Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 179 178, Moritani Teiji: It’s fake, it’s all fake!

Yes, it was the certain rice flower hammer man who did not want to be named that Moriya Teiji mentioned.

And if you want to ask why Sano appears here... then of course it can only be because of the new mission.

Because he didn't know if there would be any follow-up missions today, Sano did not go home before. Instead, he chose to temporarily dismiss the peripheral members, leaving only the guy who knew something about bombs, just in case something unexpected happened.

After that, Sano took the peripheral member to have dinner and waited quietly until the sun went down. At eight o'clock in the evening, when he was getting impatient and ready to go home, the system finally responded again.

[Please go to the mission target location to find the bomb and defuse it. If you complete it, you will get one hundred strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is - 0:59:59].

The mission target location is naturally here.

However, because there seemed to be only one bomb here, Sano just asked the peripheral member to wait outside while he went in alone to defuse the bomb.

Then Sano unexpectedly discovered that the owner of this house did not seem to be an innocent victim who was supposed to be killed by the bomb, but... a perpetrator who kept loading bombs in an attempt to kill others.

...In other words, the gunpowder magazine was stolen by this old Biden, and all the bombs dismantled by Sano today were created and installed by this old Biden.

In the end, it was old Biden who made Sano take the blame.

So now comes the problem.

If it hadn't been for the other party, Sano wouldn't have taken the blame and wouldn't have been running around like this all day long.

Logically speaking, Sano should kill the opponent and vent his resentment.

But if the other party hadn't caused Sano to run around, he wouldn't have received so many mission rewards today.

So logically speaking, Sano should thank him instead?

It's really confusing. Should I repay kindness with enmity, repay kindness with enmity, or...repay kindness with enmity?

Sano, who carried a backpack full of bombs on his back and held his chin in one hand, finally made a decision.

Then let's make it half and half, fold it in the middle, and if it doesn't kill it, make it half dead.

Sano quietly came behind Moritani Teiji, switched his vest to make sure there was no line of sight or surveillance around him, and changed his clothes into a special attack suit——

Although Sano also wanted to use the Hammer of Justice to teach the opponent a lesson, the fact that he was beaten so painfully without any injuries felt too iconic and might cause unnecessary trouble. It would be better to just do it directly. .

And at the same moment when Sano put on the special attack uniform, a stream of cold air rose from Moritani Teiji's tailbone to the back of his head.


"Lying wood..."

[Please go to the target location to dismantle all bombs. If you complete it, you will get 100 strengthening points. The remaining time of the mission is 1:59:59].

A few minutes later, Sano left the villa refreshed and pulled out the system map to take a look at the target location of the newly triggered mission.

Rice Krispies skyscraper.

This time, the scope is not large, but on the contrary, it is very precise. Even the locations on each floor are marked, which is very considerate.

The most important thing is that if nothing else happens, this will be the last round of tasks today.

"Let's go, there's another bomb to recover."

Sano casually threw his backpack to the peripheral member.

According to the previous comparison of the amount of explosives stolen from the gunpowder depot, the amount of explosives in Moritani's home was only about a quarter, and the remaining half was probably installed by the other party first. elsewhere.

...And if you want to ask why the number of missing explosives has not been disclosed to the public, but this peripheral member knows how much it is, then it is naturally the credit of the intelligence team.

After all, the theft of the gunpowder magazine is neither a big deal nor a small matter.

To put it bluntly, bombs are a common item for organizations. The gunpowder depot loses a lot of explosives. If they can get it, it will undoubtedly save the organization a purchase fee.

On a more serious note, no one knows who stole these explosives. At better, it might be a lunatic preparing to plan a large-scale attack, and members of the organization may be affected without knowing it. At worst, it might be It was stolen by the organization's opponents and used specifically to deal with the organization.

Of course, these are actually so-called. The important thing is that in other words, finding these bombs and handing them over is considered a task within the organization.

In other words, everything Sano did today, although it was for system tasks, also gave him a wave of performance and bonuses.

Killing two birds with one stone and taking advantage of the situation is simply a blessing.

"Oh well."

The peripheral member hurriedly caught the backpack, responded and followed Sano.

To be honest, this peripheral member really couldn't understand where the cadre in front of him got the information about the location of the bomb.

It's just that as Ma Zai, knowing what to ask and what not to ask has always been the basic principle. Following orders and doing things quietly is the best secret to longevity.

And this mission was indeed completed as smoothly as Sano expected.

Several bombs were installed at the gates, emergency exits and the center of the skyscraper.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the bomb in the center, the other bombs are all timed to explode at ten o'clock, and their power is relatively small.

At first glance, it looks like someone specially wanted to create a closed environment with no escape, and let the people inside slowly wait to die...

Forget it, what does it have to do with myself.

The matter is over and I can finally go home from get off work and sleep.

