Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 183 182, vest collection? ?

In that anime, it seems that a lot of space was spent describing the Emperor of the East China Sea.

And this was also the first time Sano saw the "Emperor Dance" that his friend often talked about for a certain period of time, even though it was just a pirated version.

Speaking of which, it seems that I have a lot of connections with piracy recently?

But perhaps because unlike Masked Superman, this horse did not have the original version for comparison. The moment he saw this unique pace, Sano did not feel any discomfort. On the contrary, he felt very... fresh?

As he watched, Sano's heart contracted unconsciously, and an impulse appeared out of thin air.

Sano once heard a saying - it is said that there are three things that men like most, namely guns, cars and beautiful women.

However, for Sano, guns and beautiful women may still interest him a little, but cars have no interest at all.

...To be honest, Sano really can't understand why the existence of a transportation tool has such great appeal.

But now, Sano suddenly seemed to understand.

Although there is a slight gap, I have to admit that Sano is attracted by the same means of transportation, and it is also a means of transportation with extremely low cost performance.

Sano wants this horse!

No reason, just want.

Sano's eyes were slightly fiery and he grabbed Mouri Kogoro beside him: "Where is the master of the Gokuai Emperor?"


Mouri Kogoro asked strangely: "Why, do you have something to do with the master of Emperor Gokuai?"

"Well, I want to buy his horse."

Sano's words gave Mouri, Kogoro and the other three a heavy blow.

Logically speaking, what the three of them should be paying most attention to right now is that Sano actually wants to buy a horse race, but for some reason, their attention is only focused on the weirdness of this sentence.

...What the hell kind of outrageous statement is this?

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what was going on with Sano's sudden impulse.

"But, this horse should be very expensive...and the owner may not sell it. Why would you want to buy it, senior?"

"Because the deeds Detective Maori said just now moved me."

Sano casually made an excuse, but it caused Mao Lilan to glare at Maori Kogoro - I always felt that his father was trying to lead Sano into trouble.

What does this have to do with you...

Mouri Kogoro touched his nose and looked to the side with a guilty conscience. He was just giving the other party a little education. Besides, isn't it right to block a young man's true inner pursuit?

Before the topic could continue, Mouri Kogoro's eyes happened to fall on a man not far away.


Why does this person look familiar?

"Hey, Xiaolan, do you think that man looks like Miss Yami's father?"

As Maori Kogoro pointed his finger, Maori Lan confirmed the target and nodded immediately: "Yes, it seems to be him!"

Maori Kogoro grabbed Mao Lilan, who wanted to come forward immediately: "Don't worry, if you go up rashly, you may alert the snake. We can just follow him to find his residence later."


Conan looked both ways - in fact, he took the initiative to get close to Sano. In addition to being curious about why the other party appeared here, he also wanted to have a good conversation with him about the incident involving Moritani Teiji a few days ago.

And thinking about it carefully, the two parties have not met for a while. Apart from the Moritani Teiji incident, there are also yesterday's department store incident, the Shenlong incident, etc. Conan wants to have a good exchange with Sano. See if there is anything you haven't noticed yet.

...After all, Sano is one of Conan's rare and powerful teammates, so what's the point of leaving him alone?

But there is no other way now. Communication can be done at any time. Once the clue is lost, it will be gone.

Conan no longer thought about it and followed closely. He and Maori and his daughter... followed the man away.

...So, am I considered to have been left behind?

After looking around in confusion, Sano chose to ignore the actions of Conan and the others, turned around and used his money ability to find the person in charge of the horse racing farm. Through his introduction, he got to know the rancher of the fast and powerful horse.

It's a pity that the other party is not willing to sell.

Maybe it was because Sano had too little money to spare, or maybe it was just that the other party regarded money as garbage. Anyway, after the other party heard his words "I want to buy a horse" and was stunned for a while, his attitude was determined with one word - —Not for sale.

This undoubtedly poured cold water on Sano's burning heart.

...Tsk, if the other party doesn't want to sell it, why don't you just grab it for them?

Sano weighed the pros and cons and found that even if he really snatched the horse away, there would be no place to keep it unless he imprisoned the horse in a certain place for viewing only.

But Sano didn't want to do that. He wanted this horse, but he just wanted to ride on the opponent. Otherwise, what's the difference between it and being able to see it but not touch it?

What a pity, it seems that we are not meant to be together.

After letting out a long sigh, Sano left a number for the rancher and told him to contact him at any time if he had any ideas, and then went home.

Then Sano saw a small ball squatting at the door of his house.

...What the hell, last time I picked up a little lolita, this time I picked up an uncle, is it still such a round one?

As if he noticed that there was an extra person behind him, the crouching Officer Megure turned around. When he saw Sano, he was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of surprise.

"Oh, Brother Sano, you are finally back. I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Officer Megure approached Sano enthusiastically.

