Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 177 176, Dongdu Ring Line Rampage

...It seems like this isn't the first time this has happened, right?

When did it start? Why do I feel like I am becoming more and more useless...

Conan rolled his eyes and came up with an answer - it seemed that it started when those extraordinary people appeared one after another?

...After all, those people are either unknown or have extraordinary abilities. Once they appear, the situation will naturally become extremely complicated.

So much so that just sorting out the clues can be a headache.

Just like...the two people in the Shenlong incident last time!

Thinking of the Shenlong incident, Conan couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Because he, Kudo Shinichi, the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era, the famous detective who became smaller, was actually fooled!

Back on Shikishima, Conan noticed something strange and was about to go to the Navy Cave to find out.

He was even threatened with a dirty transaction that would taint his soul and body.

Unexpectedly, before the transaction was over, Conan's "Sister Xiaolan" suddenly appeared and took him away by force.

At first, Conan felt something was wrong, but he didn't think much about it. When he returned to the hotel and found Mao Lilan still dressed, he finally realized that the one he met before was a fake.

He was able to use the disguise technique without any flaws, and even he couldn't see through it. If that person was an ordinary person, Conan didn't believe it anyway.

And although Conan didn't know the true identity of the guy pretending to be Mao Lilan, there was a major suspect in the investigation at the end of the incident.

Shikishima is located in a remote location, and apart from the newly discovered ghost ship Shenlong, there is no attractive place, so the number of visitors is almost non-existent, not to mention as small as Moon Shadow Island.

During those two days, except for the Maori family of three and Uehara from the travel agency, the only foreigners on the entire island were the two men who had spoken a few words at the ferry.

...One of them even looks a lot like Sano.

The person pretending to be Mao Lilan must be one of them.

In the entire Shenlong incident, Hamada died, and two people who had superficial and hidden suspicions disappeared for no reason. They were suspected of being thrown into the sea, fled with one billion gold, and used bombs to blow up several ships during the escape, causing Dozens of people were killed or injured.

The arrows of all these evil deeds point to those two people.

Unfortunately, perhaps due to the use of disguise, the police later went to verify the identity information of the two people, and they also confirmed that they were forged false identities.

This incident has become an unsolved case.

...To be honest, when he finally found out that the other party actually used a bomb, Conan almost immediately thought of the Faceless Man.

But that was just an intuition. After all, I didn’t have any clues. Maybe it was because of the previous car crashes that I was a little nervous.

Conan shook his head and focused on the present again.

In this incident, although the bomb was also committed, because the other party named "Kudo Shinichi" to cause trouble, Conan believed that this should be a guy who had an enemy with him, and the probability of being a faceless man was close to zero. .

I just don’t know if this guy is one of these extraordinary people...

If it were the original Conan, he might still feel excited when facing this situation - because the stronger the opponent, the greater the joy when he wins.

But once this happens too often... hobbies always feel like torture.

"Forget it, let's call the police first..."

After Conan struggled, he chose to take out his mobile phone.

An hour later, Officer Megure and other police officers gathered in a room with Conan, Mouri Kogoro and the three naughty boys from the team who were used as witnesses.

"In other words, that person actually said that he was the one who stole the Toyo gunpowder magazine and stated on the phone that he had planted the bomb, right?"

Facing Officer Megure's question, Conan nodded.

"But Conan, you did everything that person said, but you didn't find any bombs, right?"

Officer Megure asked again, and Conan nodded again.

"This is strange. They said a bomb was installed but not found, and there has been no explosion so far. Is it just a simple prank?"

Officer Megure frowned, and Mouri Kogoro on the side stared at Conan suspiciously: "I said, this can't be your boy's prank. If it is, admit it to me quickly, otherwise the result will not be the same." It’s as simple as two spanks!”

"I really didn't lie..."

Conan said helplessly.

"Hey, brother Maori, I know you are in a hurry, but please don't be in a hurry first."

Officer Megure tried to persuade him - but he actually suspected that this was Conan's prank.

It's just that considering that Conan is a "detective reserve" who has participated in many cases, and that this matter is related to the theft of the gunpowder magazine, he takes it so seriously.

In addition, there is another point that is more concerning...

"You just said that a man wearing a hat robbed your remote-controlled plane, and he also had a gun in his hand, right?"

As Officer Megure's eyes turned away, Ayumi Mitsuhiko Gentai San nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, that person is so scary, he almost killed us..."

Bombs, guns, hats...

The eyebrows of the others, including Officer Megure and Conan, were so tight that they could kill a fly.

The combination of these factors will always make people think of a certain arrogant and domineering criminal.

But in this case, it seems impossible to put the other party into any role.

"Could it be that person who took the bomb away?"

