Conan: I’m really not Tokyo Monster Story

Chapter 185 184, I am Black Death, he is Kidd

More importantly, Sano had directly reported Kuroba Kaito's real name from the beginning.

Therefore, in Kuroba Kaito's view, it seems to make no difference whether his true identity is hidden or not...

And the reason why Sano chose to let Kuroba Kaito go and instead take control of the other party... ahem, the purpose was naturally to make the other party become his human skin mask making machine.

If coupled with Kuroba Kaito's own acting skills and cross-dressing skills, he can even be used as a stand-in at special moments.

And the facts proved that Sano did the right thing.

Wouldn't it come in handy now?

According to the first "deal" between Sano and Kuroba Kaito at that time, after Kuroba Kaito confessed his true identity, Sano could make a second "deal" with the other party, which was to help the other party leave, but accordingly, the other party also I will owe him a favor.

...Currently asking Kuroba Kaito to come over and help disguise his vest should be regarded as a waste of favor.

Of course, Sano doesn't think that the two sides are completely clean and have nothing to do with each other.

Even if Kuroba Kaito thought so, Sano would not agree.

After all, how could there be any reason to let go of such a useful tool?

If you want the other party to become a permanent human skin mask-making machine, it must be permanent, not even a day less.

Sano always does what he says!

As for the "dead person" that Kuroba Kaito is unhappy about, it is not actually Miyano Akemi, but the fake Miyano Akemi transformed by Sano himself using the ever-changing vest.

The context of the whole thing tonight is probably to have Kuroba Kaito disguise himself as Sano's rye vest to create a "proof of presence" for Sano, while Sano himself disguises himself as Miyano Akemi to die on his behalf.

At this point, Miyano Akemi was rescued and the mission was completed. Didn't he just accept both rewards?

I exchanged one vest slot for 300 strengthening points, and earned 200 points, which is not a loss. If you include the second reward, it is twice as happy.

...Although Sano was not 100% confident at the beginning that pretending to be Miyano Akemi's death would guarantee the smooth progress of Gin's mission.

But Sano's intuition told him that it was feasible, so he tried it.

Sano is not worried about trial and error and losing a vest and a mission.

After all, everything has risks. You may be hit and killed while crossing the road, or you may choke to death while eating.

What is that idiom?

Stop eating because of choking?

Do the best thing you can think of, that is the best choice.

Caution is a good thing, but being overly cautious is no different from a person with persecutory delusion like Gin.

Sano was determined not to do anything like a battle of wits and courage with the air.

In addition, Sano didn't think about even cheating the scapegoat to save a vest position.

Just considering the character of Gin, a patient with persecution delusion, Sano felt that if the DNA could not be tested, the other party might not easily accept the result.

Anyway, looking at it now, the task of leaning towards Gin has actually been completed.

... Even the back of my neck that was blown up by a hair bomb was really painful.

Sano subconsciously touched the back of his neck.

...No wonder Toru Amuro and others reacted like that just now.

"Heishi is on his way to your house. If you want to know, you can find out when you get back."

After coming back to his senses, Sano said a few words, then turned around and left.

"...Heishi, did you go to my house?"

Kuroba Kaito looked at Sano's back, was stunned, and then quickly turned around and ran home.

Although Kuroba Kaito thinks that he is not as good as those detectives who are full of curiosity and desire to discover, what happened tonight is too bizarre, and he must figure it out!

At the same time, Sano had arrived at a car on the side of the road and glanced across the alley across the road.

...After Sano disguised himself as Miyano Akemi, killed the remaining teammate for her, and obtained one billion yuan, he accidentally met Conan and his three followers who had an extra one for some reason at the door of the hotel.

At the time, Conan did not recognize Sano as Miyano Akemi, who was pretending to be Hirota Masami, but he quickly realized and chased after her again.

Sano certainly didn't think that Detective Ke Xue couldn't see the "truth". In order to prevent Conan from getting in the way, he squatted outside for a while.

Then when Conan chased him, Sano knocked him unconscious without saying a word, and then threw him in the alley at the other end.

Sano got into the car and switched into a black death vest, fastened his seat belt, and glanced at Miyano Akemi, who was still unconscious in the back seat with her hands and feet tied and her mouth gagged, as well as several large boxes beside her, and twisted He turned the key and drove quickly to Kuroba Kaito's home.

Although the task of ensuring the completion of the task assigned by Gin has been completed, the task of saving Miyano Akemi has not yet been completed.

Next, is the key point of this mission.

That's right, it's not enough to rescue Miyano Akemi from Gin, she has to be rescued from the "winery".

If today's events were to develop according to the thinking before the second mission appeared, Sano would probably choose to directly transform into a black mask and come to the rescue.

But when the second mission appeared, this idea no longer worked, and while thinking about new ideas, Sano also discovered loopholes in the previous idea.

That is - why do I have to save people when Miyano Akemi is actually facing a gun?