But the moment he stepped out of the skyscraper door, Sano happened to see Mao Lilan with a cheerful smile on his face.

...Why is this girl alone?

Sano stood there and looked at Mao Lilan for a few seconds, and finally chose to stay and watch for a while, only letting the peripheral members go back with the bomb and hand it in first.

After a while, Sano saw Mao Lilan hurriedly running out with a mobile phone, and then saw Conan running over in a hurry. After a while, Officer Megure and Maori Kogoro who were escorting Moritani Teiji also came. Follow and arrive.

"This is impossible, this is impossible!"

With messy hair, a bruised nose and a swollen face, Teiji Moritani knelt on the ground and looked stupidly at the skyscraper in front of him: "How could it not explode!?"

"Evacuate the people immediately, check the entire building, and make sure there are no bombs in the building!"

Officer Megure issued orders to the EOD troops who had just arrived.


Conan on the side just watched, feeling that the possibility of there being a bomb in the building was slim.

The murderer who stole the Toyo gunpowder magazine and planned several explosions including today's... has been found, and it is none other than Moritani Teiji.

...When Conan, Officer Megure and others rushed to Moritani Teiji's home, all they saw was that he was blindfolded, his hands and feet were tied, and he seemed to have been beaten up, lying in the living room like a corpse. Inside, Moritani Teiji groaned.

This scene seems to confirm Conan and others' previous speculation that "the murderer may have a grudge against Moritani Teiji."

When Officer Megure and the others hurriedly helped to untie Moritani Teiji, and while urgently treating the wounds, they asked about the relevant situation. Although Moritani Teiji was depressed, of course he still chose to go with the flow.

But soon Conan discovered something was wrong in Moritani Teiji's collection room. After deducing the real truth, he used fishing law enforcement to induce the other party to reveal his flaws and found evidence that the other party was the bomber——

Wigs, false beards and costumes used for disguise.

...That should be considered evidence, right?

Tsk, ever since he was questioned by an unknown delinquent in Abe Yutaka's case last time, Conan feels like he has become a little worried.

I always wonder whether this can be used, whether that can be used, etc...

Ahem, anyway, according to Conan's reasoning, the reason why Moritani Teiji installed these bombs was to blow up a series of architectural works he designed before he was thirty years old, so as to ensure that his "art" would not be tarnished.

As for provoking "Kudo Shinichi", it is said to be incidental, but in fact there is indeed some hatred between the two.

Because of a case that Conan solved before he became a child, a construction plan that was supposed to be designed by Teiji Moritani was suspended.

Liangzi was born from then on.

All in all, this skyscraper was originally supposed to be the last building to be blown up in Moritani Teiji's plan. The reason why it was set for today was because we happened to learn that Maori Ran was going to date Kudo Shinichi at the previous tea party. intelligence.

Because originally today's twelve o'clock was Conan, which was Kudo Shinichi's birthday.

Moritani Teiji wanted "Kudo Shinichi" to watch his girlfriend... would-be girlfriend being blown up in front of his eyes, so he also made a series of sexy moves.

Of course, these are meaningless now.

When Conan rushed to the skyscraper and found out that the explosion that would happen at ten o'clock in the mouth of Emperor Moritani did not happen, he already knew it. Then before others arrived, he checked the location according to the other party's words. Fan.

Sure enough, Conan did not see the bomb, and just like the previous development of the Dongdu Circular Line, he found traces of the bomb's remnants.

Was the bomb taken away or even defused by someone first?

But who is it that can find the bomb faster than himself without any clues?

Why would the other party do this?

After the crisis was temporarily resolved, all the doubts that Conan had suppressed today came out together, making his head hurt more and more.

... Damn it, if you continue like this, will you have a schizophrenia?

"Officer, we have checked everything and there is no bomb inside!"

Soon, the EOD team completed their investigation and went downstairs to report, which immediately made the confused Moritani Teiji furious.

"What do you mean there is no bomb!?"

Moritani Teiji's eyes widened in disbelief: "How could it not be possible? I have used half of the explosives here to completely destroy this building. Look for it again, and look for it carefully!"

...For Moritani Teiji, today is undoubtedly an unforgettable day.

After using up the explosives stolen by the old nose, after a while of busy work, he built a bunch of bombs and planned to do something big.

As a result, the thing I wanted to blow up didn't blow up, and I was beaten up for no apparent reason at home. In the end, I was tricked by a nasty person into exposing the truth, stupidly exposing myself, and ruining my artistic career.

Fortunately, Moritani Teiji was prepared in advance. Even at the end of the road, he was able to create a fatal blow for Kudo Shinichi... although he failed again.

But failure means failure. What does it mean that the bomb is gone? ?

You said you saw through Moritani Teiji's flaws, and he could understand.

You said you found Teiji Moritani's bomb, and he could understand.