Conan still put forward his idea, and Officer Megure also immediately looked at Takagi Wataru standing aside: "Takagi, have you gained anything?"

Takagi Wataru, who was staring at his mobile phone, immediately replied: "Yes, according to what we have found so far, there are descriptions of people who went to Greenland Park today. It is true that a person fired a gun into the air in the park, and he was also found in front of the square. We have obtained a surveillance camera and are now calling it...ah, it's already here!"

Takagi Sheba operated on his mobile phone and played a video of about two to three minutes for everyone to see.

The video is blurry, and you can only see a figure wearing a peaked cap walking near the bench, then opening the cat bag and petting the cat.

This masturbation reached the end of the video, when the man seemed to be tired of masturbating and casually threw the cat back into the bag.


After watching the video, everyone was silent for a while.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with this."

Takagi Wataru hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say the words "It just looks a bit scummy".

"Hmm... Although the clothes are not right, this man is indeed wearing a peaked cap. Perhaps we can temporarily regard him as the hat man in Greenland Park."

Officer Megure tried to analyze: "Although this person has a gun in his hand, if there is really such a person who attempts to commit a terrorist attack after stealing gunpowder, then this person may actually be from our side. "

"By the way, haven't you found the surveillance video of the person who put this cat bag?"

Kogoro Mouri intervened.

"I found this, but it's just like what these three little guys described. It's wrapped so tightly that you can't see anything at all..."

And just when Conan was about to speak, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment when they saw this, and then their expressions instantly became serious.

Officer Megure first signaled for everyone to be quiet, and then signaled Conan to answer the phone and turn on the loudspeaker.

After Conan nodded solemnly, he took out his mobile phone and pressed the connect button and the hands-free button.

"That guy is really capable. He even defused my second bomb?"

The middle-aged male voice on the other end of the phone sneered: "But now it's time for children's play time to end. Hurry up and ask Kudo to come over and answer the phone for me!"

Hearing this, Kogoro Mouri couldn't sit still. He bluntly said that Kudo Shinichi was not here, and then challenged the opponent as a famous detective.

"Kudo isn't here? Then who defused my bomb?"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Well, famous Maori detective, just come and try this challenge. I installed five bombs on the Toto Ring Line."

"If the train speed is less than 60 kilometers per hour after four o'clock in the afternoon, the bomb will explode directly. In addition, if the bomb has not been defused after sunset, it will also explode."

"Also, let me give you another reminder. Each X of XX represents a word. If you have the ability, go find it, famous Maori detective."

After saying that, the man hung up the phone directly, completely ignoring the group of people whose expressions changed greatly.

"Damn it, if it's four o'clock, wouldn't it only be a few minutes? It would be too late!"

Officer Memu quickly took out his cell phone: "I'll notify the department first and let them stabilize the situation!"

At the same time that Conan received a new threat, Sano, who was wearing a rye vest, was standing on a rooftop with a dozen bombs in front of him that had been defused with explosive gloves.

...But rather than saying it is a bomb, it is more appropriate to call it a ignition device, because each of the bombs contains very little explosive.

It feels like trying to disguise the "explosion" scene as a fire scene.

What is this guy's purpose?

"Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

A dozen peripheral members dressed in black looked at Sano cautiously.

Sano didn't make a sound. While frowning and thinking, he was also waiting quietly.

Sure enough, the system popped up a task trigger prompt again. After Sano pulled it out and took a look, his brows suddenly frowned.

[Please find the five bombs on the Dongdu Ring Line and defuse them. If you complete them, you will get 250 strengthening points. The remaining time of the task is - 1:59:59].

No... positioning?

Do you actually need to find it out first this time?

Sano picked up his fingers. Judging from the current situation, Conan's troublemaker should have some clues or hints. If he wants to find the bomb, he may have to get in touch with him first.

It's just that this decryption game is different from the previous murder cases. It can't play any role at all and can only wait for Conan to crack it.

But the question is, can Conan see through the truth in the limited time now?

... According to the routine, it should be possible. After all, it is a pig's foot, but Sano is not 100% sure.

If it doesn't work, although someone else will be killed by the explosion, it will be Sano who loses.

Besides, Sano doesn't like to place all his hopes on others.

As the saying goes, a tree will fall if it depends on everyone running.

Oh, isn't it because there is no location and no clues? Then you have to find it by yourself. Anyway, the scope has been drawn out for you, right?

Sano raised his passerby hat slightly, with a gradually crazy smile on his lips.

And listening to Sano's uncontrollable laughter, the peripheral members present felt chills all over their bodies.

The so-called Toto Loop Line is a very important tram line in Tokyo. Just like its name, it is connected from end to end.