...I always feel that this guy is up to no good.

Sano squinted at Officer Megure. He squatted down at the door... Could it be that he wanted him to take notes? ?

"Sorry, Officer Megure, I remembered that I forgot to turn off the school's gas stove, so first..."

Before Sano could finish the outrageous excuse he made up casually, Officer Megure quickly grabbed him.

"Hey, hey, don't leave in a hurry. I came to see you for business!"

Sano forcibly dragged Officer Megure out: "I have something serious to do!"

"I'm here to give you money!"

With Officer Memu's roar, the pull that was so difficult for him disappeared in an instant. After instinctively letting go of his hand, he almost rolled back into a ball without losing his balance.

Sano smoothed down the sleeves that were wrinkled by Officer Megure, smiled politely and said, "Elaborate."

Officer Memu: "..."

It actually works? ?

...Officer Megure came to see Sano to solve the record-keeping problem that was giving him such a headache.

It's just that Officer Mu has tried this countless times - even some time ago, Sano threatened him with "if he calls me again, he'll be blocked" because he made too many phone calls.

This undoubtedly caused great harm to Officer Memu's young mind.

Although detectives are often very arrogant, no detective has ever dared to threaten Officer Mumu like this, never!

...But Officer Megure had nothing to do with Sano.

Although it stands to reason that if someone fails to cooperate in recording, Officer Megure has the right to deal with him in accordance with the law, but the problem is that Sano is not an ordinary person.

But his good brother!

You may not know when you will need the other person's help again, just like the Dongdu Circular Line incident a few days ago. If this ruins the relationship, how can you have fun in the future?

Officer Memu is like a teacher who relies on the students' performance. He clearly knows that he should be the one in charge, but he is too careless to exert any force.

Just when Officer Memu was worried, Conan, who happened to come to clean up the records, gave him a suggestion.

"Sano is a very snobbish person, and luring him with money will definitely work."

...Of course, Officer Megure felt very outrageous when he heard this suggestion.

What kind of international joke are you kidding? Who among the famous high school detectives is not young, frivolous and arrogant? What’s more, Sano also works part-time as the Rice Cracker Hammer Man. Don’t such messengers of justice regard money as dirt?

Then Officer Megure arrived at the door of Sano's house.

...Although it doesn’t feel like it’s going to work, how can you know that it really doesn’t work if you don’t try it.

It was still like the previous Toto Ring Line, although in the opinion of Officer Megure at the time, Sano was not present and the chance of seeing through the truth was not high.

But with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, isn't it still the case?

...It turned out to be true this time.

Officer Megure smacked his lips, and reluctantly took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to Sano: "This is an official reward given to you in recognition of your contribution to the previous Toto Ring Line. "

Sano raised his eyebrows, took the envelope and glanced at it - it wasn't too much, but it wasn't too little either, at least it had seven digits.

...It seems that the organization's bonus for recovering the bomb has been distributed.

Is it true that I have already started to pay for three portions?

Sano coughed and stuffed the money back into his arms as if nothing had happened: "So there are bonuses... Then I have helped you solve many cases before, right? Why haven't I seen you give out any bonuses?"

Hey guys, aren’t you ready to take it away after eating?

Officer Megure looked at Sano blankly, never expecting that the other party could be so shameless.

This is so inconsistent with Sano's past image in my mind, his character has collapsed.

Officer Megure, who originally thought that Sano would immediately change his face and try to run away after accepting the money, was silent for a while, but finally came up with the prepared words.

"Actually, brother Sano, the cases you solved before were all rewarded with bonuses. If you want to get the money, you must at least finish it off... and resolve those records, right?"

That's right, no matter who it is, as long as they help solve the case, the official will actually give a certain reward.

It's just the same sentence - most detectives are arrogant and look down on these bonuses. Either they think the money is too little, or they feel that taking money to do things is a disgrace to the detective's reputation. Solving crimes is voluntary help.

Therefore, Officer Megure never mentioned it before.

...Anyway, you just want me to take notes?

Zuo Ye curled his lips, and most of his interest disappeared in an instant. Of course, he still asked first: "Then I wonder how much these bonuses are in total?"

Officer Memu raised his hand and made an eight sign.

"Only eight hundred thousand?"

Sano frowned: "Well, I have more important things to deal with recently. When I have time to finish the things in a few days, I will go by myself..."

"It's eight million."

Officer Megure interrupted Sano's soliloquy.

Sano's voice paused, and without saying a word, he dragged Officer Megure downstairs: "Let's take a taxi. The taxi can be faster. Is dinner included? I haven't eaten lunch yet." "

Sano had lunch at the Metropolitan Police Department, and had afternoon tea all afternoon. He finally finished writing the notes, and finally had dinner and a ride home.

Officer Megure is also serious. If he had said that he had so much money, wouldn't Sano have already gone over to resolve the record?