You said that you defused all the bombs installed by Moritani Teiji, but he still understands.

But if you want to say that the bomb didn't explode, but just disappeared, then Teiji Moritani can't understand it!

There will always be success and failure in everything.

Even if it is a failure, it is an experience for life - this is what Moritani Teiji originally thought.

But now Moritani Teiji has just learned that, let alone failure, all his efforts have simply disappeared.

Not in vain, but gone!

Then why did you go through so much trouble to steal the explosives?

Why did you study so hard to make explosives?

What's your plan for this meal?

What does it mean to ruin your career! ?

Everything has become vain and meaningless?

Unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable! ! !

However, faced with Moritani Teiji's doubts, the police officer could only scratch his head in embarrassment: "...But, we have really checked everything carefully, and there is no blind spot!"

Before the angry Teiji Moritani could continue to speak, a call came to Officer Megure's cell phone.

Turn on the loudspeaker and the sound comes from the mobile phone.

"Officer, we have searched Moritani Teiji's entire home and did not find any bombs!"


Frightened again, Moritani Teiji snatched Officer Megure's cell phone and shouted angrily as he pointed out the place where he had placed the bomb: "Isn't the bomb right there? How could it not be there? Are you blind!?"

"...No, it really doesn't exist. I've searched that place two or three times."

The phone slipped and fell to the ground.

Moritani Teiji fell to the ground in despair, muttering "impossible" and "this is impossible" in his mouth.

"By the way, there's more, there's more!"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Moritani Teiji looked at Officer Megure, who picked up his cell phone with a distressed look on his face, and listed a dozen place names in succession.

"I've also planted bombs in these places. Please let them take a look and see if anything happens in these places!"

Looking at Moritani Teiji who seemed to be grasping the last vine on the edge of the cliff, or even begging him, Officer Megure was speechless.

…After all, so many big things happened today, all related to bombs. If there really was an explosion somewhere else, how could I not know about it?

Moritani Teiji may have seen what Officer Megure was thinking, and quickly explained that the ignition device he used was an ignition device rather than a powerful bomb, and it might be treated as a fire.

Hearing this, Officer Megure could only call the hall suspiciously, and a minute later looked at Moritani Teiji with a face full of hope, expressionless.

"It seems not. The places you mentioned are all intact."


Moritani Teiji collapsed to the ground, falling into complete despair.

Just a few seconds later, Moritani Teiji burst out again, struggling under the control of the two police officers.

"You must be lying to me. Yes, the bomb must have been defused by that brat Kudo Shinichi. Why did you lie to me that there was no bomb!?"

Looking at Moritani Teiji, who was waving his handcuffed hands, his eyes were blood red, and his face was ferocious, Officer Megure sighed helplessly and patted him on the shoulder.

"To tell you the truth, except for the bombs in this skyscraper and your home, the bombs on the Dongdu Ring Line, as well as the bombs you packed in the remote-controlled plane and the cat bag, are all gone. It's us, even Kudo Shinichi doesn't know where those bombs went."

Moritani Teiji's breath was stagnant again, and he looked at Officer Megure blankly, still muttering "This is impossible."

"This is impossible!"

"If it wasn't Kudo Shinichi, who would and who had the ability to stop the explosion!?"

"By the way, Rice Hammer Man, another high school detective, Shinichiro Sano, it's him. He must have seen through the truth and taken away my bomb!"

Moritani Teiji felt that he had found hope again.

That's right, Kudo Shinichi's lack of ability does not mean that others have no ability. His bomb certainly did not disappear for no reason. As long as he knows who took it away, all this is not completely meaningless.

When he heard this, Conan on the side couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. After saying this, aside from bomb disposal, Sano seemed to have the ability to do these things when it came to finding bombs. It's a pity that he couldn't be the one to do it. Yes, because——

"What are you talking about? Brother Sano is not in Tokyo right now and is traveling."

As expected, Officer Megure directly refuted Moritani Teiji's words, causing the other party's last hope to disappear.

After Moriya Teiji stayed for a while, he knelt on the ground and hugged his head, started crying and laughing, and yelled like crazy.

"Fake, it's all fake, everything is fake!"

"That's right, the bomb was also fake, that's why it didn't explode. What you said is all fake, and you are also fake!"

"The police are fake, Kudo Shinichi is fake, the building I designed is fake, and I am fake too!"

Moritani Teiji's roar suddenly stopped, and then he looked at his hands in confusion: "Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do, hahahaha, who am I, who am I!!!"


Conan came back to his senses and blinked. Is this guy going crazy because he suffered such a big blow?

Looking at the obviously chaotic scene not far away, Sano, who stayed here specially, felt as if he had just watched a good show.

...Isn't it just to defuse a few bombs for you? As for crying like a child of four to five hundred months.

This baby is still in trouble.

After shaking his head with emotion, Sano stopped watching and turned to leave.

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