Sano did not know more specific information, but the total length should be less than 100 kilometers.

...Well, it's actually quite long. At least if you want to investigate it in a short time, it will be very difficult with just the few people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Another thing that confused Sano was that he didn't know what the Tokyo police were thinking. They didn't try to check the route. They just guarded various stations, evacuated the crowd and maintained order.

Are you too lazy to even try?

Are the neon police so arrogant? ?

Sano tilted his neck, feeling very strange in his heart - of course if he had called Conan, he would have found that the two parties were not thinking at the same angle at all.

From Conan's side, the bomb should have been installed on the train, but from Sano's side, his eyes were entirely focused on the tracks of the train line.

But this is not important. What is important is Sano's next action.

After arriving at a track between two platforms and switching vests, Sano took out the expensive racing suit and helmet from his backpack - literally a backpack. Go up, and then pulled out the Rampant Little Electric Donkey from another backpack.

Yes, this is Sano's plan.

There are no clues or intelligence to obtain the location of the bomb, so we rely on "force" to obtain it!

Isn’t it just a hundred kilometers away?

One round of rampage mode is enough to check them all!

...Although after trying the runaway mode before, Sano has already concluded that this thing cannot be driven in urban areas, and the risk of driving on... tracks is probably no greater than driving in urban areas. How much smaller.

But at that time, Sano had just gotten out of the car, so it was inevitable that he would have some energy left.

Or maybe it was just because it took too long that Sano now feels like he can do it again.

Anyway, Sano decided on this extremely crazy and really exciting rampage plan.


Sano raised his hand to cover the mirror of the helmet. In order to prevent him from getting distracted again and causing an accident, he even opened the eyes of the beast.

I hope that the little bonus of the will attribute can play its role and prevent myself from being distracted.

Sano let out a deep breath.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment to deploy it.

The spicy chicken eDonkey will also have its highlight moments.

The Dongdu Ring Line rampage has begun! !

Behind the dim mirror of the helmet, two blurry red lights lit up. As Sano pulled the accelerator, they quickly turned into two red streams of light, just like the taillights of a small electric donkey.

Sano rode a small electric donkey in runaway mode and instantly rushed onto the track of the Toto Loop Line.

Then the problem comes.

The tram track and the train track have the same structure. I don’t know why there is a concave place every little bit in the middle. To put it bluntly——

It's just very steep.

Logically speaking, at the speed of runaway mode, such a small gap should be equivalent to non-existence.

But it seems that because of the strong grip of the e-mule in runaway mode, the front and rear wheels always "shake" when passing over it.

In particular, the speed of the runaway mode exceeds 160 meters per second, causing Sano's butt to bounce up and down at least three-digit times on average every second.

This damn ass is almost rotten!

Sano grabbed the handle of the car tightly, and the two rows of teeth were like the buttocks and the seat cushion of the electric donkey. They kept colliding with each other, making a strange sound of "uh uh uh uh".

Fortunately, he had a helmet, otherwise Sano would have no doubt that his expression would be broken... although without a helmet, it would seem that his expression would be broken even on flat ground.

But again, if you get used to it, it will be like that.

So Sano endured the pain in his butt while racing wildly on the track.

...For Sano, who was riding a small electric donkey in runaway mode, the time it took to cross a platform didn't even take a minute.

There are currently more than 20 trains running on the Toto Loop Line, so the risk of a head-on collision or rear-end collision is very high.

Sano looked at the train in the distance, which was hundreds or thousands of meters away but seemed to reach him in just a few blinks. He squinted his eyes and took a deep breath.

Confidence is the pinnacle.

Next, it’s time to show off your skills!

Sano's pupils tightened, and he used his dynamic vision to be 100% efficient as much as possible, trying to control every muscle in his body. When the train was no more than a few dozen meters away from him, he suddenly pressed down and then lifted it hard.

Give it to me and fly! !


The runaway little electric donkey jumped several meters high in an instant, catapulted and took off like a missile, drawing an arc in the air, landing on the tram carriage, and then continued driving.

...In fact, it is equivalent to staying on the tram for less than half a second, then reaching the end of the carriage, and then ejecting again like a dragonfly.

This time he flew even higher. With the help of inertia, Sano didn't start falling until he was more than ten meters above the ground. The entire flight was estimated to be a hundred meters away.

During this period, we happened to fly over a tram stop, and a lot of little heads poked out from the platform, but Sano didn't have the time to pay attention to others.

Because in addition to concentrating on driving on the track, Sano also has to pay some attention to the system map - after all, this is not a simple racing game.

It's not enough for Sano to just finish the whole race. He has to rely on the explosion sensing effect of the explosion gloves to find the bombs on the ring line, which is the ultimate goal.

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