Facing five at the same time... If he wanted to prevent himself from being discovered by the counterfeit, Sano would have to face attacks from six people.

It is naturally not easy to keep one person away from this group of people.

In this case, why didn't Sano simply choose to knock out Miyano Akemi before that, so as not to let her face danger, and just delay it until the mission deadline passed?

This also eliminates the trouble of having Kuroba Kaito pretend to be himself, killing two birds with one stone.

...Of course, considering the second mission, this idea is useless.

Then when Sano followed the second idea and was killed pretending to be Miyano Akemi, he suddenly discovered a new blind spot.

Logically speaking, all the risk factors that would affect Miyano Akemi's life safety at this time should have been eliminated. Why hasn't the task been completed yet?

There was only one answer that Sano could think of, and that was that even if he had died for Miyano Akemi, she might still be killed by the winery.

Sano quickly thought of the previous mission to rescue Asai Narumi on Moon Shadow Island.

Just rescuing someone in a superficial sense is not enough, you have to prevent the other party from seeking death.

To put it bluntly, Sano has to cheat again, no, he wants to become a psychiatrist.

The only difference from Asai Narimi is that Miyano Akemi does not want to commit suicide, so there is only one reason for her to seek death - that is, she will rob the one billion yen and trade with gin.

Miyano Shiho.

Only when Miyano Akemi gives up "rescuing" Miyano Shiho can this mission be considered complete.

This is what Sano is thinking right now.

To get Miyano Akemi to give up such a "big deal", Sano had to do two things.

One, let Miyano Akemi see hope that she can survive.

Second, to untie the bell, the person who tied the bell must let Miyano Akemi see the hope that Miyano Shiho can survive... No matter what, she must make it clear to the other party that if she messes up, Miyano Shiho will not survive.

And for this reason, Kuroba Kaito must continue to be this tool man.

Sano stepped on the brakes and drifted to a stop at the gate of Kuroba Kaito's house.

It happened that Kuroba Kaito rushed home just at this time, and saw Miyano Akemi being dragged out of the car by Sano at the door, and she suddenly fell into a daze.

"she is not……"

Kuroba Kaito rubbed his eyes, looked back and forth three times to make sure he saw it correctly, and then directly picked up Miyano Akemi's face. It wasn't until his snow-white face turned red that he confirmed that it was not a human skin mask.

Then Kuroba Kaito suddenly became even more stupid.

"What's going on? Isn't she dead??"

"Stop talking nonsense and open the door first."

The confused Kuroba Kaito followed Sano's instructions and opened the door. Watching Sano throw Miyano Akemi onto the sofa, he gradually realized that nothing was wrong.

This is my own house, and the favors I owe have already been repaid, so why should I listen to the other party?

Sano looked back at Kuroba Kaito and raised his eyebrows outside the mask - why don't you come in?

Kuroba Kaito smacked his lips, walked into the house and closed the door behind him.

"What the hell is going on? What do you want to do?"

Sano glanced at Kuroba Kaito, and considering that he would have to fool Miyano Akemi later, it would be troublesome if this kid kept getting in the way, so he prepared to stabilize the opponent first.

"As your colleagues saw, there was a criminal organization that planned to kill her. In order to save her, we found a scapegoat for her to hide it."

"You don't need to say that it's wrong to exchange other people's lives for hers. This woman has at least two digits of lives on her hands, and the scapegoat has killed hundreds of people, so in comparison, this life More worthy of saving.”

Hearing Sano's "explanation", Kuroba Kaito blinked in confusion.

Although based on tonight's experience, Kuroba Kaito actually had a rough guess in his mind and simply wanted to get a confirmation, but when this confirmation was placed in front of him, he felt a little overloaded with information.

It turns out that the scapegoat had so many lives on his hands, so it was indeed not a pity to die... But what's the matter with the scapegoat also having so much blood on his hands? ?

Also, what do you mean, because this person killed fewer people, he is more worthy of saving? Can this be calculated like this? ? ?

After Kuroba Kaito's brain shut down for a few seconds, he chose to put aside this question temporarily and asked other questions.

"No, then what is the origin of this criminal organization, and why did you want to kill this woman? Also, why not just call the police and let the police handle it?"

Sano looked at Kuroba Kaito, thought for a few seconds, and chose the last question to answer: "If calling the police would be useful, do you think we still need to spend so much effort? Also, don't forget, the police are If they can’t even catch a thief like you, how can you expect them to do this?”

Kuroba Kaito choked. The other party's words did sound reasonable...but was it necessary to pull him out for comparison? It would make him seem inferior.

...Although for the opponent who "caught" him once, the police who have been unable to catch him for a long time do seem to be more defeated.

Seeing Kuroba Kaito's silence, Sano knew that the other party had almost accepted his statement.

Now that the little trouble is solved, it's time to get down to business.

Sano turned his eyes to Miyano Akemi who was sitting on the sofa nearby, pulled him up, and then used two skillful big ear scrapers to call him.

