry about any problems being detected.

…It’s really suitable for carrying out terrorist attacks.

In the past, Sano was used to using stones and other things that could be basically seen everywhere, but if you think about it carefully, it is a bit strange to always carry a pile of heavy stones on your body.

If you were to be searched, although it wouldn't be the same as being caught carrying a firearm as mentioned before, it would still be quite troublesome.

But if he had to use something else as a bomb converter, Sano didn't know what to use for a while, so that it wouldn't look so strange.

Then Sano happened to see the little girl named Hana downstairs.

...At that time, Sano looked at the little girl holding a lollipop and licking it wildly, and then realized that the reason why the other party "guarded the wrong door" last time was because the door of her house was exactly the same as the door of Sano's house. But that's not important.

The important thing is that after Sano pulled out his lollipop from the little girl's mouth and weighed it, he unexpectedly found that the weight was just right for making a bomb.

And carrying a lollipop with you will not easily arouse suspicion, and you can even use excuses such as hypoglycemia.

So the inspiration was born.

After stuffing the lollipop back into the mouth of the little girl who looked pitifully at him, Sano's commonly used stone bomb also successfully evolved into a candy bomb.

Well, literally, candy bombs.

...Of course, Sano only kept some lollipops on his body as bomb converters, not all of them had been converted.

That would also be inconvenient to use.

So the lollipop Amuro Toru got was just a normal and harmless lollipop, not a bomb——

It should be right, I must have got it right?

Thinking of this, Sano suddenly began to doubt himself, just like he doubted whether the faucet was turned off or the door lock was unlocked after going out every day.

While Sano was distracted, Toru Amuro had started the vehicle and started slowly. After driving for a while, he quickly stopped in a parking space opposite a bank, across the road, directly opposite the bank's gate.

Toru Amuro unbuckled his seat belt and took out a telescope: "What do you mean, night shift?"

"Let's work in shifts every four hours. Staying up for too long at one time may lead to a lack of concentration. If some details are overlooked, or Shuichi Akai shows up and a fight breaks out, the situation will not be good for us. "

Sano said casually, then put on the hood of the sweatshirt, lowered the visor of the passerby's hat, and flattened the seat: "Call me again in four hours."

Toru Amuro looked at Sano with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

This kind of division of tasks is very cautious, and it confirms that the other party is indeed experienced and experienced, but... sleeping so carelessly in front of a "teammate" who just met today seems not to be so cautious.

Although everyone is said to be a member of the same organization... at least on the surface, as members of the code name, aren't all of them as shrewd as an old fox, eager to fight against everything?

After all, there are so many rats in the organization, and no one knows if one of their teammates is a rat. Just like Shuichi Akai, who was originally known as the mainstay of the new generation of the organization, is he just a rat?

In other words, this newcomer is actually a mouse?

No, how could a guy who could do something like that be a mouse...

Toru Amuro recalled the information he had collected before about this newcomer.

Apart from one Scandal Girl member, there is also the only one who is a "teammate".

It's a bit mysterious and exaggerated. Whoever teams up with Rye will definitely die. Several Codename members have even died.

Although the source of gossip rumors cannot be verified, so it is difficult to say whether they are true or not, but if this is true, maybe this guy is really an undercover...

Toru Amuro was absent-minded for a few seconds, then remembered that this was a good opportunity to capture Akai Shuichi, so he immediately gathered his thoughts and started observing with a telescope.

After four boring hours passed, Toru Amuro woke up Sano and handed him the binoculars: "You keep an eye on it first while I go out to buy something to eat and drink."


Sano rubbed his eyes, nodded and said, "Bring me a pack of cigarettes by the way."

Toru Amuro, who was about to open the door, made a move.

Normally, would juniors in the workplace tell their seniors to do things like this?

And this feeling of being driven by others for granted, why does it feel so inexplicably familiar?

After tilting his neck, Toru Amuro didn't think much, just said yes and got out of the car to buy something.

Sano picked up the binoculars and looked inside the bank, and soon found the long, straight black beauty, who was sitting behind the counter in professional attire.

So the "identity advantage" Gin mentioned refers to the identity of this bank employee.

Sano smacked his lips dryly, why did he think that he could successfully complete this billion-yuan mission with just two people...

So it’s really just about fishing, right?

Sano wanted to rub his fingers, but after realizing it, he bit his thumb instead. And what kind of charm does Akai Shuichi have that could attract Gin to pursue him like this?

After staring at Miyano Akemi for a while, Sano changed his gaze and observed other people in the bank and the surrounding situation. After feeling that there was nothing unusual, he stared at Miyano Akemi again.

...Those ugly people and scenery are not as eye-catching as the beautiful women.

Even if she is a stupid beauty, she is still a beauty. After all, Sano doesn't fall in love with her, so what's wrong with her?

A few minutes later, Toru Amuro returned to the car, carrying a full plastic bag in his hand.

Sano was of course not polite. After taking a quick look, he took out a can of coffee and a pack of cigarettes and started to smoke. After lighting up a cigarette, he opened a pack of potato chips and stuffed them into his mouth. The crumbs were scattered, and he was He casually bounced to the ground.

Toru Amuro just looked at Sano, and for a moment he didn't know whether there was something wrong with his own thinking or the other party's approach.

"By the way, do you have to give me this money?"

After doubting himself for a while, Toru Amuro finally determined that it was not his thinking that was the problem, and chose to ask for money directly.

"Well, I'll give it to you after the mission is over."

Sano, holding a telescope in one hand and potato chips in the other, replied perfunctorily.

A few black lines hung from Toru Amuro's forehead and asked, "Don't you have any money on you now?"


Under Toru Amuro's fixed gaze, Sano flicked the cigarette ashes on the ground, then stuffed the finished garbage bag under his feet, and said nonsense: "All my money before was used to buy bombs, even My living expenses are all gone. If it hadn’t been for this mission, I would have borrowed money from Gin.”

Toru Amuro: "..."

Damn it, Tohru Amuro could swear that he had never seen such a ridiculously poor criminal. He didn't even have living expenses! ?

Also, this is his car, this is his car! !

Can you pay attention to your hygiene? Why don’t you pay for the cleaning fee?

"Why did you buy so many bombs?"

After suppressing his anger, Toru Amuro couldn't help but ask.

Although Toru Amuro knew that the other party liked to use bombs, he couldn't use so many, right?

Calculating what is known, the opponent did not use bombs in the Yueying Island case. Bombs were used in the subsequent Mantiantian case and the Metropolitan Police Department's silence, but they were not very powerful.

In the incident involving the Yingjiang Gang a few days ago, it seemed that a large number of bombs were used, but that was only in relative terms. Calculating everything, it would definitely not leave a criminal with no living expenses.

So how many bombs did this guy buy and what did he want to do? Was he planning to blow up the Tokyo Tower? ?

And just after Amuro Toru said these words, Sano suddenly put down the telescope. Although Amuro Toru couldn't see the other person's face clearly for some reason, he could still feel it clearly.

This man was looking at himself with a very shocked and strange look.

……what's the situation? ?

Did you say something wrong?

"What do you think I would do with the bomb? Should I buy it to eat as candy or as a baseball to play with?"

Under the questioning of Sano's soul, Toru Amuro's brain fell into a momentary downtime, and this inexplicable feeling of familiarity came again.

...It’s the same as Sano’s taunting skills before!

Does this guy have anything to do with Sano, or is this kind of gag-talking way of speaking popular among young people these days? ?

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