I don’t even understand the principle of krypton gold acceleration, and I don’t know how I got into my current position.

Sano took out the thick envelope from his arms and couldn't help humming a tune.

In addition to these material gains, Sano's visit to the Metropolitan Police Department also brought some... I don't know if it can be considered a gain.

After all, Sano is a famous detective who has helped the police many times. Of course, he will not avoid some internal information that is not too important.

...even intentionally or unintentionally showing it to Sano to see if any chemical reactions would occur.

On the two whiteboards, there are some photos, portraits, and a few words of analysis.

On the first board, the first thing that bears the brunt is Sano's rye vest.

...Of course, in the police department, it’s the faceless man who is the right one.

This double-stacked vest is undoubtedly the thing that the police are most concerned about at the moment. After all, as I said before, bombs are the most likely thing to attract the attention of the police.

Next to the photo taken of Sano provoking surveillance at the Metropolitan Police Department earlier, there were two portraits.

Sano took a quick look and saw that it looked like he was wearing a black death vest and Belmod in disguise during the Shenlong mission. He seemed to have used a lot of bombs in this mission, so it was reasonable for him to attract attention. .

On another board, the first one is yesterday's case where Sano transformed into a masked superman and went to the so-called doomed department store to rescue Conan and his friends.

Because several of the suspects in this case were involved in multiple large-scale robberies and had firearms in their hands, the police also paid great attention to them.

Although all the gangs of robbers are currently in jail, the "Masked Superman" captured by surveillance cameras has still come into the police's sight.

Black mask.

This is the police's name for Sano's No. 3 vest, but it seems that for the sake of convenience, they have another abbreviation - Hei Chao.

In fact, it means Black Masked Superman.

…Just to be honest, it’s so hard to hear.

It's even worse than the middle school nickname "Heishi".

Didn't I call myself a Kamen Rider back then? Why wasn't it simplified to Black Rider?

This is easier to accept.

But having said that, it's quite strange that Tokyo Kaitan didn't catch up immediately when his new vest appeared.

Tsk, the efficiency is not good, I will give you a bad review later.

After all, the reason why Sano would let No. 3 vest appear is not just to establish his image as quickly as possible.

When you don’t want it, you force it, and when you want it, you don’t come. It’s really...

How did that sentence come about?

If you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, willows will provide shade?

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that Sano saw several photos in succession next to the black masked photo that was probably taken from the surveillance video.

One picture shows Sano riding a runaway electric donkey during the Toto Loop Line mission - from the police's perspective, he is a ghost electric motorcycle.

The other photo is also from the Moritani Teiji incident. In the photo, Sano is wearing a passerby's hat and squatting in front of a bench to play with his cat. In fact, he was disposing of a bomb. I don't know which surveillance camera the police pulled it from. .

Next to this photo is a surveillance video of Sano transforming into Black Death to challenge Director Ochiai during the earliest museum incident.

...Good guy, what is this, a collection of justice messengers?

No, if you include the previous board... it should be a collection of vests.

Sano was speechless, but after turning his attention to the last photo, he couldn't help but become surprised again.

Because what's in this photo is just an orange-yellow bullet casing.

That's right, there was a bullet casing lying on the floor tile, the meaning of which was unknown.

Seemingly aware of Sano's doubts, Wataru Takagi, who was in charge of taking notes, immediately explained to Sano - this was the incident where Mouri Kogoro was targeted by a killer some time ago. The police routinely went to Sano because the killer suffered a gunshot wound. The shell casings found during the surrounding survey.

"According to our investigation, this bullet is most likely an ordinary pistol bullet, but the place where the bullet casing was found is nearly a hundred meters away from the warehouse where Miss Maya is located."

"At first we thought it was a sniper, but we didn't expect it to be like this..."

Sano understood the meaning behind Takagi Wataru's words - it was incredible to accurately hit the target with a pistol at a distance of 100 meters.

...Of course this still has nothing to do with Sano.

Because at that time, Sano himself had forgotten about the problem of bullet casings being left behind when shooting. This was just an accident, just like the Ghost Motorcycle and being photographed while defusing bombs.

But Sano still couldn't help but sigh, "Good guy, apart from the disguise of Belmod, everything is really his own vest."

Although they are not all different vests.

However, if you look at it this way, except for the three real vests, I have only appeared once or twice. It seems that there are quite a lot of fake vests created by accident.

For example, the earliest Rice Krispies Hammer Man, and the "beast" in Tokyo Kaitan, although the former is now a well-known thing.

In addition, there are also the faceless man who can be put on the black vest and the newly released bomb-disposal hat man, the ghost motorcycle that can be put on the black death vest, and even the unknown "pistol sniper" on the black super vest. , it seems that it can be used casually.

... One layer of vest on top of another, it feels like a layer cake.

By the way, there is also a "Bourbon" vest.

Speaking of this... vest, Sano was really confused.

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