Hearing the crisp slap, Kuroba Kaito on the side suddenly woke up. After looking over, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes - this guy is really willing to attack such a beautiful beauty!

Under Sano's gentle and exclusive wake-up service, Miyano Akemi gradually woke up from her coma.

The stinging pain on the back of her neck and the burning pain on both cheeks made Miyano Akemi's already not sober mind even more sober.

what's the situation……

Miyano Akemi blinked in confusion. She seemed to only remember that when she had just received one billion yuan and was about to silence another teammate and go trade with gin...

That rye is coming to your door!

Miyano Akemi's eyes widened, she suddenly woke up, sat up, and looked around and at the two figures with surprise and vigilance.

"Who are you...and where am I?"

"I am Black Death, he is Kidd, and you are in his house now."

Looking at Sano who was pointing his thumb at him, Kuroba Kaito was stunned for a second and his eyes suddenly became as wide as copper bells.

Damn it, why did this guy tear off his vest like that! ? ?

Do you want it to be so sudden? ?

Before Kuroba Kaito could quibble, Sano continued: "I hate nonsense, so I'll get straight to the point and keep the story short."

"Gin wants to kill you and use you to fish out Akai Shuichi. There are six cadres ambushing you where you are doing business tonight...technically five. It was Rye who rescued you. Now Gin and the others all thought you were dead, in other words, Gin never wanted to let you live, but you just lived."

"Can you understand?"

Miyano Akemi stared at Sano blankly, and after a while she gradually realized: "You mean... that Rye, faked his death for me?"


Sano nodded, without giving Miyano Akemi a chance to speak again, and continued: "You don't have to think about saving your sister now, you should know very well that you can't save it either."

"Of course, you don't want to mention that you have to save her even if you can't save her. If you want to die together, your sister may not want to die if you want to die."

"Do you think that based on the relationship between you and your sister, if she knew about your death, would she still live alone? No, so you have to live."

"Akai Shuichi didn't come to save you. Your only hope now lies in Rye. You should know that Rye has a higher chance of rescuing your sister than you."

"If you run out to cause trouble now, not only will it disrupt Rye's original plan, but you may also cause trouble for him. He will take it as revenge. Even if the organization doesn't take action, he will send you sisters away with his own hands. Hit the road.”

Sano quickly analyzed the pros and cons for Miyano Akemi - compared to Asai Narumi, it is much easier to fool this love brain.

After all, as I said before, Miyano Akemi didn't want to die, and compared to Asai Narimi, who was alone and had no worries, she also had a younger sister to worry about.

Finally, in a strict sense, this little girl is similar to Asai Narumi, a type of person who is in darkness and has a bright heart... To put it bluntly, she is actually a bit of a bad person, so in addition to the safety of her "savior Rye" , I am not afraid that Miyano Akemi will be disobedient.

Sure enough, after Miyano Akemi finally digested Sano's words, both her original vigilance and the anxiety hidden under the surface began to calm down.

"Then can you tell me, who is Rye and why does he want to save me?"

Miyano Akemi asked the last doubt in her heart.

Sano had long thought that Miyano Akemi would ask this question. According to his original idea, he should ignore it. If it couldn't be done, just find an excuse to fool him. It wouldn't hinder anything anyway.

But somehow, Sano suddenly remembered the scene when he met Miyano Shiho last time, and blurted out "They are talking about someone".

Then Miyano Akemi fell into sluggishness again.

Rye is dating...his sister? ?

In fact, Miyano Akemi had heard such rumors before, but they were just gossip rumors.

Miyano Akemi knew that her sister and the so-called Rye had known each other for less than a month, and they had only met twice in total.

Who would believe that this is a love story?

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about Miyano Shiho. As her sister, how could Miyano Akemi still not understand the other person’s cold temperament...

Miyano Akemi's thoughts stopped suddenly, and she remembered her past with Akai Shuichi.

... Xiaobao, could it be that she deliberately seduced Rye and used him as a tool? ?

No way, no way, are the members of Codename also so love-minded? ? ?

Miyano Akemi glanced hesitantly at the person in front of her who called herself "Black Death". He seemed to be Rye's friend. Should she ask him to remind Rye not to let his feelings be toyed with...

Looking at Miyano Akemi, who had a ghostly expression on her face, she suddenly stopped saying anything. Sano thought that she had been convinced, and turned to look at Kuroba Kaito, who was listening to the whole process but felt like he was listening to a lonely story. .

"She will live in your house from now on. You make her a human skin mask every day to ensure that no one will discover her true identity."


Kuroba Kaito pointed at himself in astonishment: "Let her live in my house? I have to make a human skin mask for her every day??"

"Well, is there a problem?"

"There is a problem, of course there is a problem!"

Kuroba Kaito stared with dissatisfaction: "Why should I listen to you..."

Before Kuroba Kaito finished speaking, Sano took out his mobile phone, opened a video, and played it to the other party.

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